Friday, September 20, 2024
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Box Office: M. Night Shyamalan’s “Glass” Doesn’t Shatter Expectations, But Heads to a $45 Mil Three Day Opening


“Glass” is the kind of movie that invites a dozen different puns for headlines. Shattered, cracked, etc. So let’s just say M. Night Shyamalan’s sequel to “Unbreakable” and “Split” looks like a winner after its opening night.

“Glass” took in $16 million including $3.7 million from Thursday previews. The Universal feature will make $45 million over the three day weekend, and over $50 mil for the MLK holiday. Bad reviews didn’t kill it.

Elsewhere, “The Upside” has turned into a real hit. They’ll hit $40 million this weekend. Somewhere Harvey Weinstein is toasting himself. It was all his idea, he made it, he knew he had the real deal. Again, mixed reviews didn’t cause a downside.

And “Green Book” finally crossed $40 million after 64 tough days. See this movie! It may win the Oscar. I’ll bet no one who made “Green Book” could have imagined the crazy resistance and criticism. Neither could I!


Donald Trump Posts Video (Made Tonight? Outside WH?) About Wall: “If we don’t do it, we’re a very, very sad and foolish lot”


It seems like Donald Trump has made and posted a video tonight, right now, from outside the White House. He says of his wall: “If we don’t do it, we’re a very, very sad and foolish lot.”

This comes right after Trump announced a 3pm speech addressing the Wall and the government shutdown. It doesn’t sound like he’s going to end the shutdown.

PS It literally looks like they went out in the backyard and shot this, and just put it up.

Stay tuned…

Nail Biter: Oscar Show Insiders Are Counting on Black Panther for a Best Pic Nomination to Boost TV Ratings, Worried it Won’t Happen


The countdown to Oscar nominations on Tuesday morning is more of a nail-biter than ever.

There are many dramas-within-dramas, including which actors and actresses will be cut off from the top 5 in every category. The Oscar-nosticators are busy all weekend trying to divine who will be in and who will be out.

But the biggest drama is about “Black Panther.” The Academy and ABC TV are counting on Ryan Coogler’s $700 million epic making the finals for Best Picture. If it doesn’t, there will be huge headaches.

“Black Panther” is the one movie everyone who loves movies saw last year. It’s also considered a watershed moment for comic book movies, and for films featuring African Americans. If it’s in the running, fans may very well tune in to see its cast featured and maybe some below-the-line wins.

But if “Black Panther” somehow doesn’t make the cut, there will be terror in all conference calls and group emails about the February 24th show. Right now, “Black Panther” is the key to survival in the ratings. The word is that the show’s producers are trying to round up a huge group of Marvel universe actors including the ones from “BP.” That would be a ratings draw.

So far the good money on Best Picture includes “Roma,” “Green Book,” “A Star is Born,” “The Favourite,” and “Vice.” But then what? “Blackkklansman” is definite. “If Beale Street Could Talk” looks good. That’s seven. Only two more than statistically fit. “Black Panther” would have to be 8, with “Bohemian Rhapsody” or “Mary Poppins Returns” as 9th. “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” lingers at 10.

Let’s say some prayers then for “Black Panther” and hope when Kumail Nanjiani and Tracee Ellis Ross read the list next Tuesday morning, it’s in alphabetical order. Otherwise, we’ll be hearing from the folks in Wakanda.

More Trouble at Annapurna Pictures as Cate Blanchett “Bernadette” Moved for a Third Time


Where’d you go this time. Bernadette?

Richard Linklater’s comedy starring Cate Blanchett was supposed to be released last May, 2018. Then it was moved to March 22nd, next month.

Now Annapurna Pictures has moved “Where’d You Go, Bernadette?” to August 9th. If I were Cate Blanchett I’d be asking questions now.

Here are some of them:

What is going on with Annapurna Pictures? They aren’t having an easy time right now. “Vice” is their only real hit, with $35 million in the bank. But “Vice” is coming to an end soon, it might hit $40 million if it gets some Oscar nods.

“If Beale Street Could Talk” has made just $8 million. It won’t go much beyond $10 mil even with Regina King sure to win Best Supporting Actress. The company has spent a lot already on both movies’ Oscar and other awards campaigns. Probably more than the movies have made.

