Monday, September 30, 2024
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Jennifer Lawrence Goes Full Frontal All the Way In Middle Brow Comedy, “No Hard Feelings,” Despite Having an Oscar


The first question about “No Hard Feelings,” a middle brow comedy from Sony Pictures is this: why did Jennifer Lawrence agree to do it? And then, why, after winning an Oscar, is she full frontal naked running around on a beach and beating up high school kids?

You can choose different paths as an actor in Hollywood. You can ask yourself Would Meryl do it? Would Jessica Chastain do it? Or you could go another way. “No Hard Feelings” is the kind of half amusing comedy that Jennifer Lopez would do, although I don’t think she’d agree to the nudity.

Not that Jennifer Lawrence should be ashamed. She has a great body. And now we’ve seen all of it. Did it add to the comedic quality of the film? I don’t think so. Will it be a popular film for some to grab screen shots from? Yes.

Jennifer’s Maddie lives in Montauk, part of the Hamptons. Her mother has left her a nice house, but Maddie hasn’t paid the property taxes and now she has a short time to pony up or lose it in foreclosure. So she answers an ad placed by a rich couple — Matthew Broderick and Laura Benanti — who fear their 19 year Princeton bound son is a dork and must get laid. Maddie, who’s 32 and very botoxed, figures this is the easiest way to make money fast.

The 19 year old, whose name is Percy, of course, is played by Broadway actor Andrew Barth Feldman. He’s supposed to be clueless by wises up pretty fast. After a few dates with Maddie, Percy sits down at a piano in a fancy restaurant and performs Hall & Oates’ “Maneater” as if he were a Broadway star with 10 years of training.

So “No Hard Feelings” makes little to no sense, but you’re supposed to go with it. For a while, you do, until Percy has morphed from shy introvert into star faster than the movie can keep track. There are dozens of little inconsistencies that start to add up as the screenplay plods along, and when the secret that Percy’s parents hired Maddie in the first place, the movie loses its main engine and begins to sputter.

Gene Stupnitsky directed and co-wrote the film. He comes from TV’s “The Office” and other shows where logic isn’t always necessary. When you’re writing a series, an inconsistency can be fixed next week. Not so in a movie, where you’re trapped in a finite space and everything must make sense. For example, somehow Percy gets a very expensive red Infiniti– after not knowing how to drive — which he plows into the ocean. The car is destroyed and no one ever mentions it again. (This whole sequence not being thought out is oddly ironic since Broderick starred in a famous movie about a wrecked fancy car in “Ferris Bueller.”)

Jennifer Lawrence got famous for the very literary movie, “Winter’s Bone.” Her Oscar came for the well-written and conceived “Silver Linings Playbook.” She made money from the “Hunger Games” movies. But then she took a bad turn with a horror film that didn’t work called “Mother.” If “No Hard Feelings” is the sign of a new direction, then she’s squandering her good will and exceptional talents. Let’s hope there’s a re-think.

Broadway Will Say Goodbye to “Life of Pi” Next Month After Short Run, Won 3 Tony Awards


The first casualty of the just ended Broadway season has been announced.

“Life of Pi” will close on July 23rd after a short run. The play won three Tony Awards: for Best Scenic Design of a Play Best Lighting Design of a Play, and Best Sound Design of a Play.

Based on the novel that also launched the Ang Lee movie, “Life of Pi” relied heavily on inventive puppetry. But it had no stars and came late in a season that was already jam packed.

Producers say “Life of Pi” will have a national tour that will start in the fall.

Soon to close, as planned, are “Prima Facie” and “Leopoldstadt,” two hit plays.The former brought a Tony for Best Actress in a Play for Jodie Comer. The latter won Best Play and Featured Actor in a Play for Brandon Uranowitz.

And so we move on to a summer season with plenty of new shows like David Byrne’s “Here Lies Love.”

Box Office Update: “The Flash” Did Worse Than Predicted, Finishing $3 Mil Lower than Guesstimates


This gives me no pleasure since I liked “The Flash” a lot.

But total numbers for Thursday through Monday came in today and they were much worse than the $64 million guesstimate.

Warner Bros. says the total came in at just $61 million, three million lower than predicted.

