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KTLA Anchor Chris Burrous’s Cause of Death: Tragic Secret Life Led to Gruesome End for Popular Personality


The cause of death has been revealed for KTLA anchor Chris Burrous. It’s a gruesome story about a tragic death and a sordid secret life.

A couple of weeks ago I heard from a source how Burrous died and how he was found. It was so awful I couldn’t bring myself to write it. Now, however,it’s all come out.

The cause of death was methamphetamine toxicity. Other contributing factors included hypertensive and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. This is a meth overdose.

But the situation was sexual, and it was pretty horrible. Could it have been a surprise to his wife or co-workers? Burrous was found in a Days Inn motel after a fairly awful hook up with either a drug dealer or male hooker or combination. More graphic details can be found at I am not repeating it here.

The tragedy is that Burrous– who seemed happy go lucky, always “up,” a nice family guys — lived this again horrible secret life in pain and misery. It’s just mind blowing. Now we see why his family raced to raise money on gofundme before the truth got out. They knew there might be a problem with life insurance or other payouts.

I knew there was a “cover up” going on, but no people should suffer this way.

New York Times Calls an End to Vanity Fair Oscar Party as “Hot,” as Magazine’s Newsstand Sales, Online Traffic Plummet


It took the New York Times to say what’s been on a lot of people’s minds for a year: Vanity Fair, and its annual Oscar party, are “over.”

The Times says the Oscar party is no longer a “hot” ticket a year after Graydon Carter and his team left the magazine. New editor Radhika Jones and her staff, which took the reins last February, have proven to be deadly to the once glamorous gathering. Stars turn up for photo ops and leave. New parties have made incursions into the once fabled post Oscar night.

On top of that, Vanity Fair under Jones has fallen 14% in circulation from 2017 when Carter was still there, to last spring. Jones has made the magazine multi-cultural, which is great, but the spirit of the publication has simply died. No one reads it anymore, and the design of the interior pages look like an old issue of Businessweek.

From the Times: “Newsstand sales for Vanity Fair dropped 14 percent in the first six months of 2018, to an average of 101,834 copies per issue, compared with the same period a year earlier, according to the most recent data available from the Alliance for Audited Media. Total subscriptions increased 2 percent, to 1.13 million, despite a decline in digital subscribers.”

Indeed, Vanity Fair’s online status has gone from hot to cold since Carter’s departure. For a little while the different websites like HWD and The Hive were very buzzy. But now they seem dated, with most stories not breaking news but doing follow-ups. (The exception is Gabriel Sherman.)

Carter, who was gifted in how he approached the magazine, was smart to get out when he did. Budgets have shrunk, Conde Nast is not the place it once was. Vanity Fair looks ugly, like it’s being put together on a shoestring to echo Carter’s magazine.

A lot of this seems have to do with Anna Wintour, a soulless presence at Vogue who now rules the roost. She apparently picked Jones, who was unknown at the time and remains so a year later, instead of a “star” editor so Wintour could make all the decisions.

The Times says she’s running the Oscar party like her own Met Ball which is not good news. The Met Ball has become a parody of itself. Now the Vanity Fair Oscar party has devolved into a similar chaos. This is sad to see happen. But I’m not surprised. The basic arrogance and hubris of the Vanity Fair team in the last year speaks volumes.

Double Shocks: R. Kelly Indicted in Chicago on 10 Sex Charges, Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Charged with Soliciting Prostitutes in Palm Beach


Two big shockers in the news right now:

Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, has been charged in Florida for two counts of solicitation and prostitution. I actually thought this was from the Onion when it popped up on my Twitter timeline. Kraft’s name came up in a sting in Palm Beach. Even wildly overpaid NFL chief Roger Goodell won’t be able to save Kraft if he’s found guilty. The prostitutes are connected to an international human  trafficking ring. Kraft, a billionaire with a strange personal life, paid between $49 and $79 for sex acts. His reps deny everything and Kraft hasn’t been arrested yet. According to the police, they have him and the prostitutes on video, performing sex acts. (I never ever want to see that.)

