Friday, September 20, 2024
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Exclusive: Eiza González Circling Rita Moreno Role in Steven Spielberg’s “West Side Story” Remake


How did EGOT and Kennedy Center Honors winner Rita Moreno start her career? Why, with the original “West Side Story” movie. Now I’m told that Eiza Gonzalez, whose movie credits are two including the great “Baby Driver,” is likely going to play Anita in Steven Spielberg’s remake of the famed and beloved movie. Can she sing? Oh yes. Is she beautiful? Dios mio!

Anita is a sure fire Best Supporting Actress role. Moreno for the movie. Other actresses have won awards on stage. Anita gets to sing “America” plus “A Boy Like That” and “I Have a Love” with the Maria character, who is still not cast– but I’m betting on Camilla Cabello.

Well, I said months ago that Ansel Elgort would and should play Tony, and I was right. So let’s see how this plays out. This would mean a “Baby Driver” reunion, and that alone is worth the price of the ticket!

Watch Eiza sing in her Instagram clip below. She’s got it.

Meantime, PS, Rita Moreno, who’s in her 80s, is taking a role in the film version of Lin Manuel Miranda’s “In the Heights.” When I saw “In the Heights” years ago on West 37th St. I thought it was a “West Side Story Jr.” Frankly I thought she’d turn up in the Spielberg movie as a nod to the original.

Broadway: Go-Go’s Musical “Head Over Heels” is A Financial Bust But Keeps Playing Performances


There is no worse show on Broadway than “Head over Heels.” The bafflingly awful musical features the music of the 80s girls group the Go Gos. But the show is just plain wretched, with no redeeming qualities.

And yet, after several months since a mid summer opening, “Head Over Heels” plays on. It is not a hit, in a big way. Last week it played to just 38% capacity and took in just $185,775.50 in ticket sales. The show’s potential sold out week would be $883,552. They were down from the prior week by almost $20,000.

“Head Over Heels” has a cast, and an orchestra. They have stage hands. Everyone must be paid. But at this point, I have to ask– who is paying them? And from what?

When the musical opened, that very night, at intermission, we were all doing satires of “The Producers.” The show was so bad, it had to close. No one could imagine it dragging on for weeks like a stuffed corpse.

“Head Over Heels” is playing at the Hudson Theater on West 44th st. owned and operated by the Ambassador Theater Group. There’s been speculation that ATG is just keeping the show running out of pride. Or hubris. But why pour good money after bad?

The individual producers are many but the first ones listed are Christine Russell, whose only other investment is in “Beautiful: the Carole King Musical.” The second investor is the very wealthy museum and arts patron Louise Gund, a dabbler at best. Donovan Leitch, the model and entrepreneur, and son of 60s folk singer Donovan, is next along with his pal Gwyneth Paltrow. They likely invested very little but are there for the name value.

There are more, plenty more names. Do any of these people know how to read a spread sheet? Is there a scandal brewing? If anyone knows what is going on, and who got the beat, email me at

Bruce Springsteen and Patti Scialfa Take A Night Off from Broadway to Stand Up for Heroes


Last year, Bruce Springsteen and wife Patti Scialfa had to miss their traditional appearance for Bob and Lee Woodruff’s Stand Up for Heroes. The charity show was on a Thursday night, and the Springsteens were tied up on Broadway.

So this year, organizers Caroline Hirsch and Andrew Fox, with the Woodruffs, moved the event to a Monday, when “Springsteen on Broadway” is dark. The result was the return of the rockers, who sang a beautiful duet together on “If I Should Fall Behind.” Bruce also sang “Dancing in the Dark” and “The Hard Land” by himself, and performed a duet of “Working on the Highway” with country star Eric Church.

Church was less impressive, I thought. He sang some song that really rips off the Stones classic “Sympathy for the Devil.” The crowd didn’t care. He got a big ovation. His charms eluded me.

A clutch of five star comedians preceded the singers, starting with Seth Meyers, Jim Gaffigan, and Jon Stewart. They were all fine and appropriate, and very funny. Brit comic Jimmy Carr thought it was 1960 at the Stardust in Vegas and told a lot of off color, un PC sex jokes. It was a relief, if Rodney Dangerfield or Don Rickles are your heroes (I love them).

Springsteen told his own “dirty” jokes, a tradition, but they’re really quite tame.

