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George Clooney: No Oscar Campaign This Year


George Clooney–the last of the great movie stars, as it turns out–is about to stop talking.

At the Toronto International Film Festival, promoting not one but two hits–”Up in the Air” and “The Men Who Stare At Goats“–he tells me he’s giving up the publicity circuit.

“After this, there’s no nore,” Clooney said, after the very full house at Roy Thomson Hall went crazy for “Goats” last night. “Goats” is a rocking dark comedy in the vein of “Dr. Strangelove” and “Wag the Dog,” directed by Clooney’s pal Grant Heslov. It was of such interest last night that a bunch of other actors–including Bill Murray and Woody Harrelson–turned up to see what all the fuss is about.

But it’s Clooney’s other film here at the Toronto Internantional Film Festival–Jason Retiman’s “Up in the Air”–that’s going to bring the actor his next Oscar nomination and lots of accolades as well as big box office. And that’s okay with him, but there will be no Oscar campaign.

No campaign? “Nope, I’m done, I have nothing to say. And I really liked not doing a campaign for ‘Michael Clayton,’” George said.

And it’s too bad because Clooney has a lot to say, generally. When Michael Moore came to congratulate him last night, the two reminisced about their mutual trips to Venice. “Oliver Stone brought Hugo Chavez,” Clooney said. “He invited me to a screening of their movie. I looked around and said, ‘I see what this is.’” He laughed. “At least this time, it wasn’t me getting in trouble.”

What– or rather wh0–Clooney is proudest of is his dad, Nick, who spoke so eloquently at Walter Cronkite’s memorial service this week. Clooney was not able to be there because of this last PR push. “I downloaded the whole thing from You Tube,” he said. “And you know he wrote the whole thing. Wasn’t he wonderful?” he asked, eyes sparkling.

Cronkite was a lifelong family friend, George said. “He and Walter had their last dinner together at Patsy’s,” he revealed, the famed Italian restaurant favored by Frank Sinatra, on West 56th St. in Manhattan.

Cronkite, in fact, had visited Clooney at his home in Lake Como, Italy–the same place where George recently had his hand smashed in a car door, hence the big white bandage he’s sporting–for the last four summers.

“The first time he came, he asked if we dressed for dinner. He came down in a blue blazer and a white hat, so we played a joke on him and’were all in robes! He was so angry, and we went in to change. When he came back, dressed casually, we were all in suits. He loved it. He had a great sense of humor.”

George got his start on TV, of course, in “ER,” most famously. He is an unexpected movie star. But once you’ve seen “Goats,” and “Up in the Air,” and then calculated them with “Michael Clayton,” you realize he’s a hybrid of Cary Grant and Jack Lemmon. In “Up in the Air,” he is Lemmon in “Save the Tiger,” a man who knows he is a dying breed–a 10-million-mile frequent flyer who’s more at home in the American Airlines Admirals Club than in his own, spare apartment.

The performance, I tell George, like everyone else who’s seen it, is extraordinary.

“It’s Jason Reitman, the director,” he replies, typically self-effacing. “He did it.”’ He’s not going to toot his own’horn. And that’s the Oscar campaign. He says, with a sheepish smile, “I have some pull, don’t I?” And then adds, quickly: “And you know, I didn’t even plan it.” We know.

P.S. Clooney’s two films will be boons to their respective studios even without publicity. ‘”Up in the Air” is a Paramount release, which needs a good hit after postponing Martin Scorsese’s “Shutter Island” until next February. Even more importantly, “Goats” comes from little Overture Films, only two years into business. Chris McGurk’s mini mini-studio also has Michael Moore’s “Capitalism.”’ Two hits–not bad.

Risky Business blog has more on Clooney’s Toronto press conference.

Michael Moore’s ‘Capitalism’ Skewers Republicans and Democrats


Michael Moore’s absolutely brilliant (but flawed) new documentary, “Capitalism: A Love Story” skewers both Republicans and Democrats. I got to see it yesterday at an advance private screening in Toronto.

Although Moore is definitely a liberal and an Obama fan, Democrats should beware: the Oscar-winning filmmaker doesn’t hesitate to take to task a group of Democrats including Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd, lifetime ambassador Richard Holbrooke, and former Clinton cabinet member Donna Shalala. Moore also comes down hard on Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitner.

But this shouldn’t surprise anyone. Moore is interested in getting at the truth of how our economy collapsed. Political parties don’t matter in the end. I know he’s hoped’a scandal would break out and get publicity for the film about him decrying capitalism, perhaps supporting socialism. But it’s not accurate. What he’s after is a return to democracy.

