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Beyonce, Madonna, Bill Clinton Added to Telethon


Here are the newest additions to tomorrow night’s George Clooney telethon, “Hope for Haiti Now.”

Madonna will perform from New York. (God only knows which of her numbers would be appropriate for this.)

Beyonce will join the London artists, where husband Jay Z was already scheduled to perform with U2.

Former President Bill Clinton will appear, as well as Ben Stiller, Brad Pitt, Chris Rock, Clint Eastwood, Denzel Washington, Halle Berry, Jon Stewart, Julia Roberts, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Meryl Streep, Morgan Freeman, Nicole Kidman,Robert Pattinson, Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Hanks, and Will Smith with Muhammad Ali, whom’the actor portrayed in an Oscar nominated performance.’

Add those names to Sting, Wyclef Jean, Bruce Springsteen, Alicia Keys, as well as Clooney, Anderson Cooper, and Haitian artist Emeline Michel. Two hours doesn’t seem like enough time, does it?

According to a press release, “Hope for HAiti Now” will be’taking donations as follows:

from’12:00 p.m. ET/9:00 a.m. PT on Friday, January 22 via:
”Online: www.hopeforhaitinow.org
”Phone: 877-99-HAITI
”Text: Text ‘GIVE’ to 50555
”Mail: Hope For Haiti Now Fund, Entertainment Industry Foundation,
1201 West 5th Street, Suite T-700, Los Angeles, CA 90017

George Clooney to Donate $1 Mil on Haiti Telethon


George Clooney is going to put his money where his mouth is.

On Friday night’s telethon, sources tell me that the star of “Up in the Air” and “The Fantastic Mr. Fox” is planning to open the show by donating $1 million of his own money to Haiti relief.

This is in addition to, and separate from, the $1 million donation his group Not On Our Watch made last week.

Clooney’s rep didn’t return calls, but I’m told the plan is solid. A friend tells me that the actor is doing i to inspire others into action.

And who knows what will happen because of this? Clooney’s Hollywood pals like Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio will be taking calls from donors during the two hour telethon. They may also decide to step up and make big donations. Pitt has already made a large donation with Angelina Jolie to Doctors without Borders.

Other stars who’ve made big donations to Haiti Relief in the last week include Sandra Bullock, who put in $1 million herself, and Madonna, with $250,000. John Travolta offered a plane of supplies and Scientology ministers.

John Edwards Lied, Lied and Lied About Everything All the Time


I’ve been writing about John Edwards and Rielle Hunter since 2008. This much I knew from the beginning: Edwards and his wife, Elizabeth, lied, lied and lied.

Edwards lied from the beginning about having an affair with Hunter, then he lied about fathering her child. He lied to Bob Woodruff on ABC in the summer of 2008 during an interview in his own home. Elizabeth Edwards was not on camera, but as my’ sources said then, she knew the whole story, she orchestrated the interview, and told Edwards what to say.

At the end of the summer of 2008, I reported that Edwards had gone to the Beverly Hilton Hotel in June 2008 to see Hunter and discuss their situation. A former campaign worker spotted him entering surreptitiously through the hotel’s garage, and offered to have a drink with him. Edwards said yes, then disappeared into an elevator that bypassed the lobby.

Through the fall of 2008, I wrote about Hunter and baby Quinn. I was in touch with her friends. They told me the baby was Edwards’. When’Edwards’ friend Fred Baron died in October 2008, Hunter’s money was cut off. Baron had been underwriting her rented home in Santa Barbara, Calif. When the lease ran out, Hunter and Quinn went to live in New Jersey with a friend.

Edwards, I wrote then, kept calling Hunter and telling’her he couldn’t get her any money because Elizabeth controlled their checkbooks. She would know if a big chunk of money vanished, he told Hunter. He also kept telling Hunter he loved her.

At the end of February 2009 I published a picture of Hunter and Quinn on the child’s first birthday. You can still find it on the Internet. Quinn was looking more and more like Edwards, who was still publicly denying paternity. Then Elizabeth Edwards published a book called “Resilience,” went on “Oprah,” and was cagey about the paternity issue.

