Tuesday, October 1, 2024
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CNN: Chris Licht Ousted as Nikki Haley Town Hall Scored Just Half Million Viewers — Embattled Network Tries in Vain for Fox News Audience


UPDATED: Chris Licht fired by CNN.

See story from yesterday

Today: CNN is in turmoil, we know that.

Today they announced Anderson Cooper will soon host a Town Hall with bloviating liar Chris Christie, the man who shut down a major bridge at rush hour in the world’s biggest city to get back at his enemies.

What will they derive from this? On Sunday night, a Town Hall with Nikki Haley of South Carolina brought in just 562,000 viewers. Over on TLC at the same time, “90 Day Fiancee” scored 1.2 million viewers. Just FYI.

This charade to get Fox viewers garnered the same number of viewers CNN has for almost all its prime time shows. I guess it was better than showing shadow figures on a wall, but it clearly was not popular with anyone.

Tonight, CNN hosts Mike Pence, a parody candidate for the Republican nomination, who will speak of motherhood, family values, and apple pie. He will also forget that Donald Trump tried to have him killed on January 6th. No one will be watching.

Artist Francoise Gilot, The Only Woman Who Ever Left Picasso, Has Died at Age 101, Mother of 2 of His Children


I’m a few hours catching up to the death of Francoise Gilot, a formidable presence, at age 101.

A respected artist in her own right. Gilot had two children with Picasso at the end of the 1940s– Claude and Paloma. The latter went on to become a tycoon in jewelry, fashion, and perfume.

Gilot was the only woman who ever left Picasso. When she returned to the south of France and saw that Picasso had installed a young girl in her house, she picked up her children and went back to Paris. And that was it. He seethed because she defied him, and she didn’t care.

In 1964, she published a memoir, “Life with Picasso,” that was the most devastating look ever into the famous artist’s life. She went on to write several more books, have exhibitions all over the world, and eventually wed Dr. Jonas Salk. They were married for 25 years.

Gilot lived the last chapters of her life on West 67th St. between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue. I was lucky enough to visit her there in the late 80s and early 90s and we had several lunches at Cafe Des Artistes. In 1986, I was part of a team that published Picasso’s sketchbooks, “Je Suis Le Cahier,” for the Atlantic Monthly Press and the Pace Gallery. We became friendly, same as I did with Claude and Paloma, and her sister in law Christine Ruiz Picasso.

In 1996, Merchant ivory released a film called “Surviving Picasso,” starring Natasha McElhone as Gilot and Anthony Hopkins as Picasso. The movie didn’t work, and Gilot was not happy with the outcome. Everyone in the art world wanted a piece of Picasso through Gilot, who stood her ground as a fiercely independent woman who would not ride anyone’s coattails.

There was another instance of sycophancy, however. In 1988, writer Arianna Stassinopolous, then not yet Huffington, wrote a book about Gilot and Picasso called “Creator and Destroyer.” Gilot was furious with Stassinopolous, who used “Life with Picasso” as her main source and convinced Gilot they were chums. Gilot never forgave her.

Gilot was a tough cookie but she was also sweet and funny. A few years ago, the New York Times devoted the whole cover of its Arts section to her. Above the fold was a sensational picture they’d taken. Below was wonderful tribute to this witness to greatness. I immediately called her and said, “Francoise, congratulations. What an amazing story,” I said.

Francoise responded without missing a beat. “Yes,” she said, “but what do you think of the picture?”

HBO Mega Expensive Series Starring “The Idol” Wipes Out in Ratings with 232K Viewers


Breaking. “The Idol,” starring The Weeknd, opened to just 232K viewers on the HBO channel Sunday night.

More viewers will be claimed by HBO on streaming. The show was widely panned by reviewers for having mindless sex and no plot. Pop star The Weeknd was dubbed for having no acting talent.

The Idol is a rare misstep for HBO, home of cutting edge but quality shows. On Rotten Tomatoes, “The Idol” sits at 23%, which shows the enmity most reviewers had to the show. The public feels pretty much the same, citing The Weeknd’s bizarre appearances and the non stop vulgarity and coarseness.

Director Sam Levinson brought us “Euphoria,” a startling series about teens and their parents that includes sex, drugs and psychosis. But the “Euphoria” characters have hearts and souls, which is what makes it work. “The Idol” is just idle, with no real purpose except to titillate — but the come is so childish no one can take is seriously.

Box Office: Five of the Top Six Films are Sequels or Reboots, The Only Things Audiences Will Pay to See


It’s a sorry state of affairs right now.

The only things audiences will go to movie theaters for are sequels or reboots. Original ideas are not so popular.

