Friday, September 20, 2024
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Johnny Depp Disaster: Three Year Old “London Fields” Averages $93 in 613 Theatres


“London Fields” are falling down.

The Johnny Depp-Amber Heard movie that was supposed to be released three years ago made just $93 per theater over the weekend. It was seen in 613 theaters for a total of $116,470.

Matthew Cullen directed the adaptation of the Martin Amis novel, a bestseller and critical hit when it was published years ago.

But obviously no one knew how to put it on the big screen. “London Fields” was the subject of lawsuits back and forth, as well as a power struggle over the final cut.

“London Fields” made so little money that it didn’t turn up in the top movies countdown of the week. Billy Bob Thornton co-stars.

Depp was already seeing Amber Heard when she got her role as Nicola Six in “London Fields.” He joined the movie in 2014. They married in February 2015. In September, “London Fields” was pulled from the Toronto Film Festival over a dispute about the final cut. The lawsuits came next, then the scandalous divorce.

Meanwhile, Annapurna Pictures’s “The Sisters Brothers” with Joaquin Phoenix and John C. Reilly, made just $270,000 in 774 theaters this weekend. By contrast, “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” which is more than 30 years old, made $360,000 in 225 theaters in re-release.

NJ Senate Candidate Bob Hugin Made Millions from Marketing Fake Cancer Drugs, Was Caught by Justice Department Last Year


OK, so I don’t live in New Jersey, I don’t ever go there, I don’t really care about Sen. Bob Menendez except he’s all they’ve got.

But this guy who’s running against him, Bob Hugin, I only know about him because advertises during baseball on Fox. He is ruining my World Series with his disgusting, out of bounds attacks on Menendez. The ads are completely wrong, making spurious claims against Menendez. My new favorite one–this is hysterical– is running a picture of Harvey Weinstein through the ad. Weinstein had nothing to do with Menendez and never lived in New Jersey, he’s never been convicted of anything. But Hugin’s ad people are trying to tie Harvey’s issues to Menendez. It won’t work.

So who is Bob Hugin? (Like I needed to know this.) Well, he runs a Big Pharma company called Celgene. They’re a Summit, New Jersey cancer drug company. And guess what? In 2017, Celgene paid the Department of Justice $280 million to settle fraud allegations related to the promotion of two cancer treatment drugs for uses not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Nice, huh? So if you have cancer, and live in pollution spewing New Jersey, you can thank Bob Hugin. Among his other credits was blocking generic versions of Celgene drugs, to make them affordable.

Hugin’s made a lot of money, don’t worry, from cancer drug fraud. He’s made enough that he has a tax free non profit family foundation with $14 million in assets as of 2016. How much has he donated to cancer research? In 2016, it was just $100,000. In 2014 and 2015, the Hugin Family Foundation didn’t bother to list its donations or grants.

If you’ve had cancer, or know someone who’s had it, how could you vote for this guy? In the DOJ press release: “Patients deserve to know their doctors are prescribing drugs that are likely to provide effective treatment, rather than drugs marketed aggressively by pharmaceutical companies,” said Acting United States Attorney Sandra R. Brown.

Bob Hugin doesn’t care about you. And I think in New Jersey, you need someone who’s not actively trying to kill you as your US Senator.

Please retweet, email, this story, just make sure your cousin Sid in Verona, or wherever, sees it.

Kanye Now Making Pro-Trump T Shirts, But His Music and Sneaker Business is Suffering


News tonight that Kanye West is now making T shirts for something called “Blexit” encouraging black people to leave the Democratic party for Trumpland, not explaining that’s where they will be destroyed. Blexit is the work of nutcase rightwinger Candace Owens.

Kanye’s insistence on doubling down over and over on Trump has not helped his business. His “Ye” album, priced at $7.99, has sold just 60,000 copies since its release on June 1st. Including streaming of the album and all its singles, he’s up to 250,000. A gold record is issued for 500,000 in certified sales. He’s halfway there. Not even his “SNL” performance a few weeks ago helped sell copies.

Meanwhile, Kanye’s Yeezy 350 v2 sneakers, distributed by Adidas, are at number 358 on’s best seller list of men’s sneakers, running. To give you some comparison New Balance 990s (which I wear) are at number 8. Yeezy’s, which can range in price into the thousands, aren’t selling. I’ve never see another human wearing them. If you own a pair, email me at, send a photo, let me know how much you paid.

