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Jackson Will: 8:30am Today in LA


UPDATE: Read Michael Jackson’s will.

Michael Jackson’s last will and testament ‘ the existence of which this column exclusively first reported last week ‘ will be entered into Los Angeles Surrogate Court this morning at 8:30am.

As this column also reported first, the will names Katherine Jackson as the legal guardian of Michael’s three children. There are no bequests for anyone aside from the children and Mrs. Jackson. According to sources, it’s a “simple document” and not very long.

More detailed outlining of the childrens’ trusts will not be made public.

The Los Angeles Sherriff’s Department will be applying extra security to make sure the will is delivered and recorded properly.

Jacko Burial: Forest Lawn, And We Told You So


As with many things in the last week, we called it on the burial of Michael Jackson: Latest reports are that the late popster will be interred at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Hollywood, alongside some of the biggest stars.

This column predicted this outcome several days ago.

This morning, we told you before the Jackson will was filed that Diana Ross was named by Jackson as a successor guardian for his children. Later this morning, once the will was filed, TMZ trumpeted the news as if it were new.

But of course, TMZ has been helping themselves to our stories as if Harvey Levin had just come out of the desert and headed for a buffet table.

TMZ isn’t the only one. I’ve particularly loved the stories in the last day or so announcing that a will has “surfaced” or “announced by the Jackson family.”

This column told you first, last week, that the 2002 will existed and that John Branca would be executor. We also told you Katherine Jackson would be named the main guardian of children.

The race to get “scoops” is out of control. TV outlets and blogs like TMZ are simply repurposing original material and pretending it’s theirs. It’s not.

Debbie Rowe Is The Kids’ Mom, Michael Jackson’s Their Dad


Now that there’s a brief lull in the Michael Jackson soap opera, let me make this perfectly clear: Debbie Rowe is the mother of Prince and Paris, Michael’s two eldest children. She gave birth to them. It’s very well documented.

Whether Debbie used donor eggs or her own is irrelevant. Millions of mothers around the world who’ve used donor eggs will tell you that. And I’m fairly certain that since the kids look so much like Debbie, they came from her biology.

Furthermore, Dr. Arnold Klein is not the father. These reports from US Weekly and TMZ are so preposterous they would be laughable if only actual children weren’t involved.

Michael Jackson was the children’s father regardless of his biological participation. He raised them, and loved them, and was totally devoted to them. In the 2005 trial, as I reported then, a slip of the tongue by one of the attorneys indicated that he was not their biological father. I was told by good sources that Rowe was inseminated from a sperm bank. In the long run, it doesn’t matter.

As for Blanket, aka Prince Michael II, I also reported back in 2005 that he was the product of Jackson’s sperm and a hired surrogate. That’s why there is no mother’s name on the birth certificate.

TMZ and US Weekly continue to practice malicious and wreckless reporting. Let them back up their accusations with named sources, or keep it to themselves.

Jackson Rehearsal Video Clips May Be Released Tonight


Exclusive: it seems like AEG Live no longer wants to wait to show video proof of Michael Jackson’s fitness and health. Sources say the concert promoter will likely release some “live” video clips from Jackson’s rehearsals either late tonight or early tomorrow. The release will not be exclusive but rather like a movie release’wide’to get the most impact. The clips will show Jackson dancing, singing, and directing his show, interacting with cast members as they put together the “This Is It” tour for London. Photos from the tour were distributed days ago by AEG; there’s also talk of a DVD to come.

If this doesn’t dispel the idea that Jackson was frail or incoherent, nothing will. Stay tuned…

Michael Jackson Funeral Set for July 7 at Staples Center


staples center Michael Jackson Funeral Set for July 7 at Staples CenterThe Michael Jackson funeral is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Tuesday, July 7, at Los Angeles’ Staples Center. Sources tell me that AEG Live, which owns Staples and next-door neighbor Nokia Theatre, will use both facilities and the surrounding plaza.

There’s no official confirmation yet, but I’m told all systems are go.

Insiders also say that AEG will put gigantic screens outside the facilities for the thousands who will not get inside. No word yet on how ticketing will be handled.

