Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Review: Kate Winslet Is More Than The Sum of “The Regime,” A Tedious Mix of “Veep” and “Succession”


I can watch Kate Winslet read the phone book, frankly. She can do anything. She’s a big deal with huge talents.

In HBO’s “The Regime,” a political satire, she’s Olympic swimmer in above ground pool. Her work as Elena Vernham, chancellor of an authoritarian regime of a fictional country located in the middle of Europe, is pithy and precise. Elena is a direct TV cousin of Selina Meyer of “Veep” — self possessed, ignorant of anyone else’s interests, and devastating to underlings.

But Winslet is a heavy presence among lightweights. While the other actors and characters are present, they have no heft. Julia Louis Dreyfus had a support system of recognizable stars. Elena — her bewildered husband calls her Lenny — is surrounded by people in whom we have no investment. They desperately need a Tyrion Lannister waiting outside Elena’s office, kicking up some trouble.

That situation doesn’t help as the story moves forward and becomes more and more obtuse. At least if you could hang on to one or more of the actors, you might be able to follow the action. But the story itself has no gravitational center. Elena has now risen to take over a small Central European country. But now what? Even Selina, in all her daffiness, had a point — she wanted to be President. In “The Regime,” Elena already has that position. So her self-centered behavior is not a hook. She’s funny, but she’s her own obstacle. (Hugh Grant plays her deposed father, and it would have been better if he were still in charge, and Elena was trying to succeed him.)

HBO has made much of the show’s creator having worked on “Succession.” But remember, “Succession” was about the kids jockeying for position. Logan Roy — Brian Cox — was easily taken out of the equation. He wasn’t the central issue. He was an obstacle the kids were trying to circumvent.

Halfway into episode 1, “The Regime” just hits a sandbar. Elena is rude, mean, contrary. For a bit, that’s humorous. And then it’s not because the joke has played in every scene. Then you wonder– are her cabinet ministers trying to overthrow her? (Not really.) Is her husband cheating on her? (No.) Actually the husband, a French writer, has a funny set up for a story– for some reason, Elena simply stole him from his wife and child. He went blithely along with it. It’s weird because he’s not much of a catch, and the actor who plays him isn’t particularly interesting.

Then there’s the added “Wag the Dog” element. Matthias Schoenaerts plays a kind of restrained psycho corporal in the Army who becomes Elena’s right hand man (and lover? who knows?). This is a comedy, but Schoenaerts is not a zany guy. He’s supposed to be playing Woody Harrelson’s part, but he’s leaden where he should float.

When you think of Kate Winslet in her landmark limited series, “Mare of Easttown,” she’s a standout among a bunch of absorbing players. The story has richness and purpose. Everyone’s headed in the same direction. Here, everyone seems confused, and I think the audience will be as well.

Bad Moon Rising: John Fogerty Says Aussie Country Festival Suddenly Cancelled His Performance


Creedence Clearwater Revival legend John Fogerty says he’s been cancelled by an Australian music festival.

Fogerty was going to headline the Queensland Country Fest at the end of March. It would be his first performance in Oz in 12 years.

But he says on social they cancelled him. He doesn’t know why. Fogerty is a pretty straight shooter, and you can tell from his post he’s not happy.

Updates coming.

President Biden Tells Seth Meyers His Conspiracy with Taylor Swift is “Classified” (Watch)


Seth Meyers’ 10th anniversary show was sensational. His special guest was President Joe Biden. Meyers re-created his first show, with Biden and Amy Poehler, who’s Meyers’s close friend and just brilliant all the time.

Watch Seth try to get a sunglassed Biden about the conspiracy with Taylor Swift to get him re-elected. Biden is really on his game. He’s terrific and funny, and spot-on.

Ryan Gosling Performing “I’m Just Ken” at the Oscars is the Push That Song Needed

Not a shock: Ryan Gosling will perform “I’m Just Ken” from “Barbie” at the Oscars. Gosling and the song are nominated. The news — which has been an open secret for weeks — comes in the last two days of voting by the Academy. This should push the song over the top. Are they going to let “I’m Just Ken” lose after that? Gosling has been saying he’s on the fence about this potential performance. But when “I’m Just Ken” won the Critics Choice Awards, Gosling’s jaw dropped. I said to him, “Now you’re going to have to do it.” He nodded in disbelief. Gosling was a child performer with Disney. He can easily pull it off. Now suddenly this will be the front and center moment of the Oscars, guaranteeing at least good ratings when he’s on.

Kevin Costner’s “Horizon” Trailer Looks Like a Fantasy Cowboys and Indians Saga for the Right


Kevin Costner’s “Horizon” looks like a right wing wet dream.

Cowboys, Indians, girls with incredible jawlines, lots of dust and spitting.