The top six movies this weekend included five familiar ideas, and nothing new. They were: “Spider Man: Across the Universe,” “The Little Mermaid,” the third “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Fast X,” and “Super Mario Brothers.”

There were three more sequels in the top 20. The only original movie that did anything, besides Stephen King’s “The Boogeyman,” was “All About My Father” with Robert De Niro and Sebastian Maniscalco.

A sprinking of first time– nay, stand alone — films did little business,

For original programming, the audience is staying home and sampling from their streaming platforms.

This should bode well for the upcoming “Indiana Jones” and “Mission Impossible” movies coming soon. For others it may not be so easy unless they can sell “Oppenheimer” as the sequel to something — “Da Bomb”?

The only really original movie of the spring was “Air.” But that may not count since Nike was written all over it. The $50 million worth of audience may have thought they were getting a really big shoe.

Bang! “Spider Man: Across the Spiderverse” Weekend Up 110% from Previous Chapter at $120 Million in Dazzling Debut


If Sony Pictures didn’t have “Spider Man” movies, I don’t know what would happen to them.

This weekend, “Spider Man Across the Spiderverse,” an animated film, took in $120.5 million. That’s a 110% increase over the previous installment in 2018. Wow! The audience just kept coming back and back and back.

Nothing else did anything close. “Spider Man” shut down “The Little Mermaid,” from Disney. All the so-called ‘movies for adults” did poorly. No surprise.

keep refreshing…

CNN Chief Candid Interview Does Him In: Doesn’t Believe The Number of COVID Deaths, Questions Diversity, Defunding the Police


Everyone in the media is talking about one thing today besides Chuck Todd leaving “Meet the Press.”

The big story is about CNN circling the drain as its leader, Chris Licht, has hung himself out to dry in a new interview.

The story in The Atlantic by Tim Alberta is incendiary. Licht let Alberta follow him all over the place, talked to him like a pal, without a publicist around, and really helped him put a noose around his neck.

On Friday, Warner Discovery owner David Zaslav reacted to the interview by cutting half of Licht’s responsibilities and put in a WD corporate guy to run the place the get control of the situation. It’s speculated that Licht, as the Drudge Report put it, is “licht.” (He’s licked.)

The Alberta piece is endless as Licht just digs his grave. He even involves his personal trainer, who seems to be his closest confidante, to be part of the action.

And we wonder why CNN has seemed so crazy the last year, how the Trump Town Hall happened, and why no show has over 500,000 viewers anymore. Licht has driven the CNN audience to MSNBC by the droves. Jake Tapper has ruined his own reputation to stay in line with Licht’s idiotic beliefs.

On the subject of COVID:

“We don’t know how many deaths there were from COVID,” he said.”

No, really, we don’t,” Licht said. As the son of a doctor, he believed there were “legitimate conversations” to be had about the death toll attached to COVID-19. Perhaps some patients had been admitted to hospitals with life-threatening illnesses before the pandemic began, then died with a positive diagnosis, Licht postulated. “Where we run into trouble is when you say, ‘No. Come on. We’re not even having that conversation,’” he told the students. “That goes to trust as much as anything else. If you’re solid on your facts, then you should be able to entertain that discussion.”

(Really, Chris Licht? In December 2020, before there were vaccines, my father succumbed to COVID as did one of his caregivers. There were also portable mortuaries on East 76th St. behind Lenox Hill Hospital. He can’t be forgiven for that statement.)

Then there’s this:

Licht argued that the media’s blind spots owe to a lack of diversity—and not the lack of diversity that he sees newsrooms obsessing over. He wants to recruit reporters who are deeply religious and reporters who grew up on food stamps and reporters who own guns. Licht recalled a recent dustup with his own diversity, equity, and inclusion staff after making some spicy remarks at a conference. “I said, ‘A Black person, a brown person, and an Asian woman that all graduated the same year from Harvard is not diversity,’” he told me.

A minute later—after noting how sharing that anecdote could get him in trouble, and pausing to consider what he would say next—Licht added: “I think ‘Defund the police’ would’ve been covered differently if newsrooms were filled with people who had lived in public housing.” I asked him why. “They have a different relationship with their need with the police,” he said.

Licht glanced over at his assistant. “Now I’m in trouble,” he said.

Finally, on the train ride from hell, on the Acela from New York to Washington, there’s also this– and all this is before Trump ate Kaitlan Collins alive in the Town Hall.

As we cruised past Wilmington, Delaware, I asked Licht if there were people at CNN who wanted him to fail.

