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Phil Spector Has It in for Tony Bennett, Thinks He’s Galileo

agony ecstacy phil spector 341x182 300x160 Phil Spector Has It in for Tony Bennett, Thinks Hes Galileo

"The Agony and Ecstacy of Phil Spector"

Phil Spector, the mad genius record producer in prison for killing a Hollywood B-movie actress, is, you know, nuts. So nothing like an incoherent documentary about him to make things even nuttier.

Over the weekend, Vikram Jayanti showed his “Agony and Ecstasy of Phil Spector” at the Hamptons Film Festival. Apparently it was shown by the BBC (which produced it) last year at least once. It’s also available for free download on a sanctioned site called

This part seems problematic since the documentary includes full length audio by the Beatles, John Lennon, George Harrison and other artists whom Spector produced. It’s unclear that the music was actually “cleared” for use since Beatles recordings are usually not allowed in movies. And now it’s free on the Internet to underscore Spector’s ramblings. But I’ll have leave that up to lawyers since Jayanti professed no knowledge of the situation.

His film is, indeed, as incoherent as its subject. I’ve rarely seen such bad filmmaking from a professional filmmaker. It does look like Jayanti made some kind of deal with Spector to make him look good in exchange for exclusive interviews. The director denies it, but really, who’s kidding who? At the Q&A after the screening, Jayanti said he believed there was “reasonable doubt” that Spector did not kill Lana Clarkson. I’ve got some land to sell him in New Orleans.

Spector is obsessed with Tony Bennett. He doesn’t like him, and uses him as a refrain in the movie, referring to Bennett’s long ago drug problems. Spector thinks Bennett’s problems are more egregious than his own. Ha! He also compares himself to Galileo, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci. Why not? They never had hit records, so he may be wrong.

Jayanti is well known for the Muhammad Ali film “When We Were Kings.” But in “Agony and Ecstasy,” he either was obsessed with Spector or just lazy. The film is long on odd, with full length versions of Spector’s produced music playing over disjointed videos of his first murder trial in 2007. It’s really weird. There’s little context for anything. Is this a film about Spector’s music, or his first murder trial, or what? Or all of it? And through it, poor Clarkson, a great girl by all accounts, is demonized.

There is a lot of grandiosity at work too. Spector claims credit for all his Brill Building recordings, from “You’ve Lost that Lovin’ Feeling” to “Spanish Harlem.” There is zero mention of the writers of the songs — Ellie Greenwich and Jeff Barry, Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil, Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller. It’s all Phil, Phil, Phil. He did it all, even the Wall of Sound. (Were there musicians? Not in this story.) Further, Jayanti doesn’t include any reference to Ronnie Bennett and the Ronettes, who made Spector, and just a scant one to Darlene Love.

Spector, of course, is a megalomaniac, and it comes across clearly. There is a particularly fascinating segment about the Beatles in which he attacks Paul McCartney and George Martin. He takes credit for all of John Lennon’s post-Beatles career. There’s also a bit about recording “My Sweet Lord” with George Harrison but no mention of the plagiarism suit that haunted the hit. The record was deemed similar to the Chiffons‘ hit “He’s So Fine,” which was not produced by Spector in the ’60s but certainly came from his world.

So do watch “Agony and the Ecstasy” to see and hear Spector — it’s probably the one and only time, whether accurate or not. And the video archival material of the Righteous Brothers, Ike and Tina Turner, the Ronettes is all beyond gorgeous.

P.S. There’s a much better actual documentary about Spector here.

Paul Anka Gets It His Way on Michael Jackson Single


Michael Jackson’s “new” single, called “This Is It,” isn’t really his. And it’s a PR nightmare.

The song is registered with BMI Music Licensing to Michael Joe Jackson and to Paul Anka. They wrote it together in 1983 and called it “I Never Heard.” It was released in 1991 by a singer named Safire.

Anka has settled for 50% of everything, according to published reports, which is common in these situations. It most recently happened when John Legend nicked the famous song “Stormy” for his “Save Me” single. The writer, Buddy Buie, became Legend’s partner. It’s also happened to Mariah Carey (”Emotions” was a rewrite of Maurice White’s “Best of My Love”) and to many other stars.

