Saturday, September 28, 2024
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Donald Trump Has Sunday Morning Meltdown on Social Media, Attacking Judge in DC Case, Nancy Pelosi, Jack Smith: Contempt Coming?


Let’s say Donald Trump is innocent of all charges in the DC case– inciting an insurrection at the nation’s Capitol. These are felony charges and they’re serious. Trump was told by the judge not to hop on social media and start attacking everyone involved.

On Friday. the Department of Justice — which would put a chill down the spine of any normal person who is in court with that office — obtained an order of protection against Trump which he has until Monday at 5pm to defend. And still he has posted the most inflammatory comments of all time on his social media, designed to get him some kind of contempt charge from the court. He’s not only going after Special Prosecutor Smith but also Judge Tanya Chutkan. That can only end badly!

That Trump calls anyone else “deranged” is laughable. He may wind up pleading mental illness, dementia, something because these are the Tweets (or whatever) of a sick man. I guess there’s always the chance he wants to go to jail now, to rile up his base, but even that seems like a conspiracy theory!

Box Office: “Barbie” Crosses the One “Barbillion” Line Today as Warner Bros. Is Out of the Red and In the Pink!

Yes, it’s true. The world is mad for “Barbie.”

Warner Bros. PR has coined the word “Barbillion.” And today, “Barbie” crosses that line worldwide and galactically.

A little less than half of that comes from the US, and “Barbie” isn’t over by a long shot. From now through Labor Day they will be in the pink! All the money they lost on everything else this year seems like a distant memory. Plus, they have the number 2 movie this week — the dreadful horror film,”Meg 2,” and “The Blue Beetle” about to not have a Volkswagen tie-in.

Keep refreshing…

“Billions” is Back This Week for a Final Season, And the Biggest Change is Condola Rashad’s Shortened First Name in the Credits

Fans of “Billions” love the character Kate Sacker, played by Condola Rashad.

For seven seasons Rashad has played Sacker with a great pedigree. She’s been nominated four times for Tony Awards. Her mother is Tony and Emmy winning Phylicia Rashad, her father is sportscaster and former NFL star, Ahmad Rashad.

But there’s a big change I noticed in the opening credits of the seventh and final season of “Billions.” Condola is now calling herself “Dola.”

“Dola” is what she’s been using for her music career. I guess with “Billions” ending, we’ll be seeing the emerging Dola on the music scene. I just hope Condola gets back to the stage soon. She’s a terrific actress!

As for Kate Sacker, we’ll have to wait and see what her fate is on “Billons.” Season 7 drops on August 8th.

Jamie Foxx Apologizes for Post that Seemed Antisemitic, It Was Just a Friend Who Betrayed Him


Jamie Foxx is sorry for the poor wording of a post yesterday.

On Instagram he uncharacteristically ranted about a friend who did him wrong. But the way he worded it, some people took it as antisemitic.

Foxx immediately deleted the post. (I understood it to mean he found a mole in his group who was selling stories to the tabloids.)

Right now he writes:

Here was the previous post:

Box Office: “Barbie” Fever Cooling? Juggernaut Movie Drops 41% from Last Friday, But Still a Mega Hit


“Barbie” fever may finally be cooling.

Last night the toy story made $16 million. That’s a 41% drop from last Friday’s $29 million. The party isn’t over, but the guests are starting to get tired and may be going home soon.

“Barbie” is expected to add a total of $50 million this weekend, bringing the bottom line to $457 million. That’s a huge amount of money and success — until of course all the marketing money is calculated in. No one’s talking about that yet.

Yesterday there was a report that Warner Bros. has no sequel plans because they didn’t sign up the principal players. But you can place a bet that there will be a sequel, everyone will return, and there will be plenty of gauze over the lenses to keep these actors looking young enough for the roles! Maybe a scenario for the sequel will focus on Barbie and Ken’s kids — although without genitals, that would be hard to explain!

Meanwhile, “Oppenheimer” fell only 38% from last week and has buzzed along to $208 million. Extraordinary.

