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Phil Spector’s Murder Victim Spoke From the Grave


spector 249x300 Phil Spectors Murder Victim Spoke From the GraveLegendary record producer Phil Spector‘s lifelong reign of terror came to an end today. He was sentenced to 19 years to life for the February 2003 murder of actress Lana Clarkson. Fifty years of waving guns in the faces of women came down to this.

Spector will now be remembered more for the murder than for creating the lush, magnificent ‘Wall of Sound,’ and producing records that are the bedrock of rock and roll.

Clarkson is dead, but she lives on; she speaks thanks to the Internet. The Spector defense in two trials tried to paint her as depressed and suicidal. They argued that she took her own life. It’s hard to imagine this gorgeous, sunny, blonde, five foot eleven woman wanted to be alone with the rodent-like Spector even for a minute. But for some reason, she went back to his house on the night of February 3, 2003. It was the worst mistake she could have made.

I wrote about Clarkson in the hours after she was reported dead. Luckily, she left behind a website with a message board that still exists on the Internet. Her last post was on January 30, 2003. You could see she was thrilled to interact with her fans who loved her B movies like ‘Queen of the Barbarians.’

Earlier, on January 8, Clarkson answered a message from a fan who wanted to know what kind of men she liked. This is what she wrote:

‘Hi Valeri,

I am automatically physically attracted to tall men. Being that I am six feet tall, it is nice to date men that I can look up to. This does not mean however that I am opposed to dating men with whom I see eye to eye, so to speak. I’ve had plenty of boyfriends who were 5′10 or 11. I am fond of a twinkle in the eye and a spring in the step. Someone with confidence, sensuality and a great sense of humor. As I am a firm believer that laughter is a healing force, I tend to do a lot of it and try to be around positive dynamic individuals that are interested in life and the pursuit of happiness! I am a spiritual person so I like to be with someone who has some sort of spiritual practice, likes kids, does volunteer work and likes to travel. I hope to make some sort of difference in this lifetime… I’d like to find a partner who has the same aspiration. I could go on but these are some general attributes that I find attractive and hope to have in my life.

Good question, thanks for stopping by.

Best, Lana’

None of those attributes described fits Spector, a self-centered egotistical recluse who terrorized his children, wives, girlfriends, and associates.

Clarkson routinely answered questions from her fans, and did so with aplomb. She admired Marilyn Monroe. She wrote: “this is not to imply that I wish to live the sort of lonely and narcotics-shrouded existence she did. What I love about her is her essence, her work and her commitment to it. She was an ACTRESS with a capital ‘A’!” she wrote in one posting. She concluded: “I have been blessed to work in an extremely difficult industry, but in my opinion have not even begun to reach my full potential. I have been pounding my head against a plexiglas ceiling trying to break through to a completely different level for a while now. God willing, this is the year it will happen. Keep your eye out for a new quality of work from Ms. Clarkson!”

It didn’t sound, when I cited it on February 4, 2003, the morning after her murder, like a woman who planned to commit suicide.

In another posting, Clarkson described her long haul as a ‘C’ level actress: “I’ve always been fortunate to make a living as an actress. However, I have done other jobs to supplement my taste for producing, writing and directing. I’ve worked as a standup comic, a model, a producer, a travel agent, done trade shows, worked for a jewelry company and teach image enhancement workshops for the corporate world. I also occasionally teach acting.”

She did not care to share her personal life with her fans, however. “Thanks for stopping by. I am dating, but don’t feel comfortable sharing that part of my life,” she wrote to one fan. “I prefer to keep my love life private!” She then adds eerily: “As far as past relationships, there have been some great loves (some of them famous), but you’ll have to read about them in my book. That won’t be completed for a couple of years yet.”



It’s the 30th anniversary of the “The Secret Policeman’s Ball” benefit shows that raised money for Amnesty International. This alone is a frightening thought — really, 1979 was 30 years ago? Seems like yesterday.

Anyway,’Martin Lewis’has organized Los Angeles and New York film festivals that are not to be missed. You can see’Sting’s witty, self-effacing promo for it, and the whole thing can be accessed here. The films are out on DVD, too, but so much nicer to see on the big screen. The versions of “Roxanne” and “Message in a Bottle” are remarkable — and only available here since the CDs for both “Policeman’s Ball” albums are out of print.

P.S. There’s also a new, funny message from Monty Python’s’Michael Palin posted here.

Tom Cruise: A ‘Wichita’ Lineman?


Tom Cruise’is trying to make a comeback. Will he succeed? There are various reports today that he’s signing on to film “Wichita,” an action comedy, co-starring’Cameron Diaz. Not surprisingly, the deal is at 20th Century Fox, the studio that had foreign rights to “Valkyrie.” As it turned out, the loathsome Nazi film did better internationally than it did domestically with United Artists.

You remember United Artists? That was the studio Tom and’Paula Wagner’were going to revive a couple of years ago. Now the once great UA — sullied during this debacle — is adrift. They’re advertising DVDs of their eight Best Picture winners from their glory days — like “Annie Hall,” “Rocky,” and “Rain Man” — on their website. “Valkyrie” is not one of them.