In order to do this, the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, scheduled to begin its run at Staples on July 8, had to be persuaded to postpone moving into Staples by several hours.

Insert your own circus joke here.

Somehow it seems appropriate. It will be a day for the Greatest Show on Earth to follow The Biggest Funeral in History. Jackson would love this, that’s for sure.

Earlier speculation had the funeral being held everywhere from Neverland to Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.

Michael Jackson Named Mom His Kids’ Guardian in Will


Readers of this column have known for days that Michael Jackson wrote a will in 2002. Now I can tell you that he assigned guardianship of his three kids to his mother, Katherine Jackson. He gave his 80-year-old mother the responsibility of raising his two sons and daughter but made no mention of his father.

In fact, Jackson’s will does not mention his father, Joseph, at all. It divides his estate among the children and his mother only, sources say. His brothers and sisters are also not included as major beneficiaries.

The will is to be executed by attorney John Branca, as I first reported several days ago.

The news that Mrs. Jackson was named by Michael means that it was entirely unnecessary for her to go to court yesterday to get a judge to make her temporary legal guardian. Doing that, and jumping the gun, may have been a’costly mistake (see below item).

Jackson’did not name Debbie Rowe, his ex-wife and biological mother of his two eldest children. Nevertheless, Rowe can exercise her parental’rights and possibly overturn the will if she makes that’decision.

For Jackson’s brothers and father, their omission from his estate’the will was drawn in 2002’may come as something of a blow. None of the brothers ever attained the success of Michael as an adult. But as one observer pointed out to me, “The brothers have the opportunity to make money now, touring in Michael’s memory.” Good point.

The will’ should be officially available shortly, but if it stands as I’ve been told, many of Jackson’s friends are left out of it. Waiting to see if there are any bequests would be his long time aide Evvy Tavasci, friends like Miko Brando and Mark Lester, Macaulay Culkin, Elizabeth Taylor, the Dominic Cascio Family of New Jersey, ex and current manager Frank DiLeo, and a handful of loyal employees. Jackson’s trio of handlers from the 80s and 90s’Bob Jones, Bill Bray, and Lee Solters’all pre-deceased him.

Jacko: $48,000 A Month in Prescriptions


Michael Jackson was spending $48,000 a month in prescriptions, according to my sources. The print-outs of the bills are said to’come in’eye-opening stacks.

The prescriptions were written mostly by his dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein of Beverly Hills. They were mostly filled at his local drug store, Mickey Fine Pharmacy, also of Beverly Hills.

The list of drugs, which was read to me in part, was staggering. Many of the prescriptions were not made out to Jackson but to aides, nurses, other people who worked for him, and, primarily, to a person called Omar Adams. I’ve learned from another source that “Omar Adams” was a name that Jackson made up for a fictitious alter ego.

None of this should come as a surprise. Back in July 2002, I published a story about Jackson’s monthly spending that rocked his world. Included in legal papers for a lawsuit filed against him by an ex-manager was Jackson’s monthly budget for the fall of 2001. The story can be found here.

At the time, Jackson owed Dr.Klein $25,000 and Mickey Fine Pharmacy $10,000. A few years later, the pharmacy sued Jackson for arrears on his account. They said they’d been making his skin-whitening cream and he wasn’t paying for it.

Sources say that the police have now in their possession many vials of various drugs prescribed by Dr. Klein. That should be good news for Jackson’s recent personal physician,’Dr. Conrad Murray, the doctor who was on the scene when Jackson died.

In a story yesterday I quoted a Jackson insider as saying, by the way, that they thought Dr. Murray was introduced to Jackson by his manager of 2008-2009, Tohme R. Tohme. However, Mr. Tohme’s friends insist that he not only didn’t introduce the two, but that he never even met Dr. Murray or had heard of him. So there.

Other doctors may be involved. Back in 2002, another doctor, a lupus specialist named Dr. Allan Metzger‘was owed $20,000. Jackson suffered from lupus, a chronic inflammatory disease,’although he denied it.

More to come, as they say.

