Wednesday, October 9, 2024
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Tuesday Brings Biggest Book Drop Day in Recent Memory: Bono, Dylan, Matthew Perry Will Spur Huge Sales


This Tuesday we’re getting the biggest book drop in recent memory.

Circle November 1st for three huge non fiction seller best sellers coming to stores, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.

The fastest seller will be Matthew Perry’s confessional about his drug and alcohol addiction. The “Friends” star is coming with “Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing.” Overhyped already, the book is already number 1 on amazon. We won’t know until Tuesday morning if Perry’s publicists have left anything out of the gossip columns or his Diane Sawyer interview. Maybe somewhere in the book he’ll offer a theory for why he fell into such despair.

Also coming Tuesday two rock and roll books we can’t live without: Bono’s “Surrender,” and Bob Dylan’s “The Philosophy of Modern Song.” I can’t wait to read both of them. Dylan’s book contains his evaluation of 60 popular songs plus a lot of autobiographical material and observations. It costs $37.95 on amazon.

Bono’s “Surrender” covers his 40 favorite songs, and is already number 8 on amazon. Bono has a big book event on Tuesday night at the Beacon Theater, as well.

If you can, buy these books at an independent book store in your area. Just walk over there and pick ’em up. We must preserve these stores. In my neighborhood, that would be Three Lives, Shakespeare & Co., or McNally Jackson.

More on these books Tuesday after midnight…

Box Office Bingo! Movie Stars Conquer! Clooney-Roberts Romcom Booming! Smallest Weekly Drop of All Titles!


Movie stars are back!

The biggest movie of 2022 is Tom Cruise in “Top Gun Maverick.”

Now Julia Roberts and George Clooney’s rom com “Ticket to Paradise” is slowly turning into a mega hit.

Over the weekend, the star vehicle earned $10 million. That’s only down 39% from last week. That’s the smallest drop among all titles this weekend.

Why? Why not? It’s a tepid movie, for sure. Not great sophistication. But it’s a beautiful travelogue set in Bali. And there’s no sex, or violence. Or bad language. It’s perfectly harmless. The stars are beautiful. The laughs are on a par with “The Love Boat” from the 1980s.

And that’s what works! In real life, Trump is burning down the country, a dozen or more other crazy politicians are saying or doing crazy things all day long. There’s a war in Ukraine, immigration stress, election chaos, inflation– the list of pressures is long.

But there’s Julia and George, and two hours of peace and quiet in that theater. “Ticket to Paradise” is already up to $33 million after two weeks. My guess is, it keeps going and going!

What’s next? Jennifer Aniston and Kevin Costner? Watch this space…

Robert DeNiro, John Malkovich Have Made a “D” Movie So Bad It Has 42 Producers!


Are things this bad?

Two time Oscar winner Robert De Niro, one of the greats, and John Malkovich, a fine, fine actor, have stooped very low.

The pair star in a “D” called “Savage Salvation.” It’s the bottom of the barrel, coming from junk shop Emmett Furla Films. It’s actually directed vy Randall Emmett. This is the company that churns out all the crap starring Bruce Willis and/or John Travolta.

To get financed, “Savage Salvation” may break record: it has 42 people with producer credits. That’s the longest list I’ve ever seen. Maybe each one of these people was conned into investing $10,000 apiece.

The distributor of “Savage Salvation” is called The Avenue Entertainment. They only produce movies no one in the US sees unless they’re on Spirit Airlines, or they’re being held hostage in a foreign country. Their movies a are lot like “Bowfinger.” Stars are in them but don’t know it!

I am so sorry De Niro and Malkovich were talked into this. On December 2nd, hold your breath until this stink cloud passes.

Henry Cavill Leaves Netflix’s “The Witcher” for Superman, Greener Pastures, Replaced by Liam Hemsworth

The Witcher Hour is over for Henry Cavill.

After three seasons, Cavill is returning to movies as Superman. He’s also booked a couple of other films.

The new Geralt of Rivia will be Liam Hemsworth starting with Season 4. Netflix made the announcement today.

“My journey as Geralt of Rivia has been filled with both monsters and adventures, and alas, I will be laying down my medallion and my swords for Season 4,” said Cavill in a statement.

“As with the greatest of literary characters, I pass the torch with reverence for the time spent embodying Geralt and enthusiasm to see Liam’s take on this most fascinating and nuanced of men,” continued Cavill, “Liam, good sir, this character has such a wonderful depth to him, enjoy diving in and seeing what you can find.”