“Capitalism” is brilliant on many levels. Moore said in a blog recently that in Venice they told him the film was symphonic. It is actually quite operatic, and plays like an epic. It is the most serious film Moore has made, almost a sequel to his 1989 hit “Roger and Me” that is often poignant and always edgy. There are no cheap shots. And in fact the “shtick” stuff is offered as just that ‘ a little intentional comic relief to the really meaty subject at hand.

The “Roger and Me” references are apt because 20 years ago’ Moore made a name for himself predicting the end of General Motors. His record of what happened to Flint, Michigan when GM closed its plant now resonates like crazy thanks to the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies and the government bailout.

Moore tells a tale beginning in 1980 with the election of Ronald Reagan, although he skips completely David Stockman, trickle down economics and the 1987 Wall Street crash. Nevertheless, he makes a strong case for the corporatizing of the government during Reagan and how that set in motion the events of last fall. (You may be surprised by a clip of a Jimmy Carter presidential address that in retrospect looks naive.)

So much information is packed into “Capitalism” that it would take a very long column to detail its every move. Suffice to say that Moore is unflinching in’describing how members of both parties availed themselves of Wall Street help while the average American was being set up to pay a heavy price. Stories of home foreclosures, and how they snowballed across the country, are particularly jarring.

This time around, as in “Sicko,” Moore does not make fun of characters or take jabs at them. He’s matured tremendously as a filmmaker and as an editor. Now, when a man is losing his belongings and they include his gun collection, Moore doesn’t berate the guy for owning firearms. He sympathizes with his loss. This attitude gives “Capitalism”’the gravity it required to make it work.

And don’t miss Moore’s trip to Washington, DC where he finds support for his theories with three members of Congress. One of them, Ohio Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, is my new hero. She’s a standout. The people of Ohio should be proud that she represents them. I just hope she gets re-elected after they see her in the movie. She’s a brave lady! Kaptur agrees with Moore that what’s happened since the stock market crash of October 2008 amounts to a “financial coup d’etat.” And that includes the Democrats’ capitulation to the bailout, and the later realization that no one knows where the bailout billions went.

Bravo to Michael Moore. Now let’s just hope every American sees this movie.

Jermaine Jackson’s Michael Tribute: Chaos


Jermaine Jackson’s big Michael Jackson tribute show set for September 26th in Vienna is in shambles.

Both Mary J. Blige and Chris Brown have denied being part of it after Jermaine announced their participation. That’s just as well, anyway. Chris Brown didn’t seem like the right fit, if you know what I mean.

If Natalie Cole is smart, she’ll stay away from this thing, too.

Sources in the Jackson camp say that Jermaine does not ‘ repeat, does not ‘ have the support of his family in thie show. His mother is said to be furious with him, and is not going. She doesn’t endorse it. Michael’s kids won’t be going either. Janet is also exempt from this thing. That leaves LaToya, maybe, and maybe a house pet.

Jermaine, it turns out, is the lightning rod for controversy within the family. The biggest issues go back to his stealing brother Randy’s wife and marrying her. They’ve since divorced, but you can imagine the trouble that caused.

Jermaine recorded a song in 1990 called “Word to the Badd,” which castigated Michael. Insiders point out that Jermaine’s involvement with Michael was never good. He introduced him to the Nation of Islam, took him to Bahrain, may have introduced him to Tohme Tohme and even held up Michael’s burial because he alone wanted him at Neverland for eternity.

The Tribute 2009 remains a mess, however. And still unclear is how Jermaine can explain what his Earth Care International Foundation is. There is no record for it anywhere. In the end, the accounting for money from tickets sold to this Vienna event is going to end in tears, acrimony, and I dare say, a court case.

George Clooney’s Folks Are Happy He Has Hits


George Clooney’s having such a good time in Venice at the Film Festival, he’s forgotten to call home.

George, I had to tell your parents yesterday at Walter Cronkite’s memorial service that you have not one but two hits coming, with Oscar buzz on each.

Clooney’s got “Up in the Air” and “The Men Who Stare at Goats” knocking out critics and audiences. Next, the films and Clooney head to the Toronto Film Festival. George also is one of the voices in Wes Anderson’s whimsical children’s movie, “Fantastic Mr. Fox.”

Now, that’s a hat-trick.

Clooney also has a bandage on his hand after breaking it. He slammed it in a car door. “Don’t you know what a klutz he is?” Nick Clooney, George’s dad, asked with a laugh.

