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Francis Ford Coppola can’t get away from families, no matter what business they’re in.

At 70 years old, he’s the once and always director of two of the great film s ever made”The Godfather’ I and II. And then, of course, there’s ‘Apocalypse Now.’ These are huge landmarks in motion picture history, unprecedented and never replaced.

But Coppola has never equaled those successes. He’s opted for smaller ones (‘Peggy Sue Got Married’), to be a producer of note, and a Northern California vintner. He’s also produced an Oscar nominee daughter, Sofia, director of ‘Lost in Translation’ and ‘Marie Antoinette.’

On Thursday, Coppola came to Cannes but not to the official festival. Instead, his ‘Tetro’ opened the Directors Fortnight, the prestigious side festival that often produces surprise hits like ‘Control’ from two years ago.

Certainly the lines at 9am on Thursday were an indication of Coppola’s continued legacy. The crowds were massive an hour before the first showing of ‘Tetro’ at the theater under the former Noga Hilton (now known, ridiculously, as the Palais Stephanie).

Who knows what the mostly international audience thought as ‘Tetro’ unreeled for the first time. It’s possible that many of them did not come in knowing the ‘baggage’ that accompanies actor Vincent Gallo, brawling, coarse star of New York’s gossip pages. Gallo’s reputation precedes him as the New Yorker you’d most not want at your dinner table.

It turns out that on screen he is an abrasive, mostly repellant figure. It doesn’t help that his title character is exactly these things, an unsympathetic lout who snarls, pouts and flees when the going gets rough. He’s a charmless Sonny Corleone.

In a circuitous manner, ‘Tetro’ slowly reveals itself to be Coppola’s attempt to tell a story from his own family. His father, Carmine Coppola, and uncle Anton were each musicians, composers, and conductors. But Anton had the early fame and success. It wasn’t until Francis became a star director that he was able to showcase his father, who then flourished writing the scores to ‘The Godfather’ and other Coppola movies. His great success came in 1981 when Francis staged a live showing of the restored silent film, ‘Napoleon,’ with his father leading a symphony orchestra at Radio City Music Hall.

Coppola has reversed the story of the two musician brothers so that the successful one ‘ Tetro’s father’is the main character. He’s a world class conductor and a horrible man, who’s ruined his son’s life including claiming his grandson as his son. (It’s kind of ‘Falcon Crest’ meets ‘Star Wars.’) It’s Tetro’s kindly uncle who’s now the sympathetic brother. But even Coppola realizes the villain is more interesting, so conductor Tetroccini is the central player here.

All of this is set in Buenos Aires, which substitutes for the Coppola family’s Italy. Cinematographer Mihai Malaimare, Jr. shoots the city in gorgeous black and white, with bursts of gorgeously drenched color to show scenes from the Tetro’s terrible and haunted past. You see, Tetro is now a ex-pat writer and sometime mental patient who’s let himself be destroyed by dad. When Bennie, his much ‘younger brother’ shows up in the form of newcomer Alden Ehrenreich (a cross between Michael Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio), you know there’s going to be trouble. It doesn’t help that the big plot twist is what they used to call ‘telegraphed’ almost by Western Union. Maybe now they call it ‘twittered.’

And telegrams are a problem, too. When young Bennie arrives, he reminds his brother’s girlfriend (the welcome Maribel Verdu) that he sent them just that, a telegram, announcing his imminent arrival. He didn’t email or use a cell phone. What year is it, exactly? For a long time, no current means of communication are displayed. We see a manual typewriter. The black and white film, the attitudes, suggest a time in the recent past. So it’s a little funny when Bennie finally sits down to work on a play, and he’s using a brand new Apple laptop.

Coppola didn’t like it much at the Q&A after the screening when I asked about the autobiographical aspects of the film. He replied, ‘Nothing in this story happened, but everything is true.’ That information, and two bucks, will get you on the subway. The tag line for the film is ‘Every family has its secrets.’ My guess is the Coppola’s had theirs. Now the director has turned his memory of all that stuff into a kind of Playhouse 90 TV drama.

