Monday, October 7, 2024
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Madonna Sets Sights on New Carlos


Madonna has been dating Jesus, but she also has her sights set on a new boytoy: call him Carlos II.

Carlos I of course was Carlos Leon, the father of Madonna’s pre-teen daughter Lourdes.

But last night at the premiere of Tom Ford’s “A Single Man,” Madonna took over a center booth at the Monkey Bar so she could flirt with Jon Kortajarena, the 24-year-old Spanish fly who plays Carlos in the film.

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This was sort of hilarious since Colin Firth and Julianne Moore are the actual stars of the film. They’re also tipped for Oscar and Golden Globe nominations in this exceptional film. But neither actor was of any interest to Madonna. She was just focused on tall, dark, handsome and young “Carlos,” whom she kept at her table all night. It didn’t matter that Moore (with father-of-her-kids director Bart Freundlich) and a smashing blonde Ellen Barkin were at the booth next to hers, or that Firth was available for conversation. Kortajarena plays a male prostitute on the Sunset Strip circa 1962. He resembles Carlos Leon. Wherever Madonna’s boyfriend, Jesus, is, he may have to sleep on the couch next.

Madonna also caused a huge problem at the “Single Man” screening at the Museum of Modern Art. The screening began a half hour late as organizers waited for her arrival. Her lateness dragged on and on, so the movie was finally allowed to start without her. Madonna and posse finally showed up a few minutes after the film began.

At the party, Madonna also pretty much ignored Courtney Love and REM’s Michael Stipe, who sat across from her at a smaller table. The pair didn’t seem to mind. They had a lot to talk about, especially Love’s new album in progress. Also at the “Single Man” premiere: Kevin Bacon, Olivia Palermo, Rose Byrne, a glowing and pregnant Padma Lakshmi, Lee Pace, Judy Greer, and Gina Gershon. There were fewer Academy voters than usual for this sort of thing, lots of young pretties, and the photographers wound up posting pix of the publicist and his boyfriend. Weird.

But make no mistake: both Firth and Moore are certain Oscar contenders. Their long scene inside Moore’s character’s house ‘ including dancing to Etta James and Booker T and the MGs ‘ is simply a classic. Firth goes right up against George Clooney, Daniel Day Lewis, Jeff Bridges, Morgan Freeman ‘ and swing vote Viggo Mortensen.

Alexa Ray Joel Leaves Hospital


Alexa Ray Joel, daughter of Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley, is out of St. Vincent’s Hospital after her long bad night.

Sources say the fledgling pop singer transferred to a rehab facility, where she’ll spend some proscribed time before heading to her mom’s place in the Hamptons.

Hopefully, the rabid tabloid press will give this girl a break. She’s not Tiger Woods. Mostly she needs time to get over this guy, Jimmy Riot. One listen to his MySpace music and it’s clear he’s not worth it. One of his songs is called “This Place Smells Like Ass.” OMG … Alexa, it’s time to cut bait and move on …

Denzel Washington Visits David Mamet Cast


David Mamet’s new Broadway play, “Race,” is just terrific, with James Spader, Kerry Washington, David Alan Grier and Richard Thomas making a grand and eloquent quartet.

I was going to say “on the Great White Way.” But after seeing the controversial — and funny — “Race,” maybe not. Watch out for Kerry Washington — she steals the show!

Anyway, on Saturday night after the show the backstage area was buzzing, with Denzel and Pauletta Washington stopping in with their daughter; Damon Wayans, hilarious sister Kim Wayans, and Damon’s son; and director-actor Mike Binder all stopping in to give congrats.

And there was David Mamet, gathering up his Fab Four for notes on the night’s performance. Spader plays a lawyer, as he did so brilliantly on “Boston Legal.” He could bill $700 an hour, I joked with him. “I make more than that!” he replied.

Billy Joel Visits Daughter in Rehab


Billy Joel spent the day with daughter Alexa today in an “undisclosed location,” or rehab somewhere in the New York area.

By rehab, I do mean more of rest-and-recuperative situation than a 28-day program. Alexa Ray, 23, is not a drug addict. She’s just a stressed-out member of her generation. I’ll bet a lot of “kids” her age can relate to what she went through yesterday.

Billy, who was in phone touch with Alexa on Saturday when she was at St. Vincent’s Hospital, was with her today. Alexa is said to be on the mend.

It was this column that first and exclusively reported her overdose was from homeopathic pills called Traumeel. They’re not very strong and in fact can be found in Canadian pharmacies over the counter. Other news outlets were happy to pick up this info without credit, apparently.

More on Billy’s visit with Alexa tomorrow …

Springsteen, De Niro, Mel Brooks Toasted by Sting, Stiller, Stars


Video: Sting rocks the Kennedy Center with Springsteen’s “The Rising”:

The big guns are rolling out tonight for the Kennedy Center Honors. It’s all hush-hush, and the KC people don’t like it getting out, but it’s a new generation now of Twitter and e-mail. Bit by bit, it’s all seeping out.

