Thursday, October 10, 2024
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No Way Back Now: Kristi Noem’s Book Now Pulped Fiction, Drops off Amazon Top 500, Kindle Version Used for Just That


Let’s hope Center Street Books — whoever they are — didn’t print up a lot of copies of Kristi Noem’s book.

“No Way Back,” published on Tuesday, is a sales disaster upon delivery. There hasn’t been such an instant collapse of sales since Jann Wenner’s book after he said no Black or female artists were worthy of his time.

Noem’s tome has dropped off the Amazon top 500 hardcovers to #563. Even worse, the Kindle version –which can be instantly downloaded — is down to around number 9,200. Call it digital kindling for real.

Noem boasts in the book about shooting her dog dead because he wouldn’t listen to her. Who could blame him? She claimed she met Korean dictator Kim Jung Un — the publisher had to remove that section because it was a lie. Now French President Emmanuel Macron says he never invited her to meet him — an invitation she says in the book that she declined.

Quel catastrophe!

Trump Says Nikki Haley Is Not Under Consideration for VP Job: “I wish her well”


Donald Trump will not be picking Nikki Haley for his Vice President.

He just scotched that rumor definitively: “Nikki Haley is not under consideration for the V.P. slot, but I wish her well! DJT”

The rumor started yesterday and was starting to turn into something real. The excitement might have been caused because Haley would be the lesser of all evils among Trump’s possible running mates.

But sanity doesn’t dictate Trump’s choices.

Barron Trump, 18, Exits Role as Florida RNC Convention Delegate After PR Avalanche: Will We Ever Hear His Voice?

Did Mom Melania put her foot down?

After Donald Trump announced his son, Barron, 18, would be a Florida delegate to the Repubican National Convention, the party is over.

Barron has dropped out.

Melania Trump’s office says: “While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments.”

He has comic books to read, after all.

Putting Barron in the spotlight meant he was suddenly going to be the subject of much scrutiny. The scowling 6 foot 7 teenager’s voice has never been heard publicly. The idea of having reporters tracking him around the Milwaukee Convention Center was tantalizing.

Still unknown, seriously, is what Barron’s life will be like in public. His father has made it impossible for him to go anywhere without questions about Stormy Daniels, January 6th, and so on being shouted at him. He’s going to live a very cloistered life

Celebs Pay Attention: Euro Party Broker Selling Tickets to Vanity Fair’s Cannes Party for $18,786


I often wonder if celebrities wonder who they’re partying with at galas.

They should pay attention to this: Cornucopia Events is selling ticket the Cannes Vanity Fair party for 15,000 UK sterling. Or $18,786.

So is the Vanity Fair shindig exclusive? Not exactly. If you’ve got the cash, you’re in.

Vanity Fair will deny this occurs, but Cornucopia and other party promoters have been running this fame for years. Does Vanity Fair get a kickback? Someone does, that’s for sure.

It all makes sense. There are only so many celebs in Cannes. Real filmmakers and industry people, particularly press, aren’t invited. The magazine needs a crowd of some kind to make the stars feel good. So what can you but entertain a bought audience?

As for Cornucopia, they need a proof reader. They’re advertising the 2025 party.

Rudy Giuliani Off His Rocker: Loses NY Radio Show Because He Kept Denying the 2020 Election


Rudy Giuliani has really gone ’round the bend, and it’s cost him dearly.

The former Mayor of New York and Trump lackey has been fired from his radio show on WABC Radio. Rudy and his girlfriend were carrying on day after day about 2020 election interference.

WABC owner John Catsimitidis, who also owns Gristedes and Red Apple supermarkets, told the New York Times that he warned Rudy to cut it out. But Giuliani refused to shut up. On Thursday he tried to sneak it in, and the show’s producers cut him off.

The complete implosion of Rudy Giuliani is not unexpected at this point. He started unraveling more than 20 years ago. He went from being America’s Mayor to America’s joke. Nothing will ever top the pictures of hair dye dripping off his head. What’s amazing to New Yorkers is how he threw in with Trump fully, and then saw his life ruined.

His life is going to end badly. Some New York journalist has to write this book.

RIP Sam Rubin, 64, Legend in Hollywood TV Reporting for Station KTLA, Leader in the Critics Choice Association

Sad sad news: Sam Rubin, a legend in Los Angeles for Hollywood TV reporting, died today of a heart attack. He was 64.