He certainly has nothing to prove. But ‘Tetro’ feels more than a little ‘retro’ and not quite the sophisticated piece of movie making you’d expect from Coppola at this point.’ It’s not the production. It’s the material. Coppola is too close to his sources. His screenplay feels like it has hidden asterisks that point to footnotes the audience doesn’t receive.

PS Just as a bit of trivia, on their Wikipedia entries neither brother Carmine or Anton Coppola mentions the existence of the other’only all their other family connections.




He turned 83 in March right after getting the Jean Hershholt Humanitarian Oscar. Jerry Lewis never looked better that night. We should have known he was up to something.

So now, Lewis is coming to the Cannes Film Festival on Friday to make an announcement: he’s going to star in his very own comeback film. I’m told it’s a dramatic role ‘about love’ and called, possibly, ‘Max Rose.’

Details are sketchy but the word is that financing is in place and that Lewis, who’s feeling great after some tricky health years, is ready to show new generations what made him a legend. He’s not going to exit this life as a telethon host.

Lewis has made on and off appearances on primetime TV shows over the years. His last actual feature film was a Peter Chelsom movie called ‘Funny Bones.’

Lewis has no acting Oscars or even Golden Globes (hard to believe since he could have just taken that crowd to Vegas for the weekend). He’s best remembered for movies like ‘The Nutty Professor’ and ‘Boeing Boeing’ among a string of hit comedies from the early 60s and late 50s. He actually has a credit for something that sounds hilariously awful called’ “How to Smuggle a Hernia’ Across the Border.’

But the pinnacle of Lewis’s film success came in 1982 with Martin Scorsese’s classic, ‘The King of Comedy.’ It’s a coincidence that Lewis is announcing his new film tomorrow since Scorsese is also in Cannes with the news that he’s making a film about Frank Sinatra, one of Lewis’s old cohorts from the halcyon days of the Rat Pack.

Lewis, by the way, told me at the Oscars that he wasn’t so much a fan of the recent hit Broadway adaptation of ‘Boeing Boeing.’ But it did encourage him to start planning a Broadway version of ‘The Nutty Professor,’ a project over which he would have total control. With that, he whacked the gold covered chocolate Oscar off its pedestal on his Governors Ball desert’for comic effect’and ate it in one bite.


What could you do if your house went into foreclosure? Here’s one possible solution: tie a million red yellow blue and green helium balloons to it and sail away.

That’s what Carl Fredericksen does in the new Pixar-Disney hit, ‘Up,’ which opened the 62nd Annual Festival de Cannes last night. Of course, it’s not foreclosure exactly on Carl’s mind. It’s just that he’s old and developers want his house. As a tribute to his late wife, Ellie, Carl decides to fly their home to a mountaintop and fulfill Ellie’s lifelong wish.

The audience loved ‘Up’ last night even though the American stars of the film’Edward Asner (Lou Grant!) and Christopher Plummer were not present. French legend Charles Aznavour was on hand though to kick off this year’s proceedings, and that did a lot to kickstart the mostly French audience into a frenzy. Aznavour is their Tony Bennett, so you know what means: adulation.

The opening night ceremonies also debut this year’s Cannes jury including head juror Isabelle Huppert, also a French icon, and Robin Wright Penn, the about to divorced from wife of Sean Penn who was last year’s head juror. The word is that Robin asked Sean to call Cannes chief Thierry Fremaux and get her seated on the jury. Maybe it’s part of the divorce. But it’s also a great idea. RPW has long labored under the radar as a fine actress. My prediction is that she really takes off now.

But back to ‘Up’: it’s a gamble for Pixar that the crux of their story is about an octogenarian on a mission. Ed Asner is not Justin Timberlake. The other voices’Plummer, Delroy Lindo’are no teen heartthrobs either. There’s only one young character, a sidekick boy named Russell played by newcomer Jordan Nagai. So there are publicity issues. But Pixar’s Pete Docter and Bob Peterson, and of course, John Lasseter, are at the point where they can bet the house, so to speak, on whatever they want. The result is that ‘Up’ is incredibly charming and moving, a great family picture that will have much resonance for the parents and grandparents who will take their kids in droves to see it.

