Monday, October 7, 2024
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More Proof Only Streep and Clooney Are Working


Here’s the rest of the proof that only Meryl Streep and George Clooney are working. Everyone else in Hollywood is just hoping to get a part in their movies.

To wit: Wes Anderson’s fabulous “Fantastic Mr. Fox,” a wonderful, charming, stop-action animated film in which Streep and Clooney play Mr. and Mrs. Fox. (Her name is Felicia) It’s the third film this season for Clooney, who also has “Up in the Air” and “The Men Who Stare at Goats.” It’s also the third for Streep, who already turned in “Julie and Julia” and has “It’s Complicated” coming up in December.

streep anderson 250x3001 More Proof Only Streep and Clooney Are WorkingStreep is so confused at this point that she went on and on about working with Stanley Tucci, from “Julie and Julia” when someone asked her a question at the party at Rouge Tomate on East 60th St. “What about Alec Baldwin?” I asked. Her eyes narrowed for a minute. “Oh yes, of course, Alec!” Who can keep all these films straight?

Meryl, by the way, said she wanted one thing at the party: a Tanqueray gin martini, dry. It was produced for her by yours truly. She really took two sips because she was so busy listening to everyone tell her how wonderful she is. At the actual screening, earlier, Wes Anderson announced, “The No. 1 ranked actress,” as if she were Martina Navratilova.

“Did you know you were ranked No. 1?” I asked her. “Oh, that’s just Wes,” she said. But come on, we all know better. A total stranger came up to her and started chewing Streep’s ear off about a play her daughter was doing that Meryl once did, yada yada yada. “I know that play,” Streep said. She listens patiently to each new’ person’s saga. “It was ‘The Idiots Karamazov.’ ”

“That’s right!” said the woman, who then extended her hand in friendship and said, “I’m Linda.”

“I’m Meryl,” replied Streep.

Elsewhere at the party, Bill Murray ‘ who plays a badger ‘ looked perturbed as he approached Anderson, co-writer Noah Baumbach, and Jennifer Jason Leigh. What was wrong? “Someone is bothering me,” he said mysteriously, then lightened up. Chef Mario Batali, Willem Dafoe and Jason Schwarzman, also voices in the film, were there, as was Rosie Perez, and a lot of nervous looking people associated with it.

Click here for an image gallery of the premiere.

Patricia Neal, the great actress and widow of Roald Dahl, who wrote the original book, told me she loved the movie, “Loved it,” she said. She’s 83 and a movie and theatre grande dame.

And she’s right. Somehow Wes Anderson’s knack for quirky characters just mixed perfectly with Dahl’s magical foxes. The whimsy of Anderson’s usual gang just meshes with Dahl’s creatures and tone. There is a plot ‘ and a villian (voiced by Michael Gambon, and the character of Mr. Bean seems a lot like Rupert Murdoch). But mostly it’s a story about family with a lot of zany characters. Of course Mr. Fox runs what is really a crime family, foxes on the run who occasionally knock over supermarkets. In between they have the same problems as humans ‘ in fact, they don’t seem to realize they aren’t humans.

Streep gets one of the best lines in the movie as she fends off a rat. Clooney is almost doing a parody of himself from an “Oceans” movie. Keep a close ear for Wally Wolodarsky, as Kylie, and Eric Anderson (Wes’s real life brother) as Kristofferson, Mr. Fox’s nephew.

“Fantastic Mr. Fox” is one of those kids’ movies that’s really for adults on many levels. Anderson has made sort of his “Wallace and Gromit,” a film that will really lift your spirits and engage you. It’s a shoo in for a nomination in Best Animated Feature, and may wind up besting Disney’s “Up.” I can’t wait to see it again.

P.S. Great soundtrack, usual, put together by Randall Poster. Lots of Beach Boys songs, and the usual rare gem ‘ this time, “Let Her Dance” by the Bobby Fuller Four.

Cirque du Soleil Wants Michael Jackson; “This Is It” Goes Gold After Two Weeks


Michael Jackson’s “This Is It” companion album ‘ really just an album of hits ‘ sold a little over 200,000 copies last week and went gold. That means it’s sold over 500,000 copies in two weeks.