Sam was beloved and kind of a dean of the craft on the west coast. There was no one else like him. Our Leah Sydney says: “I can’t imagine anyone more irreplaceable.”

Sam was a leader and an important part of the Broadcast Critics group which became the Critics Choice. He was generous and influential. He was also brave. He was no acquiescent junket guy. In a historic interview, he took on Mel Gibson live, confronting him about his antisemitic comments. I always told him how much I admired him for doing that.

He was serious, but also a lot of fun on TV. The reason he lasted so long was by keeping a sense of humor. This would have been the only way to survive dealing with the Hollywood machine.

KTLA said in a post: “KTLA 5 is profoundly saddened to report the death of Sam Rubin. Sam was a giant in the local news industry and the entertainment world, and a fixture of Los Angeles morning television for decades. His laugh, charm and caring personality touched all who knew him. Sam was a loving husband and father: the roles he cherished the most. Our thoughts are with Sam’s family during this difficult time.”

The Critics Choice Association said in a statement: “The Critics Choice Association is devastated by the sudden loss of our dear friend Sam Rubin, a longtime member of our Board of Directors and a guiding force throughout our 30-year history.

“Sam’s generous spirit, unfailing good humor and deep knowledge of “Hollywood” made him a legend in the entertainment business and a trusted friend to millions of viewers – and to hundreds of stars who relaxed in easy conversation with him on his set at KTLA and on countless Red Carpets.

“As we absorb the shock of this terrible loss, our hearts go out to his wife and children. May his memory be a blessing.”

Condolences to his family, his friends, co-workers. Quite a shock.

Jimmy Fallon Reflects on Ten Years of Smart Humor, Classroom Instruments, Willing Celebs for Prime Time Special: “Madonna was a sport” but also “A troublemaker”

“Madonna was a sport,” Jimmy Fallon said last night at a private screening of part of his 10th anniversary special. The special airs next Tuesday from 9 to 11pm on NBC and should get the Tonight Show an Emmy Award at last.

Tariq from the Roots interviewed Jimmy at the Roxy Hotel in Tribeca (he was very good) about all the musicians who’ve been on the show so far. Fallon has been on NBC 26 years — more than half his life. This is his 10th anniversary at the Tonight Show after 5 years on Late Night, and six seasons on “SNL.”

They were talking about those great musical toys segments that have included everyone from The Who to Mariah Carey to Metallica, also Ringo Starr (in a memorable “Yellow Submarine”).

Fallon recalled, chuckling: “Madonna was a troublemaker. You could plan something out with Madonna and she will mess it up just to see how you react. We were planning out all day long. And she was like, all right, so we’ll go card number one, two, then three, then four. Great. And then she comes out and she messes the cards up. And I go, why would you do that?  She just loves it. To make it her home.”

(It’s not a dig. He loves Madonna. He loves everyone.)

From the half hour we saw last night, the prime time special emphasizes — among other things — Fallon’s musical chops. He loves to perform and has no inhibitions about singing, or dancing — both of which are his strong suits. He’s like the Carol Burnett of late night TV. He isn’t very political (although he takes an occasional jab at Trump or RFK Jr). His forte is sheer entertainment, which is often a needed relief from the grinding tensions of the news.

Fallon recalled when he had President Obama as a guest, a “pinch me moment.”

“We had the president came on, and at the end, I go, at the end, we’re slow jamming the news. We’re doing like an R&B version of the news. And I go, at the end, I go, I’d love for you to go like, Oh, yeah. And he goes, Nope. He goes, Nope, I’m not doing that.”

Eventually Obama came around. “The last time we had him back at the end of his run, he was much looser” — and did a modest imitation of Rihanna from “Work work Work.”

Fallon remains unfazed by celebrity and a little star struck. He had an amusing moment this week at the Met Ball, where he was seated next to Oscar winner Penelope Cruz. Keep in mind, Jimmy’s turning 50 this fall.

“This unbelievable, stunning Penelope Cruz. She goes, what is your secret? You look so good. And I go, are you serious? I can’t believe Penelope Cruz is saying that. I mean, she’s stunning. She goes, What’s your secret? I mean, you’re 58.” Fallon was taken aback. “Well, of course I look good. Hopefully I look good for 58.” He takes a beat. “That’s the nicest and rudest thing anyone’s ever said to me in one breath!”

