Thursday, January 23, 2025

paris jackson

Paris Jackson Picks Up Guitar, Learns Miley Cyrus Song

Paris Jackson has gotten a guitar and she's learning to play it. The 14 year old star of Twitter, who brought her father's siblings...

Katherine Jackson Arrives Home: 82 Year old Driven 516 Miles Overnight

It seems like Katherine Jackson finally was returned to her home in Calabasas, California, a Los Angeles suburb, sometime in the middle of the...

Larry King Sets New Dates for Previously Cancelled Stand Up Shows

For about a year Larry King has been promising to bring his stand up show to theaters. From what I can tell, announcements from...

Michael Jackson’s Daughter Paris: “Hollywood” Fundraising Bait

Paris Jackson--if she wanted to be in the movies, you'd think her grandmother would take her to Steven Spielberg or someone reputable or high...

Katherine Jackson Lies About Divorce Filings to Oprah–And That’s Not All

Oprah's Michael Jackson show has just ended. Her interviews with Katherine and Joseph Jackson produced a lot of lies, some tears, and a great...