Then: R. Kelly, R&B star who escaped the law for decades, has been indicted in Chicago on 10 counts  of aggravated child sexual abuse.  Last night two more accusers turned up, claiming that Kelly raped them in the 1990s.

Kelly stood trial in 2008 and was acquitted in an earlier trial with different accusers. But a recent Lifetime documentary laid out all the cases against  him and sparked a new look into Kelly’s various alleged crimes.

Stay tuned as these two stories develop, separately…

Fox TV Adds Disgraced Trump Press Sec Sean Spicer to “Extra,” Turning Syndicated Celebrity Show Into Right Wing Propaganda Outlet


Stick a fork in “Extra.” If I were Mario Lopez, I’d be updating my resume fast.

Last December the Warner Bros. distributed syndicated celebrity show was forced to move from NBC O&O stations to ones owned by Fox TV– still a part of the Murdoch empire. NBC, according to reports, was not going to renew “Extra” after 24 years.

The full transfer of “Extra”  from NBC to Fox won’t take place until September 2019. But the effects of the move are already happening.

The show just announced that they’ve added disgraced former Trump press secretary Sean Spicer– mocked so well on “SNL” by Melissa McCarthy that she won an Emmy Award for her portrayal of the sniveling liar.

Spicer’s mandate– to “humanize” the various members of the Trump administration like Kellyanne Conyway and Mike Pompeo. (Yes, this is really happening.)

“Extra” will start showing these pieces this week. Last night the focus was on Pompeo. Tonight it’s on Conway. Tomorrow it’s on Sarah “Huckster” Sanders. By next week we may see Stephen Miller with puppies, and Paul Manafort live from prison teaching murderers to read.

The whole thing reeks of propaganda. Recently, Billy Bush– who lost his job on “Access Hollywood” thanks to Trump, was recently rumored to be joining “Extra.” Now that the show is with Fox TV, this makes sense. Could Trump have instigated the Fox deal with “Extra,” and pushing it to help him through the 2020 campaign? Why not?

In one report I read this week in the NY Post about the Spicer interviews, there was a slap at Mario Lopez for being “lazy.” A good natured guy, Lopez deserves better. My guess is he’ll be ousted or walk soon before the September takeover. “Extra,” which has always been benign viewing, now must be looked at as part of the Murdoch-Fox-Trump media conspiracy.

Michael Jackson Estate Sues HBO Over “Leaving Neverland” Citing Breach of Contract from 1992 Non-Disparagement Clause


HBO may yet have to reconsider broadcasting “Leaving Neverland.”

Today the Michael Jackson estate sued the cable company to prevent them from showing the controversial two part documentary. The Estate claims breach of contract stemming from a 1992 non disparagement clause HBO signed with Jackson when they produced one of his specials.

The Estate writes in the complaint: “In those non-disparagement provisions, HBO promised that “HBO shall not make any disparaging remarks concerning Performer or any of his representatives, agents, or business practices or do any act that may harm or disparage or cause to lower in esteem the reputation or public image of Performer.” Other provisions in the Agreement require HBO to notify and consult with Jackson and Optimum Productions if it wishes to air additional programming about Jackson. HBO agreed that the covenants by which HBO promised to be bound would run both during and “after HBO’s contact or HBO’s relationship with Licensor and/or Performer.”

The complaint zeroes in on Richard Plepler, who was then the head of the company’s corporate communications and today runs HBO.

“Plepler must have known, or should have known, about HBO’s contract with Jackson, as Michael Jackson in Concert in Bucharest: The Dangerous Tourwas the biggest event for HBO that year. Yet in his desperation, Plepler willfully ignored HBO’s obligations to Michael Jackson.”

They add: “HBO’s Film violates the plain words of Agreement with Jackson and Optimum: The Film makes false and “disparaging remarks concerning [Michael Jackson] [and] disparage[s]or cause[s] to lower in esteem the reputation or public image of [Michael Jackson].”