“I’m sure,” he said, nodding, visibly weighing what to say next. He opted to play it safe. “But it’s certainly a very small part, a very small pocket of the organization. So I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it.”

Then his voice changed. Suddenly, Licht was animated. “But I would say that for anyone who does want me to fail—what are you going for? Who would you want in this seat? You want a journalist? You want someone who has a direct line to the corporation and can make a phone call and go, ‘Hey, what the fuck?’ Do you want someone who’s done the job? Who’s done a lot of the jobs? Who understands exactly what it takes to do what I’m asking? Someone who believes that our future is based on executing great journalism? Maybe they don’t like my style or whatever, but I’m not quite sure what you’re going for—if you want me to fail.”

Licht looked out the window. “So I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it,” he repeated.

Licht isn’t finished destroying CNN. He’s got Town Halls lined up with Mike Pence, and with Nikki Haley that no CNN viewer will watch and which will just produce more lies. Licht apparently doesn’t care.

Meantime, the New York Times has a great piece today about former CNN chief Jeff Zucker, whom Licht replaced, wanting to come back and fix things.

Can it all get worse? You betcha.

Chuck Todd Leaving “Meet the Press” After 9 Tumultuous Years, Kristen Welker to Replace Him


A nation sighs in relief.

Chuck Todd, the much loathed host of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” is out. He told viewers this morning that he’ll be exiting after nine years Kristen Welker will take over. In some language, Welker translates to welcome.

Todd will become NBC’s chief political analyst, so we’ll still seem him but not every Sunday saying really dumb things to various politicians. Those days are over.

We can all have brunch in peace now.

“It’s been an amazing nearly decade long run. I am really proud of what this team and I have built over the last decade,” Todd said during the broadcast Sunday. “I’ve loved so much of this job, helping to explain America to Washington and explain Washington to America.”

He added: “When I took over ‘Meet the Press,’ it was a Sunday show that had a lot of people questioning whether it still could have a place in the modern media space,” Todd added. “Well, I think we’ve answered that question and then some.”

Todd has run “Meet the Press,” once an important Sunday morning event, into the ground. It finishes dead last among ABC’s “This Week” and CBS’s superior “Face the Nation.”

Good night, Chuck, and good luck.

Directors Guild Settles with Studios Using Leverage from Writers Strike, Agrees “AI is not a person and cannot replace the duties performed by members”

The Writers Guild strike, now more than a month old, has given another union leverage to agree to a new contract with with the studios.

Overnight, the Directors Guild came to terms with the AMPTP on many points including artificial intelligence. Computers will not be directing movies and TV shows, at least for now.

The agreement states:

“AI is not a person and that generative AI cannot replace the duties performed by members.

The Directors Guild, as someone said when all this began in April, “always caves.” They were right. But also, the DGA was able to use the WGA situation and get a halfway decent agreement from the studios. Directors are much different than writers or actors. For one thing, you can’t direct anything if you don’t have a script. So the DGA agreement is a moot point if the studios won’t come to terms with the writers.

Will this agreement hurt the WGA strike? Probably not. This WGA looks adamant and steadfast, and soon they may joined by SAG-AFTRA.

(Watch) Legendary Actor Clint Eastwood Celebrate His 93rd Birthday with His Family and a Cake


Clint Eastwood celebrated his 93rd birthday on May 31st in Carmel, California. His family gave him a cake, of course, and it MADE HIS DAY.

Clint is supposed to direct a new film called “Juror #2.” Will he do it? I’ll bet he does, even if he such sits in the directors chair and points. Clint is the original indie director. He’s made a ton of great movies. And he’s not done.

Box Office Boffo: “Spider Man: Across the Spiderverse” Explodes with $51 Mil Opening, Heading Toward Record Weekend, Eclipses 1st Film by $78 Mil


Amy Pascal can open some more Champagne.

“Spider Man: Across the Spiderverse” is a mega hit.

Total Thursday previews plus Friday opening came to $51 million. Predictions now are for a $113 million weekend. This would put the second film in the series at $78 million more than the first.

Not bad.

Sony should figure out a way to work Spider Man into all their releases!

The usual ‘this animated movie should get a Best Picture nomination’ stuff has begun. It’s like we’re in Groundhog Day. Not happening.

The rest of the box office belongs mostly to “Fast X,” the latest installment of “The Fast and the Furious.” It’s doing as well as the last one because, really, they have a core audience and that’s it

A24 bungled the Julia Louis Dreyfus movie, “You Hurt My Feelings.” It’s dead. They will have a solid opening weekend in very very extremely limited release with “Past Lives.” Looking at $200K in four theaters. Are there hot dog fingers? We’ll see.