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Actress Felicity Jones On the Long Shadow of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: “I knew the Punk image she had”


On the evening before Ruth Bader Ginsburg fractured her ribs and had lovers of justice everywhere praying for her speedy recovery, Felicity Jones and Armie Hammer coincidentally participated in a Q&A at the SVA Theater following a screening of “On the Basis of Sex,” their new film which focuses on the formative years of the judge’s career and marriage.

The spotlight in particular is on the one case — on gender discrimination — the Judge argued with her husband, Marty, an esteemed tax attorney and an adoring husband and ardent supporter to his wife. It’s a good courtroom drama that hinges on some tension at the end. The film is equally divided between the early uphill battle of Ginsburg’s career and a loving and inspiring portrait of the Ginsburg marriage.

Both Jones and Hammer have a terrific onscreen chemistry and give a winning performance although the one complaint is that their Jewish identity is downplayed, which is glaring particularly in the light of recent events, including the midterm elections. says Hammer has some Jewish ancestry although neither actor seems remotely Jewish. In the film it’s only fleetingly mentioned of Ginsburg that she’s Jewish and that’s in a disparaging remark by one of her Harvard professors. Ginsburg was one of very few women admitted in her Harvard class and one of the pleasures of the film are the several digs at Harvard for its disgraceful treatment of women. Ginsburg ended up receiving her degree from Columbia when she had to move to New York where her husband was treated for testicular cancer. (Marty died in 2010.)

“On the Basis of Sex” is directed by TV producer-director Mimi Leder, who is returning to the big screen — “The Peacemaker” and “Deep Impact” — from her more recent television hits like “The Leftovers.” The screenwriter is Daniel Stiepleman, RBG’s real-life nephew, who is making his feature screenwriting debut.

Jones said of taking on the role of Ginsburg, especially as an English woman: “I knew of Ruth. I knew the punk image that she had – she’s such an icon. But I didn’t know the detail and the depths of her story. I didn’t know about her relationship; I didn’t know about her family. So, that all came from reading the script, and when I read the script, it was just an absolute no-brainer. It was so wonderfully written. It was all on the page.”

Of Stiepleman’s screenplay, Jones said, “He did an excellent job of portraying someone who obviously has such a high standing in the US Courts. But also he found all the nuances. He found – he obviously knows his aunt intimately, so he has access to her as a human being. And to all the moments that were really difficult, and when stuff didn’t go as planned, and constantly she was coming up against these obstacles. So, it was very much someone who was from a very modest background. So, the odds were constantly against her. And I always think of her and Marty, they were real fighters. They were constantly fighting in a situation that wasn’t always on their side.”

Armie Hammer said the film takes a “look behind the curtain” and that he “loved the idea of a female superhero who changed the face of the world we all live in, without having superpowers. As the father of a daughter, I loved the idea of a story being told of a woman who changed the world using nothing more than her brain and an incredible amount of willpower.”

He was also moved by their relationship. “Especially Marty, being willing and able, and also so adept at defying gender norms. In the ’50s and ’70s, when this movie really takes place, you’d be really hard-pressed to find another guy who would be willing to stay home and cook and deal with the kids and all that. And it wasn’t a done thing, but he did it because he believed so much in Ruth. And also they existed with such symbiosis. You would have no Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg without the support of her husband. And then you would have no “Party Marty”, as I like to call him.”

The idea to write the screenplay came to Stiepleman at Martin’s funeral. Said Hammer: “Someone got up to eulogize Martin and talked about the only case that they’d ever fought together. And he thought, “My god, That’s amazing. I would love to write this story.”

“So, he approached Ruth and he said, “You know, Aunt Ruth, I would really love to write this story. Because it seems like such an amazing story. Would you mind if I did that?” And she paused for a second and said, “Well, if that’s really how you want to spend your time, I guess.” The audience roared.

Both stars of the film met with RBG. So, what was it – what do you say when you meet Ruth Bader Ginsburg?
“Well, the first time we met her, she couldn’t take her eyes of Armie,” replied Jones to laughter.