And there’s Nicole Kidman in “Destroyer.” Here Annapurna just surrendered. In 23 days “Destroyer” has made less than half a million dollars. Kidman gives an incredible performance, and will probably get an Oscar nomination. But the movie’s had no support.

Now Annapurna has to deal with releasing “Bernadette.” It’s led by a two time Oscar winner, Blanchett, and features Kristen Wiig, Judy Greer, and Billy Crudup. Linklater has an army of his own fans. But Annapurna can’t keep all these balls in the air. Moving “Bernadette” gives them some time to regroup. But if “Bernadette” is marketed like “Destroyer,” there will be blood indeed. These actresses don’t need this tsuris, frankly, especially when they’re doing such good work.

Let Them Eat Cake: Melania Trump Flies to Palm Beach On Government Plane Despite Shutdown


Today, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s work trip to Europe and to visit our troops in Afghanistan was cancelled by Donald Trump, who cited the government shutdown.

“Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed,” Trump wrote to Pelosi in a letter tweeted by White House press secretary Sarah Sanders Thursday afternoon. “In light of the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay, I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate.”

He added, thinking he was a smart-ass: “Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative.”

That didn’t stop the First Lady from availing herself of a free ride from Washington to Palm Beach. Melania Trump flew down to her private country club, Mar-a-Lago, on what’s known as EXEC1F aka MelaniaForceOne.

Her arrival was noted by the pool reporters down in Florida.

There are 800,000 government workers not getting paid. Food banks are being set up for them, including at places like the FBI. No one is exempt from the shutdown– except Melania Trump.


Game of Thrones: Popular NY Post Publisher Is Suddenly Ousted, James Murdoch Prepares His Own Exit


Big news this afternoon: Jesse Angelo, publisher of the NY Post, and golden boy in the Murdoch empire, is out. Angelo is bffs with James Murdoch, so this is surprising. But– James Murdoch is about to leave News Corp. as his brother Lachlan takes over the new non-movie and TV company.

Is this Game of Thrones?

A new publisher, Sean Giancola, who has been with the company as chief revenue officer since 2015, steps up.

James Murdoch was known to be leaving, but no time had been set for his departure. But yesterday, Bloomberg News revealed James has leased space to set up a family office to manage the Murdoch billions. This would suggest his exit is soon.

The Post, which loses many millions every year, is a vanity production but we can’t live without it. Yet, according to, its online traffic has been in decline. (I don’t know why.) So they’ve also announced that a new digital editor in chief has taken over named Michelle Gotthelf.

And Rupert Murdoch? He says not a word, still off of Twitter and out of the spotlight. But you know he approved the whole thing. He’s still pulling the strings.


Harvey Weinstein and Defense Attorney Part Ways as Movie Mogul Seeks More Diverse Dream Team


Harvey Weinstein and his defense attorney, Benjamin Brafman, have parted ways. Their official notice is below. I’m told that Weinstein wanted Brafman to add a couple of female voices to his team; Brafman declined. Now Weinstein is assembling a more diverse Dream Team so that should he go to trial the jury will see a a lot of different faces and not just Brafman’s. The government’s case still remains shaky, thanks to prosecutorial and police mismanagement. Weinstein has made inroads against them, thanks to Brafman. Everything is still up for grabs.

Harvey Weinstein and his Criminal Defense Lawyer Benjamin Brafman have agreed to part ways and Mr. Weinstein has authorized Mr. Brafman to formally notify Judge Burke of his decision to withdraw as counsel for Mr. Weinstein in connection with all legal matters currently pending.

Both parties have agreed to part ways amicably and Mr. Brafman has agreed to cooperate fully with new counsel for Mr. Weinstein so as to ensure an orderly transition.

Mr. Weinstein praised Mr. Brafman for his legal work to date and Mr. Brafman reiterated his belief that Mr. Weinstein would be exonerated of the charges that have been filed against him and Brafman personally wished Mr. Weinstein the best of luck as he defends the case and the accusations that Mr. Weinstein has vehemently denied.

Mr. Weinstein intends to introduce his new legal team by early next week.

There will be no additional comments pertaining to this.

