Sunday, September 22, 2024
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TV: “Empire” Returns to Lower Ratings After Jussie Smollett Scandal: Can it Recover or Is This the End?


“Empire” returned to TV last night after a break that started in mid December. The last two episodes each scored 5 million viewers.

But a lot has changed since then. A star of the show,  Jussie Smollett, today entered a plea of not guilty to 16 counts of disorderly conduct and lying to the police. His scandal went on for weeks, and has damged “Empire” in the process.

The result is that last night “Empire” returned to 4.4 million viewers. That’s down 12% but also their second to worst outing of this season. On Halloween, “Empire” had 4.23 million.

“Empire” was already showing signs of wear and tear, but Smollett’s saga may be the nail in the coffin. If this is the beginning of a trend, watch Fox announce a short final season for next year.

Billboard Magazine’s Top 100 Albums by Women SNUBS Aretha, Joni Mitchell, Dusty Springfield, Nina Simone, Joan Baez, Patsy Cline, Gladys Knight. Linda Ronstadt, and PINK!


Poor Billboard magazine. They don’t know what the hell they’re doing.

Their top 100 albums by women list is topped by Adele’s “21” album. That’s ridiculous but that’s not all. The list OMITS Aretha Franklin, Joni Mitchell, Nina Simone, Joan Baez and Patsy Cline, and Gladys Knight.

It’s not clear who the idiots are who made the list, but they should be fired. Immediately. They’ve got Big Brother and the Holding Company — aka Janis Joplin– at 75. And no mention of “Pearl,” Janis’s crowning achievement at all.

There’s no Linda Ronstadt, Loretta Lynn, or Tammy Wynette. Come on. Are you kidding?

NO Annie Lennox. No Annie Lennox.

And not a word about Dusty Springfield’s “Dusty in Memphis.” I mean, these people are brain dead.

They didn’t include Pink, Camilla Cabello, Sheryl Crow, or Wynonna Judd.

But there are multiple entrees from Taylor Swift, Mariah Carey, Adele, and Barbra Streisand. Did you have to pay to ge this on the list? How much? I will pay you, Billboard, to add the women who are missing. Get real.

Dinah Washington, Etta James? Nope. Billie Holiday? Nope. Jennifer Holliday? Nope.

But Paula Abdul? She’s number 10.

And no Ella, no Sarah. Wait, it just keeps getting worse. No Doris Day! And no Rosemary Clooney! No Judy or Liza either.

This is the Bible? The Music Bible? Maybe it’s “The Satanic Verses”?

Adding a PS because I was distracted by outraged emails. These lists are made by magazines to get attention and spark conversation. But this particular list just shows how stupid these people are, and their total lack of understanding of the history of popular music. “Tapestry” should be number 1 or 2, same for “Court and Spark” by Joni. The people who made the list seem like they were torn between contemporary crap and some legacy (Carole has 3 slots, Roberta Flack is there, Carly Simon’s “No Secrets” is way down the list). But basically this is a shanda. You can’t respect a publication that does this. PS Aretha could have at least 3 albums up there. Aretha!



Whoopi Goldberg Is Back! Star of “The View” Surprises Her Co-Hosts with 1st Appearance Since February 6th


Whoopie! Whoopi Goldberg returned to “The View” this morning after being off the air for six weeks. Whoopi surprised her co-hosts live, and looks great. She was suffering from a bad case of pneumonia and almost died. What a pleasure to see her! Tomorrow’s show is pre-taped, so it’s hoped she’ll back in her regular chair on Monday!

Bad Media News Week as NY Magazine Lays off 32, People Editor Leaves, Vanity Fair Loses Top Online Editor


It’s not been a very good media week.

On Monday, New York Magazine laid off 32 people, 16 full time, 16 part time. The print edition of New York only comes out twice a month now. Editor in chief Adam Moss left after 16 years, I guess knowing the layoffs were coming. More are probably on their way. Adam did a great job until he couldn’t anymore. What a mess of a story New York has become. Bruce Wasserstein bought it, then died. His family took on his responsibilities, and we should be thankful they didn’t just sell it or close it. Once upon a time, New York was everything. No one could live without it. Everyone read it. I know, I wrote the Intelligencer column once, and was proud to be there. But times have changed.