Photo 2018 Showbiz411 by Paula Schwartz


ABC “Nightline” Host Byron Pitts Launches 25 Year old Daughter Christiani as Broadway Star in “King Kong”


First, the good news. Christiani Pitts, daughter of ABC “Nightline” host and veteran network reporter Byron Pitts, is a star tonight. She made an otherwise peculiar “King Kong” soar in places where it would not have, necessarily. Christiani was a last minute replacement for another actress who left the show, and she nails the part of Ann Darrow, an actress who’s lured to Skull Island to make a movie about a monster.

More good news: “King Kong” looks sensational. The production of the $35 million musical could not be better. Sets, costumes, scenic design, lighting and projections are A plus. You won’t get a bigger bang for the buck than at “King Kong,” which opened last night at the Broadway Theater. Regis and Joy Philbin, Susan Lucci and husband Helmut Huber, and Renee Taylor were all in the audience.

So: all good, right? Not so fast. This is tuneless musical. The songs are just about as awful as they could be. I give credit Christiani Pitts and her co-star Eric William Morris for performing them. They’re like punishments for the ears– no melodies, no hooks, laborious, turgid and full of information no one needs. In an early song you can hear “Live and Let Die.” Just, you know, take the songs out and tell the story of King Kong. That’s enough.

The book by Jack Thorne wrestles the Kong story to the ground. For the most part, Thorne is adept at keeping it all straight, conveying emotion and a little backstory to these characters so that there’s momentum. But he doesn’t develop secondary characters or a secondary plot or arc at all. The entire saga rests on the hands of Pitts and Morris and Kong himself, a gigantic, elaborate and heavy puppet who I thought acquitted himself well. Certainly the kids in the theater were mesmerized by him.

The New York Times printed a rare “double” review of “King Kong” by Ben Brantley and Jesse Green. It’s vicious and uncalled for. No, “King Kong” isn’t “Sweeney Todd.” But it’s a spectacle and highly entertaining in a nonspecific way. It’s really worth it just to see how it’s staged. PS Kudos to Aliza Ohman, part of the ensemble– she gets to do a little comedy bit as the ape approaches. It’s much needed comic relief in a show of relentless melodrama.

Harry Potter and the Case of the First Bad Movie: “Fantastic Beasts 2” Getting Alarmingly Negative Reviews



Has the magic potion of “Harry Potter” started to come undone?

The lastest movie JK Rowling inspired film, “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald,” is getting pretty negative reviews. As they roll into Rotten Tomatoes, the score right now is 57%. But that may not hold. The overall feeling in all reviews is that “Grindelwald” is a mess and a disappointment.

I loved the first “Fantastic Beasts,” which was a massive hit– $814 million worldwide, $234 million US. I even kept my Newt sorcerer’s sticks.

But “Grindewald” — with Johnny Depp hoping to make a comeback from the trashpile he’s made of his career– is not being warmly embraced.

Some excerpts:

Justin Chang, LA Times — “It offers up dazzling feats of sorcery and realms of wonderment and manages to conjure the very opposite of magic.”

Robbie Collin, Daily UK Telegraph– “The biggest riddle in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald is working out what on earth the film is actually about.”

So keep refreshing…maybe it will get better….

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg’s Granddaughter to Make Doc About Trump Mentor Roy Cohn, Who Had Them Executed


Let’s say Ivy Meeropol is an Angel in America. The granddaughter convicted spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg is making an HBO documentary about the man who sent her grandparents to their execution: the very evil Roy Cohen.

Previously, Ivy made an incredible doc about the Rosenbergs called “Heir to an Execution.” She also directed “Indian Point.”

Cohn was the lawyer for the House UnAmerican Activities Committee in the 1950s, lackey of Senator Joseph McCarthy and then Vice President Richard Nixon. He destroyed hundreds, if not thousands, of lives painting people as Communists and then blacklisting them– or worse.

In the case of the Rosenbergs, Cohn oversaw their railroaded prosecution for being Russian spies, and path to the electric chair. “Heir to an Execution” is a must see film. And now so too will this untitled film be as well.

Cohn went on to become Donald Trump’s self-proclaimed mentor. They had a metaphoric passing of the flaming pitchfork.