The Estate continues: “The fact that HBO’s CEO, Richard Plepler was fully aware of HBO’s contractual relationship with Jackson and Optimum and yet willfully ignored them is inexcusable. HBO’s airing of the film, including its double-faced depiction of the Dangerous World Tour, constitutes a malicious and willful breach of the anti-disparagement covenants in the Agreement. As Richard Plepler himself once said, ‘A lie goes halfway around the world before the truth puts its boots on, and we bear some responsibility for that.’ Indeed.”

You can read the complaint here.

I don’t know why HBO has gotten involved with “Leaving Neverland,” which I haven’t seen and can’t make a judgement about yet. I’ve known Richard Plepler a long time; he’s one of the good guys. But this is hardly the look HBO usually engages. This whole episode just rings with extreme negativity at a time when cable is fighting for its life vs. streaming and other innovations.

At the same time, “Leaving Neverland” has unleashed the rogues gallery of ex-Neverland employees from the 1990s who were totally unmasked as grifters. They sold their stories in the 90s and they continue to sell them now even though no court of law would recognize them. That part is really unnerving and venal.

Hollywood Rumor: Is Whoopi Goldberg the Secret Host of the Oscars? “Proof”: She’s Been MIA on “The View” So Far This Week, It’s Also Her 20th Anniversary


Is Whoopi Goldberg the secret host of this Sunday’s Academy Awards? Probably not– but let’s wager some guesses.

A rumor is circulating on the web that Whoopi– who’s a previous host– is going to surprise all of us.

The offered proof: that’s she off “The View” this week– for “illness”– and that, of course, she’s already an ABC employee. She’s also an Oscar winner. She’s already listed as a presenter. What would she be presenting?

If the Academy has pulled this off, it would be a coup. Not that ‘no host’ is such a bad thing. But Whoopi is exactly what we need right now.

It’s also the 20th anniversary of her hosting the 1999 show. TThat was the 3rd time she hosted (1994, 1996, 1999 and 2002.) Remember when she came out dressed as Queen Elizabeth I?

Can it be? Let’s hope so!

Back in December, she said she’d do it:

Gwyneth Paltrow Says She’s Leaving Marvel Comics Movies Before Marvel Comics Movies Can Say They’re Leaving Her


Is it Goop or gulp?

In Ramin Setoodeh’s excellent cover story in Variety, former Oscar winner Gwyneth Paltrow announces she’s leaving the Marvel Comics movie universe. No more Pepper Potts after “Avengers: Endgame.”

But the truth is, Marvel is leaving Paltrow. After “Endgame,” there will be no use for her Pepper, ground or otherwise. Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark aka Iron Man, is already a pile of dust thanks to Thanos. Even if he’s revived in some way, RDJ– the reason Pepper exists– is gone, too.

Paltrow getting the jump on this news, or at least using it to her advantage, is why she’s been able to become such a smart businesswoman with Goop. But the real news of this article is that she’s basically retired from acting. She actually retired a long time ago, The Marvel movies were just extended cameos. Paltrow hasn’t actually been in a move since 2011’s “Contagion.” Her run of good movies came between 1998 and 2005. After that, you could see her interest deteriorated.

I always thought that after “Shakespeare in Love” won her an Oscar in 1999, Paltrow would go on to a string of Oscar nominated performances, and maybe some work on Broadway, a Tony Award. But this was not to be. The other actresses from her year, 1999, went on to big things. Cate Blanchett, who was nominated for “Elizabeth,” went on to two Oscars.  Another actress, named Meryl Streep, is said to have been very successful. So has Emily Watson. Fernanda Montenegro, star of “Central Station,” has never stopped working. She turned 89 last October.

But Paltrow became more interested in vaginal eggs and other expensive potions. According to the Variety article, she doesn’t even watch the new movies she’s sent and knows almost nothing of this year’s Oscar race. Extraordinary when you think about it. So much effort was put into her acting career as it launched.


All the Stars: Oscars Announce Second Group of Presenters Including Daniel Craig, Tyler Perry, John Mulaney, Helen Mirren, Michelle Yeoh, and Michael B. Jordan


The Oscars have announced a second wave of presenters including Elsie Fisher, Danai Gurira, Brian Tyree Henry, Michael B. Jordan, Michael Keaton, Helen Mirren, John Mulaney, Tyler Perry, Pharrell Williams, Krysten Ritter,
Paul Rudd and Michelle Yeoh.