Nick Clooney, whose sister was the legendary and wonderful Rosemary Clooney, told me he’d been a pal of Walter Cronkite’s for fifty years. Nick ‘ who’s been a broaccaster and a politician ‘ was one of the speakers yesterday at the Cronkite memorial. He and his wife Nina look way too young, though, to be George’s parents. And they keep getting younger.

I do believe Nina said to me, joking, about the new films, “George doesn’t tell us anything.” It’s nice to know these are universal problems, right?

So George, do call home. Let your parents hear some good news, not just that you broke your hand! Tell them it will be healed in time to hold an Oscar.

Nothing ‘Crude’ About Hit Documentary


Joe Berlinger’s “Crude” looked a little troublesome at Sundance this year. The political documentary about Chevron allegedly poisoning Ecuador’s water with oil spills didn’t get picked up right away.

But lo and behold: First Run Features made the deal, the film opened last night with a premiere downtown, and the New York Times’s A.O. Scott was among the rave reviews. And I do mean, rave. “Crude” should be on the short list for Academy Award consideration now that the word is spreading.

What’s interesting about “Crude” is that it tells two stories. One is about Chevron Oil inheriting a mess left behind by Texaco in Ecuador ‘ and instead of cleaning it up, making it worse, then defending their position. Children have died from the tainted water, massive amounts of corruption have occurred, and a corporation is ‘ allegedly ‘ killing a whole country.

I say allegedly because there’s a long-aborning court case filed by the people of Ecuador against Chevron. There was a premliminary suggestion of an award to the people of $27 million. But the court doesn’t have to accept that finding, so the case winds on.

The second interesting thing is that the case has gone on so long that Pablo Fajardo had enough time grow up in Ecuador, go to college and law school, and then bring the suit. A CNN “Hero,” Fajardo was featured two years ago in Vanity Fair’s Green Issue. He’s a compelling central subject.

A third aspect of the film, and the case, is the presence of Trudie Styler and Sting, and their Rainforest Foundation. Styler is in the film, having taken an active interest in Fajardo’s story and the plight of the Ecuadorians. She helped get water filtration systems down to the country ‘ a band aid for sure, but something while the oil slicks keep coming down the river. Sting is featured from The Police’s appearance at Live Earth in 2007, where Fajardo came to meet North Americans who could help him get the word out. Of course, back then he’d never heard of Sting or The Police. Now he knows the words to “Message in a Bottle.”

“Crude” is as entertaining as it is jolting. Documentaries don’t get long runs in theaters, so try and see it fast before it heads to DVD. It will make you think twice and three times when you see a Chevron station. Just the idea that Chevron/Texaco’s oil spills are millions of gallons more than what the Exxon Valdez left behind should give pause.

Mariah: Exclusive Pix from Tour Rehearsal


Photo: Denise Truscello

Photo: Denise Truscello

Here are some exclusive snaps from Mariah Carey’s rehearsal at the Palms in Las Vegas. She’s doing shows there at the end of this week, and then two in October. Her “Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel” CD launches on September 29th.

Mariah finishes her Saturday night now, then flies directly to Toronto this coming Sunday morning. The big “Precious” premiere is on Sunday at the Toronto Film Festival, with Oprah hosting, and the “Precious” cast taking bows. Mariah is sensational as Mrs. Weiss, the social worker who tries to bring together the two main characters.

As I’ve told you, Mo’Nique will be the first Oscar nominee ever ‘ Best Supporting Actress ‘ with an apostrophe in her name.

For Carey, “Precious” finally shows off her acting side. All bad memories of previous adventures on film are wiped out.

This Tuesday brings the release of Mariah’s cover of the Foreigner classic, “I Want to Know What Love Is” with a full gospel choir. Can’t wait to see that live!

Photo: Denise Truscello

Photo: Denise Truscello

Photo: Denise Truscello

A Fond Farewell to Army Archerd


The dean of Hollywood gossip, Army Archerd, died last night. He was 87 years old and only recently suffered from mesothelioma.

Army started his daily column in Variety with these words: “Good Morning.” And then it was off to the races. He didn’t write about idiot pop stars lacking panties, or people who were famous for being famous. The stories Army told were about the real Hollywood stars, the studio execs, the producers, the behind the scenes people, the Hollywood machine.

Getty photo

Getty photo

His gift was bringing to life a world that really sounded glamorous and closed to real mortals. And because he treated stars with respect ‘ which no one does anymore ‘ he got it back in droves. When the actors saw Army on the red carpet at the Academy Awards, they walked toward him, not away. He was too gentlemanly to ask an inappropriate private question. If only today’s barrage of bloggers and camera wielding intruders could learn from him.