Meeropol is basing her film on discovered taped interviews between journalist Peter Manso and Cohn, a cesspool of a human being, at the height of his power-brokering in New York in the late 70s and early 80s. Cohn’s decline and death from AIDS were chronicled in Tony Kushner’s Pulitzer Prize winning play, “Angels in America.” Kushner, and actor Nathan Lane, who played Cohn, are interviewed in the movie.

Cohn, charred to a crisp in hell these days, was also the best friend of Barbara Walters, who is now in total retirement and off the social circuit. It will be interesting to see if she turns up in this film. Walters once told me it was Cohn who helped her adopt her daughter Jacqueline. Cohn was gay, and Walters acted as his “beard” for many years.

Ivy Meeropol says in a press release: “The time has come for audiences to understand a man who, while hiding so much of himself from the world, has had a profound influence on our society, even to this day. We are thrilled to partner with HBO Documentary Films to bring this remarkable story to life.”

Just to clear this up: Ivy is the daughter of Julius and Ethel’s son Michael, who was adopted by people named Meeropol after their parents were unjustly killed by Cohn and the US government. The Rosenbergs had another son, David, and Ivy has a brother.

You might want to read E.L. Doctorow’s excellent novel, “The Book of Daniel,” which dramatized their story.

Exclusive Chat with Mark Wahlberg: “I go to bed at 6:30. I turn the television on and fall asleep with the remote in my hand”

Mark Wahlberg was at the Mandarin Oriental last week for a press conference to promote his new comedy “Instant Family.” Afterwards he went to the buffet table to help himself to a bowl of plain Greek yogurt and fruit. “Do you mind if I sit down with you?” He asked three of us at a table sipping coffee. We made room.

Wahlberg, who is down to earth and very nice — and built like a Greek god (he works out twice a day according to his Instagram account) — asked if we’d seen any good movies?

Almost before we could reply, a publicist tried to tear him away. “Got to keep moving Mark,” she told him. “I sat down with them,” the actor replied, noting we did not invade his air space.

We rattled off some movies, including “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “A Star is Born” and “The Favourite.”

Wahlberg asked about “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” He was also interested in whether Rami Malek lip-synched in the Queen film or was he actually singing? He’d also heard the movie was getting flack because it didn’t focus enough on his gay relationships.

After a journalist gave a detailed account of the Melissa McCarthy film, I asked if he wasn’t related to her? “I’ve never met her. I think she may be related to my brother’s wife, Jenny McCarthy,” he said.

“I haven’t seen anything,” said the 47 year old married father of four. “I go to bed at 6:30. I turn the television on and fall asleep with the remote in my hand.” (He’s famous for his 5am workouts.)

Wahlberg just started shooting the action thriller, “Wonderland,” in Boston. It’s an adaptation of late great mystery writer Robert B. Parker’s “Wonderland,” directed by Peter Berg, who Wahlberg worked with on “Lone Survivor” and “Mile 22.” It’s his first Netflix film, so he was asked if he thought it inevitable he would be making movies that are streamed rather than having theatrical runs?

“Netflix’s going to give it a theatrical release, but it’s pretty inevitable that people are going to decide when and where and how they want to watch films.”

When I asked if he had any dramas like his Oscar-nominated film “The Fighter” in the works, he said the next couple of films were in that category. For several years he’s been working on developing a script with David O. Russell, whom he collaborated with on “The Fighter” and “I Heart Huckabees” about Father Stu, who he said was “an amazing priest from Helena Montana,” a tough guy who was a fighter, a football player and “later in life wanted to become a priest” even as he battled a fatal disease. He would star as the priest.

If Russell and Wahlberg do reunite, it would be quite a story. Word was they had a bad falling out after “The Fighter.” Wahlberg thought he was going to be in Russell’s “Silver Linings Playbook,” but was replaced by Bradley Cooper, who went on to an Oscar nomination. So maybe that rift has healed.

After about 15 minutes Wahlberg got up. “Nice to see you guys,” he said. Then he took off for his round of afternoon interviews for “Instant Family.”

Spike Lee, Brooke Shields, Kiera Chaplin Revisit Classic Films at Star Studded UES Theater Opening


It was quite an opening night for the new plush CMX CineBistro on East 62nd St. between First and York.

