Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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A Very Bad Idea: Alec Baldwin to Interview Woody Allen on Instagram Live Tuesday Morning


I can’t think of a worse idea than this one.

Alec Baldwin says that he will interview Woody Allen on Instagram Live, Tuesday at 10:30am.

Where to begin? Alec, although not intentionally, literally KILLED someone this year. He’s being sued by the family of Halyna Hutchins, whose 10 year old son is now without a mother. He’s being sued by many others, as well. The case is still under investigation. Baldwin has no concept of his own public image at this point.

Woody has just published a book of stories called “Zero Gravity.” It’s very funny and everyone should read it. But promoting it in this fashion is not the right look for anyone. You may not like Woody Allen, but he did not molest anyone and that whole debate has become outrageously distorted beyond any reason.

I hope this is cancelled.

Drake Baked: Fans Say “Honestly, Nevermind” as New Album Sells 65% Less Than Last Release


Is it a bad album? Or it too soon?

Either way, Drake’s fans have declared “Honestly, Nevermind” to the rapper’s new album, “Honestly, Neermind.”

The new album sold a total of 210K copies in its debut this week. That’s 65% less than his last release, “Certified Lover Boy.” That album dropped in September 2021 and sold 610,000 copies in its first week.

The new album is only number 12 on iTunes after one week.

Almost all of “Honestly, Nevermind” sales came from streaming, Only 11,000 copies were sold as paid downloads. Drake is the king of streaming. Most of the tracks made the Streaming Top 20.

But streaming doesn’t pay like physical sales. And the huge drop from last fall shows that you don’t buy fan loyalty unless there’s something people can hold, touch, or at least claim ownership of.

“Certified Lover Boy” was already down by 100,000 copies from the previous Drake album’s debut.

We don’t have to worry about the rapper suddenly needing public assistance. But I’d be worried if my sales dropped 70% in 9 months.

Broadway: “Music Man” Star Sutton Foster Tests Postive Again for COVID, Out of Show


No masks and no vax test proof is cutting down the people on Broadway stages.

Sutton Foster is out of “The Music Man” again after testing positive. Sutton was already out with COVID a few months ago, and so was Hugh Jackman. The show went on a pause. Here we go again!

Maybe it’s time to look at alternatives like Steriwave. Just sayin….

What Year Is It? Everything Old is New Again as McCartney Rocks Glastonbury, Stones Take Hyde Park, Elvis King of Box Office and So is Top Gun!

Um, what year is it?

Over the weekend 83 year old Paul McCartney played a three hour plus set of Beatles and Wings songs at the Glastobury Festival.

At the same time, the Rolling Stones — total age 300 or more — brought 65,000 fans in Hyde Park.

Elvis Presley, dead since 1977, topped the box office. So did “Top Gun,” the sequel to a 1984 movie.

Comfort food for the masses?

Let’s not forget that the number 1 song, “Running Up that Hill,” is Kate Bush’s hit from 1985. It’s 37 years old. And the TV show it’s from is set in the 1980s and pays homage to movies from that era.

“Elvis” Is In the Building! $30.5 Million Opening Weekend Shows Older Audiences Returning to Theaters After 2 Years


“Elvis” is still the King.

Baz Luhrmann’s unwieldly, gaudy, sometimes spectacular film about the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley, is an unlikely hit. And a bellwether maybe for older movie patrons returning to theaters.

Total weekend take was $30.5 million. Elvis has not left the building! (And the final number will be a tad higher.)

The success of “Elvis” will bring a trend story: are the 50s back? Are audiences clamoring for nostalgia and a simpler time because of the current unrest and uncertainty in the country and world today? Hey, maybe.

Or maybe they just want to see a tremendous central performance, music they love, and really cool costumes. That could be it, too!

For Warner Bros, the “Elvis” success is also nice because it’s not connected to DC Comics. Elvis wears a cape but he’s an anti-super hero. The studio in the couple of years prior to the pandemic could not make such a movie fly. They had flop after flop in the “adult” movie department. “Elvis” is a vindication.

Murdoch Divorce: Silence in the British Press as Usually Aggressive Tabloids Back Off

What is that sound you hear coming from the British press concerning the fourth divorce of Rupert Murdoch? Blaring headlines about infidelity, crazy drinking, wild over spending?

Nope, the sound you hear is silence.

I was interviewed for a big piece that was supposed to run on Sunday in a British paper. I’ve just received notice that it’s been “spiked.” The tabloids, even the ones not owned by Murdoch, are scared of libel laws and retribution from the 91 year old liver spotted addled purveyor of tripe. No one wants to start trouble.

Here in New York, the Post, of course, won’t say a word. And the Daily News, well, it’s not the old Daily News. They don’t even have a newsroom and no one is running it anyway. The New York Observer has been whittled down to a website for people who find it by accident. This is a low point in New York media. (And what happened to the revived Village Voice. Did it ever come back?)