Can Cruise have a comeback? If “Wichita” is made, it won’t be released until summer 2010 at the earliest. Another if: If Cruise can keep his strangeness to himself, a comeback is possible. The public has a short memory. But right now, a new younger generation doesn’t relate to him. If he needs proof of how that works, just ask Julia Roberts.

Eminem: How Soon Before More Lawsuits?


eminem 267x300 Eminem: How Soon Before More Lawsuits?Rapper Eminem has triumphantly returned to the charts–he’s No. 1 this week with over 600,000 copies of “Relapse.”

But how long before a new defamation lawsuit is filed by a family member? Back in 1999, Debbie Mathers Briggs — Marshall Mathers’ infamous mother — filed an $11 million suit against her son. She came away with just a $25,000 judgment and netted $1,600 after paying her lawyer.

Now, on a new track on “Relapse” called “Insane,” Eminem recalls in graphic detail rape and sexual abuse at the hands of a man he refers to as his stepfather. It’s unclear which of’ Mathers-Briggs’ three ex-husbands (after Eminem’s actual father), or even a boyfriend — Eminem is referring to.

Whichever one it is, the “Insane” lyrics are certainly a potential place for a legal battleground. If the story is true, and so far Eminem’s childhood stories have unfortunately proven that way, “Insane” is the most frightening and awful “song” ever to appear on a popular CD.

And just to show you how bizarre the digital world is, it’s being advertised as a ringtone.

More on the Eminem front: I was the first to confirm back on February 9th that “Relapse” would have a Part 2. The sequel is ready to go this summer or fall when “Relapse” starts to fade.

“Relapse, Part 1″ — with obnoxious call-outs to Mariah Carey, Amy Winehouse, Kim Kardashian, Jessica Alba and Ellen Degeneres among others — is the biggest hit so far of 2009.

Speaking of those call-outs– if Eminem thinks he’s hurting these people, guess again. He’s reconfirming their pop culture status. But that’s another story.



At the famed Chez Georges, the cheek-by-jowl diners paid little attention to Jackie O’s sister, Lee Radziwill, who came in on Monday night with a friend and had the best table in the house. She told me she loved the HBO film “Grey Gardens” about her cousins, the Beales. “Drew was marvelous,” she said, and reminded her of her cousin Edie. Lee is one of the great beauties and survivors, with a Hollywood history: she was marrried to the late great director and producer Herb Ross. Long may she rule!



The French Open is on, which means the tennis players are in Paris. Roger Federer put in an appearance at Le Stresa last night, shaking up the 40-seat hot spot like crazy. He signed the famous guest book, which famed publicist Yanou Collart showed me at dinner, that includes original art work by the likes of Jeff Koons and autographs of everyone from Sting to Sean Connery



huppert 258x300 CANNES CATFIGHT, PART TROIS (OR THREE)The radio gossips in Paris are not being kind to Isabelle Huppert after her debacle in Cannes.

First of all, the talk is that the rest of the jury “hated” her. Yes, we know, we’ve heard that over and over.

But it’s worse: Huppert is also being accused of playing favorites like crazy. While the rest of the jury wanted “A Prophet” to win the Palme d’Or, Huppert, they say, pushed Michael Haneke’s “The White Ribbon” until it won.

The reason? Huppert’s greatest success came in 2001 at Cannes for her performance in Haneke’s “The Pianist.” She won Best Actress by acclaim. The film won, and so did Haneke.

“Sacre bleu” means “oy vey” in French, you know.

Not only that: Apparently Huppert wanted to play the Diane Kruger role of the movie star in Quentin Tarantino’s “Inglourious Basterds.” Sources say she went to the German set and talked to Tarantino, but things didn’t work out.

Who knows what role that incident played in the final voting? (And no, this item did not come from that movie’s studio!)

And: we did wonder where festival chief Gilles Jacob was on the closing night. Thierry Fremaux stood at the top of the stairs with the mayor of Cannes, with no Jacob in sight. There’s an unconfirmed rumor going around that the white-haired director was struck by a car on Sunday and was bruised badly enough to skip the proceedings. Said one French waguette: “Maybe he was trying to commit suicide after having to deal with Huppert.”

Catch up on Parts Un and Deux of Cannes Catfight.



bellucci 224x300 MONICA BELLUCCIS SORCERERS NIGHTMAREItalian beauty Monica Bellucci — who stole our heart years ago in “Malena” — is not having a good week.

Bellucci’s Paris apartment, which she shares with actor husband Vincent Cassel — was burglarized while she was in Cannes last week promoting a new film.

The burglars got more than $100,000 in jewelry and other goods, police told the wire services.

But more importantly, Bellucci’s Italian passport was taken.

That wasn’t good news in New York, where Nicolas Cage is waiting for Bellucci on the set of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.” She’s the female lead.

But sources — or sorcerers — say the passport theft has thrown a temporary wrench into the Jon Turteltaub/Jerry Bruckheimer-Disney production. “Sorcerer” has been set up for shooting all over New York — right in the middle of the new idiotic traffic patterns.