Jim Carrey Goes After Trump at LA Awards Dinner: “Shamelessness is not and will never be a superpower. It is the mark of a villain”


Boo! “Halloween” Falls by More than 69%, “A Star is Born” Booms, “Sisters Brothers” Is Dead


Well, so much for “Halloween.”

Last Friday Jamie Lee Curtis and co. took in $33 million and went for a $76 million weekend.

But the movie may turn out to be a hollowed out pumpkin. Last night receipts were $10 million, off by 69.7%. This weekend sees a drop of two thirds. Halloween comes mid week. By next Friday, Michael Myers will have scared everyone off.

Annapurna has kept “Sisters Brothers” in theaters — like over 770 of them. Why? Last night the take was $79,144.  I mean, why bother? Kill the poor thing already.

“A Star is Born” just keeps booming away. Friday brought $4.1 million, total up to $138 million. They’ll cross the $150 mil mark tomorrow. And they’ve only just begun.

We’ll see how the bad weather on the East Coast affects the rest of the weekend.

Donald Trump’s Daughter-in-Law Vanessa Trump Issues Self-Serving Statement About Mailed Pipe Bombs

Vanessa Trump, she’s getting divorced from Donald Jr., is as bad as he is, don’t make a mistake. The wives are all complicit with the husbands in that family. She gave a statement about the mail pipe bombs.
She had a really bad time, you see, when suspicious powder was mailed to her. It’s all about Vanessa, however, and Donnie Jr. Look at her message. She expresses no empathy for the 13 different recipients of the pipe bombs. She just wants you to know she had to take Cipro for two weeks! (God knows what Don Jr. had cured by accident.)
Here’s her self-serving quote to Axios:
Let me start by applauding law enforcement for swiftly catching one of the alleged perpetrators behind these recent acts of terrorism. I hope that he and anyone else who had any involvement in these grotesque attacks are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
This is personal for me because I know firsthand what it is like to be targeted and terrorized by a coward with a vendetta. Back in February I opened an envelope intended for my husband Don, which covered my face, hands and clothing in white powder and left me terrified. 
I was rushed to the hospital, evaluated and put on Cipro for the longest two weeks of my life, and while they worked to identify whether the white powder was deadly, I spent the entire time thinking about the horrifying possibility that I would never see my 5 beautiful children again. 
It was a cowardly act against a mother. And even today, every time I open the mail, I feel the same fear in my heart as I did that day. These recent acts are the acts of a coward and nothing more than terrorism, pure and simple. No one, regardless of political party or ideology, should ever have to go through what I went through.
Yes, Vanessa, and? The words you forgot were– My heart goes out to the Clintons, the Obamas, the people at CNN, and everyone who must have been terrified when these packages arrived.

TV: Is ABC Getting Ready to Ditch “The Conners”? Network Order For Only 1 Extra Episode Instead of Full Season Could Be For Finale


“The Conners” is already in trouble. ABC may be getting ready to ditch the “Roseanne” spin off.

The trades report without editorial comment that ABC has ordered only more episode to be added to the ten it already contracted for this season.

A full half season order is 13, which means ABC didn’t even fill that out. And they most certainly didn’t ask for a number like 22 which would take “The Conners” to the end of the current TV season next spring.

The 1 episode order makes me think it’s just a finale to the ten as a good will gesture. And then “The Conners” would go back to the mists of TV’s own walking dead.

So far, “The Conners” ratings have been less than spectacular. The first episode brought in 11 million viewers, the second week dropped to 7 million. If the drop continues, it may be too expensive to keep around, given John Goodman’s and Laurie Metcalf’s salaries.

Roseanne must be cackling from whatever hen house she’s been locked up in. She was the sizzle on the griddle on that show. Without her, “The Conners” is like a good meal without any spices. Or for you oldsters, something salt-free.

Broadway: “The Ferryman” Finally Comes from the West End And Makes A Splash Here


In Northern Ireland in 1981 The Troubles pit Irish against Irish, resulting in a great deal of anguished, epic drama. Think Martin McDonagh, and the movies of Ken Loach. In Jez Butterworth’s “The Ferryman,” at the Bernard B. Jacobs Theater on Broadway, a monumental three hours and 15 minutes zip by, beginning with the news: the body of Seamus Carney, a ten-years missing man, turned up in a bog, hands and feet bound.

Nearby his wife/widow holds the fort, living in her brother-in-law Quinn Carney’s lively household with her son, now a teen. To celebrate the harvest they are cooking goose, and just as the family learns the news about the recovered body, the once live bird– he appears on stage before his untimely death– hangs on a hook at the kitchen window, bound, emblematic of Seamus’ remains, best left to the imagination.