Cavill is too much of a gentleman to say it, but I’m sure he’s relieved to get back on the big screen. Hemsworth can use “The Witcher” as Cavill did, as a launching pad to films.

Patti Smith “N” Word Song Removed From Streaming, Forgotten John Lennon-Yoko Ono Title Likely Next


From time to time in the old days rock and roll artists tried to reinvent the “N” word. It just never worked.

Now reports are that Patti Smith’s Rock and Roll “N” has been removed from all streaming services. It’s still on her album, 1978’s “Easter,” and can be bought for download. But it can’t be heard just by pressing a button on a subscription service.

Since that’s happened, without explanation (and maybe none needed), the next removal is fairly obvious. “Woman is the “N” Word of the World” was Yoko Ono’s protest song, sung by John Lennon on his 1972 album, “Sometime in New York City.” The song meant well as a protest for women’s rights, but it never felt right. (Even as a teenager, it made me very uncomfortable and I never listened to it. I’d have to skip it on the album.)

At the time of the Lennon-Ono song’s release, there was an uproar, of course. Lennon tried to appease critics and even did interviews at the time with Jet and Ebony magazines with Black activist Dick Gregory. As time went by, of course, the song sort of drifted into disuse, all of Lennon’s other remarkable work superseded it, and that was it. It was never played on the radio and isn’t to this day.

But now it’s time to expunge it. No one anywhere will miss it. And I am not providing a link. All songs with this word should be removed from streaming, frankly, no matter who they’re from.

Kanye West Doubles Down on Antisemitic Talk in Parking Lot Press Conference, Has “Mediation” with Adidas


Kanye West somehow organized a parking lot press conference with paparazzi last night. It’s playing on tiktok and you can see most of it below. He says that he was in “mediation” with Adidas yesterday after they dropped him. This means lawyers have now stepped in.

Kanye acts like Adidas is cool with him now. They are not. Also, he doesn’t apologize for anything. He says he thought what he was saying wasn’t antisemitic. Then he reads a list of media companies, indicating they are all run by Jews.

This staged video backfires on him. If this is what he thinks is his “walk back” on statements, he can just forget it. #kanyewest interview with paparazzi part 1 ✅ Follow for more #buzzipper #ye #kanyewestquotes #kanye2024 ♬ som original – BUZZIPPER

Review: “Armageddon Time” Stars Anne Hathaway, Jeremy Strong, Anthony Hopkins in Provocative Coming of Age Story


James Gray introduced “Armageddon Time “at the DGA recently by saying “if you hate it throw rotten vegetables, if you like it, clap.”  Gray heard the clapping at the film’s conclusion, he heard it at Cannes and he will continue to hear it enthusiastically through awards season. 

“Armageddon Time’ is a poignant, layered and sincere to the core autobiographical story of his growing up in Queens, NY in the 1980’s: imperfect parents, adoring grandparents, at a time when the world seems to be turning upside down.  The rise of Ronald Reagan demoralizes the family, they are terrified of an apocalypse i.e.: an Armageddon.

Paul Graff (Banks Repeta) is a sixth grader in P.S 173.  His always overwhelmed Mom PTA President Esther (Anne Hathaway) and his often angry but trying to the right thing Dad, Irving (Jeremy Strong), is a boiler repairman.  The primary relationship in Paul’s life is that with his grandfather, Aaron, (Anthony Hopkins) who emigrated here from the UK to escape persecution.  His Grandpa sees in Paul the talent and singularity in him that no one else does. Grandpa is the only person that Paul will listen to.  Young Paul thinks in gargantuan ways, he wants to be a famous artist, but he’s struggling in school as he feels it’s beneath him.  He’s a stubborn wise-ass which gets him into constant trouble with the cranky teacher Mr. Turkeltaub (Andrew Polk.)   There he meets his comrade in arms, Johnny (beautifully played by Jaylin Webb) a Black kid from a troubled home.  Johnny is funny, and charming but has too much going against him which he sadly knows will probably define his life, although his dream is working for NASA. 

Coddled Paul gets transferred to another school, which his older brother who can’t be bothered with him, attends.  The real life odious Fred Trump (played scarily by John Diehl) was a trustee; his daughter Judge Maryanne Trump (played by an equally scary Jessica Chastain) makes a brief appearance.  Paul dreams up a plan to attain both his and Johnny’s dreams.  The plan goes awry.  The scene where it does is heartbreaking.