The really weird thing is that another greatest hits album from Jackson, “Number Ones,” sold about 33,000 copies, too. Are people just buying and rebuying the same songs? Hey, why not?

Meanwhile, some interesting news from the live performance front: Cirque du Soleil is heavily courting the Jackson estate for a Las Vegas-style show featuring Michael’s music. The Canadian-based company is said to be working hard to convince all the parties that they can do for Michael what they did for the Beatles with the “Love” show at the Mirage Hotel.

The money involved is said to be astronomical.

Right now, Cirque du Soleil is prepping an Elvis Presley show, “Viva Elvis,” which will start performances next month at the ARIA Hotel in Las Vegas. Once that show is off the ground, the Jackson estate will confer with the Cirque folks. Meantime, AEG Live is also hoping to get its “This Is It” show, featured in the movie, on tour in some way as well.

David Lloyd, “Perfect TV Comedy Writer,” Passes Away


David Lloyd, the great TV comedy writer whose scripts included “Chuckles Bites the Dust,” has passed away. According to the Internet Movie Data Base, Lloyd worked on 33 episodes of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” as either the sole writer or executive story editor. His many solo installments included one of my favorites, in which Mary tries to throw a surprise birthday party for Lou Grant in her apartment.

Some of his other “MTM” classics included the shows with Eileen Heckart as Mary’s Aunt Flo, a career journalist who was Lou Grant’s match, and ones in which Lou helps Mary overcome sleeping pills to get some rest, Lou’s affair with Sue Anne Nivens and one in which Murray thinks he’s in love with Mary.’ I can remember as a teenager always waiting to see David Lloyd’s name on the MTM show credit because you knew it would be a good one.

Altogether, Lloyd seemed to carry the MTM stable of shows. He wrote for all of them: “Lou Grant,” “Rhoda” and “Phyllis.” He also wrote for “The Betty White Show.” He also wrote for “Cheers,” “Taxi” and “Frasier,” the latter where his son Christopher Lloyd was bylined. The result was 3 Emmy Awards. He also wrote one of the best “Cheers” episodes, in which the bar gang has to cater Woody’s wedding.

James L. Brooks, the co-creator of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” and “Taxi” told me on Wednesday: “David was the perfect TV comedy writer. He wrote so much. You knew if he agreed to do your show, you had half the season.” Brooks said Lloyd especially liked writing for Betty White, who played Sue Anne, the nymphomaniac precursor to Rachel Ray. “He had a great laugh,” Brooks recalled. “But he also didn’t use an agent. He did his own negotiating, which unnerved everyone.” Lloyd, he said, often also did warm-ups for the shows.

Before he got into sitcoms Lloyd wrote hundreds of shows for Jack Paar, Johnny Carson and Dick Cavett, honing his comedy talents. By far, though, Chuckles Bites the Dust is Lloyd’s most famous TV episode, and is still considered the benchmark for writing of any kind. Lloyd won many awards for the script which included two recitations of Chuckles’ signature line: “A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants.”

Brooks says that when the episode was played at Cannes at a TV convention, no one — especially the French — understood it. “We were all there. No one laughed. The only people laughing were us. We were on the floor laughing.”

For more on David Lloyd, see his friend and colleague Ken Levine’s posting.

Oscar Update: Jeff Bridges Joins the List for “Crazy Heart”


Jeff Bridges doesn’t have an Oscar, which is without a doubt a terrible oversight. He’s been so good in so many films, from “Starman” to “The Big Lebowski” to “Winter Kills” and “The Fisher King”– and, of course, “The Fabulous Baker Boys.” Let’s just give him one already! (He’d be a good honoree for the National Board of Review, er, fans.)

Anyway, Bridges will be nominated for a film I saw yesterday called “Crazy Heart.” It’s Best Actor stuff, and he will now join a list I think will likely include Daniel Day-Lewis, Colin Firth, George Clooney and one other, maybe Morgan Freeman.

