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“Roma” Star Yalitza Aparicio Wouldn’t Audition for Director Alfonso Cuaron– She Thought Casting Ad Was Ruse for Human Trafficking


The “Roma” Oscar campaign came to New York last night with a screening and reception that included Michael Moore, Julian Schnabel, Gay Talese, Nick Pileggi and many others, at the Whitby Hotel. Director Alfonso Cuaron–  already winner of an Oscar for directing “Gravity” (and issuing in an era of Mexican directing winners)–brought his star Yalitza Aparicio and Gabriela Rodriguez.

“Roma” is a masterpiece in a season of foreign language films that are all exceptional (Capernaum, Cold War, Never Look Away).  On critics’ minds, will its nominations be for Best Foreign Language Film or a straight Best Picture?  But that’s not what’s on this director’s mind. Cuaron has turned his talents to a black & white, acutely detailed, Spanish and indigenous language realization of a key figure in his childhood, a maid he renamed Clio who came to live with his family in the Roma neighborhood of Mexico City. A mother figure to him, from a disadvantaged class, he asks himself, what does she represent in the world of now?

“Roma,” says Cuaron, honors a sense of memory to form a narrative that builds upon narrative. He wrote his script hoping a narrative would build. Thinking more practically, the producer Gabriela Rodriguez told a post-screening crowd that included they had to borrow furniture from family members to honor Alfonso’s memory, to get the apartment just right, and recreate Mexico City in 1970, which they could do from photos; many iconic places had been damaged by a 1985 earthquake. And the cars! In one hilarious recurring image the family Galaxy fits into its spot like a hand in a tight glove. No one can steer it straight into the narrow parking space, laden with dog shit.

Clio was cast after the film team had met 3,000 women from the far reaches of Mexico. From a town 4 hours away from the nearest city, Yalitza Aparicio had never heard of Alfonso Cuaron and at first refused to audition fearing this was a scam for human trafficking. When finally she was persuaded, she never saw a script but was told her lines each day before shooting. In a scene when she tells her lover that she is pregnant, she had no idea what he would answer back. And the crew was clueless too. Only Cuaron who did his own camera work, knew what would happen. After this role, Yalitza Aparicio has traveled far.

Cuaron has, too. “Roma” shimmers in a way most American movies this year just aspire to. And it has lots of in jokes, too– look for a nod to “Gravity” that almost no one is mentioning. Cuaron has two feet on Earth but always an eye to the skies!

Trump Medal Honoree Dallas Cowboys Star Roger Staubach Never Met A Republican He Didn’t Want to Give Money to


Exclusive Hey! Dallas Cowboys all-star Roger Staubach never met a Republican he didn’t like. The result is that he’s one of few breathing recipients of Donald Trump’s Presidential Medal of Freedom. Staubach has been shoveling money at Republicans for years and years, as you’ll see below (and this just a small sample). He joins Miriam Adelson getting the Medal basically for giving money to the Republicans and the GOP. All past presidents gave the Medal to great contributors to culture or science, that kind of thing. But in the Trump Administration, you’re rewarded for writing checks. Or being really dead (Elvis Presley, Babe Ruth, Antonin Scalia). Next year: Betsy Ross, PT Barnum, and Francis Scott Key– plus Steve Wynn, Ted Nugent, and Frederick Douglass– I hear he’s doing great things.

Amazon Studios Struggles to Stay Afloat As Latest Offering, Well Reviewed “Beautiful Boy” Sinks at Box Office


It’s not like they aren’t good movies. (Well, one really wasn’t in a big way.) But Amazon Studios has released five movies in 2018, and they have all been financial disasters.

The latest is “Beautiful Boy,” starring Timothee Chalamet as a drug addicted college student, Steve Carell as the father who dives in to save him. “Beautiful Boy” is based on two memoirs, by fahther and son David and Nick Sheff.

When I first saw the trailer, I put it up on this site and declared that I was sure it would be a big hit on the level of “Ordinary People.” It sure seemed like a tearjerker that would hit home with families going through similar traumas.

But “Beautiful Boy” seems to be a bust. In almost five weeks it’s earned just $5.2 million. This weekend it made $1.4 million playing in 776 theaters. By comparison, “Can You Really Forgive Me”– playing in 391 theaters– earned $70,000 more. The latter film is on the way up. The former is not taking off.

Even awards and nominations may not help “Beautiful Boy.” In four weeks, when the Golden Globes and critics groups in other cities announce their winners, “Beautiful Boy” won’t be in too many theaters if any. It will have run its course and moved over to Amazon Prime, where it may be confused with another movie with the same title from 2011 which was about a teenager who shot up his school and how his parents grappled with the outcome.

All together, Amazon Studios’ five films released since January 1st have made a total of $15 million. Two of them starred Joaquin Phoenix (“Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot” and “You Were Never Really Here”). One of them was from the maker of the TV hit “This is Us” (“Life Itself”). One of them was from the director of last year’s critical hit “Call me By Your Name” (Luca Guadagnino’s remake of “Suspiria”). And then there’s “Beautiful Boy.”