Army kept it clean, but he told like it was. He was also great about promoting Hollywood’s charitable side, and never failed to plug the many dinners and openings that put Tinseltown names on hospital wings and the like. In 2000, when Tina Brown asked me to edit an Oscar issue of Talk magazine, Army was the first person I called. He didn’t like articles to be written about him ‘ preferred to stay under the radar. But he did it, and the piece ‘ by Ross Johnson ‘ ‘was amusing and telling. Our subject was a mensch through and through.

Beatles in Mono: Sgt. Pepper Lives, At Last


There’s nothing simple about what the Beatles are releasing today. You may feel like there’s a lot of studying to be done, in fact, in order to understand it all.

Basically, there are two box sets: one in mono, one in stereo. This is because back in 1987, when the only set of Beatles CDs were released prior to today, the mixes were all screwed up. The stereo wasn’t true stereo, the mono wasn’t true mono. And, on top of that, the mastering ‘ think of it as shellacking ‘ wasn’t nearly as good is it is now.

The Beatles Mono Box Set is already sold out, but Capitol/Apple is going to make some more. In the meantime, what you can buy today is the Stereo Box Set. All the Beatles albums are now remastered in perfect stereo, not something created by “folding in” or “folding out” mono mixes.

Confused? I haven’t heard the stereo box yet, but I have heard the mono one. In particular, the mono box focuses on “Sgt. Pepper.” That’s because for reasons no one can explain, the guys only stuck around for the mono mix back in 1967, and never worked on the stereo one. Stereo was new then, and there were complications. The stereo version of “Sgt. Pepper” on CD which we’re all used to sounds fine, and a remastered version will sound even better. But the mono is another story.

The mono CD of “Sgt. Pepper,” from a listen last night, seems like the Holy Grail of all today’s Beatles releases. From beginning to end, it is a different experience. In the stereo CD (I’m using a U.K. reissue from a few years ago that has a slipcover and a fold out inside with album notes, of all things) it’s as if you’re looking at something through binoculars, but you have to look one eye at a time. The sound is separated, without much logic, so some of it is coming out of one speaker, and some from the other.

In mono, “Sgt. Pepper” is seen through the binoculars, but the experience is akin to making the two eyes come together. There is no separation. It’s all one picture. “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” rocks. “She’s Leaving Home” and “A Day in the Life” are symphonic masterpieces. You can hear the carnival sounds as intended on “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite.” For some reason, the stereo mix of “Fixing a Hole” has some weird, loud clapping. It’s muted in mono, where it should be. And in the stereo version of the “Sgt. Pepper” reprise at the end of the album, Paul cannot be heard at all. It turns out he’s singing loudly on the mono master. Who knew? I’ll bet even McCartney forgot.

So do order the Mono Box Set. Neither “Abbey Road” nor “Let it Be” are in it, because they were recorded only in stereo. But the box is a gem. And the stereo box? It’s going to be a must have, in order to replace all the 1987 CDs. In my collection they will be boxed up and put away. Not just a new generation will discover the Beatles, but the original fans are going to love hearing the best pop music ever as it should have been.

Kudos by the way to Jeff Jones, who took over the whole Beatles catalog of recorded music after the legendary Neil Aspinall retired. Neil was a purist, and was slow to make changes or fiddle with conventional Beatles wisdom. That was fine for its time. Jones, who came from Sony’s Legacy label, has done the impossible. The Beatles should be happy, especially Ringo. You can finally hear what a great drummer he is, and how he made these tracks singular, monumental achievements.

And oh yeah, Beatles Rock Star, the video game, is out today. But that’s another story.

Obama, Bill Clinton, Stars Say Goodbye to Walter Cronkite


cronkitememorial Obama, Bill Clinton, Stars Say Goodbye to Walter CronkitePresident Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton were among those who paid tribute to Walter Cronkite today at the famed newsman’s Lincoln Center memorial service.

Avery Fisher Hall was jammed with media heavyweights and celebs who came to pay final respects and celebrate the life of Cronkite, who died last month at age 92.