Call it “Dances with Wolves, Part Deux.” Although, this time, the Indians don’t seem nearly as happy or ingratiating as they did in Round 1.

Costner put all his non divorce money in this multi-parter. We’ll get to see it in June. Golden Globes, here we come!

Oscars First Round of Presenters Include Al Pacino, Zendaya, Michelle Pfeiffer, Last Year’s Winners

The Academy Awards show is coming on March 10th on ABC, at 7pm. Yes, 7pm.

The show has to combat a bit of “Oppeneheimer” weariness plus the fact that between the Critics Choice, SAG and even the Golden Globes the audience knows who’s going to win.

Still, the first round of presenters is cool because it includes Mahershala Ali, Nicolas Cage, Jamie Lee Curtis, Brendan Fraser, Jessica Lange, Matthew McConaughey, Lupita Nyong’o, Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer, Ke Huy Quan, Sam Rockwell, Michelle Yeoh and Zendaya.

Yeoh, Curtis, Fraser, and Quan are last year’s winners, so they were expected. Pacino should be giving out Best Picture. I hope they bring on more icons. That’s the lesson we learned from the Grammys.

The Zendaya part of this is smart. Bring her on with Timothee Chalamet. By that time, “Dune” will have been number 1 for 10 days!

Rod Stewart to TV Host on Owning $5 Million Ferrari: “Sorry, I Had an amazing talent and you didn’t”


Good news for Rod Stewart.

The 79 year old rock star is number 1 this morning on iTunes. “Swing Fever” is the name, it’s produced by Jools Holland.

Whoever’s doing the publicity is doing a good job. Rod appeared on CBS Sunday Morning yesterday and the show’s correspondent, Mark Phillips, acted like this was the first time the singer had ever recorded song classics with a band.

This is actually the SIXTH time. Rod has five albums of the Great American Songbook he’s released since 2002. The great Richard Perry produced most of them, the equally great Phil Ramone worked on some of them. The five albums, which originated with Clive Davis, have sold 29 million copies altogether.

But three cheers for Rod! His voice sounds like a good Scotch single malt, and he’s got the rhythm right. I prefer Perry’s arrangements, but Holland loves jazz and brings a comfy warmth to the proceedings.

So often CBS Sunday is on target with these music segments thanks to Anthony Mason. But very often, in all categories, they were blissfully ignorant. Still, a plug on there sells albums, and the result is Rod’s zoom to number 1.

(I mean, really, when Phillips says, “This isn’t Maggie May,” Rod should have replied, “Where have you been?”)

Best line of the segment is at the end, when Rod shows Phillips his $5 million Ferrari. Stewart says cheekily, “Sorry, I’m very lucky but I had an amazing talent, and you didn’t.”

Only 46,000 People Watched Indie Spirit Awards on YouTube: “Past Lives” Won Best Picture


Only 46,000 people watched the Independent Spirit Awards on You Tube yesterday.

That’s less than 10% of the people who watched Pedro Pascal’s drunk acceptance speech on Saturday at the SAG Awards.

“Past Lives” won Best Feature. Jeffrey Wright and Da’Vine Joy Randolph won Best Lead and Supporting performances, respectively. Stupid gender free awards means there’s only one award in each category. No the opportunities for the actors to win is cut in half.

The Spirit Awards long ago lost their relevance or interest. They were finally taken off of TV because the ratings had dwindled to nothing. They’re sad sign of the decline of indie filmmaking. Next year they will probably be shown on a Samsung smart watch.

But congrats to all the winners! “Past Lives” is a lovely movie. Wright and Randolph gave beautiful performances. So that’s something.

Exclusive: “A Star is Born” Musical Coming to Broadway with the Lady Gaga Hits


For a while there, Broadway was getting a musical called “A Star is Born.” A script was being worked on, and Bill Condon was going to direct.

This was announced in 2017.

Then in 2018 Bradley Cooper unleashed his “Star is Born” with Lady Gaga and all those songs that became hits including “Shallow.”

The movie made an astounding $463 million worldwide.

After that, the Broadway version of the original movies (there were three before the Cooper-Lady Gaga movie) just kind of drifted.

Now I’m told by sources that “A Star is Born” is back. Condon is gone. And now the musical will be adapted from Cooper’s version, complete with Lady Gaga and Cooper songs.

This sounds smart since the songs are already there, so is the plot, and the audience now thinks this is the real “Star is Born.” Well, it is, right?

No other details yet. No cast, director, or writer have been revealed. But they will be soon.

And imagine that opening night!

We probably won’t see this until 2026. But whoever is cast will become stars over night.

This is exclusive, and that means you– Deadline, Variety, THR, and everyone else! Do not use without backlink credit.