Amazon has played its Oscar cards. The only one they have left is a Polish film called “Cold War” directed by Pawel Pawlikowski. It will undoubtedly be nominated for Best Foreign Language Film, but it faces steep competition from films like “Roma,” “Capernaum,” and “Never Look Away.” It’s also in black and white and an economic 90 minutes. Right now, “Roma” — from Amazon’s rival Netflix– has the PR lead, but that could change.

Amazon, which had a major success two seasons ago with “Manchester by the Sea,” is struggling. Last year they struck out completely with three films by auteurs– Woody Allen, Todd Haynes, and Richard Linklater. They swung at the fences but it didn’t work out.



Bismillah! “Bohemian Rhapsody” Scores $100 Million in 10 Days, Soundtrack Goes Top of the Charts


The critics tried to kill it. But it’s time to break out the Moet Chandon.

“Bohemian Rhapsody” crosses the $100 million line today. The Queen-Freddie Mercury biopic made it there in just 10 days.

At the same time, the original soundtrack is in the top 10. Queen’s Greatest Hits 1 &11 Platinum Edition is number 3 on iTunes, and the regular Greatest Hits is number 5. Two more albums are in the top 10.

Queen also occupies 14– fourteen– slots on the iTunes Top 100 songs. That’s pretty amazing. “Radio Gaga” is doing better than Lady Gaga!

If the Academy ignores “BR” it will be a gigantic mistake. Rami Malek should be in the Best Actor category with Viggo, Willem, Bradley, and Ryan.

And no, “BR” has no director really although it does have Dexter Fletcher, who finished the film when Bryan Singer was fired. Critics are angry at the movie because of Singer, but that’s ridiculous. Just enjoy. We’re not Under Pressure.



Watch Pete Davidson Apologize to Dan Crenshaw on “SNL” AND Slag Ariana Grande at the Same Time


Last week on “SNL” Pete Davidson made fun of new Congressman and military hero Dan Crenshaw’s eye patch. People went crazy. So Crenshaw came to “SNL” tonight for Davidson’s apology. It was very funny, and Davidson got him to help make fun of his broken engagement to Ariana Grande. Crenshaw’s ring tone was Ariana’s hit “Breathing,” and he just let it play and play. “Know her? Crenshaw asked Pete. Oh yeah.

BTW This was the second week in a row without Alec Baldwin. His arrest for allegedly punching a guy whose parking space he wanted seems to have put him in the “SNL” dog house. Alec’s Trump imitation was sorely missed this week. So, too, were most of the political jokes and material. Aside from Kate McKinnon as Jeff Sessions, the show was pretty weak.

Brian DePalma, Barry Levinson, Ellen Burstyn Among A Listers Celebrate Willem Dafoe’s Oscar Turn as Van Gogh


It’s not easy to get Brian DePalma out to a screening of anything, or to a reception in honor of a new film. But there was the reclusive director of “Carrie,” “Dressed to Kill,” “Body Double,” “The Untouchables,” “Mission Impossible” and so on at painter-director Julian Schnabel’s incredible home and studio Saturday night for “At Eternity’s Gate.”

Many of us went first to the screening at the Crosby Street Hotel of Schnabel’s new movie which features a tour de force performance by Willem Dafoe as Vincent Van Gogh. CBS Films is pushing “Eternity” and they’re right– if Dafoe isn’t nominated, something is wrong.

Also from the movie came actor Rupert Friend, who plays Theo van Gogh, very moving as the put upon brother, and Schnabel’s actress daughter Stella who’s terrific as a maid in the Arles estate where van Gogh painted his most famous works.

But that wasn’t the end of the A-list in attendance: director Barry Levinson, actresses Ellen Burstyn and Carol Kane, playwright Israel Horovitz, actors Steve Buscemi and Tony LoBianco, producer Jean Doumanian, and 95 year old indie film legend director (and famed poet) Jonas Mekas not only came to see the movie but stayed at Schnabel’s for a scintillating Q&A moderated by Kent Jones. People stood, sat on the floor, took up every seat in one of Schnabel’s huge painting studios to hear all about the making of “At Eternity’s Gate.”

All these people came to see the movie on a Saturday night– a frigid one, too. Why a Saturday? It was Dafoe’s day off from shooting a Disney movie in Calgary, Alberta, Canada called “Togo.” He literally flew in for the gathering and a little press, then flies back tonight. “Lucky for me, there’s a Canadian holiday,” he told me, “so it bought me a day.”

We learned a lot about this amazing movie: Schnabel, obviously a famed artist, painted all the “van Goghs” in the movie. Now they are in his tri-level West Village studio complex. He painted Van Gogh, and Dafoe as Van Gogh. A huge central Schnabel made of chopped up plates and pottery — portrait of Van Gogh– was so stunning everyone wanted to pose with it!

Soap Ratings Plummet for “Young and Restless” as Stars Exit, “General Hospital” Losing Key Demo in Droves


The soap operas are really having ratings issues now.

“The Young and the Restless” started November sweeps with a huge week to week drop– 170,000 viewers exited with star Eileen Davidson. By Friday November 2nd, “Y&R” was under 4 million viewers. On the same day Davidson left, Christel Khalil– who’s almost 30 years younger than Davidson and should be a key player in attracting key demo viewers– also said goodbye. These departures are being painted as voluntary. But that’s highly unlikely. Executive Producer Mal Young is having trouble keeping a 45 year old ship afloat.