Maybe Graydon Carter’s Air Mail will do something. His old magazine, Vanity Fair, is moribund. New York Magazine? If only. The National Enquirer? Are they still in business?

This is what I hear about the Murdoch divorce. Friends were genuinely surprised by the news. It’s unlikely anyone’s cheating. It’s more likely this is a real world version of “Succession,” which is a send up of the Murdochs anyway. The four elder children didn’t want Jerry Hall involved in their father’s eventual estate when he died. So why not pay her out now, and off she goes? So what if Rupert is lonely? They’ll find someone for him. Hall is quiet because she did better than her prenup would have allowed, and now she’s done with elder care. She’s 65, maybe she signed a deal not to write a book for 10 years.

But my oh my. If this were a normal high profile couple there would have been a week of front pages. And now all we have are tumbleweeds.

Happy Birthday, Carly Simon, Finally in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (It’s About Time)


Wishing Carly Simon the happiest of birthdays today.

The famed singer songwriter was always the classiest of all the 70s legends. And now she’s finally in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It’s about time!

So many hits, like “Coming Around Again” and “Let the River Run,” “Anticipation” and, of course, the still classic “You’re So Vain.” Before there was Taylor Swift or Katy Perry or any of the popular girls today, there was Carly Simon.

And she’s an author, too. Not only did her write her own memoir, she wrote one about her friendship with Jackie Kennedy Onassis. And who knows? Maybe there’s more in store for her. I know a movie is being planned about her life. And next year is the 50th anniversary of her watershed album, “No Secrets.”

Happy Birthday, Carly!

COVID Stops Jack Johnson Tour, Hits Broadway Again, Interrupts Mick, Ringo: Is There a Solution?

COVID is still on the attack. It just interrupted California surfer guy Jack Johnson’s tour. He’s cancelled the next few days of shows. Avril Lavigne is just in recovery mode. Mick Jagger and members of Ringo Starr’s touring band have had it, and more shows were cancelled.On Broadway, “The Minutes” has lost 11 cast members until next week.

Is there a solution? There’s a big rock group — can’t say who yet — using Steriwave on their tour and it’s saving them. I told you about Steriwave starting two years ago. Here’s the story.

PS I know one Jack Johnson song, called “At Or With Me.” Look it up. It’s catchy.

Exclusive: Breakthrough COVID-19 Red Light Treatment in Canada Kills Coronavirus in Nasal Passages, Could Have Major Impact on Entertainment Industry

Amid More Layoffs, Netflix Dumps Expensive, Panned “Man from Toronto” with Kevin Hart, Woody Harrelson Onto Platform


You’re probably looking at Netflix and wondering, What the heck is The Man from Toronto?

Netflix is wondering that, too. (It has no connection to a far better sounding movie with the same name from 1933.)

Amid a new round of 300 layoffs, the troubled streamer has dumped an original comedy starring Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson onto their customers without a word of promotion.

The reason might be, it’s bad. On Rotten Tomatoes, “Man from Toronto” has a lowly 27%. Not even people in Toronto liked it.

The director is one Patrick Hughes, whose last outing, The Hitman’s Bodyguard’s Wife, garnered a similar 27%.

Even if “Man from Toronto” is terrible, a Kevin Hart movie would usually merit at least two weeks in theaters. Netflix could have set it loose in August. But then, people would have known about it. This way. it’s DOA.

“Man from Toronto” has a reported budget of $75 million, which ain’t cheap for a film with almost no marketing.

And Netflix counts down, meanwhile, to July 15th and the opening of “The Gray Man,” its most expensive film — $200 million — also without much marketing.

Baz Luhrmann’s “Elvis” Spectacular Rocks the Box Office with $30 Mil Opening Weekend


The movie audience was not cruel to Baz Luhrmann’s “Elvis” last night.

The two and a half hour spectacular starring Tom Hanks and Austin Butler brought in $9 million for a total opening including previews of $12 million.

The movie is headed to a $30 million opening weekend.

Some carped that it was too long, and certainly the supporting characters are under developed. But Elvis and Colonel Parker are the main draw and Luhrmann has made them an exciting duo and put them center stage.

Plus, the look of the film, and Butler’s amazing performances are enough to keep any crowd interested in Elvis seated for the whole time.

Warner Bros. did a great job with marketing and publicity. And now they’ll see a pay off. “Elvis” should have a good run all summer and come back for Oscars in the winter.

The movie starts with 20 dazzling minutes, goes into a lull for a bit, and then kicks into hyper driver with Elvis in Vegas. Yes, the mid 60s are skipped, but Elvis skipped them in real life, too. (Including all his movies in detail would have added an extra half hour to the already lengthy film!)

So viva Baz, we’ll see tomorrow what the final numbers are.