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Monday, January 20, 2025

Elvis Costello

Elvis Costello Spins a Wheel of Fortune, Diana Krall Dances

Elvis Costello got some people to dance on stage last night at the Beacon Theater who ordinarily don't shake their moneymakers in public. But...

Elvis Costello, Facing 57, Rocks Like It’s 1979

Elvis Costello and two Attractions--Steve Nieve and Pete Thomas--with one Imposter, Davey Faragher--put on the hottest, tightest rock show anyone's seen in a long...

Colbert-Stewart Rallies Want Cat Stevens

The Jon Stewart-Stephen Colbert rallies in Washington DC are starting to pick up musical artists. I'm told that the rallies, set for October 30th, have...

Sting Will Make His Debut at NY’s Metropolitan Opera House

It seems like it should have already happened by now. Sting, the world renown rock star, is going to make his debut...

Paul McCartney Once Gave Bono, U2 Pep Talk

Paul McCartney and Beatles producer George Martin once each tried to give fledgling band U2 pep talks. Bono once fell asleep on Frank Sinatra's...