“The Flash” finished at number 1 but it’s really sorta dead at this point. Between really out of control bad mouthing on social media, and the whole debacle around Ezra Miller, “The Flash” is a flash in the pan.

What a shame. It’s a good movie, very enjoyable. But all these things killed it. Miller wasn’t able to be part of any publicity without being questioned about his erratic behavior, etc. Michael Keaton, returning as Bruce Wayne after 30 years, has been AWOL, too. Sasha Calle is the only female in the film, but her role as Supergirl was cut back and she also hasn’t done much PR. Plus the late night talk shows are all in reruns because of the Writers Strike, so opportunities are not there for good marketing.

Maybe “The Flash” will pick up speed this week. I hope so.

Trump Classified Documents Trial Will Get First Hearing on August 14th in Miami with Questionable Judge, Stumbles on TV with Fox News’ Bret Baier

August will be dog days indeed for Donald Trump.

The first hearing in his classified documents trial has been set for August 14th in Miami Federal Court. Judge Aileen Cannon, whom Trump appointed, will be overseeing until the government asks for her recusal. Cannon already ruled in Trump’s favor earlier this year on the classified docs but was subsequently overruled.

Trump is the first former president to be indicted, arrested, and arraigned — and twice in the same year. He faces 27 counts in the mishandling of classified documents, bringing them from the White House to his homes, where he stored them in bathrooms and ballrooms accessible to anyone.

Last night on Fox News, Trump — who is already on tape admitting to having documents he could no longer declassify — made a fool of himself with Bret Baier, basically admitting to the allegations. Baier, surprisingly for Fox News — did what CNN’s Kaitlan Collins didn’t do in her Town Hall– and was very tough on Trump. He even called him out for hiring people during his presidency who’ve now all turned against him.

“Creed III” Star Jonathan Majors Gets August Trial Date for Domestic Dispute Case, Will Determine His Future


Jonathan Majors will have his day in court. This morning he was told August 3rd will be his moment of reckoning.

Majors has pleaded not guilty in an alleged domestic abuse case brought by a girlfriend who says he attacked her on March 25th in New York.

This trial is critical for Majors to win if he’s going to have a film career. He’s already starred in “Creed III” and “Ant Man III” this year, and has “Magazine Dreams” coming out this fall. He’s supposed to play the villain in two “Avengers” movies that have now each been pushed back a year because of this case. If he’s found guilty, Marvel will have find a Plan B. So will Disney Searchlight, which has “Magazine Dreams.”

What a terrible twist of fate for everyone involved.

Watch Donald Trump Admit Indictment Assertions About Declassifying Documents to Fox News’ Bret Baier


Donald Trump has lied so much that he can’t remember which ones he’s told and to whom.

Tonight he caught in his own lies in an interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier. Baier reads him the Jack Smith indictment about declassifying documents, and Trump gets so tangled up that he agrees with Baier– and the indictment. It’s a piece of tape that will certainly be used in court if we ever get that far.

It’s interesting that this happened on Baier’s watch. He’s the only objective journalist at Fox. Trump usually depends on his shill, Sean Hannity, to fix his mistakes or talk him back to a safe place. Trump’s brain must have been exploding as he realized Baier had him.

Some days you eat the Baier, some days the Baier eats you.

Sean Lennon Explains How Paul McCartney Made Last Beatles Record, NOT Using Artificial Intelligence to Create a Frankenstein


It’s time to dispel the idea that Paul McCartney and a bunch of Dr. Frankensteins re-created John Lennon’s voice using Artificial Intelligence for a last Beatles record.

McCartney used the expression “artificial intelligence” in a UK TV interview but he didn’t mean the thing called AI that everyone is so jumpy about these days. It was a toss off, if you will. What he meant was, he and the people involved took Lennon’s existing vocal from a late 70s demo, cleaned off all the rough stuff around it, and dropped it into a record that will also feature a George Harrison solo and Ringo Starr on drums.

The people involved includes Sean Ono Lennon, who had to give permission to use the demo for a Lennon song called “Now and Then.” Sean addressed this today on Twitter when one of his followers asked what was going on?

