Saturday, October 5, 2024
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Flashback: Jacko’s Doc Had Bad Genes


I love it when old news ‘ first reported here ‘ turns up somewhere else fresh as a daisy.

Back on July 23 I told you that Dr. Conrad Murray, whom the LAPD is now investigating for manslaughter, had bad medicine in his genes.

His father, the late Rawle Andrews of Houston, had his medical license severely limited from 1994-99. The reason: improperly prescribing heavy anesthesia-like drugs to two patients.

If you click here, you can see the filing by the Texas Medical Board. That was July 23. Today is Aug. 14. Repurposing news is as simple as ABC, apparently.

More important is the question of where Murray came from and how Michael Jackson found him. Originally, Murray’s lawyers said the doctor met Michael in 2006 in Las Vegas when Jackson needed a doctor for his kids.

But kids don’t need cardiologists. And Jackson was not in the U.S. in 2006 at all.

What my sources say is that Jackson needed a new doctor in 2009 and called around to find one who would do what he wanted. The cash-strapped Murray, deeply in debt, seemed like the right guy.

Murray, though, is just the last’in a long string of doctors who did Jackson’s bidding. Dr. Arnold Klein is the constant through Jackson’s whole adult life. Dr. Stuart Finkelstein, Neil Ratner, and many others came before him.

Brooke Astor’s Son: Trial by Day, Movie by Night


What do you do when you’re on trial for ripping off your incredibly famous, elderly mother for millions and millions of dollars? Why, that’s simple: go to the movies.

Sixteen weeks into a celebrated court case, Anthony Marshall, son of the late Brooke Astor, brought his wife, Charlene, to a private screening of Uli Edel’s epic German film about terrorism in the 1970s called “The Baader Meinhof Complex.” The Oscar nominated film opens shortly in the U.S. after many successful runs around the world.

The Marshalls sat front and center in the Cinema 2 on Third Avenue, nestled among a society and media crowd that included Morley Safer of “60 Minutes,” veteran journalist Bob Jamieson, Tovah Feldshuh and Candice Bergen.

Anthony Marshall is accused of defrauding his mother, one of New York’s greatest philanthropists, when she was hobbled by Alzheimer’s Disease.

We did joke that all of New York’s most infamous types do stop by a Peggy Siegal screening either on their way to or from prison. It’s a tradition. Not since Claus von Bulow has anyone seemed quite so notorious in public.

The Marshall-Astor trial has had its own share of terrorism. Last Thursday, the jury forewoman was attacked on the subway by a knife wielding woman. The attacker was subdued and the forewoman has gone right on with the trial.

As for “Baader Meinhof,” it’s a riveting, controversial look at how Weather Underground types paralyzed the German courts and police in the early 1970s. It’s the perfect summer retort to yukky comedies and big budget blockbusters.

Jennifer Hudson Pulls Off Coup


hudson jennifer 250x300 Jennifer Hudson Pulls Off CoupJennifer Hudson is at home today with her new baby son, David Daniel Otunga, Jr. The baby is truly a bundle of joy for Jennifer and David Sr., who are planning to marry soon. The baby, and the order of these events, “just happened,” Jennifer says.

I first reported David Jr.’s birth around 5 a.m. yesterday in this space. No one else in the world knew about it. So it was absolutely fascinating to see the announcement take off, and to see how it got attributed.

Most outlets credited this column. But some did not. US Weekly, for example, posted an item taken almost verbatim from this column. Then Yahoo’s OMG column picked it up, also with crediting The Hollywood Reporter. As the day went along, several outlets credited either People or the Associated Press, because they used the story and only tacked on our credit at the end, as an afterthought. The Huffington Post did that, which was disappointing because we always credit them.

Associated Press was most interesting, because they’re running around trying to stop everyone on the internet from stealing or repurposing their material without permission.

None of this takes away from Jennifer’s miracle, and the coup she staged by conducting her pregnancy her own way, in private, and not as a publicity event. Little David, it seems, is going to have a blessedly normal life. How refreshing, and utterly like the Jennifer Hudson everyone’s come to know and love.

Jermaine Jackson Told All in Shocking 2003 Book Proposal


Whatever happened to Jermaine Jackson’s book proposal?

Three years ago I wrote in my old column about a stunning document that Jermaine had put together with Stacy Brown, a family friend and co-author of an amazing memoir with Michael Jackson’s late, longtime PR man, Bob Jones.

