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Bert Fields, Hollywood Lawyer Who Bulldozed Journalists, Enabled Pellicano, Dies at 93


I know it’s considered bad form to speak ill of the dead. But Bert Fields hated journalists, and bulldozed us if we had anything negative to write about his clients. He also enabled private detective Anthony Pellicano, who went to jail for spying on Field’s enemies (although Fields himself was not formally accused of anything). So forgive me if I’m not sobbing about Fields’s death at 93.

I’m sure Bert Field’s celebrity clients will miss him and leave tributes. Tom Cruise, especially, has thrived for decades with Fields at his side. You can read some of that here.

As for Pellicano, my late friend, journalist John Connolly, covered Pellicano and Fields to a farethewell. I was in court for a lot of the Pellicano machinations. There are endless stories about Fields manipulating and terrorizing just about everyone in Hollywood. He worked for everyone and no one was safe from him.

So RIP, I guess. He goes to his grave with a lot of secrets. But a lot of people still know some of them, too. Anyone with a good Fields story, drop me a line at

Here’s a column I wrote back in 2008:

Hollywood Heavies Walk On Pellicano?

Late on Friday, the government issued its trial memo in Hollywood’s Anthony Pellicano case, and it was pretty interesting.

Missing almost entirely from the government’s planned attack on Pellicano is the sexy stuff we were tantalized with, seemingly, for years.

Hollywood heavies may take a walk on Pellicano, as it turns out, at least for now.

Instead, the U.S. attorney, perhaps aware of the circus-like negative effect celebrities have on California cases (O.J., Jacko, Robert Blake, etc.), is concentrating on four non-stars to support their assertion of Pellicano’s wrongdoings in the U.S. vs. Anthony Pellicano and four other defendants.

The four key witnesses in this case (there will be a separate trial after this one, with defendant Terry Christensen, a famed Hollywood attorney, added) will be: Adam Sender, Sandra Will Carradine, Alec Gores and Susan Reddan Maguire. Their cases, the government feels, distill the case to its essence without distracting a jury by dragging in celebrities who would simply entertain and not enlighten.

So even though I shared with you an early list of potential witnesses last week, it’s unclear if 75 percent of them will be brought to the stand.

Barely mentioned in the memo are the Pellicano big fish: attorney Bert Fields, studio exec Brad Grey or any of the stars whose paths crossed Pellicano and Fields like Sylvester Stallone or Chris Rock.

Ricardo Cestero, the former Pellicano employee who went to law school so he could join Fields and work just on cases for Tom Cruise, is also not mentioned once.

The only truly juicy section of the 129-page memo is on page 96, where former super agent Michael Ovitz makes an appearance. There, the details get interesting. In 2002, the trial memo states, Ovitz paid Pellicano $25,000 to investigate sports promoter Arthur Bernier and sports agent James Casey. Ovitz was suing each of them.

The memo states:

“In addition to the specific matters for which PIA was retained, Pellicano and Ovitz discussed individuals within the entertainment community who were the source of bad press against Ovitz. During these conversations, Ovitz and Pellicano discussed Ovitz’s belief that New York Times writer Bernard Weinraub had been recycling negative stories about him and that, on occasion, he was assisted by Los Angeles Times writer Anita Busch.”

What followed, the government charges, was the illegal wiretapping of Busch’s phones and illegal investigations of her life. Pellicano’s interest in Busch is what eventually put him in prison for possession of illegal firearms.

Another name that comes up less than expected is that of Brad Grey, now the head of Paramount Pictures. His name appears just five times, all on page 88, and all in relation to a long-running lawsuit we’ve explored in this column between him and movie producer Bo Zenga over the 2000 film “Scary Movie.” Grey hired attorney Bert Fields to represent him, and Fields hired Pellicano.

From the memo: “During the course of the subsequent investigation, confidential information regarding multiple investigative targets was acquired through, among other means, protected law enforcement database inquiries and illegal wiretaps. For these services, Grey’s attorneys paid Pellicano $25,000, which cost was then passed on to Grey as part of the firm’s monthly bill for litigation costs. Again, Pellicano, at the outset of the investigation, tasked Arneson with obtaining criminal history information on the investigative targets.”

Look back to the middle of that paragraph. The government carefully does not identify “Grey’s attorneys.” But they are attorneys who work for — if not the man himself — Bert Fields. The omission is intentional.