Michael Jackson Admitted Drug Use In 2007 Testimony


jackson 250 Michael Jackson Admitted Drug Use In 2007 TestimonyMichael Jackson gave a deposition on July 25, 2007, that fully addressed his drug use. The testimony came about because of a lawsuit with former manager Dieter Wiesner.

This is what it looked like in the actual transcript, obtained exclusively by this reporter and written about in 2007. Here it is again:

Q Were you impaired by the taking of prescription medications or something else at the time you signed these two documents?
A I could have been.
Q Is that best of recollection, that you signed these while impaired, not knowing what they meant?
A I could maybe say so, but I’m not ‘ I don’t remember them.

It’s not like Jackson misunderstood the questioning, either. In the same line of examination, the attorney for Wiesner managed to get this in as well:

Q How long in 2003 were you impaired because of the taking of prescription medication?
A I don’t know.
Q Was it most of 2003?
A I’m not sure.
Q Did Dr. Farshchian prescribe that medication for you?
A No, it wasn’t Farshchian. I think it was a local.

And then there’s also this exchange:

Q As of March 31, 2003, were you still impaired because of the taking of prescription medication?
A I could have been.
Q During the period of time you were impaired by the taking of prescription medication, was this an impairment that lasted like all your waking hours, or did it come and go?
A It comes and goes, not all of the waking hours, of course not. Yes.
Q Now, during the period of time you were taking this medication when you weren’t impaired, did you ever tell one of your advisors that you were [concerned] about your impairment and they better watch what you were signing during this period of time?
A Not that I recall.

Dr. Alimorad Farshchian, of course, was Jackson’s doctor upon whom Jackson relied heavily in 2002-2003.

It was Dr. Farshchian ‘ founder in 2000 of the the Center for Regenerative Medicine ‘ who accompanied Jackson from Florida back to California in February 2003 with the Arvizo family.

The Arvizo’s eventually filed charges against him that consumed Jackson in a trial and took away a couple of years of his life.

Jackson’s vagueness about his business transactions didn’t go over so well, I was told. As usual, he claimed to have no memory of people or events that had already been documented or testified to in other cases.

After losing a multimillion-dollar case to another former partner, Marc Schaffel, Jackson was convinced by his attorneys to settle the Wiesner case instead of letting it go to trial.

For Jackson, the admission in sworn testimony that he was “impaired” thanks to too many prescription drugs was startling. It may play a part in the answer to how Jackson tragically died yesterday at age 50.

Michael’s Father Mourns in Public


The BET Awards at the Shrine Auditorium last night were notable for one reason: the attendance of Joseph Jackson, Michael’s father. His son died literally 72 hours earlier. He’ s not even buried yet. But everyone mourns in different ways. Joe Jackson’s decision was to go to an awards show.

He walked the red carpet, did the press room, and gave an interview to CNN in which he plugged a new project. He laughed and joked about his 60th anniversary party in Las Vegas recently ‘ 60 years since he and Katherine were married.

“It was the first anniversary party we ever had,” he said.

That’s probably true. Twice in their marriage Katherine Jackson had divorce papers drawn up but was ultimately convinced not to go through with leaving her husband. One reason for their marital problems: Joseph has an illegitimate daughter, Jovanni, who was only recently acknowledged.

Mr. Jackson was accompanied to the show by his publicist, a Michael Jackson lookalike named Ernesto, and Marshall Thompson of the veteran R&B group The Chi Lites. He sat up front in the theater and eventually invited Rev. Al Sharpton to sit with him.

At the end of the show, Janet Jackson appeared on stage. She’d arrived moments earlier. She and her father didn’t get to exchange a word because he and his group left right before she arrived. There is said to be little love lost between father and daughter.

Meanwhile, the Jackson family has a new live-in visitor: Grace Rwaramba, the ex nanny whom Michael fired last year. According to sources, Rwaramba showed up yesterday and decided to make a staycation of it. Only one thing: so far, no one’s had the nerve to show the Jacksons the story Grace sold to a British newspaper about Michael, in which she claimed to have pumped his drug-addicted stomach.

“The minute they see that story, Grace should be gone,” an insider says. If the Jacksons need the link, it is here.