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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

mick jagger

Cannes 2011: Mick Jagger Plans “Secret” Album for Fall

Saturday night May 13th in Cannes:At Charles Finch's annual swellegant dinner at the Eden Roc in Cap d'Antibes, Mick Jagger told me -- with...

Keith Richards Thought Bianca Jagger Was a Bimbo When He Met Her

Keith Richards thought Bianca Jagger was a "bimbo" when he first met her. He writes of Mick Jagger's first wife--one of the great people in...

Keith Richards’ “Life” is Already Number 1–Not Released Til Tuesday

Keith Richards' memoir isn't officially released until Tuesday. And still, it's the number 1 book in every category on The book, called "Life," has...

Keith Richards: Sex, Drugs, and How I Wrote the Songs

We may have to re-title Keith Richards' autobiography, now called "Life." It should be called "You'll Never Rock in this Town Again." After reading the excerpts...

Andy Warhol’s “Mrs. Rockstar” Is Writing a Book

Liz Derringer, a well known New York press agent, was married to rocker Rick Derringer for 22 years. She grew up with Aerosmith's Steven...

Bruce, Sting, Mick Rock Hall Show Coming to DVD

Bruce Springsteen, Sting, Mick Jagger, U2, Aretha Franklin, Simon & Garfunkel, Sam Moore et al are all coming to DVD on September 28th from...

Keith Richards’ Book Will Set the Rolling Stones’ Record Straight

Keith Richards is just this week starting to go over the galleys for his memoir, called "Life." It's coming in late September from Little,...

Paul Allen: Time to Update the Social Software

One thing you can say for mysterious Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen: he doesn't know how to throw a party. He does have a big...