Fired Days of our Lives EP Albert Alarr Claims Investigation Cleared Him, But Studio “Caved to a Cynical Pressure Campaign”


Newly fired “Days of our Lives” executive producer Albert Alarr sent this statement through his rep. Alarr was the subject of an internal investigation about his conduct at the 58 year old soap. He says he was cleared in the investigation but the studio backtracked because of public pressure. The fact that 25 actors signed a petition against him, and that a few actresses went public, has to be counted into this episode.

Here’s Alarr’s statement:

“It is hard to overstate how heartbreaking I find this situation. 

“These allegations were already examined in a detailed and entirely independent investigation that lasted for two months. Dozens of individuals cooperated and every claim was thoroughly looked into. At the end of that process, the decision was made that I should continue in my role as Co-Executive Producer. Now, with no new facts presented, the studios have reversed course and caved to a cynical pressure campaign to force me out of my job. 

“It’s important to set the record straight. Every day, I worked with hundreds of people, the overwhelming majority of whom would disagree with recent mischaracterizations of me. I have been in this industry for decades, and not a single complaint has ever been made against me until now. 

“Many of the claims recently referenced in the media are simply false. Others have been taken so out of context or are so twisted that they are unrecognizable from the truth. 

“To be clear, this whole situation stems from the animus of just two individuals. Those individuals, at a time of industry-wide cutbacks and economic uncertainty, have been relentlessly angling for greater pay and increased influence on the show, and, it appears, believed that their best strategy to get it was to play on vile stereotypes in order to bring down a Black man in a position of power. 

“I will always be proud of being the only Black director/producer in daytime soap operas. And, while I am devastated by the manner of my departure, I will always treasure my years at Days of Our Lives and wish the wildly talented cast and crew the very best for the future.”

Strike News: WGA Reps Meet with Studio Team to Discuss Future Talks (Read Members Letter Here) But Don’t Make Much Progress

The Writers Guild reps met the with the folks from the studios, aka AMPTP, and sent this letter to members a little while ago. It seems like the long hot summer will continue into September at this rate. PS This is separate from the SAG strike. No talks there yet

Here’s the letter:


Ellen Stutzman and Tony Segall met with Carol Lombardini and AMPTP staff this afternoon for what Carol stated was a confidential sidebar to discuss resuming negotiations for a new MBA. Topics included – at the AMPTP’s insistence – press blackouts. Also discussed was a potential negotiation protocol and a preview of the issues each side intends to bring back to the table upon resumption

As of now, there is no agreement on these items, because the AMPTP said they needed to consult with their member studios before moving forward. 

Our intention after the confidential meeting was to send a simple email to you all letting you know we would get back to you when there was more specific information about resuming negotiations. 

However, before the negotiating committee even had a chance to meet, our communications department began hearing from the trades asking for comments on studio-leaked rumors of the contents of the confidential meeting. This is after the AMPTP spent much of the meeting emphasizing the need for a press blackout. 

Since the studios are leaking to the press we need to let you know what was said in the meeting. 

First, Carol informed us that the DGA deal would be the deal on any pattern issues. 

She stated they were willing to increase their offer on a few writer-specific TV minimums – and willing to talk about AI – but that they were not willing to engage on the preservation of the writers’ room, or success-based residuals. She did not indicate willingness to address screenwriter issues, Appendix A issues, and many of the other proposals that remain on our list.

On behalf of the Guild, Ellen reiterated the expectation that all the fundamental issues over which writers have been striking these past three months would be addressed in this new contract, and that no segment of the membership would be left behind. 

Ellen made clear that, in addition to a comprehensive response from the AMPTP on our proposals in all work areas, we will need to address issues arising from the strike, including a health care benefit extension and additional plan funding, reinstatement of striking writers, and arbitration of disputes arising during the strike. We will also seek the right for individual WGA members to honor other unions’ picket lines as they have honored ours during this strike. 

Carol’s response – something she repeated three times during the meeting – echoes what was written in the AMPTP press statement yesterday: “People just want to get back to work.” 