And what of Bert Fields? His mentions in the trial memo are limited to two, both on page 91, as attorney for Adam Sender. Sender, a hedge fund manager, was suing Aaron Russo (now deceased, Bette Midler’s one-time infamous manager) over a movie company deal that didn’t pan out.

The trial memo states: “On Fields’ recommendation, Sender retained PIA in March of 2001. During the course of the subsequent investigation, confidential information regarding multiple investigative targets was acquired through, among other means, protected law enforcement database inquiries and illegal wiretaps. For these services, Sender paid PIA $500,000.”

Pellicano allegedly commenced the extensive illegal wiretapping of Russo and his family. The memo states: “… two PIA employees will testify about how this wiretap was used to serve legal process on Russo outside of the Giuseppe Franco Salon in Beverly Hills on April 21, 2001. After learning that Russo would be at this location from the wiretap, the employees traveled to the salon, where they subsequently chased Russo through several buildings before effecting service on him.”

There are two big questions that come out of this: Will the government tie Fields to the Pellicano investigation of the Russo’s? And will they want to?

More importantly, if the government’s case with just the four witnesses is very tight, will it force Pellicano to roll over on his famous friends in exchange for leniency?

Tragic Jinx: Both Anne Heche and Actress Who Followed Her in Soap Role Have Had Tragic, Drunken Car Accidents


A sharp eyed fan pointed this out to me.

This could only otherwise have happened on an actual soap opera.

There’s a tragic link between Anne Heche, who had a terrible, drunken car accident this past weekend, and another actress.

Heche played the role of Marley and Vicky Love (twins) on the NBC soap, “Another World,” in the late 1980s. She won a Daytime Emmy award and left for greener pastures.

Her successor was actress Jensen Buchanan, who took over the roles in 1991 and played them until the 35 year old soap ended in 1999.

Heche now is in ICU in a Los Angeles hospital after plowing her car into a Los Angeles home on Friday. Her car, a Mini Cooper, is burnt to a crisp. According to reports, the home was destroyed. Friends and neighbors of the owner have started a GoFundMe campaign for the now homeless woman. There are pictures of a possible vodka bottle in Heche’s car taken right before the accident.

Strangely enough, Buchanan has a similar, slightly more awful but parallel story. In 2016, she was arrested for a DUI that resulted in the near death of the person she hit. (He was severely injured, according to reports.) Buchanan had a blood alcohol content level of 0.34 when she reportedly veered onto the wrong side of Highway 154 and into the path of an Arizona driver, nearly killing him. 

The former soap star, who’d been married for 10 years to top Hollywood talent agency owner Sam Gores, was sentenced to one year in County Jail and five years probation. And here’s the kicker: she was released from jail subsequently, having served about a month and a half of custody time. But in 2018 she was remanded back to prison for allegedly violating the probation. She was cleared, however, after a hearing.

Heche, of course, won’t be charged with anything until she’s back to health and what actually happened has been determined. Her accident was just that, an accident. But the connection between the two actresses is stranger than fiction.

See Kanye West’s “Gracious” Response to Kim Kardashian-Pete Davidson Breakup: Death Notice


You didn’t expect Kanye West to remain silent about the big break up, did you?

Nasty and sometimes funny, Kanye posted a death notice for Pete Davidson on his Instagram this morning. “Skete Davidson Dead at 28” is the massive headline on the cover of Kanye’s New York Times.

Down below the headline reads: “Kid Cudi meant to play funeral but was fearful of bottle throwers.”

Kanye has a love-hate relationship with Cudi, who he records with but is also in some kind of feud.

Through Davidson’s nine month relationship with Kanye’s ex wife, Kim Kardashian, the Trumper, rapper, and sneaker entrepreneur threatened the SNL comic’s life, carried on like a child, and accused him of all kinds of things including drug abuse. Pete is well finished with all these low-lifes.

Train in Vain: Brad Pitt’s $30 Mil Weekend Excursion Looking for Love Abroad, “Easter” Egged


Tough going over the weekend.

Brad Pitt’s “Bullet Train” left the station but didn’t go far. It was, as the Clash once titled, a “train in vain.” The total for the weekend was $30 mil. The movie cost $90 mil. Abroad, another $30 mil came in, getting us closer but not close enough. August is a long month, it’s possible other passengers will come onboard both here and in other locales.