It’s a sad story. Elizabeth Edwards has incurable cancer. She is a smart woman with a lot of gifts, and she’s saddled with a rat. She is also a liar. She knew this whole story a long time ago. She published “Resilience,” launched a line of home furnishings, and bad-mouthed Hunter all the time. She is very likely the source of most of the National Enquirer items, she or one of her people. Hunter’s side knew that for a long time, too, because they weren’t talking to the press.

Rielle Hunter was born Lisa Druck. The name Hunter came from her first husband. The “Rielle” she changed later. She was not a fortune hunter or gold digger. She was simply available and interested.’Elizabeth Edwards has made it seem — in the Enquirer, and in the book “Game Changer” — that somehow Hunter targeted John in the Regency Hotel in New York. This is to suggest that John was somehow a victim. Hardly.

Edwards’knew what he was doing when he fell in love with Hunter. Like Tiger Woods, Republicans and Democrats,’and a lot of other powerful men, he was living a double life, compartmentalized. He exited suddenly from the presidential campaign on Jan. 31, 2008, because of this — two years ago next Sunday. Two years of lying. Many lives destroyed. Thank goodness he was never president.

Female Singers Dominate Top 10


gaga Female Singers Dominate Top 10What happened to all the men?

This week, the Top 10 albums, with one exception, showcase the voices and attitudes of women.

The Top 10 includes Kesha, two albums by Lady Gaga, the Black Eyed Peas (their driving force: Fergie), Taylor Swift, Alicia Keys, Mary J. Blige, and Susan Boyle.

If it weren’t for the geeky Talking Heads-wannabes called Vampire Weekend, the Top 10 would just be a choir of female angels. Right behind these ladies on the charts: Rihanna, Carrie Underwood.

It’s kind of scary. Not even publicity hound John Mayer has made much of an impact with his latest collection.

Back in my day (pre-historic) we had everyone from James Taylor to Joe Walsh, with Elton, Stevie, Paul McCartney, Paul Simon, Al Green, Marvin Gaye, Pink Floyd, the Eagles, O’Jays, Spinners, etc.

Sure we had Joni, Carole and Carly. Even Linda Ronstadt. But the male voice was a constant on pop radio, and so was the male point of view.

Now that point of view is represented by teenagers — if at all — kids like the Jonas Brothers and Justin Bieber.

But the older generation has vanished. Justin Timberlake, for better or worse, seems to be in retirement. Robin Thicke, who’s great, isn’t getting enough of a push to break him out. His album is languishing. Rob Thomas should be in the Top 10, but Atlantic Records can’t seem to make it happen.

I guess the ladies rule for now. Did “American Idol” have something to do with this? I’m just sayin’….

‘We Are the World’ Sequel Set to Aid Haiti


quincy We Are the World Sequel Set to Aid HaitiEXCLUSIVE: This column has learned that Quincy Jones and Lionel Richie are planning a massive 25th anniversary re-recording of “We Are the World.”

The timing couldn’t be better, sadly enough.

The duo is summoning lots and lots of talent from Grammy weekend to stay an extra night — Monday Feb. 1 — and come to the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles. There, they will celebrate a quarter century since Ken Kragen, Richie and Michael Jackson organized the original “We Are the World” with Quincy.

This time the artists invited include Usher, Natalie Cole, and John Legend. But you can bet that more names will be added shortly and that all the Grammy nominees and participants will be asked to come as well. Grammy producer Ken Ehrlich will produce the event, which will then be turned into a video and single just like it was in 1985. Don’t be surprised if Wyclef Jean joins in, along with Sting, Fergie, Alicia Keys, Justin Timberlake and other distinctive voices.

It’s hoped that as in 1985, everyone will “leave their egos at the door.”

