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Exclusive: NY Times Loses Appeal To Unseal Record of Latest Harvey Weinstein Hearing: “Allegations of Prior Sexual Offense Was Likely to Be Prejudicial or Defamatory”


An appellate court ruling has gone against the New York Times and press in general about the Harvey Weinstein hearing from a couple of weeks ago.

The judge in the case wouldn’t allow press at the hearing. The Times appealed to get the transcript, and lost.

At issue was whether the court would allow other alleged victims of Weinstein to testify at his trial. Some of those alleged victims spoke at the hearing, although their names are unknown. (One may be actress Annabelle Sciorra, who said last week she would testify if possible.)

But the appellate court ruling means no information will be released from that hearing.

The judges wrote:

“The subject matter of the Molineux/Sandoval hearing – allegations of prior uncharged sexual offenses by the defendant, the admissibility of which is disputed – was likely to be prejudicial and inflammatory. Further, some or all of the allegations may have been determined to be inadmissible at trial, or may not be offered at trial even if found potentially admissible. Contrary to petitioners’ suggestion, the People have
represented that some of the information has not yet been made public. Given the worldwide media scrutiny this case has
received, the motion court reasonably concluded that the sealing of documents relating to this single pretrial hearing was the
only way to prevent tainting the jury pool with such inadmissible, prejudicial information. We note that, to the extent information discussed at the hearing is determined to be admissible, such information will become public if and when it is introduced at trial.”

Roseanne Barr Faces Tough Weekend for Comedy Tour, with Most Seats Still Available in Detroit, Fort Wayne and Elkhart Indiana


Roseanne Barr faces a tough weekend starting tomorrow night. Her “Alive and Kicking Tour” barely has a pulse.

Tomorrow night, Roseanne hits the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne, Indiana. This is one place where Roseanne has sold tickets, although the arena may have limited the number of seats on sale in the first place.

Friday night she plays the smaller Lerner Theater in Elkart, Indiana. About half the orchestra is sold, and a quarter of the balcony. And this is in a small town where Roseanne should be a big deal.

Sunday night Barr hits Detroit, her worst city on this little tour. Most of the house is available, at cheap prices. They may have to let people just walk in to fill up the floor seats. Roseanne may hear the wind howling in the Fox Theater.

Last week, Roseanne played a theater in Jim Thorpe, PA. where she sold about half the 1,800 seats. The reviewer– who didn’t the know difference between ‘affect’ and ‘effect’ and spelled her name wrong– noted that Barr leaned in heavily on her support of Donald Trump. She also read an imaginary letter to ABC about the cancellation of her show that ended in “a common profanity.” She also savaged Hillary Clinton.

Wherever Jim Thorpe, PA is, my advice, stay away.


(Watch) Mick Jagger, 75, Moves Like Jagger in a Rehearsal Video Clip a Month After Heart Valve Replacement and Stent Procedure


Mick Jagger really does move like Jagger. He posted this clip from rehearsal today. If anyone thought Mick’s heart valve replacement and stent procedure was going to knock him off the road, forget it! He looks great! Whew! Mick and the Stones will be back on tour shortly. Bravo!

Law: A Real Life John Grisham Type Case Going on in a Toronto Courtroom, Unknown to Canadian Press and Potentially Explosive


LAW & DISORDER: Netflix, HBO, and Dick Wolf: if you’re looking for the material for a mini-series, there is one developing right now in Toronto’s Ontario Superior Court of Justice. I’ve been following an extraordinary legal proceeding in Toronto for some three years now that proves that Canada’s judicial system is not what the world believes. It’s an eye opener.

Each new chapter in this shocking legal drama that is playing out right now, north of the border, is like something for the Toronto Film Festival. (The courthouse is across the street from the hotel I stay in, which helps.) When all the details come out– which will be soon– I expect Netflix or HBO will be anxious to develop the story as a multi part procedural that has Kafka-esque tones to it.

Right now, I’m not identifying the case, which has gone on for some time under the noses of the Canadian press. It’s actually outrageous. I have some of the paperwork here, and reading it is mind blowing. I thought– I’ll bet we all think– Canadian trials are a matter of passing out daisies, and no one has ulterior motives. But as this case has unfolded, the federal court in Toronto is no day at the beach.

These proceedings suggest a level of dishonesty in the Canadian judicial system that resembles a third world country. This proceeding has been marked by judges bending the law to suit their own purposes, judges obstructing justice, prosecutorial misconduct, and corrupt police destroying evidence. It reads like a real world “The Firm” by John Grisham.

The judge in this real life judicial hell actually instructed the jury that they did not have to find beyond a reasonable doubt the key fact of the prosecution’s case. I’m aware of potential evidence that the police in this case systematically deleted evidence that the accused needed to mount a full and fair defense. And all this occurred in what we thought was peaceful, placid Canada. There’s also something about the judge that would make Judge Judy’s new ponytail stand up.