Then comes news today that Jess Cagle has been tossed as editor of People and Entertainment Weekly. Jess and I were at EW in 1990, right after it started. His office was next to mine. (This was before I was at New York.) So he’s been there almost 30 years. Is that possible? Jess has done a great job following Larry Hackett at People, taking on the two jobs, and bridging the change from Time Inc. to Meredith Publishing. But you know, Meredith is publishing these magazines not from New York. Jess’s time with them could not have been easy. People and EW are like every other publication now. They are things of the past.

And the latest news today is that Jon Kelly is leaving The Hive website at Vanity Fair. Jon started as Graydon Carter’s assistant. He’s the son of famed writer Sheila Weller. He made the Hive buzz, launched a lot of writers, and knew what he was doing. But you see, Vanity Fair wants to get rid of anyone who was there when the magazine was successful. So many left when Graydon took flight, and I’m sure more of them will follow. No one is reading Vanity Fair. Their circulation is way down, even on line, although Vogue is doing worse online. So that’s some consolation.

Elton John Collaborating with New Lyricist Shaina Taub on “Devil Wears Prada” Musical for Broadway


Sir Elton John rarely writes with lyricists other than Bernie Taupin. The exceptions have been Broadway musicals like “Aida” and “The Lion King,” for which he wrote songs with Tim Rice.

So it’s a little bit of a surprise that Elton has a new collaborator for the Broadway musical version of “The Devil Wears Prada.” His lyricist will be Shaina Taub, a relative newcomer who has been an actress at the Public Theater and supplied lyrics for some of their Shakespeare productions.

Anna D. Shapiro will direct the musical based on the David Frankel movie. The very hilarious Paul Rudnick will take time off from writing trenchant tweets about Jared and Ivanka to write the book.

The three main women, based on Anna Wintour and two assistants, played in the movie by Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, and Emily Blunt, have not been cast yet. But you can bet there will be a massive campaign among all actresses on Broadway. Ironically, all three could star in it since they sing so well. But the budget would be a gazillion dollars.

as for Shaina Taub, she’s a find. She has an album out that you can list to on her website. She’s also got a bunch of dates at Joe’s Pub coming starting May 28th. Get your tickets now. Everyone will be talking about her.


Broadway: Better News is That Hugh Jackman’s Preparing a Revival of “The Music Man” (See Video), There’s Trouble in River City


We communicate by Twitter.

Hugh Jackman has just Tweeted a picture of Harold Hill’s suitcase. Who is Harold Hill? Why he’s the Music Man, and I guess he’s coming to town soon. There will be trouble in River City again. The show is coming in September 2020. Jerry Zaks is directing. Warren Carlyle is choreographer. They’ll be shooting for the 2021 Tony Awards.

Scott Rudin is producing. Will “The Music Man” have $1000 seats, like “Hello, Dolly!”? You can bet on it.

Jackman can do musicals. He loves musicals. He once performed Harold Hill’s big number for Jay Leno:

And while this is all good, and Jackman will be excellent, let’s never forget Robert Preston, kids.

Broadway Braces for a New Musical Mixing Trite Britney Spears Hits with Betty Friedan’s Landmark “The Feminine Mystique”


It’s Mercury in retrograde, right?

On the same day that Felicity Huffman was arrested– ah-rested–something else equally unthinkable has happened.

The songs sungs by (not written by, as she does not write) Britney Spears have been fashioned into a legit musical aimed at Broadway. “Once Upon a One More Time” will play in Chicago from the end of October through December 31st. And if there are people left who’ve survived the contamination, the show will be brought to Broadway…maybe for the Tony’s in 2020 but I have to think post- Tony’s for the summer of 2020.

And that’s not at all. The story involves Betty Friedan’s landmark book, “The Feminine Mystique,” a book that Spears can’t read or even listen to on audio.