As usual Bridges is phenomenal as a broken down country singer-songwriter somewhere between Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash. His Bad Blake (that’s the character’s name) is one of those talented losers you have to love, and Bridges throws himself into the part with relish. Not only that, he sings and plays his own songs.

Here’s a clip from You Tube from the shoot, with Colin Farrell, yes Colin Farrell, as his co-star:

The thing about Bridges is that he makes it all look too easy. His Bad Blake actually seems real, and Bridges makes you feel every nuance of his being. It’s just great, great work.

“Crazy Heart” will likely also garner Best Song and Best Score nominations, and the Golden Globes can throw it into their Best Comedy/Musical category. I’m not sure that the Academy will give it a Best Picture nod though. “Crazy Heart” reads overall like “The Wrestler” with country music. This isn’t to say it isn’t good — it is — but it’s hampered by all-too-familiar story elements of a lovable disaster of a guy who can’t make relationships work, etc.

This doesn’t take away from Bridges or the rest of the cast. They are eminently watchable and the movie is one you will recommend over and over to friends. Farrell is just fine, albeit young, as the big hit singer for whom Bad Blake writes hits. Maggie Gyllenhaal is luminous as the put upon girlfriend. Among the supporting cast, though, Robert Duvall steals the show. There’s one lovely scene not to be missed of Bridges and Duvall in a rowboat. Duvall could get some attention for that. He rocks.

As for Jeff Bridges, give him some award already. He’s such a nice guy, a great actor (just like his brother and father) and he has a funny Web site worth checking out.

P.S. There’s a really good actor in “Crazy Heart” named Tom Bower. He’s also in “Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans.” Like most journeyman actors, he has hundreds of credits and no one knows his name. He’s very good in both movies. I looked up his name because I was tired of saying, “Oh that guy!”

“2012″: Roland Emmerich Disaster Film Called “Ludicrous”


I was not at the big all-media screening last night of Sony/Columbia’s “2012,” directed by Roland Emmerich. But my sources who saw it on both coasts had this to say, in unison: “It’s ludicrous.”

Surprise! A $200million-plus movie about the end of the world in which John Cusack is able to drive successfully through earthquakes and tsunamis ‘ what did we expect?

According to people who were at last night’s screenings, there is a lot of laughter where there shouldn’t be in “2012.” While the special effects and CGI look like lots of fun from the trailers and clips, you can tell that the story is inane. Now actual witnesses swear to it.

I won’t give away the ending, because, obviously, the characters have survived “the end of the world” so they can start anew ‘ and maybe work in a sequel. The word is that Danny Glover makes an unimpressive president, and the rest of the cast is unconvincing. An L.A. insider told me: “I can’t believe this movie will have ‘legs.’ Just one big weekend, and it’s over.”

Lucky for Sony, “This Is It” has turned out to be a good sized hit. That should soothe the pain of having to swallow millions if “2012″ turns out to be a bust. It does sound like a hoot, though, and I will definitely see it on Saturday afternoon. If ever a movie sounded like a good candidate for “talk back,” this is it, as they say.

Hey Jude: Hamlet Star “Finally Knows His Lines”


Jude Law got a night off last night, and headed to the Waverly Inn for dinner with a couple of pals.

The star of “Hamlet” just missed the eatery’s owner, Graydon Carter, who’d been in earlier with his family. He also just missed the New York Post’s Cindy Adams and a gaggle of other media types who’d turned up for a cocktail engagement party for p.r. powerhouse Norah Lawlor and her fiancee, Jeffrey Bradford.

Jude dined with Simon Hammerstein, the flamboyant owner of New York’s hottest club, The Box, and a new theater district venture called Purgatario.

When Jude asked if I’d seen “Hamlet.” and I responded yes, he said, “Now that we’re here, I’ve finally learned my lines!” It was a joke.

He told me the play, which started in London, has now “recouped” its expenses. The actors are more relaxed. They still have performances through December 6th of “the Danish play.”

Law, who appears as Dr. Watson in “Sherlock Holmes” on screen next month, has no movies set up for shooitng once “Hamlet” takes his bow. “I’ll just take some time off and be with my kids.” he said.