Universal– which is getting ready to release a hot horror film in “Beast” with Idris Elba — had less luck with “Easter Sunday.” Jo Koy’s Filipino comedy got stuck in a Manila envelope that no one could unclasp. The result was just $5.25 million. Better to flip over to streaming ASAP. “Beast” will come roaring in, I think, and terrify August audiences. We’ll see it tomorrow night.

Whoever put money into Lena Dunham’s “Sharp Stick” is not getting it back. Two weeks in very limited release have brought in $42,000. The movie doesn’t look like it cost very much, but whatever it was, it’s gone. Terrible film that won’t find a home on mainstream streaming. Goodnight and good luck.

“Top Gun Maverick” is still in theaters and made $7 million this weekend. What? Maybe Scientologists are hypnotizing each other into going for a fifth time. Good film, but not this good. Not a film for the ages. But it stays aloft.

Britney Spears Declares “I’m only human!” Doesn’t Understand Why Posing Nude On Social Media Is Problem for Teen Sons

Britney Spears is sad. She doesn’t understand why posing nude on Instagram is a problem for her teenage sons.

Her ex, and father of those sons, Kevin Federline, has told the Daily Mail that he and his wife keep the boys away from Britney for that reason. The boys are Sean Preston, 16, and 15-year-old Jayden.

Federline says in an ITV interview leaked to the Mail: “I try to explain to them, ‘Look, maybe that’s just another way she tries to express herself.’ But that doesn’t take away from the fact of what it does to them. It’s tough.’ He adds: ‘I can’t imagine how it feels to be a teenager having to go to high school.”

I can’t even reprint Britney’s many poses here because Google censors them as sexual material and won’t serve ads on the pages. But you can go to her Instagram to see her variety of scantily clad and nearly naked pictures.

Federline says “If there was a way – any way – I could possibly say something to just open [Britney’s] eyes – but I haven’t found that yet. I feel like, if I found that, I’d be on the phone trying to tell her.”

But if you read Britney’s responses below, you can see his frustration. Spears is 40 years old, yet she’s a simpleton. She doesn’t get it. Without an education, and obviously suffering from some mental health issues, this is how she chooses to express herself. She writes, as an explanation: “I would like the Federline’s to watch the BIG BOOTY VIDEO!!! Others have made much worse when their children were extremely young!!!”

Britney doesn’t have a point. The video she refers to is from Megan Thee Stallion and Gucci Mane, not exactly high art. And her children aren’t “extremely young.” They’re in the sweet spot of being teens. She seems to have no regard for them. She whines that her conservatorship “has only been over for 8 months” and that it’s all about “having cash from the outside world.” She sounds like a spoiled 16 year old herself.

This is the result of the whole #FreeBritney movement, I’m afraid.

RIP Clu Gulager, 93, Veteran of TV Series, Westerns, and In the End, Quentin Tarantino


In “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,” the great 2019 movie by Quentin Tarantino, Margot Robbie as Sharon Tate visits a bookstore to buy Roman Polanski a copy of “Tess of the Durbevilles.” The white haired clerk, an older man, looked familiar. The shock was he was played by Clu Gulager, then 90, who represented in many ways the characters played Leonardo Di Caprio and Brad Pitt in the movie. Gulager, matinee idol handsome, had been a regular on TV westerns in the late 1950s and well into the 60s. But mostly people had forgotten about him, and probably assumed, as I did, that he’d died long ago.

Gulager passed away Saturday at age 93. He spent his young years with roles on TV westerns until he became a regular on “The Tall Man.” He went into “Wagon Train” playing different parts and then filmed 104 episodes, five seasons of the hit show, “The Virginians.” That role set him up for the next three decades.

There is almost not a hit broadcast show in the 70s or 80s that Gulager didn’t guest star on. He never got a series again, but like the Pitt and DiCaprio characters, he was always in demand and warmly welcomed. His one big artistic moment was in 1969 when a short film he directed, “A Day with the Boys,” was nominated for Best Short Film at Cannes.

In the foggy mists of Hollywood lore, Gulager turned down a role in Robert Altman’s “MASH.” He also filmed the pilot for the nighttime soap, “Falcon Crest,” but wasn’t hired for the series. Still, his credits rolled and rolled. Toward the end of his career, Gulager was cast in a number of low budget horror films, which could not have been fun. He was one of TV’s original cowboys.