Originally, this anniversary celebration was to be held on Jan. 28. But when the Haiti earthquake happened, sources tell me, the whole deal changed. Now proceeds will go to Haiti relief. In 1985, “We Are the World,” which begat Live Aid, raised money for Africa relief.

Plans are still sketchy, but one thing’s for sure: In some way, the song’s co-author Michael Jackson will be invoked. AEG is co-producing this event. They’re also putting together a 3D tribute to Michael for the Grammy show from elements Jackson was going to use for his tour. Jackson recorded “We Are the World” for what became “This Is It.” Surely he’ll be included here as well, which will make the whole project even more poignant.

Stay tuned. PS: Quincy Jones is about to release what has been described to me as a landmark new album that he’s made with contemporary R&B and hip hop artists. He was responsible for the original “We Are the World” and will guide the new one. He is not a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, in case you were wondering.

Elton John Waiting for Leon Russell to Record Together


This November will mark 40 years since Elton John and Leon Russell performed together at the Fillmore East in New York on November 20, 1970. This was right after Elton’s landmark live album, “11-17-70.” (Thanks to a couple of readers who pointed this out.)

Soon the old friends will make a new CD together, if Russell’s health permits. I’m told Elton, collaborator Bernie Taupin, and Russell have composed about a dozen or so new tracks together. They’re planning on going into the studio together shortly to lay them down. T-Bone Burnett, on a roll right now with the score and soundtrack to “Crazy Heart” will be the producer.

The only hitch: Russell has been in the hospital for some time suffering from brain fluid leak. He’s had brain surgery, and doctors are now considering another procedure to relieve the pressure in his head.

But the prognosis is good, and Elton is looking forward to doing the project. He told me recently that Russell had been a huge influence on him’when he’was starting out. You can certainly hear’it in Elton’s early style of singing, and on tracks like “Honky Cat,” “Take’Me to the Pilot,” “Border Song,” and the remarkable “Tumbleweed Connection” album.

So here’s a fervent Get Well to Leon Russell for a fast recovery, and release of the new album before the next Grammy deadline. This is one recording we really need, and soon!

Will Oscar Voters Go Human, Reject Globe Winners?


It’s January 19th. Oscar ballots are due back on the 23rd, on Saturday. That’s just four days.

Will Academy/Oscar voters reject the Golden Globe winners? In the past, the Academy has turned a deaf ear to the selections of the 80 or so mysterious Globe members. Oscar voters also like the human aspect of movie making.

119864 avatar duo human sully 3412 Will Oscar Voters Go Human, Reject Globe Winners?This year, the HFPA went wild for “Avatar” after a last minute viewing in December. They let the technology (and maybe the 3D glasses) obscure the facts that “Avatar” has a terrible screenplay and no real acting per se. It contains some of the worst dialogue in history. But it does have amazing effects. There’s no question that it’s a game changer in sci-fi.

But the top 5 real contenders for Best Picture are movies for actors: “Up in the Air,” “Inglourious Basterds,” “The Hurt Locker,” “Precious,” “An Education.” Movies are about people and they’re performed by people. “Computer generated” means that, created artificially. It’s a whole different category. “Avatar,” “Nine,” “A Single Man,” “Star Trek,” and “Up” are the back five.

There are no Best Actors or Actresses in “Avatar,” even though Sigourney Weaver is otherwise a very fine actress. The next time she has a “Gorillas in the Mist” or “Working Girl,” the Academy will swarm to her.

The Best Actresses this year were Meryl Streep, Marion Cotillard, Carey Mulligan, Gabby Sidibe, and Sandra Bullock simply because she’s cool and waited a long time for some recognition.

The Supporting Actresses are not just’Mo’Nique, who long ago I predicted would be the first Oscar nominee with an apostrophe in her name. Julianne Moore is absolutely sensational in “A Single Man.” Penelope’Cruz sets pacemakers off in “Nine.” Anna Kendrick is a lovely newcomer in “Up in the Air.” Vera Farmiga is also not to be overlooked from the same film.