From the press release:

Once Upon A Time… Cinderella, Snow White, and the other fairytale princesses gather for their book club, when – oh, baby baby! – a rogue fairy godmother drops The Feminine Mystique into their corseted laps, spurring a royal revelation. Could there really be more to life than bird-made dresses and true love’s kiss? Set to the songs of Britney Spears, the Princess of Pop herself, ONCE UPON A ONE MORE TIME is an uproarious, irreverent look at the towering challenges, charms, and choices involved in finding that most elusive of endings: Happily Ever After. 

I’m waiting until you’ve grabbed your Digitalis and a stiff drink. Betty Friedan and Britney Spears in the same sentence. WTF?

For real: “I’m so excited to have a musical with my songs – especially one that takes place in such a magical world filled with characters that I grew up on, who I love and adore,” said Spears. “This is a dream come true for me!”

Betty Friedan, dead since 2006, said: “I’ve never been sorrier to not be alive so I could sue all the people involved. Horrified isn’t the half of it. Also, I was never a Britney fan, not after she broke Justin Timberlake’s heart. I’m more of a Katy Perry girl.”

Sunday Night Ratings: Aretha Franklin Special Beat “The Walking Dead,” Once Powerhouse Cable Show Now Dying on the Vine


Wait? What? On Sunday night, “The Walking Dead” scored just 4.8 million viewers in the second episode of its new season.

The once formidable cable juggernaut was BEATEN soundly at 9pm by the Aretha Franklin special on CBS. “Aretha! A Grammy Special” garnered an average 5.3 million viewers. Indeed, at 10pm, “Talking Dead” — which is a panel discussion about what just happened to the Zombie hunters — had just 2 million.

You can’t compare subscription cable to network shows. But “Walking Dead” is included on every cable system. You can’t escape AMC. It’s not HBO or Showtime. It’s really no different than another network.

At its zenith, “The Walking Dead” boasted 17 million viewers in 2014-15. I do think it’s time to wrap it up. They’ve lost 12 million fans.

And Aretha: she’s smiling down from heaven.

College Entrance Scandal Indictment Includes Detailed Phone Conversations and Emails with Lori Loughlin, Felicity Huffman


The US Attorney’s indictment against 33 parents in the college entrance scandal is really eye opening. Most of the defendants are very wealthy. CEOs of big companies, people you would think are too smart to break the law. And also, how stupid could their kids be that they needed this help? Bribes?

The indictment is very specific for every defendant, even actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman. Included in the charge are transcripts of phone conversations the actresses had with the people who were setting up the bribes to get their respective daughters into college.

In Loughlin’s case, she and husband Massimo Gianulli worked as a team. An email from Giannulli is included: “We just met with [our older daughter’s] college counselor this am. I’d like to maybe sit with you after your session with the girls as I have some concerns and want to fully understand the game plan and make sure we have a roadmap for success as it relates to [our daughter] and getting her into a school other than ASU!”

The Giannullis were worried their daughter would be at a bad school despite not having grades for anything better. From the complaint: “In an e-mail on or about July 24, 2016, CW-1 advised GIANNULLI that his older daughter’s academic qualifications were at or just below the “low end” of USC’s admission standards. Thereafter, the GIANNULLIS agreed with CW-1 to use bribes to facilitate her admission to USC as a recruited crew coxswain, even though she did not row competitively or otherwise participate in crew.”

Huffman was equally persistent. The sad part of this that Loughlin and Huffman are just better known than the other defendants. What they did was no worse than the others. In fact, the others would be of more interest if they were famous.