Sensational “Dune Two” Gets a Starry NY Opening Night Including Sting, Austin Butler, Patti Smith, Steve Buscemi, Josh Brolin, Christopher Walken


Denis Villleneuve’s “Dune Two” got quite the star studded opening night in New York at Jazz at Lincoln Center

The two main stars, Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya, were said to have taken ill and only worked the red carpet. They skipped the glam party that followed, and so did Florence Pugh.

But Villeneuve was there, introduced on stage by Stephen Colbert. And much of the rest of the cast was present including Austin Butler, Josh Brolin. Dave Bautista, Christopher Walken, and Stellan Skarsgaard. The latter two play the movie’s heavies and they are terrific. Composer Hans Zimmer made the scene, too, and blushed when I told him more Oscars were coming his way next year. The score is so gorgeous and encompassing that it’s a character in the film.

Among A listers who came to see what the “Dune” fuss is all about were Debra Winger and husband Arliss Howard, Steve Buscemi, legendary rockers Patti Smith and Lenny Kaye, Christian Slater, and Keegan Michael Key with producer wife Elle. Buscemi told me he’s turning up soon in an episode of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” but no one’s told him when. So he’s just watching the series and waiting.

Of course the main guest of interest was Sting, who came with his beautiful and successful actress daughter, Mickey Sumner. You may recall that Sting played the role of Feyd-Rutha in the David Lynch 1984 original “Dune.” Naturally he wanted to meet Austin Butler, who plays Feyd now. This was arranged at the swanky after party at the Museum of Natural History. Butler, who’s soft spoken and self-effacing, was taken aback when Sting said to him, “I loved you in Elvis!”

Butler and I talked about his speaking voice, which sounded nothing like Elvis Presley in “Dune Two,” nor does it carry over into his real life. He said, laughing, “People are obsessed with it, I don’t know why!”

Josh Brolin, who plays Gurney Halleck, told me all about shooting “Dune Two” in real desert sand. “It was like a hundred and fifteen degrees out there,” he said. Which was harder playing Gurney in this movie or Thanos in the Avengers movies? “This one,” he said. “Thanos was a lot of green screen. This was real.

It sure is real, and it looks it. Villeneuve has bested himself from his first “Dune,” which was released in October 2021. This second chapter was set for release last fall, but Warner Bros. wisely held back because of their other big entries like “Barbie” and “The Color Purple.” They were smart since “Dune Two” is a natural Best Picture nominee in the coming season in all categories. It’s the rare sci fi movie that is also a piece of art, with well drawn characters and a definitive screenplay. You could actually watch it before seeing “Dune One” with very little explanation.

For Brolin, the film is a reunion for him and pal Javier Bardem from when they appeared in another Best Picture, “No Country for Old Men.” The film also offers meaty roles to Walken, Skardgaard, Rebecca Ferguson, and Charlotte Rampling.

But the kids will be focused on newly minted movie stars, Chalamet and Zendaya. The latter didn’t show up in “Dune One” until the very end, which we all lamented. As “Two” picks up from the first movie, Zendaya’s Chani is right there to help Chalamet’s Paul on his quest to avenge his family and fight for control of sandy desert planet Arrakis.

Just to explain: Arrakis was the original and for a long time sole source of the Spice Melange, which was vital for space travel. (In every story like this there’s something Spice, or Kryptonite, for example, that good guys must protect from the baddies.)

Anyway: Paul’s father was killed in Chapter 1, now he must lead the heroes against House Harkonnen to gain control of the Spice. There’s a lot of full out warfare between the two sides, mostly in the desert, in a lot of sand, endless Lawrence of Arabia sand that involves futuristic flying machines, lots of colorful explosions, and gigantic, menacing sand worms.

All of this would be silly — Lynch’s movie kind of was — if nor for Villeneuve and his Scar winning cinematographer Greig Fraser taking this whole project very seriously. No expense been spared to present Arrakis as anything less than Titian paintings. Every bit of the production is stunning. If the desert in “Ishtar” looked so good, no one would have noticed the rest.

But the rest, here, is the physical production, and the comportment of a cast that is acting at a high level. Chani and Paul become quick lovers, and announce their loyalty to one another. You know that’s going to become a problem as Paul takes on more and more responsibility. Chalamet is dazzling in a different way than in “Wonka,” his current movie hit. Once “Dune Two” hits he will really be a Movie Star at age 28. His range now is considerably extended, and “Dune Two” offers him a lot of colors to play including rage and romantic hero.

Again, all of this happens thanks to a production design team that has worked magic. “Dune Two” is the best looking sci-fi adventure in eons. Viileneuve and Fraser were obviously confident because they had such extraordinary palette of ideas to play with.

So get ready: “Dune Two” is going to be a real blockbuster that will resonate far and beyond its release next week. And yes, there will be a Part Three to wrap this all up.

Photo courtesy of Wilson Morales c2024