I’m told that Turteltaub has done as much as he can without Bellucci, who should by now have batted her beautiful brown eyes in the direction of embassy officials and gotten a new set of papers to let her into our country. Note to all of them: we want her in New York, no questions asked!




So: just as I told you in the last day or so, the presentation of the final awards at Cannes on Sunday night was a scandal, as the French would say.

Head juror Isabelle Huppert did refuse to allow popular star Isabelle Adjani on the stage with her. Adjani gave an early award, the Camera d’or, by herself, and before Huppert appeared. Then she left. Adjani did not attend the dinner after the show, but headed home in a private plane.

Willem Dafoe, the star of the festival’s most hated film, “Antichrist,” substituted for Adjani. And just to be difficult, the jury awarded Charlotte Gainsbourg for Best Actress honors for “Antichrist.” The audience at the closing ceremony was pretty shocked. Trust me, this is one award that won’t translate into any others when the film is released in the U.S.

The rest of the closing-night ceremony was fairly dull. Veteran director Alain Resnais tottered forward to get his special prize. He’s going to be 87 next week. His film this year, “Wild Grass,” was not well received. His greatest film, really, was in 1959: “Hiroshima, Mon Amour.” That’s what he should be remembered for.

Otherwise, the closing was notable for no attendance by Quentin Tarantino. He was up at the Hotel du Cap. But when he learned he didn’t win, he skipped the show. This was not the case for Terry Gilliam, who presented an award even though he knew he hadn’t won for “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.” He was very funny, too, as he mockingly accepted the award first before the emcee (it was scripted) came over and advised him otherwise.

The emcee, whose name I do not know, was the same guy from the opening night ceremony. You have no idea what he’s saying because the whole thing is in French. The Festival refuses to translate or have a dual-language ceremony, so many in the audience just sit there with a glazed look until something obvious happens.

The big loser last night was the Coco Chanel movie, which was having its debut after the ceremony. Most people left before that screening. You had to feel bad for that director, Jan Kounen. It’s like his movie was an afterthought.


Christoph Waltz won Best Actor last night at the Cannes Film Festival for Quentin Tarantino’s “Inglourious Basterds.” He told the crowd he thanked Tarantino for giving him back his vocation.

christoph 233x300 CANNES CATFIGHT, PT. DEUX; CANNES STAR HEADS FOR OSCARWaltz is no spring chicken. He will be 53 years old this fall. He has three children including a grown daughter who lives in New York.

He himself lived in New York about 30 years ago when he was a starving actor trying to make a go of it in the Big Apple. He tried his luck with classes at Lee Strasberg. He had no success.

Waltz, who is Austrian by birth but lives in London now, told me the other night that he first lived on the Upper West Side, then in Hell’s Kitchen.

Did he get any work at all?

“Nothing,” he says, shaking his head. He can laugh about it now. But it was not a happy time. He returned to Europe, where he’s worked steadily in German TV.

Waltz is going to be nominated for, and possibly win, the Oscar next March for Best Supporting Actor. His portrayal of Col. Hans Landa, the Nazi officer who snakes his way through “Basterds,” is just amazing. Don’t worry, there’s no sympathy for his character, a gleeful Nazi who’s known as the “Jew Hunter.” The audience knows he is crazy. But Waltz plays him deliciously. We are always waiting for him to return.

Now, his life — I’ll say it just this once–is going from a Waltz to a foxtrot. And several faster dances. Because he’s matinee-idol good looking, and younger looking than his age, Waltz will not have to play any more Nazis. The selection of roles should be varied.

You will hear this over and over again: Tarantino cast him last, because he couldn’t find an actor fluent in English, French, and German to play this role. He almost couldn’t make the movie. For a week, all the production did was see actors for Col. Landa. When they saw Waltz, they knew instantly they had their man. Now they also have a Best Actor.



Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has worried his close friends. Little by little they’ve spread the word at the Cannes Film Festival that the billionaire is sick, perhaps with a recurrence of Hodgkin’s disease, which he overcame in 1983.

The reason is that Allen, who has a home near Cannes, split from the festival last Tuesday right after his big Monday night gala on his 414-foot yacht, Octopus. I told you last week that Allen hosted the celebrities who were in town, his favorite thing to do, but did not play any music. That may have been one source of the rumors, since a healthy, happy Allen inflicts his guitar-playing on guests at the drop of a hat.

Guests and close friends from last Monday’s party were under the impression that Allen’s quick retreat to Seattle was not about work, but for medical reasons. Allen has recently lost a substantial amount of weight, and that may have been more kindling for the rumors.

A close friend of Allen’s swore to me that he left early for medical reasons, and that his cancer may be back. Let’s hope not. Allen’s spokesman David Postman says it’s untrue, that he spoke to Allen the other day, that he’s busy as ever on email and working hard.

“These rumors started last fall, I don’t know why they’re back,” Postman told me. He says they started around the time similar stories circulated about Apple’s Steve Jobs, who also had a sudden weight drop, spurring illness rumors that turned out be true.