Jermaine often protested that such a proposal existed, but he talked about it with Larry King on TV. New York literary agent Laurie Liss sent the proposal around to three publishers, but no one bit. Maybe they’ll be more interested now that Michael is gone.

I was so interested in Jermaine’s 2003 proposal that I called around to find the actual document. Sure enough, there still were copies to be found.

Here are excerpts from it, in Jermaine’s own voice, circa early 2003:

‘My brother is a superstar, yes. My brother is wealthy. He owns shares in Sony music. He drinks, he does drugs, he lies, he cheats, he changed his skin color and mostly, he’s human. He attracts gay men and wards off women like the plague.’

‘He married a woman because she was pregnant and he was doing business with Muslims (which I am a Muslim) and Muslims won’t do business with someone who is engaged in having children without being married.

“He paid this woman, who nobody would ever look twice at, several million dollars. My brother purchased children. It is like a sanctioned black market. He is very powerful; he picked the sperm donor by using information provided by a sperm bank. Now, who can do that? Michael Jackson, that’s who, my brother.

‘I have maintained my residence by my mother’s side at the family’s Hayvenhurst estate in Encino, California because I know how much I am needed there. Michael counts on me to be there as does the rest of my family.’

[Columnist note: this would verify the long-held belief that Katherine and Joseph Jackson, who have filed for divorce in the past, do not live together. Joseph’s fathering of an illegitimate child, reported and documented in several places, could have contributed to this.]

‘It was my little brother, he conceived the whole idea behind DreamWorks. The logo is still proudly the official logo of Neverland. Unfortunately, Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen all stole the idea from him. That’s one reason why Michael hates Jewish people so much. But he plays the game with them. There is a game that all in Hollywood play. But the Jews are the powerful ones and they have done a lot to put my brother in his place’.just another nigger. That’s what Don King told Michael at the start of the “Victory” tour. No matter what Michael, you’re just another nigger.

‘My brother doesn’t always learn the valuable lessons life teaches. He is stubborn, hard-headed and, at times, harsh. He is cold, calculating and devious. The blood of his father runs freely through him. We were all afraid that the blood of Joseph Jackson would eventually contaminate all of us.

‘But this is still my family and I love every one of them and I won’t sit by and let my brother go to prison. Prison would kill him. I’ve thought about doing the time for him, if he’s convicted. Michael wouldn’t survive in prison for one day. He’d commit suicide.

‘Joseph did some disgusting things to LaToya and Rebbie, especially. If it weren’t for Mother’s loyalty to him, he’d probably be in prison for what he did to our sisters.’

Jermaine, meantime, has some explaining to do about the big upcoming charity event he’s planning in Vienna for brother Michael.

Since yesterday when I started asking questions about where the money was going for “The Tribute,” produced by Jermaine and awards show producer’George Kindel, the event’s website has been heavily edited.

Previously, it claimed ‘ and Jermaine claimed on TV ‘ that three organizations would benefit from this circus:’Larry Jones’s children’s group that you always see flogged on middle of the night commercials; Larry King’s Cardiac Foundation, and Jermaine’s own Earth Care Foundation.

The problem is that Earth Care, which Jermaine has touted for years, does not exist. There is an Earth Care Foundation in New Mexico. They have nothing to do with him. They don’t even know who he is.

Twice in 2003 and at least once in 2001, Jermaine said in television interviews that he was behind something called EarthVision International. The organization does not exist, except maybe in Jermaine’s imagination.

Back on Sept. 8, 1997, Jermaine told Larry King that the’Jackson 5 was getting back together for a benefit extravaganza called Earthvision ‘98. He said the 90-minute program would benefit a group he named as the Sunshine Foundation of Feasterville, Pa.

Jackson announced that the small group that grants wishes for ill children would get money by honoring ‘Muhammad Ali,’Sophia Loren,’Stevie Wonder and’Bishop Desmond Tutufor their humanitarian achievements.’

Jermaine said Earthvision ‘98 would be broadcast live July 2, 1998, from the Heridon Theater in Athens, Greece.

The whole thing never materialized.

UPDATED: A representative for Liss denied ‘her involvement in the book proposal. ‘Ms. Liss represented Jermaine Jackson ‘at one time related to a very different book concept, but never received a ‘proposal from him concerning the material outlined by Mr. Friedman in the ‘article.’

Cameron Douglas: Mom’s Life a Soap Opera


douglas cameron 250x350 Cameron Douglas: Moms Life a Soap OperaIn the old days, kids of big Hollywood stars tried to do their parents proud. Henry Fonda’s kids, Jane and Peter, were rebellious but never got involved with actual crime.