Set to perform for honoree Bruce Springsteen are Sting, Melissa Etheridge, Eddie Vedder and John Mellencamp. Anticipated numbers include “Born to Run,” “Born in the USA,” “The Rising” and “My City in Ruins.” Country duo Sugarland are set to perform “I’m on Fire.”

Movie producer/writer/direct0r/actor/comedian/Tony winner Mel Brooks gets his toast in a big way. Old friend and partner Carl Reiner is there, and there will be numbers from “The Producers” with Matthew Broderick, Roger Bart and Gary Beach, including “Springtime for Hitler.” Other Brooks toasters include Martin Short, Jack Black and Richard Kind.

Robert De Niro is also being honored, and he’s brought all five of his kids and wife Grace Hightower. Ben Stiller will toast his “Meet the Parents” co-star, as will Martin Scorsese, Meryl Streep, Sharon Stone, Frank Langella and Harvey Keitel.

There are also tributes to jazz great Dave Brubeck, with Herbie Hancock among the performers, and opera star Grace Bumbry will be serenaded as well. The Kennedy Center tapes the show tonight for airing on CBS on Dec. 29.

Cate Blanchett Gets Kindness From a Stranger: Meryl Streep


Just as Blanche DuBois famously depends on “the kindness of strangers” in “Streetcar Named Desire,” so, too, does the actress who’s playing her on stage right now, Cate Blanchett.

And she got it Friday night when no less than the Best Actress in the World, Meryl Streep, made sure to see Blanchett’s stunning performance at the Brooklyn Academy of Music at the production’s second official showing. Streep arrived early accompanied by her sister-in-law, Emmy-winning soap star Maeve Kinkead (”Guiding Light”). Her tickets had been arranged by director Mike Nichols, who was also in the house with a friend. There was almost a little hiccup in the plan, though, as Meryl suddenly couldn’t find her tickets just before the show was supposed to start.

A quick check of all pockets proved fruitless. But then, there they were, in a zipper compartment in her handbag. Ladies, oy vey! with those handbags.

Anyway, the sold-out house for the three-hour Tennessee Williams play was dotted with well-known faces. Christine Baranski and actor husband Matthew Cowles were also in the house, as were “This Is It” director Kenny Ortega, who came with young “Gossip Girl” star Chace Crawford. Not bad for a 50-year-old play being performed in an outer borough!

After the many standing ovations, Blanchett entertained guests downstairs in her dressing area. She and Streep hugged, and joked about doing a vampire movie together. Blanchett says her only plans when this run is over is to go home to Australia and be with her family. The Oscar winner doesn’t have a movie lined up yet. “There’s nothing I’ve read that’s any good,” she told me. But I must say it was quite amazing to be with the two best actresses in the world today even for a couple of minutes. And Meryl, as usual, was full of genuine, gushing praise and admiration for Blanchett.

But everyone is. Blanchett’s similarly named Blanche is a tour de force, as is the direction of the play under the legendary Liv Ullmann. Streep and Kinkead each marveled at seeing the play directed by a woman. Under Ullmann’s guidance, this “Streetcar” is not about Stanley Kowalski (played with enormous strength and originality by Joel Edgerton) but about Blanche and Stella (Robin McLeavey). Plus, Mitch is even more of a linchpin as played by Tim Richards. “Streetcar” — one of the most well known plays in history — seems new and refreshed in this version. The players are all excellent, but Blanchett is simply stratospheric. It’s a shame the Sydney Theater Company production isn’t on Broadway, or won’t last longer than Dec. 20.

Exclusive: Billy Joel’s Daughter Overdosed on Traumeel


Alexa Ray Joel, daughter of Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley, took an overdose of a mild drug called Traumeel, insiders say.

The 23-year-old singer/songwriter, who is usually perky and in good spirits, had been despondent over breaking up with a musician boyfriend. According to family insiders, Alexa never lost consciousness.

“She had trouble breathing, became concerned amd called 911,” a source says. Traumeel is a homeopathic antihistamine and a muscle relaxer. Lucky for Alexa, it’s not that strong a drug.

What’s interesting and sad about all this is that Alexa is indeed one of those “great girls,” with loads of friends and friend to many. She is truly loved not only by her parents and siblings, but by her whole circle of friends.

And while many may pour over her lyrics looking for clues, there aren’t that many to find. Alexa’s music falls into the range of pure pop. Not only does write a Brill Building-like melody with hooks, she can also compose for Broadway. Her talent is immense and still not tapped. She’s even gone the indie route, avoiding signing with a major record label.

Tonight she’s been talking to her dad by phone since if Billy Joel were to walk through the front doors of the dreaded St. Vincent’s Hospital, it would cause a press riot. But Alexa is very close to both her parents. Mom Christie Brinkley is at her side now, and is always at Alexa’s shows, cheering her on from the sidelines.

“Precious” Screenwriter: Done In By Ex-Colleagues?


Geoffrey Fletcher was one of the few filmmakers on the National Board of Review board. He was also the only black person.

Last year, when Fletcher realized there could be a possible conflict of interest he stepped down from the NBR. His adaptation of “Precious” was debuting at Sundance and he didn’t want his colleagues at the NBR to feel troubled about decisions.