From the complaint:

In a telephone call with CW-1 on or about October 23, 2018, HUFFMAN discussed repeating the SAT cheating scheme for her younger daughter. The call, which was consensually recorded, is excerpted below.
CW-1 Okay. Great. So I also just wanted to let you know that the– the guy who took the test for [your older daughter], [CW-2]–
CW-1 –he just had a baby.
CW-1 So if– so I need to give him at least three weeks’ notice, if you want to take the tes– want us to take the test for [your younger daughter] in December.
HUFFMAN Okay. So that takes us to like November-something. Okay. I won’t– I won’t know until she takes that– the practice test, of when we should take it. I mean, unless you want to play it safe and do it in March.
CW-1 The next test date would be February. So let’s try to plan for December.
165. In a call with CW-1 on or about November 12, 2018, HUFFMAN confirmed that she wanted to proceed with the cheating scheme, but probably only after her daughter first took the exam on her own, without cheating. CW-1 has advised law enforcement agents that, in such instances—when parents had their children first take the exams by themselves, to see how they scored without cheating—CW-1 would typically direct CW-2 to ensure that their second score did not increase by more than 30 percent from the first “baseline” score, in order to avoid any suspicion of cheating. Excerpts from the call, which was consensually recorded, are set forth below.
CW-1 Okay, great. Okay. So then, the question I have for you, because [what] I’m not sure is, I know she’s– she’s preparing with [a tutor]. Is she–
CW-1 –going to make that with her extended time at her school or are we going to do like what we–with [your older daughter], where [CW-2] —
HUFFMAN We’re going to do like we did with [my older daughter].
CW-1 Okay. So [CW-2] will take it with her and for her at Igor’s place at [the West Hollywood Test Center]. So–
CW-1 Because I’ll need to do the paperwork for that. And you’re okay with that?
HUFFMAN Yeah, totally.
CW-1 Okay, okay. All right. So then when we get closer to that point, or over– maybe I’ll have it done over the next week or so–
CW-1 –[inaudible] the paperwork set up to move that forward.
HUFFMAN Okay. Now, my only thing, [CW-1], is– sorry it’s loud in here. I’m outside. But is that I’m pretty sure– we are doing it the same way as [with my older daughter]? I’m pretty sure with [my younger daughter] that she’s going to want to take it twice no matter what.
CW-1 Okay.
HUFFMAN So do we do it twice then?
CW-1 The– well, that’s– that’s a good — well, how about– let’s do this. Why don’t we– why don’t we work to get a first score, and then we already have a baseline? Because what happens is, if she takes it and doesn’t do well the first time —
CW-1 –then we can only go up a certain amount the second time.
HUFFMAN Yeah. No, I totally figured that. I just know that no matter what, she’s so academically driven–
CW-1 Okay.
HUFFMAN –that no matter what happens, even if we go, “This is a great score,” that she’ll go, “I really want to take it again.”
CW-1 Okay.
HUFFMAN I just wanted to give you a heads-up, so I just thought then she’ll just take it twice in that– in the– you know, in [the West Hollywood Test Center] or whatever that place was.
CW-1 Okay, go– gotcha. Okay. All right. So–
HUFFMAN All right.
CW-1 So I’m going to– I’ll talk to Igor and [CW-2], confirm that we can get a March– the March test date on that Saturday.
CW-1 I just need you– yeah. I just need to get Igor confirmed that–
CW-1 –that we can use his site.
CW-1 And I need to get [CW-2] confirmed that he can fly in and take the test with and for [your younger daughter] so that I can make sure that they’re available.
HUFFMAN Okay, that sounds great.


Lori Loughlin Really Wanted to Empty Her Full House: Officials Allege Actress, as Well as Felicity Huffman, Bribed Officials to Get Kids into College


Lori Loughlin, long time angelic face of “Full House,” and Felicity Huffman, the “smart” Oscar nominated actress from “Transamerica” and Emmy nominated from “Desperate Housewives,” have been named in a $25 million college entrance exam scandal.

They are each charged with bribing college officials to get their daughters into college. Loughlin and her husband paid $500,000 to get their daughter  into school. Huffman husband William Macy paid just $15,000.

Their money went to bribing athletic directors and other officials.

Loughlin and Huffman are named in the indictment, but there are 31 other parents involved too, as well as school adminstrators.

I don'[t know Loughlin, but I do know the Macys. This is so far from their world, I can’t believe they got involved in it.

Here is the actual indictment. A press conference is going on now claiming that among the parents is a famous fashion designer and some CEOs.