Marlo Thomas, Candice Bergen, Jeff and Beau Bridges, Jennifer Nicholson, Lucie Arnaz, Kyle and Alison Eastwood have all made their parents proud.

But lately, things aren’t going so well for Hollywood’s next generation. Redmond O’Neal, son of Ryan O’Neal and Farrah Fawcett, is famously in jail. He had to visit his dying mother in an orange prison suit and chains.

Now Cameron Douglas, son of Michael and Diandra Douglas, is on his way to a probably long prison term for allegedly being a major distributor of drugs. It’s not his first brush with the law, but it may be his last.

The Douglas family has always been plagued by the drug problem. Michael’s brother Eric died of a drug overdose in 2004 after a history of failed rehabs and public embarrassments.

Cameron Douglas certainly hasn’t had it easy. Much as we love Michael Douglas an actor, his personal life was always a roller coaster. In 1990 he went into rehab for sex addiction and alcohol abuse. His marriage to Catherine Zeta-Jones, however, has been a success’maybe a sign of being able to start a family once the bright light of a red hot career is cooled enough to think straight.

Diandra Douglas is another story. The local papers report that it was in her apartment yesterday that Cameron’s guards found him getting crystal meth delivered inside an electric toothbrush. They didn’t say if he’s also flossing, but his dentist will be proud.

Since her divorce from Michael, Diandra Douglas has lived a soap opera. With a wealthy boyfriend she commissioned twin boys from a surrogate. When the relationship broke up, she sued the boyfriend for custody and lost, in a very public battle. (She wouldn’t marry him, sources said, because that would have ended her alimony from Douglas.) Diandra did eventually marry another man, and adopted a little girl from Khazakstan. That guy went back to his first wife, and he and Diandra divorced.

If “Guiding Light” had used this plot, they’d still be on the air!

Nancy Sinatra Says It Best


Did you miss this excellent Op-Ed piece by Nancy Sinatra in the New York Times? I know I did. Here’s the link.

This is yet another reason to support the Performance Rights Act going through Congress right now. Nancy’s father, Frank Sinatra, the greatest singer/performer of the 20th century, was a vehement advocate of this bill. All those wonderful songs we associate with Sinatra’he didn’t write them. Whenever they’re played on the radio, his estate gets nothing. When he was alive, nada also.

The National Association of Broadcasters is being investigated now regarding those horrible lobbying commercials they’re playing on certain radio stations. I’ll have more on that tomorrow. In the meantime, read Nancy. These boots are made for walkin’ over conglomerate radio.

Vile Cannes Treat ‘Antichrist’ Coming to NY Film Fest


84682 antichrist 250x3001 Vile Cannes Treat Antichrist Coming to NY Film Fest“Antichrist” ‘ reviled, awful, coughed up like a hairball at Cannes ‘ is coming to The New York Film Festival. Lars von Trier’s sexfest with Willem Dafoe will be a feature presentation this fall at Lincoln Center.

It’s the one film of real interest on a list of mostly foreign films and releases of things that people really won’t be too excited about.

With the exception of Lee Daniel’s “Precious” and a new print of “The Wizard of Oz,” this should be some film festival.

The funny thing is, new and unpopular executive director Mara Manus went to Cannes, had an unsuccessful lunch for Hollywood types. Everyone was scared that the NYFF would be overrun with Hollywood releases. Surprise! There aren’t any, not even the Coen Brothers’ new film.

What happened? Well, Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly is gone, and so is any connection to commercial or even indie commercial reality. The other title of this article could be: “Mariah Carey only celebrity expected this year.”

The opening-night film is veteran French director Alain Resnais‘ not so great “Wild Grass,” which most people at Cannes hated.

The closing-night film is Pedro Almodovar’s “Broken Embraces,” starring Penelope Cruz, which is interesting but not “Volver.”

All one can think is that Manus was taken captive by French cineastes at Cannes and tortured, or that someone in her family writes subtitles.

Luckily, Yom Kippur falls right in the middle of the festival schedule, so we can all repent.

The Devil Gets His Due: Michael Viner, RIP


You shouldn’t speak ill of the dead, but I’m going to anyway: Michael Viner is finally dead. He was maybe the worst person who ever toiled in book publishing or Hollywood, and that’s hard to say.

But Viner was special. He filed for bankruptcy several times, refused to pay royalties, cheated authors, cheated on his wife with a hooker, published books by hookers (not that they were bad people), and sued just about everyone. And lost.