There was a swanky after party following the premiere at the Palais, with so many food stations you’d never know there was a recession. I ran into actress Elizabeth Banks, looking gorgeous in a flowing Armani gown. She’s here as the first deployment of L’Oreal spokesmodels this week. Kerry Washington and a few others are due shortly. Roxy Music’s Bryan Ferry was loping around the room, and Aznavour himself’dressed sharply in a white dinner jacket’was a magnet for paparazzi and fans.




Jim Carrey‘so talented, so funny, so perplexing. Remember the good old days of ‘Liar Liar,’ ‘Ace Ventura,’ even ‘The Truman Show.’ Carrey had it all. I didn’t even mind him playing Andy Kaufman in ‘Man on the Moon.’ My goodness”Bruce Almighty’ was six years ago already!

But there was also ‘The Cable Guy.’ Yikes! A disaster. ‘The Number 23,’ which, let’s face it, no one saw. ‘The Majestic’ was terrible, and no one could make heads or tails of ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.’ (Stop pretending you did!)

Now comes ‘I Love You, Philip Morris.’ A dud at Sundance, no one wanted this romp about a gay conman (Carrey) and his mark (Ewan MacGregor). Every distributor passed on it. Somehow it’s gotten into the Directors Fortnight here in Cannes. Maybe we’ll be pleasantly surprised. But maybe not.

Can you remember a Jim Carrey movie that only has release dates set for Brazil, Finland, Netherlands, and Romania? Do those countries have ‘Access Hollywood?’

‘Philip Morris”which has nothing to do the tobacco company’just got picked up by a small distributor Consolidated Pictures Group, which has set the US release for Valentine’s Day 2010. This will be considered counterprogramming to the Winter Olympics.

Here’s my career move for Jim Carrey: I think he should play Jacob in the last season of ‘Lost.’ It’s perfect. He can explain everything that’s happened, then do some time travel and erase all his bad films.


The Cannes Film Festival begins tonight, and all the talk is about ‘Up,’ from Pixar/Disney. It has no stars present, not even beloved Ed Asner, who’s apparently the main voice in the already well reviewed animated film. But what does it matter? ‘Up’ is what people are discussing, as new arrivals look around to see who’s here, if anyone, if the gossip about a low turn out is true.

So far, so good, though: the private planes are said to be backed up for landing in Nice. The train from Paris to Cannes yesterday afternoon was full. The hotels’which were said to have empty rooms galore’so far are said to be in good condition. Last night the local restaurants were busy as expected for the night before the festival.

Fear is not doing much to drive away the Cannes regulars. Recession has not quite hit the Rue d’Antibes, even though there are a couple of commercial establishments empty with ‘to lease’ signs in their windows. Mostly, the Cannes shopping district looks in good shape. The town is ready for a good run.

And why not? Brad Pitt and Mariah Carey are coming, so is Francis Ford Coppola. Quentin Tarantino and Harvey Weinstein are bringing their whole gang for ‘Inglourious Basterds.’ Everyone is curious about Terry Gilliam’s ‘Doctor Parnassus,’ the last film with Heath Ledger that has three other stars filling out his unfinished work.

As well, the Cannes market is buzzing. This is the place where films needing funding, or just completed but needing distribution, are flogged by distributors. This is usually a group of films that Americans will see only on airplanes or DVD, but you never know what will break out. One eye catcher is something advertised in trade paper Screen International called ‘The Expendables.’ It’s maybe a prescient title, since the stars listed are Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts, Jet Li, Jason Statham, and’oh yes’Mickey Rourke.

On the other hand, the same company-NuImage/Millenium’is touting ‘Solitary Man’ starring Michael Douglas, Susan Sarandon, Danny DeVito, and Mary Louise Parker, written and directed by the hot team of Brian Koppleman and David Levien. Steven Soderbergh is producing. I don’t know if they’ve even made it yet, but I want to see it. So there.