Speaking of those kids ‘ they’ve seen Dad in “Hamlet” a couple of times. “My youngest son can quote the play,” said a proud Jude.

Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler “In Terrible Trouble”

Steve Tyler and Justin Murdock

Steven Tyler and Justin Murdock

Whether Steven Tyler has left Aerosmith on the verge of their 40th anniversary or not doesn’t matter. Sources close to Tyler say he is “in terrible trouble” and fear for his life. They are not kidding.

Pople who know the deal with Tyler say two things are contributing to his downfall: much loathed girlfriend Erin Brady and newish best pal, Justin Murdock, 35, heir to the Dole Pineapple fortune. Friends say Murdock, who’s been photographed going into nightclubs with Tyler, is helping the historically drug addicted singer live on the Pineapple Express by allowing him to party hard.

Murdock has recently come into his own tabloid wise, getting blamed for the break up of pop star Avril Lavigne’s marriage. Apparently he’s gotten into feuds, as well, with youngish actors like Jason Statham.

Murdock lives in Hawaii, which has been Tyler’s travel destination several times this year. It’s been a good place to get away, so to speak, friends say.

Brady, who is no shrinking violet but rather a student at Courtney Love College, made the press two years ago when she got into a catfight with another girl at a Florida nightclub. Hair pulling and eye scratching were involved.

But there is real concern, all puns aside, for Tyler’s health. Pictures this summer after he fell off a stage and broke his shoulder showed him looking perilously thin.

Insiders tell me that Tyler and Brady have several odd idiosyncratic practices, including “practicing how little they can eat in one day.” That would account, at least partially, for Tyler’s gaunt appearance.

I’ve made several calls to Tyler’s new manager, but none have been returned. I am told that Tyler’s situation these days is much like Michael Jackson’s was in the years before his death. “The people who work for him are afraid to do anything,” one source says.

Adding to the problems is that Tyler and Aerosmith each have separate management for the first time ever.

Meantime, Tyler is not keeping in good communication with his family. “I’m worried about Steven,” says a member of his circle. “He’s a different man than he used to be.” Tyler has four children: actress Liv Tyler (mom: Bebe Buell), model Mia Tyler (mom: the late Cyrinda Foxe, his first wife), and Chelsea and Taj (mom: Teresa Barrick, second wife, now divorced).

More elucidating: Tyler’s recent comments about leaving Aerosmith to do a solo album are nonsense, says a source. “It was always written into his contracts that he could do a solo album or project. He doesn’t need leave to do that. The real reason he’s gone AWOL is drugs.”

Indeed, Tyler has a long history with addiction dating back to the 1970s. The word now is that friends fear Tyler’s demons may have instigated that stage fall last summer. A domino effect set in after that as Tyler had to be treated for pain with prescription drugs ‘ his arch nemesis.

Tyler’s apparent appetite for self destruction is a sad revelation. A little over a year ago I saw him perform at Boston’s Symphony Hall for an all-star PBS show put together by Chris Botti. Tyler brought his elderly dad, and sang the Charlie Chaplin song, “Smile.” to him. It was a poignant moment and Tyler still seemed to be in good shape. But now I’m told that his problems had already begun then.

More to come.

Michael Jackson’s Father Grasps at Straws for Money


First Joe Jackson wanted Michael’s will thrown out.

Then he wanted an allowance from the executors.

Now he’s saying that the will is fake, and that Michael’s executor, John Branca, is a bad guy who should be removed. Jackson is using Brian Oxman, the attorney who claimed in a lawsuit that’ Michael owed him $1.25 million, and who was fired by Thomas Mesereau from the defense team in Michael’s 2005 trial because he was sleeping in open court.

Jackson senior doesn’t seem to get it, but I do since I was there. Michael fired Branca as his attorney in February 2003 after the uproar over the “Living with Michael Jackson” documentary. Jackson took his business to a guy named David LeGrand, who was the choice of Michael’s business partner at the time, Marc Schaffel. It was more or less the beginning of the end for Michael, his slide into legal oblivion. After LeGrand, Jackson fell into the clutches of the Nation of Islam, followed by a series of lawyers and managers. It wasn’t until right before he died last June that he re-hired Branca in an effort to right his sinking ship.

