Sunday, September 29, 2024
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“X” Marks the Spot: Elon Musk Chucking 18 Years of Twitter Branding to Rename Platform with New Logo, Website


Very shortly, maybe tomorrow, the blue and white bird logo for Twitter will fade into history.

Owner Elon Musk says he’s changing the name of the platform and the logo to “X.” He Tweeted this morning: “If X is closest in style to anything, it should, of course, be Art Deco.” The new “X” which you can see here has nothing to do with Art Deco. I have no idea what he’s talking about.

There is a lot of outrage and mockery over this ridiculous decision. It sounds as bad as the coming very ugly Tesla truck.

Is it a case of being on the spectrum? Is he just nuts? Is he trying to do more damage to Twitter? Last week he Tweeted that the company was in a financial mess. This won’t help matters.

You can only wonder what it’s like to work for Musk and have to nod “yes” to all this stuff. Maddening.

“Oppenheimer” Movie Success Pushes 2005 Paperback to Number 1, Hardcover Selling for $2,799 on Amazon — But No “Barbie” Book Tie-In


If you happened to buy and keep a copy of Kai Bird and MArtin Sherwin’s “American Promotheus” back in 2005, you’re in luck.

First edition hardcovers are now selling for $2,799 on Amazon. And so far there aren’t many of them. There’s one on ebay going for $2,500 and a couple under $1,000– that is until those sellers see what the market will bear.

The book upon which Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer: movie is based is now in very demand.

The Vintage paperback of the 2005 Pulitzer Prize winner has shot to number 1 on Amazon among all books. That edition sells for a normal $15.99.

Bird is next publishing a thorough biography of evil disbarred lawyer Roy Cohen in 2025. According to descriptions, Bird will lay out the way Cohn mentored Donald Trump to become the monster he is today. Should be riveting.

Unfortunately, Sherwin died from non smoker lung cancer shortly after “American Promotheus” was published.

Oddly, there is no “Barbie” book tie in. Mattel and Warner Bros. are plugged into every other object in the world. But I guess they figured Barbie has never read a book in her life, why should her character? But maybe a release of the movie’s screenplay will be coming in the near future. I can’t believe the producers missed an opportunity to make money!

Boffo Barbenheimer: $230 Mil Haul for Barbie, Oppenheimer Combo, Not Sequels, No Streaming Hollywood Weekend!


It’s a Barbenheimer world this morning!

Hollywood is celebrating as the double release of two blockbusters on the same weekend paid off handsomely.

“Oppenheimer,” an Oscar worthy three hour epic, made $80 million.

“Barbie,” the best marketed movie in eons, raked in $155 million. The worldwide take is $337 million.

Each movie was original, not a sequel, and didn’t involve streaming. If it weren’t for two union strikes at the same time, this weekend would be declared a national holiday.

For “Barbie,” Warner Bros. can say it’s the biggest debut of a movie in 2023. It’s also the biggest one for a female director. “Barbie” can also claim to be the biggest movie based on a toy, like “Transformers.” In fact. the “Barbie” weekend take is the same as the latest “Transformers” made in 7 weeks!

For “Oppenheimer,” the success guarantees Oscar nominations– about a dozen of them. Director Christopher Nolan has his biggest non-“Batman” moment. Robert Downey Jr. overcomes his “Iron Man” legacy — even though it made him very rich — and returns to being a serious actor.

Meantime, “Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning” finished fourth with $19.5 million. This movie suffered from poor timing. Tom Cruise knew that and tried to get release dates moved around. But “MI” should have opened a week earlier instead of challenging this pair of hits. Lesson learned the hard way.

The number 3 movie is “Sound of Freedom,” which is living on a free ticket distribution and must have an asterisk next to its box office report.

Complaints that “Barbie” Marketing Infiltrates TCM: Long Planned Harry Belafonte Tribute Night Yanked with No Notice to Push Doll Movie


It’s not like David Zaslav hasn’t caused enough trouble at Turner Classic Movies. He was shredded in the press last month for firing all the top execs at the beloved movie channel and causing three famous directors (Spielberg, Scorsese, Anderson) to come after him.

Tonight, TCM viewers were aghast to learn that a long planned tribute to Harry Belafonte, set for this evening and announced in April, has been scotched. In its place, TCM host Ben Mankiewicz is interviewing “Barbie” director Greta Gerwig about movies that influenced “Barbie.”

The replacement movies are “The Philadelphia Story,” which was shown on TCM just recently, and “The Red Shoes.” (What they have to do with “Barbie” is beyond me.)

The Belafonte tribute was supposed to include remarks by Harry’s actress daughter, Shari, plus screenings of “Carmen Jones” and the rare “The World, the Flesh and the Devil.”

Fans are irate that the evening was scuttled for promoting Warner Bros. “Barbie” because the studio also owns TCM. Gerwig is lovely and her thoughts on film are not uninteresting. But the “Barbie” logo and a pink set and the blatant plug of a new movie vs. the tribute to a movie legend and civil rights hero is…gross and tasteless.

Plus, “Barbie” doesn’t need this attention. It’s making well over $100 million this weekend. The whole thing is unnecessary and crass.

Friday Box Office: “Oppenheimer” Scores Big, Blows Away Audiences, “Mission Impossible” Suffering Barbenheimer Weekend


Last night. Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer” opened big — $22.5 million added to its previews of $10.5 million for $33 million so far. For a three hour epic drama in the summer, that’s explosive. Audiences are blown away by “Oppenheimer”! Cliches are coming in fast and furious.