There are plenty of would be projects like that: another one that I’m chomping at the bit for is ‘Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll,’ the story of the beloved Ian Dury. Andy Serkis will play the polio-crippled genius rocker whose new wave hits included ‘Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick’ and ‘Reasons to Be Cheerful, Pt. 1.’ Toby Jones and Ray Winstone are in the cast. The whole set up has great promise.

And here’s an intriguing entry: Mark Ruffalo’s directing debut, ‘Sympathy for the Delicious.’ Ruffalo plays a newly paralyzed music DJ who struggles to survive L.A. in his wheelchair. Juliette Lewis co-stars.

There’s also this listing from the strange company Peace Arch, which has been irresponsible for making some bad movies like ‘Hound Dog’ and ‘Chapter 27.’ They’ve got a documentary that lists Hugh Jackman, Ringo Starr, and David Copperfield answering the question, ‘What is god?’ It’s appropriately titled ‘Oh My God.’ Indeed.


The Monday to Tuesday drop off is here, and ‘Wolverine’ didn’t do so well. The X Man retracted his claws, box office fell 71.2% from Sunday. ‘Star Trek,’ on the other hand, fell only 64% from Sunday. My guess is that ‘Star Trek’ fans are trekking back to see this great ride again, while the Wolveriners can simply go to the internet for more helpings. Why hasn’t Fox gotten that movie down? It’s been six weeks!

‘ ‘Duplicity’ ends its theatre run this week, with $40 million in the till. A third of that goes to Julia Roberts. Something goes to Clive Owen. Universal took a hit here, which was too bad. There was much potential. No what for Julia? ‘Fireflies in the Garden’ comes in June. It’s not very good, and Julia’s only in it because hubby Danny Moder is the cameraman. Roberts has got to get a new team, and find some comedy scripts toot sweet, as they say. Maybe one could be about a successful woman who learns not to be bitter and sarcastic. Bring in Colin Firth to save her…




Michael Jackson’s London concerts are going forward as planned, despite legal threats from miscellaneous types who’d like to cash in on the action.

The latest threat, reported on, is “bogus” according to insiders and has no legal standing.

Concert promoters who never came up with the money and never had real agreements are suing Jacko and former (like in the 80s) manager Frank DiLeo claiming that they’d agreed to be part of some kind of Jackson family tour with the Jackson 5 and Janet Jackson.

Good luck: DiLeo does not represent Jackson and never signed anything, say insiders. Jackson never signed anything either.

Somewhere at the bottom of this latest minor intrigue is promoter Leonard Rowe and Michael’s dad, Joseph Jackson. I reported a few months ago that these two were trying to worm their way into Jacko’s world. It’s not happening.

Meanwhile, as I reported exclusively last week, the Jackson shows will be delayed from July 8th to July 13th or 14th for their start. Director Kenny Ortega should announce tomorrow that he needed a’ little more time for rehearsals and sets. Ortega is putting together a hot show, I am told, featuring Cirque du Soleil dancers and performers.




It was a wild and unusually funny “Saturday Night Live” last night, with Justin Timberlake as host.
In a skit in which Justin is portrayed as an immigrant coming to America through Ellis Island, Timberlake speculates about his great great grandson. In the course of the skit, he predicted his progeny would sleep with a famous pop singer.
“”Publicly they’ll say they’re virgins, privately,” Timberlake says. “He hit it.”
So much for illusions.

Timberlake pokes fun at himself throughout the very funny sketch, also suggesting that making love to so many beautiful women turns his descedant to men. (He’s just kidding.)
The other big news from “SNL” last night in the realm of pop celebs is that Timberlake, if you care, is obviously still dating Jessica Biel. She was on the show and introduced Ciara, singing with Timberlake. So much for the breathless reports that the couple had broken up.
All of this is minor stuff. Overall “SNL” was consistently funny last night. Jimmy Fallon was back to do “The Barry Gibb” show, in which he and Justin are the Bee Gees brothers Barry and Robin Gibb in 70s leisure suits. Fallon was brilliant in that one, and the two of them had a ball. Also excellent was a new short musical film from Andy Samberg and Timberlake sending up Mother’s Day featuring Susan Sarandon and Patricia Clarkson as their moms–the guys want to be the others’ “Mother Lover.” Hysterical.
Timberlake is an excellent comic presence, with –obviously–a voice that lends itself naturally to whatever’s needed. He could host a weekly comedy show with no problem.