Condolences to his two sons, his fans, and friends.

Beyonce Sample Sale: Singer Mixes Madonna’s “Vogue” Into Frankenstein Single, “Break My Soul” — with No Singing from Madge


Beyonce’s Queens mix for “Break My Soul” is a sad comment on pop music.

Not content to have created the Frankenstein-eque “Break My Soul” from two old disco records, Beyonce decided to remix it with one more.

Now in addition to the two other records, Beyonce has sampled or interpolated or grafted Madonnas “Vogue” from 1990. Madonna wasn’t required to do a thing except sign off, take some dough, and get her name back in the top 10 for the first time in decades.

“Break My Soul” already depended largely on “Show Me Love” by Robin S. and “Explode: by Big Freedia.

You can hear “Vogue” mixed into “Break My Soul” the way Sfeve’s Ice Cream used to fold in M&Ms and Reese’s pieces into their ice cream. Remember how people stood in line for that? And then Steve’s went out of business.

Kudos to Guy Oseary or whoever thought of this mix. Interesting that on Friday it was “only available” on Beyonce’s website but magically turned up on iTunes.

Box Office: “Bullet Train” on Slow Track, No Holiday for “Easter Sunday” with $6.5 Mil Opening Weekend, “Nope” Gets Closer to $100 Mil


Friday night:

“Bullet Train” is taking on modest numbers to say the least. Thurs-Fri is at $12.5 million. They’ll hit $31 million for the weekend, but that’s about $20 million less than they would have liked. A lot of passengers must be riding on discount tickets.

Jo Koy’s “Easter Sunday” is not having a holiday. The Thurs-Fri combo brought in just $2.5 million, so we’re headed to $6.5 million tops for the weekend. Not so good. The reviews were kind of lousy, too. Universal is big enough to have tried and failed on this one. Maybe sending it to Peacock sooner rather than later will help…

Universal is really the story of the summer. They’ve got “Nope” edging closer to $100 million this week. They should be up around $97 million by Sunday night and at the magic number by Thursday at the latest. It’s no “Get Out” but that’s a hit anyone would like to have even if aliens threatened to eat you.

Exclusive: Pete Davidson’s Mother Wins, She “Hated” Kim Kardashian, Wanted Her “Gone”


Pete Davidson has escaped from the clutches of Kim Kardashian. The NY Post says they’ve broken up after nine months.

My sources say back in Staten Island there is celebrating going on. Davidson is very close to his mother and sister, both of whom “really hated Kim.” Who could blame them? “His mother really put her foot down,” says my source of Amy Waters Davidson.

Pete is shooting a movie in Australia all summer. He left “Saturday Night Live” at the end of this past season. Through the whole season, Davidson was dating Kardashian, who’d hosted “SNL” for some unfathomable reason. Little by little Kardashian, her children, her divorce from Kanye West, and so on overwhelmed Davidson. Instead of being a hip, young comic he was suddenly a tabloid character embroiled in petty online fights with West.

So good news. Congrats to Mama Davidson!

John Leguizamo Disapproves of James Franco’s Casting as Fidel Castro, But Not Because of Franco’s Scandals


Actor John Leguizamo is not happy about James Franco’s new job. Franco, already mired in controversy and scandal, has been as Fidel Castro in a new independent movie.

Leguizamo isn’t upset because Franco has recently paid a $2 million settlement for sexual malfeasance in his acting classes. The Tony winning actor writes: “I don’t got a prob with Franco but he ain’t Latino!”

He continues: “How is this still going on? How is Hollywood excluding us but stealing our narratives as well? No more appropriation Hollywood and streamers! Boycott! This F’d up! Plus seriously difficult story to tell without aggrandizement which would b wrong!”

At least one commenter on Leguizamo’s Instagram said he thought no Latinx actor should play he murderous Castro. But most were curious how Franco got hired at all given his history of legal trouble and a slew of flops. It’s not like’s a marquee draw.

The movie is called “Alina de Cuba,” directed by Edward Bardem, a cousin of Javier Bardem. Mía Maestro will play Natalia “Naty” Revuelta, the Cuban-born socialite he has a passionate love affair with. The title character, Castro’s daughter by Revuelta, is Alina, played by Ana Villafañe.