It was only before Michael died that he dusted off the old track. It’s unclear whether or not he told producer’John McClain that the song dated back so far. It seems likely he didn’t.

Maybe Michael got “Anka” mixed up with “Branca,” the name of his lawyer. They do rhyme.

The song was constructed and inserted into “This Is It” “very secretly,” says a source. “No one had heard of it.”

And here’s a thought: The new song sounds a lot like one that appeared two years later, on the 1985 “Bad” album, called “I Just Can’t Stop Loving You.” That song, which was a hit, sounds nothing like a Michael Jackson song and is one of his few duets.Years later, a similar melody turned up in “What More Can I Give?”

What a mess! But it’s important to remember a couple of things. Michael’s very longtime sound engineer Bruce Swedien told this column right after Michael died that he didn’t think there were a lot of unreleased songs just lying around. He thought there were possibly 10. Possibly. Michael’s fans should not get their expectations up for lots and lots of posthumous releases a la Jimi Hendrix.

But this does make sense concerning “This Is It.” Michael must have been shocked when he realized, going through old demos, that he’d collaborated on a song that started with the words “This Is It.”


Paul Anka, by the way, is a very famous songwriter besides being a performer. He wrote “My Way,” Johnny Carson’s “Tonight Show” theme music, “Diana,” “One Man Woman,” “Having My Baby,” and dozens of other hits.

Tony Roberts Comes Back for Great “Royal Family” Opening


Tony Roberts, you know, is a beloved actor from a bunch of Woody Allen films, from “Serpico,” from tons more movie and TV performances and Broadway shows like “Victor/Victoria.” In the latter he lived through Liza Minnelli flubbing her lines.

Last night when he made his entrance on Broadway in the opening performance of “The Royal Family,” Tony got thunderous applause. That’s because it was only this past Sunday, during the matinee, when he became ill and the show had to be halted. Roberts was rushed to the hospital, with a seizure. Talk about drama.

But there he was last night, looking fit, if not as a fiddle, then as a 69 year-old actor who was determined to get back on stage. He’s playing a theatrical agent who must come to terms with his actresses’ talk of retirement. A little ironic, no? But Roberts was pretty pleased with his performance. He got an extra big ovation at the end of the show as well.

“I am relieved,” he told me at the “Royal Family” after party. Seeing the gigantic fur trimmed overcoat he wears in one scene, I told him it was possible that’s what knocked him out on Sunday. “It takes four ladies to help me on with it,” he replied. “It very well could be.”

Everyone from the cast, starting with star Rosemary Harris, heaped kudos on Roberts. At one point Harris had to help him through a line last night ‘ something minor. She said, “Oh he would have gotten it. It was nothing.”

But it was something, because in the audience Roberts had a lot of famous actors pulling for him. Blair Brown, Joel Grey, Frances Sternhagen, Kate Mulgrew, Tovah Felshuh, and Mary Louise Wilson were just a few of the heavyweights who were rooting for Tony, but also maybe identifying a lot with the George S. Kaufman-Edna Ferber 1927 comedy as reinterpreted by director Doug Hughes. This first “Royal Family” on Broadway since 1976 is a total winner, from Harris and Roberts to a stellar cast that turns Jan Maxwell into a sensation as Julie, a Broadway actress who is trying to rein in her crazy theatrical family and get a grip on her own life.

As Julie declares her independence from theater and family at the end of Act 2, I asked Blair Brown, who was sitting next to me, if she’d ever done that. “I did it just this morning.” she joked. Actually, she’s featured on the TV series “Fringe,” so I guess it didn’t work!

The Cavendish family is sort of modeled on the real life Barrymores. But the Bs were never this much fun. The strange thing is that “Royal Family” seems very contemporary for something written 82 years ago. Reg Rogers is outstanding as Tony, the family’s movie star. He might as well be Brad-Leo-Sean Penn the way he romances and drops girls, brawls with the press. The rest of the cast is just as good, but it’s Maxwell who pulls it all together. It’s a shame “Royal Family,” like Jude Law’s “Hamlet,” only runs 12 weeks. You wish they could stay longer so everyone you know could see them!

Jude Law: Is It His Year Again? How Did This Happen?