Now, Fletcher and “Precious” have been ignored by the NBR even though the movie, the screenplay, director Lee Daniels, and actress Mo’Nique‘are headed to the Academy Awards. The movie is also a rare indie boxoffice hit.

Fletcher declined to comment as he’s just received the news. But sources say it’s quite a scandal at the NBR that a movie like “Star Trek” would make their top 10 but there’s no sign of “Precious.”

Of course the National Board of Review, despite its name, is not about professional filmmakers or critics. Indeed, the actual professionals have been dropped by president Annie Schulhof over the last several years in favor of a sex therapist and Schulhof’s Park Avenue socialite friends.

Gone from the NBR just recently are Annette Insdorf of Columbia University, a respected professor and writer; as well as both Roy and Lewis Frumkes, writers and film academicians, and Reeves Lehmann, head of the School of Visual Arts. They’ve added, however, Erik Tarloff, screenwriter of the memorable “Car 54, Where Are You?” and several episodes of TV’s “Gimme a Break!”

As for “Precious”: luckily the NBR is a’ precursor of nothing. Insiders say the Oscars are months away, and that the Academy voters don’t take the NBR seriously. Basically, it’s an advertising tool so that the studios can trumpet an impressive sounding award name in ads over Christmas. By March 7th, the NBR will be a distant memory, and their snub of “Precious” just another on their long list of embarrassments.

DeNiro Skips the Killing…Sting and Trudie Go Classical…Courtney Love Gets Romantic…


Robert DeNiro was unusually effusive last night at the Tribeca Film Institute gala. Of course, his new film, “Everybody’s Fine,” was the centerpiece. But the terse actor just decided to talk to everyone and anyone who came his way at Tavern on the Green. He grinned a lot, too, as he accepted congrats on his role as a Dad who tries to go back and find out about his kids’ lives. There were celeb guests from Police Commish Ray Kelly to “The Hurt Locker” star Anthony Mackie and DeNiro buddy Chazz Palminteri (with wife’Gianna) and his own actress-singer wife, Grace Hightower.

DeNiro was in such a good mood, that, while he was gladhanding I asked him if he was happy not to be killing anyone in this picture. “No killing, not in this one. Although it would be funny,” he said, as Chazz and director Kirk Jones joined the laugh. “We couldn’t just come in and kill people in this one. It’s a family movie. We’d have to call Marty [Scorsese] and bring him in!” DeNiro’s eyes crinkled as he laughed. And we were talkin’ to him…And it was a bittersweet night as the remaining folks from Miramax circled the room. Their days are over thanks to Disney’s dunderheaded move to mostly shutter the famed indie. A lot of talented people are gone for absolutely no good reason. Jiminy cricket!

…Downtown, Courtney Love” or her much, much slimmer avatar ‘ appeared in the smallish invited audience for Trudie Styler and Sting’s DVD release of “Twin Spirits.”’This is sort of like a live radio play, with classical music, of the famous couple reading the letters of composer Robert Schumann and his wife pianist Clara Wiek. It’s very romantic and beautifully put together from the version Sting and Trudie have done on stage’ in their spare time when they’re not saving the rainforests or performing rock concerts in stadiums. It’s all for charity, of course ‘ the Royal Opera House Education program, and last night presented by MusicUnites.

Last night, the 90-minute video was shown at WQXR’s new spectacular studio space on Varick and Charlton Streets, followed by a live interview on the classical FM station with Elliott Forrest. Courtney was in the audience and so were Donna Karan and Ali Hewson, aka Mrs. Bono.’ And while we were supposed to be focused on Sting and Trudie, Courtney did pique interest. Yes, she’s actually in the studio, finishing an album I wrote about nearly three years ago called “Nobody’s Daughter.” “You have demos,” she told me. “The mixes are amazing. And there are new songs.” Well, those original songs were very, very good. So maybe Courtney will get a release out in early 0-10…

As for “Twin Spirits,” it will make an excellent stocking stuffer, as they say. The royal rock couple are perfectly cast and incredibly tragic as the Schumanns. Plus, the music and musical performances by the classical artists is superior. Sting sang a little Schumann on the radio later, and said he sometimes felt like jumping in to sing on the DVD. He doesn’t, though ‘ the opera voices are the very profound Simon Keenlyside and Rebecca Evans. Sting will get a chance to perform soon, though: he has two nights next week at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine to play the music from his “If On A Winter’s Night.”

And the good gossip is, he may do something on stage this weekend at the Kennedy Center Honors to help induct his good friend, Bruce Springsteen. And if you don’t believe in synchronicity, one of other new inductees is… Robert DeNiro… who is also Sting’s neighbor…

James Franco Confirms Soap Stint is Performance Art


Everyone was so worried about James Franco appearing on “General Hospital.” Remember, he told this column the same thing on Oct. 3.

Now he writes an op-ed piece today in The Wall Street Journal confirming it.

It’s an interesting piece. More importantly, there are no other young actors of his generation who’ve shown an intellectual curiosity about anything, frankly. It’s refreshing, and kind of retro. It’s also funny how the snarky blogs like to mock him. Jealousy is so ugly.