To say Joe Jackson doesn’t know what he’s talking about is an understatement. He’s also accusing Branca of trying to harm Alvin Malnik, Jackson’s confidant and co-manager from 2001 through 2003, with the Justice Department. Malnik, who tried everything to keep Michael out of trouble until he was replaced by the Nation of Islam, actually worked with Branca to keep Michael afloat during that perilous time. Of course, Joe Jackson would actually know none of this because he had little to no contact with Michael and no knowledge of his business affairs.

The ironic part of all this is that there would be no estate to fight over if it weren’t for John Branca. I’m not suggesting that he’s a saint. But it was Branca who engineered the deal for the Beatles catalog in the first place. Then he parlayed Michael’s ownership of it into the creation of Sony/ATV Music Publishing and reaped Michael $90 million cash. With that money and the catalog as collateral, Branca kept Jackson afloat financially until 2003, when the second wave of child molestation charges came through.

Meanwhile, Joe Jackson has an uphill battle. Because even if he could prove the 2002 will is invalid, the will that preceded it was just the same, only it named Branca as the sole executor. Either way, Joe Jackson will not be able to get his greedy paws on Michael’s fortune. If this were “Lord of the Rings,” Jackson would be Gollum.

Hopefully, Judge Mitchell Beckloff will see through Joe Jackson’s latest grasping for Michael’s money, and bring this to an end.

Joe Jackson Dealt Legal Blow — By His Wife!


Michael Jackson’s father, Joseph, has been dealt a legal blow — by his own wife!

Katherine Jackson’s attorney, Adam Streisand, has confirmed for me that his client no longer objects to the permanent appointment of their son’s executors. Katherine Jackson will now agree to John Branca and John McClain running Michael’s estate.

Since Katherine and Michael’s children are the only named heirs to Michael’s estate, it’s now expected the judge, Mitchell Beckloff, will make his final approvals.

This pretty much undercuts the crazy and lengthy objection Joseph Jackson has filed with the court to overturn Michael’s will and oust the executors. It’s poetic justice that Joseph Jackson has been undone by his own wife. Michael must be smiling in heaven.

Streisand, in an e-mail, did tell me that Katherine is not, however, objecting to her husband getting an allowance from the estate.

Aerosmith Divorce? Steven Tyler Says Not Leaving


Overnight update: Steven Tyler showed up at Irving Plaza Tuesday night for Joe Perry’s show, announced he wasn’t leaving Aerosmith, and joined in on “Walk This Way.”’ So there.

From Tuesday afternoon: The war of words among Aerosmith’s members is going to get a little stranger.

This morning, Joe Perry declared that Steven Tyler, the band’s leader and songwriter, had quit. Perry suggested that the band would find a new lead singer and go on. This, after 39 years.

However, I am now told that Tyler is about to make an announcement saying he never quit, doesn’t intend to quit and wants to go back to work. It might be true. Or it might be like in any divorce. The husband is always advised not to exit the domicile.

In any case, sources say the division in the band has less to do with Tyler’s massive personal problems than with disagreements over the band’s management and future.

Tyler, now managed by UEG’s John Greenberg and Jason Flom, doesn’t want to work with the band’s present manager, Howard Kaufman. Perry and the other Aerosmith guys do. That’s a problem. The two sides also have different lawyers.

Tyler, it’s said, is also being advised by his own Yoko Ono, girlfriend Erin Brady. She’s an unpopular addition to Tyler’s life both personally and professionally. “Erin thinks Steven is going to be the biggest solo artist of all time,” former tour manager Henry Smith told me today. He added: “It’s not going to happen.”

Add to all this the fact that legally Aerosmith probably cannot just replace Tyler. And then there’s that question of whether Tyler really has a solo career at age 61. Like Mick Jagger, he is forever branded with his band’s name.

Stay with us here, because before anyone walks this way, more will happen. And I don’t want to miss a thing!