58579116Weren’t we all kind of Jude Law-ed out after his big run of movies in 2004 ‘ six altogether and none of them really so good. Remember “Alfie,” “Sky Captain,” “Lemony Snicket,” ‘”Closer,” “I Heart Huckabees,” and a cameo in the the Oscar nominated “The Aviator”? Chris Rock made bad jokes about it at the Oscars.

Well, all of a sudden, we’re back to square one. Law puts in a great performance as one of the three fantasies in Terry Gilliam’s “Dr. Parnassus.” He filled in for Heath Ledger after that actor’s tragic death.

Now this week he’s opened in “Hamlet” on Broadway, winning raves. His performance is sensational, and has Tony Award written all over it.

But next, and just a few weeks away, comes Guy Ritchie’s “Sherlock Holmes.” Law plays Dr. Watson, the sidekick of Robert Downey, Jr. From the looks of the trailer, this is not only Ritchie’s best film (not saying much, but still), but a blockbuster. And Law in the trailer has the look of a winner. (So does Downey.) The man is a multi-tasker, that’s for sure. (And no pun or double entendres intended.)

Give him credit. And maybe an Oscar nomination. This, by the way, would be his third.

SOS for ‘Trucker’: Michelle Monaghan Is the Melissa Leo of 2009


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Getty photo

Attention Academy voters, and movie fans: Friday brings a Best Actress performance in a very indie film called “Trucker.” For all the actresses who say no good parts are written for women, this is it.

We saw it at the Tribeca Film Festival in April 2008 ‘ that’s right, 2008 ‘ and have waited all this rime for its release. Michelle Monaghan stars as Diane, driver of an 18 wheeler, who must be tough as a guy and still be soft enough for motherhood.

Monaghan’s textured performance, directed by James Mottern, is reminsicent of Melissa Leo in “Frozen River,” Bonnie Bedelia in “Heart Like a Wheel,” and Charlize Theron in “North Country.” Writing in The Hollywood Reporter, Stephen Farber, one of my favorite film writers, compared Monaghan to Sally Field in “Norma Rae” when he saw “Trucker” in April 2008.

What can we do to rally the Oscar troops for Michelle Monaghan? “Trucker” has been sitting around, cash poor, for 18 months. This is a travesty when you think of some of the films that have come and gone in that time. Now Plum Pictures is sending it out there. Let’s greet it with the enthusiasm it deserves.

You can read all about “Trucker” at I just realized when I went there that the producers are using a quote of mine from my old column. I compared Monaghan to Melanie Griffith in “Working Girl.” So be it; I stand behind the quote. Monaghan’s co-stars are Benjamin Bratt and Nathan Fillion, each of whom do excellent work.

“Trucker” gets a very slow rollout this weekend and next in New York, Los Angeles, and a couple other cities. The website has all the information. There are also special events in New York tomorrow night and Saturday night, in the East Village, and in Westchester at the Jacobs Burns Center where the very smart Janet Maslin will do a Q&A with Monaghan.

By the way, if you don’t know Michelle’s name off the top of your head, here’s a primer: the statuesque brunette was Casey Affleck’s girlfriend and partner in “Gone Baby Gone,” and Tom Cruise’s wife in “Mission: Impossible 3.” (Nice they found some tall guys for her in “Trucker.”) She has four more movies on their way since “Trucker” including “Due Date,” the Todd Phillips comedy she’s filming right now with Robert Downey, Jr.

Can Mo’Nique Survive Her Own Talk Show?


If I weren’t so completely captivated by the saga of a large, feisty’ TV personality named Mo’Nique I doubt I would have watched the first two episodes of her late night talk show on BET this week. It is a total train wreck, sort of the ghetto version of “Fernwood Tonight.” Looking at it, all I could think was, How did this happen? Oh my lord.

If it weren’t that this Mo’Nique is about to open in a movie called “Precious,” none of this would matter anyway. Before “Precious,” Mo’Nique was not someone I really knew about. At 42 she’s a comedienne who’s been confined mostly to black sitcoms like “The Parkers.” Her only real movie role was in Lee Daniels‘ “Shadowboxer.” Her character’s name was, ironically, Precious.