The evening was brisk and short, but it remains a perfect way to honor soldiers who’ve lost body parts while defending this country. They are truly heroes,and they love this organization. I do remember the old days at Town Hall, or The Beacon Theater, when the event had a more intimate feeling. The corporate Theater at Madison Square Garden– now called The Hulu Theater– can put a chill on any event.

PS I’ve always loved Patti Scialfa’s voice and she was in rare form tonight. Just lovely.




The Documentary Aretha Franklin Never Wanted to Be Released Will Be After Deal with Estate


Aretha Franklin never wanted the 1972 filming of her singing at a Los Angeles church to be released. “Amazing Grace,” shot by Sidney Pollack, has been in the can all these years. When Allan Elliott, son Atlantic A&R man Jack Elliott, bought it in 2008, Aretha hired lawyer after lawyer to stop him. She would never explain herself other than she didn’t want it.

Aretha died on August 16th. So “Amazing Grace” is coming out.

Allan Elliott says he’s reached a deal with Aretha’s estate, represented by her niece Sabrina Owens, to go forward. He’ll show the film at DOC NYC on Monday in New York, and other venues, to qualify for the Oscars. Of course, he’s late, it’s too late for the 2019 Oscars, there’s already a ton of good docs that have been campaigning. But why make sense now?

Aretha got injunctions against Elliott twice three years ago to stop the film from being shown at the Toronto and Telluride Film Festivals. Elliott wrote to me asking if I could intervene. But when I brought up the subject, Aretha was unmoved. She did not want the movie out in public.

Why? Who knows? Elliott sent me a link to watch it, and I did. Aretha sings and plays the piano with a gospel choir. She’s sublime. Mick Jagger and Charlie Watts of the Rolling Stones are in the audience. They are never introduced and say nothing. Aretha’s father, Reverend C.L. Franklin, appears and makes a speech– he was a speechifier–about Aretha. There’s nothing salacious going on.

The release of “Amazing Grace” is a good thing, I suppose, in the long run. It takes the mystery out of the film. Whatever reasons Aretha had for not releasing it are certainly moot now. Her legacy is already safe as the premiere singer of our time. This will only enhance it.

Harvey Weinstein Files to Dismiss All Criminal Criminal Charges in New York, Has New Emails from Alleged Victim


more to come…

from a press release from attorney Benjamin Brafman…



The attorneys for Harvey Weinstein today filed legal Motions seeking a dismissal of the remaining counts of the Indictment, citing a Grand Jury presentation that was deeply flawed by the admitted police misconduct and the Perjury of at least one of the complainants which already led to the dismissal of Count Six. According to Weinstein’s attorneys, the remaining five Counts should also be dismissed because the Perjury and police misconduct irreparably prejudiced the Grand Jury and emails and texts from the alleged rape victim and Mimi Haleyi to Harvey Weinstein after the dates of the alleged assaults, clearly demonstrate that any sexual contact between Weinstein and both of these women was purely consensual.

In addition, the motions also seek the dismissal of both Sexual Predator charges as based on constitutionally flawed legal theories and not supported by credible evidence.

Andrew Lincoln Exits “The Walking Dead” Alive, Whisked Off to Do 3 Rick Grimes Movies


Rick Grimes isn’t dead and he’s still walking.

Andrew Lincoln exited “The Walking Dead” tonight. I won’t tell you how, but he’s still alive. And that’s not a spoiler since AMC announced Lincoln will star in three standalone Rick Grimes movies about his life after tonight.

It’s a little surprising considering “The Walking Dead” is down to 5 million viewers a week, and is in decline. But they’re going to milk this thing as much as possible until only zombies are watching new episodes.

Also, I’m sure Lincoln said he was done, didn’t he? Oh well. Give the public what it wants! Maybe “Better Call Rick.”

We’ll see on Tuesday how this exit episode did ratings-wise.

Mike Myers Would Like to “A Night with Dr. Evil” on Broadway, Is Open to Doing A Show


Mike Myers gave such a brilliant interview to Alec Baldwin tonight on ABC, I think we can forgive Alec his latest public scandal.

I interview Mike about 25 years ago and he was a great interview then– thoughtful, literate, introspective, smart. He hasn’t given enough interviews over the years.

Anyway, he told Alec that he’d be open to doing a Broadway show. “I’d love to do An Evening with Dr. Evil, or Mambo Mouth”– the John Leguizamo Broadway show–“where I can do a lot of characters.”

So all you Broadway producers– Roy Furman, Nederlanders, Shuberts, Scott Ellis– get on the phone tomorrow. Mike Myers on Broadway would be most welcome!