Sean wrote: “All we did was clean the noise from the vocal track. People are completely misunderstanding what occurred. There have always been ways of ‘de-noising’ tracks but AI just does it better because it learns what the vocal is and is able to very precisely remove everything that is not the vocal.”

He added as a response to another follower: “I shouldn’t speak too much on this yet but I’ll just say the track turned out beautifully and I think everyone will be very happy.”

Indeed, it’s not that different than what was done in the 90s to create “Free as A Bird” and “Real Love,” two then-new Beatles recordings made using Lennon demos.

Clearly, Sean is on the process and likely Dhani Harrison is, too. The bigger question is what will the new “Now and Then” be part of — a new album of outtakes? A fourth Anthology? An insider at Apple would only say that so far there are no plans, but I sense that may not be true.

Stay tuned…

HBO Will Cancel “The Idol” Because Viewers Hate It, According to Their Twitter Posts — But Network Still Denies It


HBO viewers hate “The Idol.” They say so on Twitter.

Last night’s episode, which was only 45 minutes but featured several scenes of kinky sex, really upset them, too. I don’t know how many are left. Last week’s episode had only 135,000 sets of eyes on the HBO channel. Tomorrow we’ll find out the actual numbers for last night.

Here’s a sampling of opinions.

HBO’s The Idol Episode 3 Was Only 45 Minutes Long, and Most of It Was Soft Core Porn for Juveniles


These days, a cable or streaming drama should run close to 60 minutes an episode. Recent HBO shows like “Succession” and “House of the Dragon” followed that formula. After all, there are no commercials. We paid for a subscription.

But tonight’s episode of “The Idol” ran just under 45 minutes. We can be grateful for that, actually. Most of it was soft core porn for juveniles.

In the first twenty minutes there were several sex acts including The Weeknd’s Tedros performing cunnilingus on Lily Rose Depp’s Jocelyn in the back seat of a moving vintage Lincoln Continental. The most offensive part of this was the defiling of a great American automobile.

The next section was a dinner scene in which Tedros got Jocelyn to admit her beloved late mother used to hit her with a hair brush so hard it broke her skin. So he orders Jocelyn to bring the hairbrush so he can hit her while they are having sex. The idea is also raised of putting the photo of Jocelyn with ejaculate on her face on the cover of her new album. Tedros is all for it.

Was there a plot? Yes: Tedros is playing a mind game with Jocelyn, taking over her life and career, getting rid of her inner circle. We know this because everyone talks about it but no one does anything about it.

The worst part of “The Idol” is not porn. It’s that someone writing this crap thinks this is the music business works. In this scenario, no one making records has a work ethic of any dignity or integrity. There are no actual musicians involved. It’s just a game, with a lot of hazy-shot sex.

I don’t know what it’s like for The Weeknd making records. Maybe this is his experience. But it’s certainly not that of any one who’s successful. Yes, there are parties and drugs, etc. But mainly it’s people trying to make music and get it released and marketed. If what happens on “The Idol” were the norm, the radio would be be just white noise.

While “The Idol” was ending, HBO was showing the last two episodes of Succession on another channel. It’s hard to believe these two two things could exist in the same realm.

Rep Says Famed Music Producer Quincy Jones, 90, Is “Fine” After Hospital Call, Still Planning Hollywood Bowl Shows This Summer


TMZ reported with their usual alarm that Quincy Jones was taken to the hospital this morning in Los Angeles.

But his rep Arnold Robinson tells me that Q, who is 90 and feisty. is “fine.” Listen, at 90 it’s amazing if you’re not at the hospital once a week!

The famed producer of Michael Jackson landmark albums, conductor of Frank Sinatra’s orchestra, and so much more is planning two shows at the end of July at the Hollywood Bowl to commemorate his 90th birthday (which was March 14th).

Already signed up to perform are Jennifer Hudson, George Benson, Patti Austin, Angelique Kidjo, John Mayer, Ibrahim Maalouf, and Siedah Garrett. More names will be coming, I’m sure. Just to go through Quincy’s catalogue will take at least two nights! (Stevie Wonder? Chaka Khan? Where are the Brothers Johnson? We’ll see.)

So we’re sending best wishes to irascible, immortal Q, as he is called by family, friends, and admirers.