So Daniels thought of her to play Mary, the abusive mother of the title character in his extraordinary “Precious,” based on the novel by Sapphire. It’s a low-low budget movie. Mo’Nique probably didn’t think much would happen to it. But after the audiences at Sundance saw her in “Precious” all hell broke loose. Mo’Nique should be on her way to the Academy Awards. But it’s unclear whether she considers that important. She has a talk show to do, after all.

“The Mo’Nique Show” can only get better. Right now, it’s too unbelievable for words. Luckily, the mostly caucasian voting members of the Motion Picture Academy will not see it, and have no idea how to access it. This is in Mo’Nique’s favor. In any other season, the show wouldn’t matter, and would have the chance to grow. But with “Precious” about to pop, the talk show is Mo’Nique’s calling card. And it’s a loud one.

The only equivalent I can think of to this situation is Eddie Murphy, who was the odds-on favorite for Best Supporting Actor from “Dreamgirls” two years ago. Then his god-awful movie, “Norbert” came out, and Alan Arkin took home the statue. Eddie picked up and stormed out of the Oscar-cast. He didn’t get it.

Still, I include the above clip of Mo’Nique promoting the BET show because it sheds a different light on her. She’s completely likeable. And sensible. She’s over 40, she’s worked hard, and she’s not putting any eggs in one basket. She tells those interviewers that “when all this goes away.” she’ll be left with family. That’s what comes first.

But someone down there in Atlanta should tell Mo’Nique a couple of things. One: “Precious” is real, and Best Supporting Actress could change her life in good ways. It’s the Academy Award. It’s time to take it seriously. And second, if Oprah is your influence, then show it. Being the female Arsenio, out of Atlanta, is a strange choice. Take this first week to get it all out of your system. Do people really want “Soul Train” in talk show form? Maybe not. And consider that when Queen Latifah realized she could have a film career, her own talk show shut down fast.

It’s just a thought…

Christie Brinkley’s Porn-Loving Ex Is King of Da-Nile


Nothing Christie Brinkley can do will rid her of Peter Cook.

Months ago, I was told by insiders about Cook’s latest attack on Brinkley in what should have been a closed divorce case.

You remember Cook, and so, too, does the judge in their case. Cook is the guy who had an underage girlfriend while he was married to Brinkley. He also liked porn, and used to watch it on his stepson’s computer, naked, while pleasuring himself. We know this because he admitted it in court two years ago.

Last year, the same stepson was supposed to go on a school trip to Egypt. (Yes, I know: only kids in the Hamptons take these sort of trips. We thought going to the Peabody Museum in New Haven was a big deal.) Cook is dragging Brinkley into court, claiming that she purposely made the kid miss the trip by failing to provide his passport.

For months, I’ve heard, this is one of Cook’s many efforts to embarrass Brinkley. Would she actually make her son miss a big trip like that? Cook is the King of Da-Nile if he really believes that, friends say.

Indeed, if Cook presses this case, there’s a chance the judge will bring in a significant witness: 13 year old Jack, the boy in question. Apparently he knows what happened. In one of those suburban car chases that involve exes delivering things to mailboxes, etc, the son is well aware that Brinkley left his passport, as ordered by Cook, in his mailbox. Where it went after that, only Cook ‘ or his mailman ‘ knows.

Why this case is set to proceed next week is anyone’s guess. Brinkley’s side says it’s “frivolous.” That’s an understatement.’ Brinkley, meantime, remains Sphinx-like until she testifies. Cook, however, has his porn to help him walk like an Egyptian. He should see that the writing is on the wall.

Michael Jackson Movie May Not Have Advance Screenings


The film about Michael Jackson’s tour rehearsals, “This Is It,” is being kept fairly secret right up until its opening.

“This Is It” is set to open on Wednesday, October 28th, released into theaters for two weeks by Sony. But so far no advance screenings have been scheduled other than one for the cast and crew, in Los Angeles, on Monday the 26th. The location is being kept hush-hush, too.

One screening for the Jackson family was cancelled, I am told, when Michael’s brother Randy insisted on bringing a guest. Sony said no, and the screening proceeded without any family members.

Many showings of “This Is It” have already sold out in advance. Sony is readying a CD soundtrack which will be released the same week, to capitalize on the film’s popularity.