Viner started out with audio books, making Dove Books famous. He was married for a while to actress Deborah Raffiin, and was best friends with trashy writer Sidney Sheldon, the man who also, gloriously, invented “Gilligan’s Island.”

But in 1994 Viner seized on the idea of publishing a memoir ‘ so to speak, with apologies to Edmund Wilson” by Nicole Brown Simpson’s rat fink friend, Faye Resnick. The “Author” claimed that the women were lovers, did drugs together, the whole shebang. The book was so trashy and it was a turning point for Viner, who at that point descended into a quagmire of pond scum.

What followed was “You’ll Never Make Love in This Town Again,” a collection of reminscinces by party girls. Viner wound up suing one of them, and losing that suit, too.

Some of the people who called with the news of Viner’s death quipped yesterday that the funeral would be popular because so many would be checking to make sure he was dead.

My favorite Viner anecdote, just so you get the flavor of the man: he had his rep call a hotel and lie about being from the accounting department of New York Magazine to get a journalist’s itemized phone bill. They wanted a list of the writer’s calls so they could figure out who his sources were. They got the list and called the sources!

Some other great moments: he sued Heidi Fleiss for libel, and lost. During the trial he admitted on the stand to having an affair with a hooker. Nice.

More recently, he published a book by Jayson Blair, the kid who worked for the New York Times and made up all his stories.’ He was also sued by Dennis Kucinich, whose autobiography he published. Part of the case was dismissed because it turned out that Viner recently filed for bankruptcy again.

Well, I will miss Michael Viner. He was great to write about, a colorful figure, a shady guy, someone who obviously didn’t care what people thought about him or what his final reward would be. My guess is, wherever he is, it’s very, very hot.

Paul McCartney Narrowly Misses Ex in Hamptons


So what’s going on in the Hamptons? Basically, everyone’s cramming into the Blue Parrot in East Hampton, a little Mexican joint in a parking lot co-owned by Jon Bon Jovi, Ronald Perelman and maybe Jimmy Buffet.

Paul McCartney was in there twice last week, with girlfriend Nancy Shevell. He missed ex-wife Heather Mills, who made a splash at the Saturday Bridgehampton Polo matches sponsored by Mercedes Benz.

Blue Parrot is also hosting movie premiere dinners, and lots of other celebs. But the people who seem to be getting the most press this summer are the Real Housewives of New York. They go everywhere and get a lot of attention, at Blue Parrot, at Polo’s Blue Star Jets Field, and so on. I don’t watch the show, but maybe you do: Kelly Bensimon, Bettheny Frankel, Ramona Singer, Alex McCord ‘ they all want attention, and they’re getting it.

Also seen at Polo this summer, and around town: Lindsay Lohan’s bad news dad, Michael. He is not a celebrity.

Savanna’s restaurant in Southampton is also still hopping, which is a tribute to its longevity. Howard Stern and Beth Ostrosky are regulars, so is Nobu’s Richie Notar, our old pal Rosanna Scotto from Fox 5 here in New York, and Howard Lutnick, who lost his brother and most of his employees tragically in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

No, it’s not the Hamptons of yore, that’s for sure. You’re not going to find Eugene O’Neill, John Reed, and Louise Bryant frolicking on the beach, or James Jones, Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller trading quips. Lee Krasner and Jackson Pollock are long gone. But Sir Paul is still pretty exciting. And the drinks at the Polo matches are always mixed just right.

P.S. Out on Shelter Island, check out the Boltax Gallery. Summer is a good time to pick up deals at galleries (like you didn’t know). In New York, this is a good time to visit the Jim Kempner Gallery on Tenth Avenue, and Mary Ryan Gallery on West 25th St.

Nicole Kidman’s Son to Follow In Her Footsteps


Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman’s son, Connor, is following in her footsteps.

Connor Kidman Cruise, 14, has landed a small role in the remake of “Red Dawn.”

The movie is produced by MGM/UA, the studio where Connor’s father, Tom Cruise, still has an undefined financial interest. He and former partner Paula Wagner re-started United Artists two summers ago, only to have the project fall apart.

Connor, you might say, has acting in his genes. He’s the first of two kids adopted by Kidman and Cruise during their ten-year marriage. Kidman won the Academy Award for “The Hours,” and has been nominated for it several times. She also starred on Broadway in “The Blue Room.”

Cruise, an action movie star, has been nominated for the Oscar twice but has never won.