I can’t wait to see the special on Tuesday night. I think even Fallon’s most ardent fans will be surprised by the cumulative effect of a decade of hilarious, adept, sophisticated humor. Here’s to another ten!

Billy Preston Finally Gets His Due as the Fifth Beatle in New Video for “Let it Be”


The great Billy Preston finally gets his due as the Fifth Beatle in the new video for “Let it Be.”

Billy played on the “Abbey Road” and “Let it Be” albums, but got little credit for it at the time. When Michael Lindsay-Hogg put together the original “Let it Be” film, he cut Billy out entirely.

It was only when Peter Jackson made the “Get Back” miniseries from all of Lindsay-Hogg’s footage that Billy came back into the picture.

Now with the new “Let it Be” — airing on Disney Plus — we see lost footage of Billy integrated back into the title song. It’s a nice vindication. It wasn’t like the group didn’t love Billy — he’s the only artist to share a credit with them, on the single “Get Back” — but no one realized what had happened in the original film cut.

The mix on this “new” version is excellent, too. George’s guitar soars. (John and Ringo look a little bored.) There’s also a clip of George Martin on percussion. “Let it Be” is one of the greatest songs of all time. What a pleasure to see it restored.

“Let it Be” was released 54 years ago on May 13, 1970.

Billy went on to have his own massive hits with songs like “Will it Go Round in Circles” and “Nothing from Nothing.” He co-wrote “You Are So Beautiful” and “With You I’m Born Again.” His life was all about his music which, hopefully, will be reflected in a documentary coming later this year. (We’re keeping an eye on that one.)

PS Billy and Al Green recorded a duet of “You’ve Got a Friend” in the manner of Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway. One of my favorites.

White Rapper Macklemore Had Sold 643 Downloads This Year Until He Found Antisemitism


Macklemore was a white rapper who had a couple of hits in 2012.

Since then, not so much. He’s had a lot of releases, but none of them went anywhere.

This year so far, according to Luminate, he’s had a total of 643 downloads. With streaming, he’s up to 40,000.

Suddenly, though, Macklemore has maybe a hit. His record, “Hind’s Hall,” has hit iTunes at number 7. Why the comeback? Macklemore has discovered antisemitism pays off.

“Hind’s Hall” is what Columbia students called Hamilton Hall during their illegal protests the last few weeks.

Macklemore has nothing to say about 1200 innocent Jewish fans murdered on October 7, 2023 at a music festival. He is silent on the subject of the hostages taken that day, the women who were raped, or babies that were beheaded.

What Macklemore does see is an opportunity to cash in with anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian rap. If you haven’t had a hit in 14 years, why not throw in with this gang?

It’s notable that Macklemore’s lyrics include a shout out to Ice Cube, maybe the most antisemitic rapper of all time. Ice Cube’s idiotic messages against Jews started at the beginning of his career and have continued into this decade.

This isn’t Macklemore’s first public display of antisemitism. At a 2014 Seattle concert, he wore a costume of a of a large fake nose and thick black beard that he later grudgingly apologized for.

He said it was “random,” chosen from available costumes so he could walk around unnoticed. I guess he thinks we’re really stupid. It was a lot like Prince Harry and his Hitler outfit.

Seth Rogen wrote on Twitter: “Really? Because if I told someone to put together an anti Semitic Jew costume, they’d have that exact shopping list.”

Rogen was right, and now we see the payoff. Unacceptable.

RIP George Cooper, Sr. in Long Expected Death from Heart Attack on “Young Sheldon” (Read Chuck Lorre’s Statement)


For the last seven seasons, the death of George Cooper Sr. has lurked on “Young Sheldon.”

Fans of “The Big Bang Theory” knew the day would come on the prequel spin off series when George, played by Lance Barber, would die of a sudden heart attack. It was inevitable.

George died tonight in the penultimate episode of the series. He had just learned he was getting a promotion, too, and moving to Houston to coach football at Rice University.

Alas, it was not to be. At the end of tonight’s episode, just as the Cooper family was planning to take a group photo, George’s pals turned up and announced his death.

The reaction to the death will be played out on the final episode next week. Rest in peace, George. At least you don’t have to watch the sequel series next fall, which I think will turn out like “AfterMASH.”

Below is EP Chuck Lorre’s card at the end of the credits, which reminds us to “love the characters in our life who are real.”