Right now, the attorney in this case– well known and respected– is trying to get the case stayed. I’ve been asked not to reveal more until that’s resolved. I’m not being coy, just measured. But if these potential judicial prosecutorial and police abuses continue and this case is not stayed —  which would be the just and fair outcome — then we’ll approach as it our own mini-series. Call it “Terror in a Toronto Courtroom.”

Sting’s “Every Breath You Take” Is Now the Most Played Radio Song, Eclipsing “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling”


Mucho congrats to Sting. His song, “Every Breath You Take,” is now the most played radio song ever according to BMI. The Police hit from 1983 has eclipsed the Righteous Brothers’ “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling,” which held the record for at least 22 years (longer, I think).

It’s quite an amazing accomplishment. “Every Breath” now stands at 15 million plays on radio, jumping over Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil’s classic.

Sting received the honor at a special  ceremony Tuesday night at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel with wife Trudie Styler by his side. He told the crowd, “I am so deeply proud to be a member of this community of songwriters. There’s a rare nobility in this profession that is more than just mere entertainment, and I believe it has something to do with the form of a song.”

Then he gave the attendees a solo acoustic performance of the song that P Diddy used for his 1995 smash hit “I’ll Be Missing You.”

Sting’s many legacies include writing songs that will last, well, forever. Remember a few months ago Paul McCartney said an interview the one song he wished he’d written was “Fragile.” I hope the Library of Congress chooses him for the 2020 Gershwin Prize. And PS on May 24 he releases “My Songs,” reimagined versions of many of his best piece.


The Most Played Song for 2018 was Bebe Rexha’s “Meant to Be.” Tyler Hubbard and Joshua Miller wrote it with her. We’ll see in the future if that one is indeed “meant to be” on an all time list.

This was the list of Most Played Songs ending 1999. “Every Breath” Jumped 15 spots over 19 years:


Cannes 2019 Gets Off to a Slow Start with Mixed Feelings About Zombie Movie Starring Bill Murray, Tilda Swinton


Cannes 2019 got off a rough start Tuesday night with the opening of “The Dead Don’t Die.”

Most certainly not an opener in a good year, the Jim Jarmusch zombie movie got mixed to poor reviews. It stars Bill Murray and Tilda Swinton, who apparently has to decapitate a lot of zombies. Steve Buscemi is in it wearing a faux red MAGA hat.

Todd McCarthy wrote: “At times, the deadpan of Murray and Driver becomes, well, a bit deadening, and true wit is in short supply, even though the film remains amusing most of the way…It’s a minor, but most edible, bloody bonbon.”

Owen Gleiberman in Variety called it “a disappointing trifle.” His thoughts: “The trouble with “The Dead Don’t Die” is that the notion of treating a zombie uprising as a pitch-black comedy drenched in attitude has already been done to death. It goes back to “Shaun of the Dead,” to films like “Planet Terror” and “Re-Animator” — and, of course, to “Dawn of the Dead” itself, which laced its grisly spectacle with a ripe satire of the consumer culture.”

It does seem that Jarmusch — who has some brilliant films like “Broken Flowers” and “Paterson,” among others — has phoned this one in. The Broadway producers of “Burn This” won’t be happy. They rearranged their whole schedule so star Adam Driver could attend last night. Driver will be back at the Hudson Theater at 2pm Wednesday for the matinee, and later at 8pm for the evening show. Exhausting!

The trade magazines’ various writers are all posting various negative comments on Twitter and in columns. It’s perhaps dawning on them that this year’s Cannes isn’t in good shape. The next movie they can sink their teeth into is on Thursday. That’s Elton John’s “Rocketman.” Then there’s a long wait until Tuesday and Quentin Tarantino’s “Once Upon a Time in…Hollywood.”

That’s it if you’re an American journalist this year. Terence Malick’s movie has an all-German cast. No one in the US cares about a Ken Loach movie. A few smaller films will be of interest to a narrow audience. It’s slim pickings this year.

I worry about Cannes because it’s a great festival. But losing Harvey Weinstein was a blow. He usually provided three parties, premieres, a lot of buzz and pizzazz that you could feel resonating on the Croisette. No one cares about amFAR, as I’ve written, it’s a scam, basically. And there will be a severe lack of celebs this year by next Thursday.  Plus, Paul Allen is sadly gone, and with him, his mega party on his world’s largest yacht. Paul was a great philanthropist and he knew how to throw a shindig.

Cannes is also lacking imagination on the part of the filmmakers and studios. Remember when we all got invites from the government of Kazakhstan to view “Borat”? Or when Jerry Seinfeld and Jeffrey Katzenberg ziplined from the Carlton across the Croisette down to the beach dressed as Bees? It’s all just business now. Blech. Where’s the fistfight, the robbery, the kidnapping?

Alas, Cannes will have to allow Netflix, Amazon and other platforms into next year’s festival. This has to be the last year of pretending it’s 1955 on the Cote d’Azur, as much fun as that is sometimes!


Quincy Jones on the Passing of Ex Wife Peggy Lipton: “No combination of words that can express the sadness I feel”


Quincy Jones has just posted a note about the passing of his wife Peggy Lipton. I know Q is broken up. He loved Peggy and was always in touch with her and up on her health news. What a week for Hollywood passing: Peggy, Doris Day, and Tim Conway. All great people, talented, beloved.