What I don’t understand is why he continues to pretend to play musical instruments. He looked ridiculous mock playing keyboards during Ciara’s first song last night.
Ciara, meantime, is a mystery. A hot young thing, she’s great at leading backup dancers through gyrating dance moves worthy of a great strip club. She’s damn sexy. But her voice is thin and her songs are awful. Well, you can’t have everything.

PS Leonard Nimoy, Chris Pine, and Jeremy Quinto plugged the new “Star Trek” for no apparent reason, but it was nice to see Nimoy on the show.




If you’re wondering, there will be sequels to the current ‘Star Trek’ movie.

After all there were nine ‘Star Trek’ films the first time around. If Paramount were a person it would be clapping hands in joy and rolling around on the carpet right now. They’ve restarted a series.

Future films built off this one could certainly include the real James T. Kirk, William Shatner, and tell prequel stories to those seen in the TV series. Expect announcements shortly. Generally in these situations the actors are signed for three movies.

But don’t dismiss a return by director J.J. Abrams. Over the weekend, Abrams had the number 1 most accessed page at, beating Angelina Jolie, Hugh Jackman, and all the stars of current movies. A director, no less! With ‘Lost’ on TV, and ‘Alias’ behind him, Abrams is a hot commodity now.

At Paramount this is especially true since Abrams directed the last ‘Mission Impossible’ movie, number three, with Tom Cruise. It’s conceivable that he could restart that series too, possible with a real ‘MI’ team like the TV show and not just as a star project.


Don’t count Farrah Fawcett out quite yet.

Despite Ryan O’Neal’s claim to People magazine that Farrah Fawcett has stopped receiving cancer treatment, friends say that’s not completely true.

‘She may have stopped one treatment on the day that Ryan spoke,’ says one close friend. ‘But we haven’t given up, no one’s thrown in the towel.’

That’s good news for the courageous actress. Her battle against cancer will be documented this Friday night on NBC in a film made by good friend, Alana Stewart. If nothing else, the film should give some insight into how people live with cancer, and why every day brings simultaneous hope and discouragement.

The film should show a few good friends who’ve gathered around Farrah, including Stewart, hair dresser to the stars Jose Eber. Fawcett was his first celebrity client and they’ve remained close ever since.

Some non celebrities are also featured. Fawcett’s father, James, is still alive but her mother, Pauline, died in 2005 at age 91. Farrah’s older sister, Diane, died in 2001 from lung cancer. Like Farrah now, she was 62 years old.

And don’t believe the dire statements on the syndicated TV shows either about doctors ‘flying in’ to Los Angeles at the 11th hour. All of Fawcett’s doctors are exactly where they’ve been; there’s nothing so dramatic going on says someone who spoke to Farrah’s German doctor on Sunday.


Monday night: if you live at the cramped corner of Waverly and Bank Streets in the West Village, get ready for an onslaught. During the cocktail hour chef John DeLucie is celebrating publication of his book, ‘The Hunger: A Story of Food, Desire and Ambition,’ from Ecco Press. Four hundred A list guests are expected.

The Waverly, like Elaine’s and Balthazar, is one of the few restaurants seemingly unaffected by the recession. Last Friday night there was a one hour wait for tables. Regulars Dan Abams and Dave Zinczenko entertained two brunettes at a round table. There were tons of fashionistas. I suppose they will all be at book party. ‘The Hunger’ is an engaging tale of one chef’s rise through the New York ranks of kitchens. DeLucie, by the way, once worked at the wonderful Arizona 206 on East 60th St. That explains everything.

PS: Another New York restaurant of note is finally getting traction. Benoit (pronounced Ben-wa), on Fifty ‘fifth Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, is the latest offering from legendary French chef Alain Ducasse. It’s moderately priced bistro food’and delicious. Some flowers, a little music, and a dress code (I couldn’t believe what some of the people were wearing on a Saturday night’or not wearing in some cases), and Benoit should become a destination. The roasted chicken for two is a hit!