There are actually several state of the art movie theaters on three levels in CMX, where you sit in luxe leather chairs and eat designer food. (We had lamb chops and Cracker Jacks. Mmmm.)

For the opening, the owners got Spike Lee, Brooke Shields, and Charlie Chaplin’s beautiful granddaughter, Kiera, to present three films associated with them. Spike brought his Oscar-bound “Blackkklansman.” Brooke showed Louis Malle’s “Pretty Baby,” in which she was 12 years old and caused a scandale. Kiera Chaplin introduced “City Lights,” which was so popular that all the seats were taken, including one by Cuba Gooding Jr. on an off night from “Chicago” on Broadway. “City Lights” was released in 1931 and was smarter, by the way, than almost anything current. And more artful.


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Other celebs milled in the lobbies, nibbling on shrimp, steak, and fried cauliflower. In the basement lobby, there was a jazz band with a female lead singer dressed to look like it was the Copa in the 1950s. Beautiful young ladies, dressed scantily (but within parameters) fan-danced and gyrated in a five foot high martini glass. A Charlie Chaplin imitator toodled around in full Trump with a swing cane and a mustache.

Suddenly, the UES has a movie destination. CMX is perfect for private parties, screenings, regular showings, mini film festivals. Now if only we had one downtown!

Friars Club Plans “Analyze This” Themed Billy Crystal Gala On Monday as Night’s Second Honoree “Icon” Has 2 Prior Convictions on Weapons Charges, Assault Arrest


UPDATE SUNDAY 11/11 AM: Jimmy Fallon will not be attending. He’s in LA for the People’s Choice Awards. Alec Baldwin has dropped out because of his current legal problems.


EARLIER  On Monday, the Friars Club will throw a blow out gala at the former Ziegfeld Theater to honor Billy Crystal. It’s highly unlikely they’ve told him what’s really going on at the club.

Club insiders say they will also honor, on the same program, a man named Rinaldo Nistico, who goes by the name “Ronnie Shoes” or “Ronnie Copa.” Nistico was indicted and settled a case in 2004 for assault. The NY Post  reported then that Nistico had two prior arrests and convictions on weapons charges in 1990 and 1996.

Nistico is only a recent addition the Friars with less than a year at the club. No one I spoke to has any idea why he’s being honored as a Friars Icon. At the beginning of this year he was also named “Friar of the Year.” By coincidence, sources tell me that since Nistico’s appearance on the scene, so called open “town hall” type meetings at the Club now include “beefy looking security guards. Why? “In case something happens.”

One member joked that with an ongoing federal investigation (see further down), the Crystal gala could be like the wedding in “The Godfather.” “Remember all those agents taking down license plate numbers?” he joked.

Insiders are calling the event an “Analyze This/Analyze That” reunion as Billy played a shrink in the two comedies to Robert DeNiro’s gangster. DeNiro may attend the event to toast Crystal. If he does, it would be the height of irony.

The Friars Club, meanwhile, is said to be drowning in red ink while it awaits word on an ongoing investigation by the US Postal Inspection Service– aka the Feds– instigated by former US Attorney Preet Bharara. I’m told the Club recently secured a $2 million loan as membership fees keep rising and members keep leaving.

While all this is going on, Bruce Charet, who caused a sexual harassment suit at the club recently settled for at least a million dollars, is still on the scene. Charet, a close friend of ex CBS chief Les Moonves, was seen in the club last week. He may be organizing celebrities for Monday’s gala. The red carpet on Monday should be interesting. I’ve heard names like Jimmy Fallon, Tony Bennett, Robert De Niro, Martin Scorsese, and so on.

Meanwhile, the Friars– a registered tax free foundation– still hasn’t filed a new tax return Form 990 since 2015. Their last return covered July 2014 through July 2015. Since then, crickets. I queried Friars chief exec Michael Gyure by email for a copy of newer returns– required by law– but again, silence.




Watch Jane Fonda Toast Michael Douglas at His Walk of Fame Ceremony: “What took so long? He was always ahead of his time”–and Kirk Douglas, 102, Was There!


In Hollywood today Jane Fonda toasted Michael Douglas as he got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. (She looked pretty cute, too.) Jane asked, “What took so long?” I was wondering the same thing. They co-starred in a great movie, “The China Syndrome,” in 1979. Michael is joining Jane in the world of smart TV series now. She’s got “Grace and Frankie” and now he’s co-starring with Alan Arkin in “The Kominsky Method.”