Mike also talked about growing up in government housing in Toronto, his father’s battles with illnesses parallel to Mike’s rising success, and so on, as well as Barbra Streisand summoning him to her shows when he was playing his former mother in law, Linda Richman, on “SNL.”

“This is the best time of my life,” Mike told Alec about the last seven years as he became a father to three kids. His eldest, Spike, recently whispered to him, “I’m your biggest fan.” OMG. I’m verklempt.

I’ll see if I can link to the interview tomorrow. Good work, Alec.

Alec’s other guest was Cecile Richards, daughter of late Texas governor Ann Richards, also former head of Planned Parenthood. I don’t know her but I did know her mother. She’s a chip off the block and her interview was just great, too.


Broadway Review: Kerry Washington Gives An Intense, Fearsome Performance in New Play “American Son”


Kerry Washington is back on Broadway several years after her debut in David Mamet’s “Race.”

She returns as a major TV star from “Scandal,” but let’s not forget she’s already paid her dues and knows live theater. Her performance in “American Son” is non stop, ninety minutes of intense, fearsome rage for a teenage son who’s gone missing.

Kenny Leon directs Kerry, Steven Pasquale, Jeremy Jordan and Eugene Lee in this taut drama where you can guess the ending but don’t want to believe it. Kendra (Kerry)’s son with Scott (Steven Pasquale)– Jamal — is never seen but he’s at the center of the action. Educated in the best private school, Jamal’s parents (black and white) have counted on him not mixing with the wrong crowd in their native Miami and staying out of trouble. Alas, Jamal has been picked up the police with two friends whom the parents don’t know, and now they fear the worst.

Christopher Demos-Brown’s debut play addresses a lot of issues– empowerment, feminism, but most of all racism and what it’s like to be a black teen in America even if you have a white parent. Sort of a companion to the current movie “The Hate U Give,” this play addresses head on by name other black kids who’ve been shot at or killed by the police (Eric Garner, Philandro Castile and Tamir Rice are cited). Knowing that the police will play as the villain, Demos-Brown gives a veteran Black Police Lieutenant played by Eugene Lee who has some opinions worth hearing out.

At 90 minutes without intermission, “American Son” is slight and a little underdeveloped. Without a big star it would have been sent to off Broadway for development. But it’s timely and important, and the actors invest their all. Plus, you get a great set from Derek McLane, Tony level lighting from Peter Kaczorowski, and impressive rain and lightning. “American Son” just runs until mid January, so see it ASAP. It’s certainly a rich season for new plays. (You can get tickets for all of them at the TKTS booth in Times Square without waiting on line– at the special plays window.)

RIGHT NOW: Brad Pitt Surprises Hollywood Film Awards, Presents Breakthrough Director to “Beautiful Boy” Helmer Felix van Groeningen


The Hollywood Film Awards are underway on the west coast and they’ve already had a surprise presenter. Brad Pitt arrived and presented Breakthrough Director to “Beautiful Boy” helmer Felix van Groeningen.

These early awards are a low key, laid back celebration of the films released so far this year.

Pitt told the audience: “In this time when meanness is so loud what better sound is there then hope.”

Brad’s company Plan B produced the film starring Timothee Chalamet. Those two actors, plus lots more including Glenn Close, Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban, Mahershala Ali, Taraji P. Henson, and so on are all snug as a bug in the Beverly Hilton ballroom in this practice run for the big awards in January and February.

Keep refreshing….

Photo c2018 Showbiz411 by Leah Sydney

“Bohemian Rhapsody” Sends 13 Queen Singles and 4 Albums Onto the iTunes Top 100


The Queen-Freddie Mercury movie is such a hit it’s sent 13 of the group’s singles and 4 of its albums onto the iTunes charts. All of them are hits from the 70s and 80s. But the movie is booming with $50 million on its opening weekend, and people want the music. In heaven, Freddie is smiling. Down here, Brian May, Roger Taylor, and John Deacon, not to mention Freddie’s heir, Mary, will rake it in.

Tonight, the song “Bohemian Rhapsody” is number 13. “We Will Rock You” is 18. They are followed by:

23 – “Somebody to Love”

26 – “We Are the Champions”

28 – “Another One Bites the Dust”

40 – “Under Pressure” with David Bowie

41- “Radio Gaga”

58 – “Fat Bottomed Girls”

59 – “Killer Queen”

70 – “Don’t Stop Me Now”

75 – “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”

84- “Love of My Life”

86 – “You’re My Best Friend”