They join the earlier announced:

Awkwafina, Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Tina Fey, Allison Janney, Brie Larson, Jennifer Lopez, Frances McDormand, Gary Oldman, Amy Poehler, Sam Rockwell, Maya Rudolph, Amandla Stenberg, Charlize Theron, Tessa Thompson and Constance Wu.

Plus: Javier Bardem, Angela Bassett, Chadwick Boseman, Emilia Clarke, Laura Dern, Samuel L. Jackson, Stephan James, Keegan-Michael Key, KiKi Layne, James McAvoy, Melissa McCarthy, Jason Momoa and Sarah Paulson.

Of course, we have also have our incredible musical guests: Queen with Adam Lambert, Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, Bette Midler, Jennifer Hudson, Gillian Welch, and presumably Kendrick Lamar.

I do hope we’re going to see some of the “Senior” members like Michael Douglas, Jane Fonda, Shirley MacLaine, etc.

And Clint Eastwood!

Oscar Voting Closes Tues at 5pm: Did “Roma” Pull off a Coup? Is “Green Book” a “Spotlight” or “Moonlight”? Did “A Star is Born” Bounce Back?


Tick, tick, tick. Oscar voting ends at 5pm on Tuesday, February 19th. Just think: next year at this time, the Oscars will already be in the rear window.

So what happened? Did “Roma” Pull off a Coup? Is “Green Book” a “Spotlight” or “Moonlight”? Did “A Star is Born” Bounce Back?

If I had to guess, “Green Book” is Best Picture, Alfonso Cuaron is Best Director, the acting awards go to Glenn, Rami, Mahershala, and Regina.

Everyone gets something. It’s a win win for movies. “Roma” gets Foreign Language Film.

Is that what should happen? Oh, we’re way past that barrier. It’s time to wrap up this crazy season and start looking at the new films.

But what about “Black Panther”? It made $700 million. “Blackkklansman”? It brought Spike Lee back in a big way.

The reality: no one knows. Anything could happen. Maybe “Roma” just turns into a steamroller. We’ll know right away if Marina de Tavira wins Best Supporting Actress and upsets the apple cart, then “Roma” takes it all. If someone other than Regina King or Marina wins BSA, then there’s massive drinking in the Dolby Theater lobby.

What about original screenplay? If “Roma” or “Green Book” wins, you have to think, that’s the Best Picture. But what if “The Favourite” pulls through? Then, we’re in trouble. Or maybe Paul Schrader gets his first Oscar– for “First Reformed”– after 200 years?

Again, back to the bars.

Oscars Will Rock You: Show Shaping Up to Be a Hit as They Add Queen with Adam Lambert to Bill with Lady Gaga, Jennifer Hudson, Bette Midler


The Oscars are going to be a hit even if they run for 24 hours. The Academy and producers have added Queen with Adam Lambert to the performers.

The list of musical entertainers already includes Lady Gaga, Jennifer Hudson, and Bette Midler, as well as Gillian Welch and David Rawlings, and maybe Kendrick Lamar with SZA. This will be a SHOW.

I am not surprised that this year’s guest producer Donna Gigliotti has righted the Oscar ship. She’s celebrating the 20th anniversary of her producing “Shakespeare in Love” to its Best Picture, Actress, and Supporting Actress wins. She also produced “The Reader” and “Silver Linings Playbook.” Donna knows what she’s doing!

So let’s just forget all the other stuff — it’s enough already. Let’s move forward. Adam Lambert just killed it on the Elvis special last night. You know he, Brian May, Roger Taylor, and John Deacon are going to make Freddie Mercury smile down from the heavens.

What else will Donna and Dawn Hudson surprise us with? A surprise host, maybe? (Let Jerry Seinfeld just come out and tell a few jokes.) More performers? Surprise presenters? Who gives Best Picture? (Clint Eastwood would be my choice. He had a $100 million movie.)

Things are shaping up! Stay tuned…