The cross marketing scheme of “Barbenheimer” has worked like a charm. Someone must have thought of it, and they deserve a prize.

But “Barbenheimer” is taking a toll on the new “Mission Impossible” movie. Its total is at $104 million on its second official weekend. The slow down is concerning. It’s possible once “Barbie” fever is over, audiences will go back to “Dead Reckoning.” Let’s hope so.

So Who is the “Barbie” Audience? Not Children, Very Few Men, and Not Older Adults, But the Sweet Spot in Demos Ages 25-34


So who’s watching “Barbie”?

According to Warner Bros, the movie has an overall Cinemascore of A, which is the most desirable score in the world.

But then they break it down by age and sex and the results are not shocking. Women love it, men are not that interested. If they’re going, it’s as a plus 1.

Even more interesting: Children are not so into it. And why would they be? The movie is a feminist polemic and very arch. It’s going to sail over their heads. So it’s not a kids movie.

The sweet spot age wise is 25 to 34. That’s the age of nostalgia for your childhood, thinking back to when life was easier. That age group is grappling with dating, mortgages and having children. They need some comforting. The total there is 41% of the audience.

After age 35 the numbers drop sharply. People my age — 50 and over — are going to see “Oppenheimer.”

CinemaScore: A
Females: A 65%
Males: A‐ 35%
Under 25 Years Old: A 40%
Over 25 Years Old: A 60%
Females Under 25: A+ 26%
Males Under 25: A 13%
Under 18 A 11%
18‐24 A 29%
25‐34 A 41%
35‐49 A 13%
50 and Up A 6%

Barbie Box Office Boffo: $70.5 Mil Opening for a Record Shattering Weekend, Marketing Triumph


“Barbie” is a marketing colossus.

Last night, the Greta Gerwig directed comedy made $48 million on top of $22 mil in Thursday previews and is headed to a record shattering weekend. That’s a $70.5 mil opening night. The weekend will be double that or more.

The marketing part of it is pure genius, and will be studied for years to come. Mattel and Warner Bros. have collaborated on a pink revolution. There isn’t anyone who doesn’t know about this movie. The whole branding has been indelible. You can’t escape “Barbie” if you tried. She’s bigger than Mission Impossible and Indiana Jones.

And all this time we thought she was just a toy!

Jamie Foxx Is Alive and Well, Says In Video He Wasn’t Blind or Paralyzed, But Still Healing from His Mysterious Ailment


Jamie Foxx is alive and well, and grateful. Three months ago he suffered what is still a mystery ailment. His sister and daughter, he says, took great care of him, saved his life, and clamped down on all information.

There were reports that he was blind and paralyzed. Foxx says this isn’t true, and even crosses his eyes in this video as a joke. But he definitely went through “something” –maybe a mini stroke. He seems okay now and says he’s still healing. But all the predictions of doom and gloom were wrong, thank goodness.

Here’s to a continued recovery!

R&B Legend Willie Jones, Age 86, Releases His First Album Ever — A Soul Banger — Including a Song by Former Senator Al Franken


Willie Jones and the Royal Jokers have their debut album out, produced by my old friend in Nashville, Jon Tiven.

Who is Willie? Jon says: “According to Bettye LaVette, Willie discovered her and was the first professional person in the music business she ever met…and he told her she I could sing and wrote a song just for her.”.

Bettye adds in an email: “And I have loved him for most of my life.”

Willie is 86 years old. He and the Royal Jokers released some singles in the mid NINETEEN FIFTIES. But they never resulted in an album. Tiven says:

“At age 86, Willie & the RJ’s are getting their first LONG PLAYING release on Pravda Records, “Let’s Groove” featuring duets with Black Francis, Bettye LaVette, and Chuck Mead.  The songs are by Willie & myself with help from Keith Reid, Steve Cropper, Steve Kalinich, Al Franken, Chuck Mead, Bettye LaVette, Joe Bonamssa, Frederick Knight, Andreas Werner and Charlie Feldman.”

I met Jon in 1999 when he was producing a Wilson Pickett album called “Soul Survivor.” He’s done a lot of great work down in Nashville with his wife, Sally, putting out stellar, real music these last 25 years or so. He knows I’m a sucker for these stories.

So Willie Jones — the whole album rocks. I have a couple of tracks here I really, really like including “Color TV” and “Every Day is New.” Former Senator Al Franken co-wrote “Color TV.” Another old friend, the great Charlie Feldman, co-wrote “Break Free.” Enjoy!

Here’s an old Willie Jones single:

Barron Trump, 17, Used by Father in New Anti-Biden Post on Social Media: All Bets are Off Now on What’s Exempt in Political Coverage


click here for all of today’s Showbiz411 headlines

For years we’ve heard that Donald Trump’s teen son, Barron, was off limits to the press.

But now Donald himself has thrown Barorn, 17, into themix with this post on his TruthSocial media page.

“In an effort to level the playing field,” the picture of Barron reads, “

Barron Trump will debate Joe Biden.”

So let’s see: Barron, who’s 6 foot 7, has never actually been heard. His voice is a mystery. Years ago I was told that when he attended Columbia Grammar prep he had trouble with English because he lived on the same floor of Trump Tower with his Slovenian grandparents. So the debate between him and Biden should be pretty interesting.

Again, this is posted by Donald Trump on his social media. It was designed by his staff, at his request. He thinks it’s funny.

Robert Kennedy Embraces Roseanne Barr’s Favorite Rabbi, Shmuley Boteach, Who Socks Away $600K a Year from Bogus Charity