Douglas’s invited guests included wife Catherine Zeta Jones, their teenage daughter Carys, plus Michael’s 102 year old dad Kirk Douglas, Jerry Bruckheimer, Jerry Garcia, Chuck Lorre, Eric McCormack, and Ron Meyer. Wow!

PS I’m sure Michael’s steadfast publicist Allen Burry was there, too!

Watch this:

Cable Ratings: “Walking Dead” Rises Just a Fraction With Rick’s Departure, Lena Dunham’s “Camping” Soon to Fold Tent, Kardashians Find Old Friends


It’s not a great time for Sunday cable ratings.

“The Walking Dead” sent Rick off to do solo movies. The result was an uptick of just around 300,000 viewers to 5.4 million. We’ll see next Sunday how his absence plays out. Would they have gotten more viewers if they’d just killed him? Probably.

Lena Dunham’s “Camping” will fold its tent soon. They’re off from the first episode by 67%. Sunday they had around 265,000 viewers. Test patterns do better. HBO’s “The Deuce” has around 384,000 people watching. The end can’t come soon enough for either show.

Good news, if you care: The Kardashians found some old friends this week, and were up to 1.1 million after several weeks sitting at around 800,000. Maybe one of them got killed? Or ate a baby? Why the sudden return of 350,000 viewers? Maybe it was like on “Mary Hartman” where the Nielsen box was on in a mental hospital.


New York, New York: Sarah Dash Singing Tonight, Bryan Cranston on Broadway, Dawes in Town, Common’s Shoes Have a Good Rap


NEW YORK, NEW YORK– If we survive Election Day here’s what’s been going on…

The great Sarah Dash from the group Labelle is performing tonight at City Winery in Soho. Sarah’s doing an all-Aretha tribute not to be missed. Also, what a way to get through Election Night.

Harry’s of London shoes has finally arrived in New York! Traveler to London know this shop well from the Burlington Arcade. Celebs like Joseph Fiennes and Common are said to be regular customers. Now Harry’s has set up shop at 57th and Park. If Bill Cunningham were alive he’d be snapping famous people going in and out of there all the time!

Bryan Cranston and his wife Robin sneaked into a performance of “The Waverly Gallery” to see Elaine May last week. They got to meet her after the show. Cranston will open shortly in “Network” down the street….

Famed restaurateur Drew Nieporent brought his whole family to Stand up for Heroes last night. The owner of the Tribeca Grill– among others– has dropped 60 pounds and is in fighting shape. Everyone loves Drew, even though there’s less of him to love now!

The 4th Annual Global Lyme Alliance Gala produced by celebrity event planner Larry Scott of Lawrence Scott Events was hosted by Fox 5 Good Day New York co-anchor Lori Stokes, and honored RHONY’s TV personality Ramona Singer and Erin Walker at Cipriani 42nd Street with a musical performance by Tony Award-winning Broadway and television star Sutton Foster. Guests included Tinsley Mortimer, Sonja Morgan, Dorinda Medley, Luann de Lesseps and Barbara Kavovit.

Sarah Jessica Parker had a SAG crowd in the palm of her hand last night at a screening for “Here and Now.” I am really looking forward to her interview with Alec Baldwin this Sunday night on ABC at 10pm…Meanwhile husband Matthew Broderick was doing imitations of Harvey Fierstein at intermission during the opening of “Torch Song.” It’s ok, Matthew starred in the original production back in 1983 with Harvey. Matthew’s Harvey-quack is spot on and hilarious….

Russian Samovar Restaurant & Piano Bar celebrated supermodel Carol Alt on the cover of Art Bodega Magazine. Guests included Carol Alt, Vlada Von Shats, John Mahdessian, Teresa Giudice, Ramona Singer, Dorinda Medley and Sonja Morgan.

The Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation (SWCRF) will celebrate the 21st Annual Collaborating for a Cure Benefit on Thursday, November 15, 2018 at Cipriani Wall Street with an exclusive headline performance by Dawes – only New York City show as part of the tour.