‘Star Trek’ fans were disappointed that William Shatner wasn’t in the new J.J. Abrams hit tribute. Actually, Shatner was, too.

But in a new animated sci fi film scheduled for next February, both Shatner’the old Capt. James T. Kirk’and Chris Pine‘the new one, Kirk’s younger self’are not only featured but have scenes together. (The dialogue was recorded separately, however; the Kirks did not meet in a sound booth.)

The film is called ‘Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey.’ Written and directed by Dr. Harry Kloor, ‘Quantum Quest’ also has the distinction of featuring two Darth Vaders’James Earl Jones and Hayden Christensen. There’s also a vocal appearance by Luke Skywalker, aka Mark Hamill.

I spoke to Harry Kloor yesterday about ‘Quantum Quest.’ He says the release date is set for February 2010, although he thinks he’ll be ready to start screening it in the fall. ‘We had to wait to do our [sound] mixing until August,’ he said. That’s why the delay.

(John Carrabino, who’s managed Pine to ‘Star Trek’ fame and fortune, told me he knew just about nothing about the movie, however.)

Kloor’a physicist who’s also written scripts for ‘Star Trek Voyager’ and other sci fi TV series’told me the plan now is to self-distribute ‘QQ.’ So far, he says, he’s brushed off the advances of major studios who want a piece of the action. Of course, the film is problematic to program: it’s just 45 minutes long. It’s going to be shown in IMAX theaters, ‘natch, where kids and spaceniks should go nuts for it.

‘QQ’ was initiated and sponsored by NASA, including footage from actual space missions. Kloor got a grant from the Jet Propulsion Lab via its Saturn robot rocket mission’Cassini Huygens.

Featured along with the actors is Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the moon. It’s the first time he’s been in a movie of any kind.

You can see a clip from the film, featuring a voiceover by legendary Casey Kasem, at The producers had better update their MySpace page, however. It still lists John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson among a few actors who didn’t ultimately work on the film.




The box office numbers are in for Friday night. “Star Trek” according to took in over $26 million on Friday night, beinging its grand total from Thursday night showings to a smidge over $30 million. It finished at number 1.

“Star Trek” easily trounced “Wolverine: X Men Origins.” The second Friday for that film was $8.2 million. Last Friday the Hugh Jackman sci-fi thriller took in over $34′ million. Its box office has declined every day since then.

“Star Trek” didn’t break any records, but considering the new film revived an old franchise it’s pretty impressive. If the numbers hold up, expect a $75-$90 million weekend. And that’s also pretty good considering it has no stars in it–just knowns and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. “Wolverine” has Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, Patrick Stewart, and the advantage of three recent films with the character in it.




You have to hand it to Elizabeth Edwards. The put upon, physically ill wife of ex Senator John Edwards has decided to turn her lemons into lemonade.

Elizabeth officially publishes her second book, ‘Resilience,’ today. And resilient she is. By using her husband’s affair and his possibly illegitimate child as a hook, she’s driven sales of what is a pretty otherwise dull book through the roof.

Today, ‘Resilience’ stands at number 11 on amazon’s best seller list. That’s 11 of all books, hard and soft cover. You go, girl!

Edwards’ pr campaign is sort of brilliant: use the husband’s ex mistress and the whole scandal to her own benefit. There’s hardly a person alive in this country who doesn’t know that Elizabeth wouldn’t allow Oprah to say the mistress’s name on her show.

For the record: it’s Rielle Hunter.

There’s also hardly a person alive who doesn’t know that Edwards purposely waffled about whether Hunter’s baby daughter was fathered by the ex-Senator. Elizabeth, a brilliant woman with a law degree, can’t see a resemblance between this baby and pictures of her own. But, hey, maybe, who knows? It’s too bad she’s not selling subprime mortgages.

The National Enquirer has a cover story on Hunter this week. But my guess is it wasn’t planted or supported by Hunter. A source close to her adamantly denies that Hunter has ever spoken to the Enquirer. Right now, you wonder: what good would it do her? The only person who makes out from an Enquirer story is: Elizabeth Edwards. She’s got a book to sell. Hunter has remained silent.