We agree, with the caveat that those conditions that have made writers’ jobs increasingly untenable must first be addressed. 

Your committee remains willing to engage with the companies and resume negotiations in good faith to make a fair deal for all writers, even with this early confirmation that the AMPTP playbook continues. But rest assured, this committee does not intend to leave anyone behind, or make merely an incremental deal to conclude this strike.  

Soap Update: “Days of Our Lives” Fires EP Albert Alarr After Investigation, Actors Petition, and Fan Outcry


“Days of our Lives” executive producer Albert Alarr is out. He’s been fired by Corday Productions after accusations of misconduct and bullying, a petition frm 25 actors, and fan out cry.

“Days” owner Ken Corday issued this message to his cast and crew:

Dear Days Cast and Crew,
Effective immediately, Janet Drucker will be elevated to co-executive producer of Days of Our Lives, replacing Albert Alarr, who will be exiting his role.
Moving forward, we will be implementing additional HR protocols, including an increased HR presence as well as channels for reporting any concerns. It is imperative that we have a safe and inclusive workplace environment.
Production will resume, as planned, on Monday with new leadership in place. As a reminder, we still have a pre-planned hiatus set for the week of August 14th.

This news will come as a relief to the actors as well to the fans who rallied to their support. Alarr apparently had been terrorizing the “Days” cast for years, focusing on the actresses. His wife works at the show as a writer, it’s unclear if she’s out, too. We also don’t know if she was observing the writers’ strike or had gone fi-core.

“Days of our Lives” has always been run as a private entity at NBC and Sony TV, with Corday invoking his parents’ legacy. He’s made a lot of bad decisions over the years which is the reason why the soap is  now streaming on Peacock and lost its broadcast berth on NBC. Actors have been coming and going the last several years at an alarming rate, and now we know that at least some of that had to do with Alarr.

Many actors, both former and current, had been pushing for Alarr’s ouster. We’ll check and see their responses to this news.

YouTuber Kai Cenat, 21, Arrested After Allegedly Inciting a Riot in NYC’s Union Square, Dozens Arrested or Hurt

It’s hard to imagine what happened in New York’s Union Square this afternoon. A popular place for drugs and crime in the 70s and early 80s, the huge park was demolished and rebuilt in 1985 so it was eye level for the police. Since then, for decades, it’s been a serene place for the Farmer’s Market and Christmas shops.

But all that changed this afternoon when 21 year old YouTuber Kai Cenat summoned his followers to the park. The lure was a give away of video game stations and gift cards. He had just couple hundred of each, perhaps. But it’s summer, kids are out of school, and the weather is good. So his followers came– 2,000 of them — and caused a riot.

We’ve all been watching this on TV since 4pm. This is the power of social media. There’s no FCC, no regulation, and always the possibility of pandemonium. Luckily no one was killed. There were lessons learned, maybe. The mainstream had no clue who Kai was of what was going on. The police were very slow to respond. They also didn’t get it There’s going to be a lot of talk about Kai Cenat’s riot going forward. This is how easy it is to start one, even after 9-11.

Keep refreshing to see how Kai Cenat is handled, and if charges are brought against him.

(UPDATED with DOJ Response) Donald Trump Issues Specific Threat Against Everyone on His Social Media: If You Go After Me, I’m Coming After You!

FRIDAY EVENING: The Dept of Justice has asked for an order of protection against Trump because of the Tweet below. Kyle Cheney of Politico reported this development.


FRIDAY AFTERNOON Donald Trump may be in violation of his orders from the federal court in Washington — which he received just yesterday.

Trump issued a specific warning on his Truth Social platform at around 5pm today/ It reads

in all caps


His implied targets here are the judiciary, the government, and maybe the press. Trump is a petty child, but we saw what he was capable of on January 6, 2021. No one knows how to blow a dog whistle of hate like Trump. His signals his followers, white supremacists, etc to commit violent acts on purpose.
It will be interesting to see what Jack Smith does about this Tweet, which has been up for an hour and has been copied over and over. Twitter or X will likely leave it there. Elon Musk finds all of this amusing.