The running story was that Seamus had vanished, gone to Liverpool. Maybe. But Caitlin (a fine Laura Donnelly) his wife knows better; the IRA has killed him, and the family is under threat to be quiet about it by the local thug in charge..

“The Ferryman, like the plays of O’Neill, is replete with classical references to Virgil, who’s even invoked at one point if you don’t get it. As Penelope did in Virgil’s epic poem, she hangs out waiting for news, or a body, enjoying the raucous family life and attentions of her brother-in-law Quinn Carney (brilliant Paddy Considine in his Broadway debut) with whom she’s fallen in love despite his hypochondriac wife and seven children.  The references include the titular “ferryman,” cited in a reading of The Aeneid, who cannot bring the dead from life’s shore over the river Styx unless the body is buried– and in this case, until we meet the Carneys, Seamus has been in absentia for a decade.

After a recent performance we ran into the great Irish actress Fionnula Flanagan (“The Others,” “LOST”) who plays Aunt Maggie. Far off in her own reverie, Maggie is seated onstage in a wheelchair. She’s a teller of tales, and the play’s oracle, mystically far away as her name suggests. Flanagan noted that Sam Mendes’ direction was meticulous, his eye on every detail and movement of a cast of 22, the chaos and exuberance of family life cleverly orchestrated including dancing and singing. Flanagan laughs when a fan tells her she has a lovely voice: “I don’t even sing in the shower.”

Mendes is indeed meticulous. Often there are more than a dozen people on stage, members of the extended Carney family come and go. Most of them are young, and lively, and Butterworth has given every group of them their own scenes (hence the length). The ensemble is a singular standout through and through, with blonde Tom Glynn-Carney (he had the best hair in “Dunkirk”) a knockout. Some of “The Ferryman” is overwrought, and the ending is a collision, but overall this should be the Best Play of the 2017-18 season. And this is how a real play is written, folks.


Roger Ailes- Fox News– Gretchen Carlson Movie is Filming, LionsGate Very Quietly Acquired It from Annapurna


The Roger Ailes- Fox News- Gretchen Carlson movie is filming. There are spreads today of Charlize Theron as Megyn Kelly in the Daily Mail.

“Fair and Balanced,” directed by Jay Roach, starring John Lithgow as Ailes, and Nicole Kidman as Gretchen Carlson, was stopped in its tracks two weeks ago when Annapurna Pictures dropped the project. It couldn’t have been money per se. The thinking is that Larry Ellison, who funds Annapurna for his daughter Megan, didn’t want it.

After Annapurna dropped it, there was some talk of Lions Gate picking it up. There has never been a formal announcement. But Lions Gate indeed is making the movie. Good for them! We want to see this!

Malcolm McDowell is playing Rupert Murdoch. I’ve heard that Richard Kind may be tapped as Rudy Giuliani. Margot Robbie is also featured.

Jay Roach directed “Game Change” for HBO and garnered many awards. He’s a terrific, smart director. Screenwriter Charles Randolph wrote “The Big Short” (a movie that featured Margot Robbie in all the right ways). So Lions Gate can expect something very good here. Can’t wait!

Johnny Depp in Dreadful, “Misguided” London Fields– Finally Released After 3 Years– Has a ZERO with Critics


Today, at last, comes “London Fields.” It has a zero on Rotten Tomatoes. I’ve watched it, or tried to– it’s unwatchable. Incoherent.

Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard met just before making this movie, Matthew Cullen’s adaptation of Martin Amis’s bestseller. Cullen and his financiers had such a row over how bad the movie was, they sued each other. Cullen said he had final cut. The film was pulled at the last minute from the 2015 Toronto Film Festival– that’s right, three years ago.

Then the producers also sued Heard. A settlement was reached in September.

I met Matthew Cullen at last winter’s Spirit Awards. (He was nice enough to let me sit with him when Film Independent said they had no seats in their tent. They’ve since blackballed me for finding my own seat.) He told me some of the story. But last March was a long time ago, and it seemed like “London Fields” would never be released.

Alas, now it has, only to be reviled by critics. It’s being released by tiny GVN Films.

For Depp, who’s about to appear in the second “Fantastic Beasts” movie, it’s yet another bomb. He has enough for a munitions factory. And to add insult to injury. it seems like Disney is rebooting the “Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise with a new cast. Depp’s days as Jack Sparrow are over.