Tom Brokaw, Andy Rooney, Steve Kroft, Morley Safer, Diane Sawyer, Barbara Walters, Bob Schieffer, Katie Couric, Charles Gibson, Brian Williams, Cynthia McFadden, Charlie Rose, Christiane Amanpour, Deborah Norville, Bernard Shaw, Bob Simon, Bryant Gumbel, Les Moones and Sir Howard Stringer were among the media types who either attended and/or spoke. Liz Smith was front-and-center, and I spotted 93-year-old Eli Wallach and wife Ann Jackson, as well as astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Tyne Daly, Nick Clooney (George’s dad and an old pal), Phil Donahue and Marlo Thomas, Jerry Adler, Georgette Mosbacher, Robin McNeill, Ernie Anastos, Joe Armstrong, and Kerry Kennedy.

Of course, the entire Cronkite family was there, as well as Joanna Simon, Walter’s companion of the last few years, with sisters Carly and Lucy, brother Peter, and Lucy’s husband, Dr. David Levine.

There were musical performances by Mickey Hart, of the Grateful Dead, Jimmy Buffett, and Michael Feinstein. Cronkite got two special and very cool handmade awards from the folks at the U.S.S. Intrepid, accepted by his family.

Rooney, who was too overcome at Cronkite’s funeral last month to finish his speech, instead delivered a taped video tribute that was absolutely hilarious and poignant. Cronkite, who had a wicked sense of humor, would have appreciated his oldest friend’s salute.

There was also a New Orleans jazz send-off with Wynton Marsalis and a band of five marching up and down the aisles. They were in fine form, and lifted what could have been a somber mood into jubilant reverie.

Both Clinton and Obama stayed through the entire two-and-a-half-hour ceremony, each receiving thunderous standing ovations. Clinton told the audience that in 1998, when he and his family were on Martha’s Vineyard during the Monica Lewinsky mess, Cronkite offered to go sailing with him. Clinton recalled: “He said, ‘People might take pictures of us.’ ” Clinton paused, then added that that would not be a problem: “At the time, I could have done with a picture of me and Walter Cronkite.”

Schieffer — who called Cronkite “the most curious man I ever met” — told the best story, though: He and Cronkite managed to get an exclusive interview with President Gerald Ford, and in the process hoodwinked both Dick Cheney — then Ford’s chief of staff– and Barbara Walters. Walters was then on the “Today” show, and I was surprised that Schieffer said Cronkite considered her his biggest competition. Walters had already gotten a promised interview with Ford, but Schieffer and Cronkite went around her and fooled Cheney into a nine second on the spot interview that they used to lead off the news that night.

One thing I will say for CBS: They put their best foot forward with this memorial for Cronkite. It was letter perfect, classy and elegant, a fitting send off for their biggest news star ever.

Lost New York: More Artifacts from a Distant World


I loved Joni Evans‘ piece in the Sunday New York Times about how the little things about book publishing have evaporated. You can read it here.’When I worked at Ballantine Books in 1983 we had one computer, set up in a small closet. It was made by Xerox and ran a program called Xywrite. In a short time it changed our lives. My cherished IBM Selectric II was starting to look like a relic.

Eight years earlier, at my first job ‘ during college ”we had something called a Quips machine. It had a telephone attached to it. You put a piece of paper in it, dialed the number of someone else with a Quips, and 18 minutes later the page went through to the receiver. By ‘83 they were called faxes, and the send time was cut in half.

Office equipment is not the only way New York has changed in that time. Back in those days, the city was dotted with bookstores, record stores, stereo shops. I had a routine, which I think was common, of stopping in the Doubleday shop on Fifth Avenue and 57th St. while waiting for the downtown bus. Four blocks south, on the opposite side of Fifth, there was another Doubleday, with a spiral staircase. A few more blocks south there was the beautiful, ornate Scribners, and Barnes & Noble across the street from it at 48th St.

It’s all a thing of the past now. The Kindle is here.

You would linger in book stores, and in record shops. This was before the Virgin Megastores, which are gone now, and around the time of Tower, which has also vanished. There was Sam Goody just about everywhere, and the Record Hunter. When it was LPs, you thumbed through rows and rows of them. When CDs came, there was the ooh and ah of what had been transferred, and the debates of vinyl vs. disc. Ha! It didn’t matter. Now music is compressed into our computers, the stores are memories. The big behemoths are closed, and now even the little shops ‘ like the Discomat on West 4th St. ”reside in dreams.

There aren’t many good landmarks to stop and browse in during a walk through Manhattan. That is, unless staring at shoes is of interest to you. How lovely it used to be to see which shops had which titles, whether in books or music. Very little was centralized or computerized. A clerk might have “to call the other store” to see if they had what you were looking for. There was no way to look it up. And so a walk home from work could be broken up by these little investigations. Wasn’t that the whole point of “the city that never sleeps”?