And, for the record, she doesn’t need a paternity test for baby Frances. As Hunter has said: she knows who the father is.

Meantime, Hunter’s sister, to whom she hasn’t spoken in years, has been doing the syndicated rag show circuit. She also may be the source for quotes in the Enquirer.

And lest we all think that the Enquirer has a new picture of Hunter and baby Frances on its cover, guess again: that’s the same photo they’ve used for months and months. Frances is now over a year old. That picture is of a baby. The most recent photo of mother and child was published by this reporter at his old column back in March.




The Cannes Film Festival welcomes all celebrities, but this year it’s going to be a little more fun than usual.

Mariah Carey is set to descend on the famous Croissette’the strip along the beach in Cannes’as star of a hot movie called ‘Precious.’

‘Precious,’ of course, was called ‘Push’ when it had a sensational debut in Sundance this year. But there was another movie called ‘Push,’ which no one will even remember by the time someone releases ‘Precious’ this fall.

By someone, I do mean’who knows? It’s a Lions Gate movie, but The Weinstein Company thought it had a deal first at Sundance. There will be some legal wrangling before the movie is released.

In the meantime, Mariah hits Cannes with thunder and lightning starting next week promoting ‘Precious’ and its popular director, Lee Daniels, previously the producer of ‘Monster’s Ball’ and the director of ‘Shadowboxer.’ Daniels has quickly established himself as a force in the industry. He also directed Mariah in the less successful ‘Tennessee.’ Other ‘Precious’ cast that should be showing up includes Lenny Kravitz.

And plenty more big names are headed to Cannes despite the bad economy. Brad Pitt stars in Quentin Tarantino‘s “Inglourious Basterds.”’ Director Terry Gilliam has Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell, and Jude Law finishing up Heath Ledger’s role in ‘The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.’ The legendary director Francis Ford Coppola is going to debut his new ‘Tetro’ at the Directors Fortnight arm of the Festival with actor Vincent Gallo in the lead role.

So the Festival de Cannes begins next Wednesday, with Pixar/Disney’s ‘Up,’ a highly anticipated animated film from the people behind ‘Wall E.” And on Thursday of the following week, at the Hotel du Cap, Sharon Stone, Kenneth Cole and Harvey Weinstein come in for their annual AmFar dinner, Cinema Against AIDS, the most glittering night of the Festival, with Annie Lennox performing and Bill Clinton making a special appearance. Not too shabby!


Yesterday I noted that in the Warner M(usic) analysts’ call, Edgar Bronfman Jr was all excited about the Performance Rights Act coursing its way through Congress right now. That’s House Bill 848 and Senate Bill 157.

Why not? If the bill passes, and radio stations are forced to pay a royalty for song play to performers, record companies’the copyright holders’will get a small percentage of the take.

But more importantly, and this is really important, the performers’who’ve collected nothing during the FIFTY years of rock and roll on radio’will receive the lion’s share of that royalty.

Right now, when you hear a song on the radio, only the writer(s) of it, and the publisher, get paid.

Under the new act, which the radio companies object to, the singers and musicians will get paid, too. All of them, not some of them.

The Bill is supported by tons of musicians like Paul McCartney and Bono, who already get paid a writers’ royalty but have rallied to support all musicians. ‘Soul Man’ Sam Moore and Judy Collins, as well as Sheryl Crow and plenty of others have already gone to Congress to plead this worthy cause.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Rep. John Conyers (D-Michigan) is a prime supporter of the bill. And so is Senator Orrin Hatch.

I’ve written about this a lot in my old column. But basically, the lack of a performance royalty is why so many older performers are forced to hit the road every year looking for audiences. While record sales may dry up when a performer is past his/her prime, their songs are still played on radio day and night. This is why Las Vegas is filled with pop stars whose records don’t sell but whose songs we love like Cher, Bette Midler, even Celine Dion.

Fifty years of free radio seems like enough: it’s time to get the Performance Rights Act passed. It’s legislation for artists who’ve been denied for too long.