The entire cast is pitch perfect.  Hopkins is the gentle heart of the film, luminous in his love for his grandson, importing as much wisdom as he can in the time he has left. Tovah Feldshuh as Grandma Mickey is equally as wonderful. The quirky rambunctiousness of the family is appealing relatable. The film talks about privilege, class, racism and the American dream in a heartbreaking way. There is much joy and comic flare too. Morality and the blurry lines between abuse and love, the small moments in a child’s life, is what makes this film extraordinary in what it says in the quieter moments.   “Armageddon Time” is a provocative, heartfelt coming-of-age story with a top-notch cast.  A sensational film worthy of the slew of awards coming its way. 

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett Has Already Received $425K for New Book, But 565 Publishing Insiders Sign Petition to Stop Her


Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett has already been paid $425,000 for a book by RandomHousePenguinetc against a $2 million advance. But now 565 publishing insiders — mostly women — have signed a petition to stop the book from being published. The book has no title and no publishing date.

But Barrett is a lightning rod because she is one of the Supreme Court justices who helped overturn Roe v. Wade. And that has painted a target on her back.

Many of the signees work for the Random House group, which makes the petition more interesting.

They write:

“As members of the writing, publishing, and broader literary community of the United States, we care deeply about freedom of speech. We also believe it is imperative that publishers uphold their dedication to freedom of speech with a duty of care.

We recognize that harm is done to a democracy not only in the form of censorship, but also in the form of assault on inalienable human rights. As such, we are calling on Penguin Random House to recognize its own history and corporate responsibility commitments by reevaluating its decision to move forward with publishing Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s forthcoming book.”

You can read the rest of their text, called “We Dissent,” here. You can also see who signed the petition, which is open for more signatures.

Do I agree with these people? I admire their passion, but no, the book should be published, just like any other book. If you don’t want to buy it, or read it, then don’t. This calls more attention to it, otherwise. And no one ever heard of this book until now. Plus, when the deal was announced, that’s when this would have been effective. She’s not going to return it.

Diane Sawyer Interviews Matthew Perry, and Now I Feel I Know Less About Him than Before

Maybe you’ve just watched Diane Sawyer interview “Friends” star Matthew Perry on ABC. I feel now that it’s over I know less about him than I did before.

Forget about Sawyer’s insincerity. After her Whitney Houston interviews years ago, I always had trouble with her methods.

Now she faces Perry, who says he was living in 55 Vicodin a day. spent $9 million a year on rehab. and now seems like he’s had a stroke. is speech has been affected. He looks terrible. This isn’t a criticism of him. You know he’s struggled but you’re not sure why he’s putting himself through a book tour and this whole routine of making revelations, minor and major, unless to get attention. Why does he need so much attention? Sawyer doesn’t care.

Sawyer wonder why he’s had 25 years of addiction. Did he ever discover any reasons for his illness, or was it simply chemical? There is no explanation, and she’s not going to get one. She’s not interested. She just wants to know how bad it was, that’s it. She looks at him with pitying eyes, the way she looked at Whitney Houston when she said she thought crack was whack. Sawyer never asked Houston what was at the root of her pain.

I thought it was interesting, too, that they never mention his stepfather is Dateline NBC’s Keith Morrison, the guy who narrates those real life murder mysteries. They show an old picture of him, but no name. Is it because he’s on NBC? Very weird.

Maybe Perry’s book explains more. It’s going to be published on Tuesday after an onslaught of gossip items — he made out with Valerie Bertinelli, he dated Julia Roberts, etc. But from Sawyer we’ve learned relatively little. I just hope when all this book publicity is over, Matthew Perry feels better, and continues to.

Here’s the Official Music Video for Rihanna’s “Lift Me Up” from “Wakanda Forever”


Rihanna enters the Oscar race for Best Song from “Wakanda Forever.” The song is called “Lift Me Up” and now we have the official video.

Last night, “Wakanda Forever” premiered in L.A. and was shown to a a lot of press. Reviews are embargoed but some info has leaked out. Apparently, Angela Bassett isn’t in it as much as we thought. Michael B. Jordan, whose character died in the first movie, is back somehow. T’Challa gets a funeral for an unspecified illness. Sounds good!

“Black Panther” made $700 million at the US box office, and millions more from DVD sales, etc. Can “Wakanda” repeat that success? It’s unlikely, but it’s sure to be a big release.