A source who’s been working on “This Is It” told me yesterday: “The tragedy is, the film is great. The public is finally going to appreciate Michael Jackson, and it’s too late.”

Meantime, the book of Michael Jackson taped interviews, by Shmuley Boteach, has not been much of a hit. It’s listed around number 332 on The average customer review is 2 out of 5 stars.

Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet: Secret Project; Jude Law Rules Broadway


The biggest news on Broadway last night, besides Jude Law’s stunning debut in “Hamlet,” is that Kate Winslet and Hugh Jackman have been making short film together. Shhhh. It’s a secret. No one knows what it is or why they’re doing it. Maybe it will become clearer now. Just a weird note, because Winslet would be perfect in the film version of “A Steady Rain,” the play in which Jackman is now appearing with Daniel Craig on Broadway. I’m just sayin’…

Even Oscar-winning director Sam Mendes, Kate’s husband, didn’t seem to know much about it as he arrived for “Hamlet.” The opening was a little celeb-starved, surprisingly. Janet McTeer, Natalie Portman, hit songwriter Desmond Child, Victor Garber, and Barbara Walters were pretty much the extent of it.

A lot of A listers will be kicking themselves, too, when they see the reviews for Jude as the haunted Danish Prince. He’s terrific, and holds his own carrying this three-hour Donmar Warehouse production directed by Michael Grandage and written by, you know, William Shakespeare.

While this “Hamlet” comes with a strong British cast ‘ I particularly liked Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Ophelia and Kevin R. McNally as Claudius. But it’s Jude who has the most to prove after appearing in countless mostly middling movies, trying hard to be a movie star and at the same time finding himself in constant tabloid hell. (If you don’t know it, a past, short-term lover just gave birth to his fourth child.)

Most tabloid celebs don’t have the goods, and when it comes down to it, are famous for being famous. Not Jude Law. He first came to prominence on Broadway in “Indiscretions” (1995) last on a bill featuring Kathleen Turner, Roger Rees and Cynthia Nixon. Fourteen years later, he returns to New York theater and makes a splash. This is no simple or easy project. This is a whole “Hamlet,” with very little trimmed. The second act is longer than the first, and Law seems to grow even livelier as the play continues. He has the goods. This “Hamlet” will do a lot to advance his career as a serious actor.

He isn’t as haunted as some other Hamlets I’ve seen in recent years, like Kevin Kline or Liev Schreiber. Law’s Hamlet is less overwhelmed by his father’s ghost than angry about his mother’s affair with his uncle two months after the father’s death. But “Hamlet” is a play of depths, with a lot of issues to explore. It’s all going to end the same way anyway. And you can’t help but feel for him at the play’s conclusion.

FYI the last time “Hamlet’ was on Broadway, he was played by Ralph Fiennes. It seems like yesterday, but it was the spring of 1995 ‘ the same time Jude Law was making his debut down the street.

Streisand Beats Mariah, By A Nose


streisand barbra 250x300 Streisand Beats Mariah, By A NoseThe CD sales for last week are in, and the winner is: Barbra Streisand.

Streisand sold 176,000 CDs compared to Mariah Carey’s 172,000. It’s just four thousand copies. You could say Streisand beat Carey by a nose!

The two divas are surrounded, however, by contemporary rock groups. Paramore came in at No. 1, Breaking Benjamin at No. 4, and Alice in Chains at No. 5.

Still, for Streisand especially it’s a nice win. Her “Love is the Answer” album, produced by Tommy LiPuma and Diana Krall, was marketed brilliantly with her Village Vanguard show in New York. The CD will likely not sustain a high level in coming weeks, but for a debut, it’s excellent.

Carey, of course, will have a long run on the charts with “Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel.” Her Foreigner cover single is a hit, and Carey has many more to come. Plus she’ll have a lot of extra publicity from her movie, “Precious,” next month.

Elsewhere on the top 50, the Beatles are still selling! Their four biggest albums–remastered versions of Sgt.Pepper, Abbey Road, the White Album, and Revolver — are all on the charts. But buyer beware: get the Beatles stereo box set. It has everything, and is totally worth it. I’ve just spent a few days listening to the “Past Masters” CD in the box, with the singles versions of “Let it Be,” “Across the Universe,” and “Love Me Do.” Nothing better!