Harvey Weinstein                                               Benjamin Brafman, Esq.   

This Week, 20 of the Top 50 Albums Sold Fewer Than 1,000 CDs or Downloads, Sales Are All In Streaming


Tomorrow, when the “record” sales are counted for the week, there will be an even bigger surprise than last week.

Twenty of the top fifty recordings will have sold fewer than 1,000 CDs or downloads. Those twenty will have almost all their sales in streaming.

Several will have hard sales under 500, or even 100. For example: of today, with 72% of sales counted for the week, Benny Blanco has sold only 57 downloads (he doesn’t have CDs). But he’s streamed enough of his “Friends Keep Secrets” album that almost 10,000 have been tallied up.

Similar numbers can be attributed to Post Malone, Lil Vert, and a handful of hip hop artists. Actually manufacturing a CD today is like making a girdle.

A story in the New York Times last week pointed out that the number 1 album, by A Boogie wit Da Hoodie, had sold around 800 downloads vs. over 50,000 via streaming. This week, Boogie is on track for even fewer sales.

And yet, while CDs and downloading are kaput, LPs– vinyl records– are up. Business is booming for The Beatles, who sold the most records last year according to Buzz Angle. Between “The White Album” 50th anniversary and “Abbey Road,” Beatles business is booming.

Older adult artists are also selling CDs and LPs, and downloads. The difference seems to be that in hip hop there’s no need to own a physical product. Having it to play at will, on Spotify and other platforms, is more important. Once it’s run its course, it’s over.

Brad Pitt’s Make it Right Foundation Website Disappears, New Orleans Housing Project Hasn’t Filed Tax Return Since 2015


Brad Pitt wanted to Make it Right in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina. His heart was in the right place.

But the road to hell it is paved with good intentions. And now the website for Pitt’s Make it Right Foundation has completely disappeared. If you try to find you get an Error 404. It’s gone.

Last September lawsuits were filed against Make it Right as it turned out many of the homes Pitt’s organization built in the Lower 9th Ward were crumbling or plagued with mold or rot. NBC did a huge report on this.

In October, a lawsuit brought by homeowners was moved to Federal Court. Reports then said that most of the MakeitRight staff had disappeared, and that the company was operating out of a trailer. Then Pitt sued the architect of the homes. It’s ironic, because it was Pitt who held himself out as an architectural expert. The lawsuit claimed that the architect’s  designs exposed wood to rain and moisture, failed to include adequate waterproofing, and featured roofs that weren’t up to code. A number of design flaws made the homes susceptible to water intrusion, according to the lawsuit.

Frankly, they were the ugliest houses in the world. They certainly didn’t reflect the grand styles of New Orleans homes.

Two weeks ago, on January 3rd, the New Orleans Advocate reported that there were concerns about possible gas leaks in the MakeitRight homes.

The organization has not filed a tax return since 2015.

And now, the website is gone. Pitt has been shooting Quentin Tarantino’s new movie, and dealing with his divorce and custody issues in Hollywood. He has otherwise kept a low profile.


New Netflix Series Starring Steve Carell Will Mock Trump’s “Space Force” Plan with “Office”-like Comedy


Steve Carell is returning to TV with a new Netflix series. “Space Force” will mock Donald Trump’s plans for an actual Space Force. Carell is a creator of the show with “The Office” co-creator, Greg Daniels. This is already so funny they almost don’t have to make the series. You can just imagine it and start laughing.

A teaser gives us a little idea of what’s to come: “The goal of the new branch is to ‘defend satellites from attack’ and ‘perform other space-related tasks’…or something. This is the story of the men and women who have to figure it out.”

So think “The Office” maybe never in space– my guess is they’ll talk about space a lot but never get there. Hey wasn’t there a movie called “Office Space.” That would have been a good title, no?

Carell is just coming off great reviews for “Beautiful Boy” and mystifying ones for “Welcome to Marwen” which made $10.5 million and is about to vanish from theaters. Carell’s had a pretty great history with movies overall since leaving “The Office,” from “Date Night” to “Foxcatcher” to “Crazy Stupid Love.” He kind of steals “Vice,” playing right now, as Donald Rumsfeld.