UPDATE: Exclusive Woody Allen’s “Rainy Day in New York” Opening in France This September– I Told You in February This Would Happen



Stephanie Celery, or whatever his name is, refused to answer phone calls or emails. He’s the head of MARS Distribution, and he knew our scoop was true. But he wanted to wait until Cannes to announce it. He belongs where he is, on Mars!

This is the second country to announce the opening “Rainy Day in New York” in defiance of Amazon Studios, which has refused to release Woody’s movie. Allen is suing them, and he is right to do it.

Now other countries will do the same, I am sure. Why not? The movie has an all star cast that includes Timothee Chalamet, Elle Fanning, Selena Gomez and Jude Law.

MARS has set September 18th for the French opening. If Woody’s people are smart they’ll show it a week before, at the Toronto Film Festival. Or maybe they’ll unveil in Venice. My advice: don’t do that, wait til the last minute. But I’m sure they won’t take my advice.

Last year, Celerier (that’s his name I guess) wrote a long essay in a French magazine supporting Allen.

He wrote: “I have been shocked by the wave of hate provoked by the Woody Allen affair, particularly in the United States and on the social networks, and by the lack of rigor by certain media outlets and the pack which condemns without looking into the full facts.”

Célérier said it was time “to examine the facts with attention…That is the approach I have decided to take. Simply to get to the bottom of the truth, to understand whether I’ve been working closely with a paedophile all these years.”

“He has always in my eyes been a man of incredible intelligence as well as discreet and courteous. But his talent and his effervescent creativity don’t make a saint. The admiration I have for the man and the cineaste is real but have not influenced the steps I have taken to ask questions.”

“It seems clear to me that Woody Allen should not be classified in the same category as the sexual predators recently denounced by Hollywood and end his days as a pariah whose work should be burned,” he wrote.

“But it seems complicated today, impossible even, to stand-up for Woody Allen’s innocence without prompting violent reactions and accusations that I am sacrificing the rights of women for economic gain.”


Exclusive: Accused Stan Lee Friend, Manager Keya Morgan Has Plenty of Evidence of Innocence Including Notarized Letter from Marvel Creator


An arrest warrant was issued on Friday in Los Angeles Superior Court for Keya Morgan, the friend and manager of late Marvel founder Stan Lee. Morgan is accused of senior abuse, which sounds pretty bad. But it’s not a cut and dried case. So far, it’s just a good headline.

I know that there was no love lost between Morgan and Stan’s daughter, J.C. Lee. In February 2018 I ran into Morgan, a peripatetic presence at Hollywood and celebrity parties, who told me all about his friendship with Stan and the infighting in Lee’s home since his wife had died. This was not long after a nurse had accused Stan of harassing her. It was obvious then that many people were fighting for Stan’s attention if not his estate.

Morgan, who collects and sells expensive memorabilia (Abraham Lincoln, Marilyn Monroe, but not Marvel) didn’t have much use for J.C. Lee or another Lee hanger-on named Jerry Olivera.

When Morgan was suddenly being accused of elder abuse in places like TMZ, he sent me a letter that Lee had written, and was notarized, from last June. Morgan may have helped Lee write it, but Stan signed it and it was properly recorded. In it, Stan says “Keya Morgan has been my most loyal and supportive friend in the last several years.”

The letter excoriates Tom Lallas, the lawyer whom J.C. Lee called in to oust Morgan. It’s signed on April 20, 2018, one week after a piece on Lee appeared in the NY Times called “Is Stan Lee Being Held Prisoner by Real Life Villains?” The conclusion was that he was not. (The Times should make one glaring correction, though: Pablo Picasso never visited the United States.) There was no sign of abuse of Lee by Morgan.

Morgan, meanwhile, has spent the last few months on the East Coast. He’s been making a documentary, he told me, about Marilyn Monroe’s last days. On Twitter, Morgan has not commented about the arrest warrant, which was issued last Friday. Indeed, most of his Tweets have been about Michael Jackson and Morgan’s dislike of the “Leaving Neverland” film.

So hold on, there’s more to this story than the headlines.

“Game of Thrones” Scores Season High Ratings as Dany and Drogon Level King’s Landing, 2 Major Characters Die


Sunday night’s “Game of Thrones” scored a season 8 high for ratings: 12,479,000 total viewers. That’s more than any of the previous four episodes including the darkly lit extravaganza from two weeks ago.

In Episode 5, Dany and her dragon leveled King’s Landing until it looked like Knot’s Landing after a cyclone. Two major characters died, and several others including Cersei’s boyfriend.

“Game of Thrones” continued to lift “Barry” and “Veep” to high ratings. The “Veep” finale was consistent with the show’s ratings this season.

But “Billions” lost some steam on Showtime, which is why it won’t be on this week until “Thrones” is over.

“Keeping Up with the Kardashians” scraped along its bottom again, with just 883K viewers. Stick a fork in the K’s. They are done.