Meanwhile, “General Hospital” has dropped to fourth place– out of four soaps– in the key demos for all ages. During the first week of sweeps they lost 537,000 viewers from the same week last year. Whaattttt???? Where did everyone go? The demo loss and the total audience drop should be enough to convince the people in charge to make serious changes. That many viewers is a whole cable show, like “Camping” on HBO.

The other two soaps, “Days of Our Lives,” and “The Bold and the Beautiful,” are also not booming. But their losses don’t seem so bad by comparison. And “B&B” actually was first in the 18-34 key demo that week, beating “Y&R.”

Mister Rogers Documentary “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” Wins Critics Choice Doc Award, Moves Closer to Oscar


Morgan Neville’s documentary about Mister Rogers, called “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” won the Critics Choice Documentary Award tonight at the 3rd annual affair held in Brooklyn at BAM offshoot BRIC.

“Neighbor” is turning into the crowd favorite for the Academy Award. It would be Neville’s second Oscar, after “20 Feet from Stardom.” Other winners included Quincy Jones, Judd Apatow for his Garry Shandling doc, plus Nat Geo films “Free Solo” and “Science Fair.”

What’s changing is that award winning docs are now popular films about cultural subjects. This has shifted from hard hitting news, social commentary, and so on. I can’t say it’s bad, but it’s a change that needs to change back in the next couple of years.

Here are the winners:

Best Documentary: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Best Limited Documentary Series: The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling

Best Ongoing Documentary Series: Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

Best Director: Morgan Neville for Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Best First Time Director: TIE: Bing Liu for Minding the Gap, and Cristina Costantini and Darren Foster for Science Fair

Best Political Documentary: RBG

Best Sports Documentary: Free Solo

Best Music Documentary: Quincy

Most Innovative Documentary: Free Solo

Best Cinematography: Free Solo

Best Editing: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Trump Finally Gives Presidential Medal of Freedom–to Two Long Dead Celebs and $55 Mil Republican Donor


Every president of the modern era, starting with JFK, has given out the Presidential Medal of Freedom. No matter the party, the Medal has gone to cultural stars, great composers, directors, actors, etc.

But no one now will accept the Medal from Donald Trump. So he’s giving it to the single largest Republican donor, Miriam Adelson, wife of Sheldon Adelson, donors of $55 million-plus to the Republican Party.

Also receiving Medals are Babe Ruth and Elvis Presley. The former died in 1948, the latter in 1977. No living  entertainment star will get a Medal. None wants it. One of two living sports stars on the list is Roger Staubach.

Other recipient include Senator Orrin Hatch, dead Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, and former NFL player and Minnesota jurist Alan C. Page, who is African American and selected, let’s face it, for the optics.

Of the two celebs, Ruth probably wouldn’t be so keen on getting award from Trump. Elvis loved Richard Nixon, so maybe he would have dug Trump. It’s unclear how Scientologist daughter Lisa Marie Presley feels, or her mom, Priscilla Presley.

This is a pathetic list issued by a hobbled White House. The Adelson honor is laughable, a joke. It’s done for money, and nothing else. Sheldon Adelson is so awful they had to give it to his wife instead of him.



Pop Irony: Barbra Streisand’s “Walls” Kept From Being Number 1 This Week by New “A Star is Born” Album


The votes are in, and in album sales this week, Barbra Streisand’s new “Walls” album is not number 1. It’s number 2. The number 1 album? Ironically, it’s the soundtrack to “A Star is Born.”

Streisand knew last year that the new “A Star is Born” was coming in the fall, along with a new Lady Gaga soundtrack. So she hustled to get a new album out around the same time, lest the public would only be talking about her in the context of ‘Lady Gaga succeeds Streisand’. Streisand, of course, had had a major career victory in 1976 in the theaters and on the charts with her “A Star is Born.”

And so we have “Walls,” a mix of new songs and old with some muddy production and political overtones that are right headed but will rankle a few right wingers. For a contemporary sound, Streisand has never been able to get back to her best pop album, “Stoney End,” produced by Richard Perry. On record, she always sounds like she needs Baywatch to come rescue her from strings.

But what a delicious irony that waiting a month after Lady Gaga, Barbra still couldn’t come in on top. That must be frustrating. On the BuzzAngle/HitsDailyDouble chart for sales and downloads, “Walls” sold 33,327 to Star/Gaga’s 45,343. And the latter actually moved UP to number 1 from number 2.

Barbra did less well on the chart that includes streaming, coming in at number 11. Her streaming was nil– just a thousand. Star/Gaga was number 2 with about 25,000 more copies from streaming.

The “Star” CD does have the upper hand– it’s attached to the movie. And of course Gaga is the star of this generation. She is now to Barbra what Barbra was to Judy Garland when they sang together. Of course this means that soon we will have a Barbra/Gaga duet recording and maybe a performance — if everyone’s smart– on either the Oscars or Grammys.

Remember– you read that here first.