The Best Actors are easy. Jeff Bridges cannot be denied. But George Clooney is just perfection in “Up in the Air.” Daniel Day-Lewis challenges himself and the audience once again in “Nine.” Colin Firth comes of age Oscar-wise in “A Single Man.” Morgan Freeman could not be better as Nelson Mandela in “Invictus.”

Supporting Actor is just as busy a category. Christoph Waltz is a slam dunk in “Inglourious Basterds.” But there’s also Matt Damon, Stanley Tucci, and two equally gifted actors from “The Hurt Locker”– Anthony Mackie and Jeremy Renner.

And Best Director? Kathryn Bigelow leads the way, but Quentin Tarantino has made his “masterpiece,” James Cameron has shown how to be PT Barnum, Lee Daniels made the searing “Precious,” and Jason Reitman’s third feature hits home on so many HUMAN levels.

Wyclef’s Charity: The Truth


I’ve been reading about Wyclef Jean, like you, and his charitable efforts. I also read what looked like a damning report about his foundation from the Smoking Gun, a site that usually gets things right.

Tomorrow Wyclef will be live on “Oprah” from Chicago to discuss everything. On Friday, he’ll co-host George Clooney’s telethon from New York. On Saturday, Wyclef will return to Haiti, where he’s already been and witnessed the destruction. Believe me, he’s not going there because he has nothing else to do, or because he needs attention. Last week, Wyclef and his family were knee deep in dead bodies. This isn’t for fun.

The Smoking Gun was right, and it was also wrong. I’ve known Wyclef since the Fugees first came on the scene, and I’ve seen him evolve as a very important political activist for Haiti. Before this earthquake, he’d already given heart, soul and a lot of money to a country that is incredibly poor and in constant need of aid.

His Yele Foundation, which also is known as the Wyclef Jean Foundation, did file three tax returns last August for years 2005, 2006 and 2007. They were just under the statute of limitations, but they got them in under the wire.

What’s interesting about these returns — and readers of my column know that we often look into these things — is that they’re totally upfront about everything. For some reason, the Smoking Gun published only the 2006 return. But the more recent one, for 2007, is also available. And what that one shows is that the Foundation was running in the red. This means that their expenses exceeded their donations. Who covers these deficits? Wyclef Jean, of course.

The biggest bone of contention seems to come from a concert Wyclef held in Monaco to raise money for Haiti. The concert took in $150,000. The Smoking Gun points out that there were $97,000 in expenses. True enough — expenses for the production, which were too high. On the other hand, $53,000 went to Haiti. That, they did not mention.

We can all send money to Yele Haiti for Haiti — or the Red Cross or Partners in Health or any number of organizations. That was always the point of Wyclef Jean’s work. It was to raise awareness, not to make money. Believe me, Wyclef earns a lot of money as a musician and composer. He is quite a brilliant artist. His income is not derived from cheating Haitians. That’s ridiculous. So let’s applaud him for being there before this disaster, and during it.

Conan O’Brien: In a Holding Pattern


Believe it or not, despite “scoops” everywhere, nothing has happened on the Conan O’Brien front.

No offers have been presented in writing, and Conan’s staff still has no info on their severance packages.

You’d think by now this deal would be done. But nothing at NBC is simple, least of all this.

So what next? O’Brien has Quentin Tarantino and Spoon on his show tonight. He has three more shows to go. On Friday, he’ll wrap it up. By then maybe the staff will know where they’re going to live, or how they’re going to pay their bills.

I have to laugh when I see stories about NBC preventing Conan from being on the air again before September. If he goes to Fox, they wouldn’t be able to accommodate him before that anyway. Not only do they have to create a studio and staff, but Fox also has to clear the time with their stations. Right now, the Fox network goes off the air at 10 p.m. Local stations then have news and syndicated programming, reruns, etc. This change isn’t accomplished overnight.

And still the big stumbling block to settling Conan’s deal may be the “offset.” This would be NBC trying to weasel out of paying Conan the money he’s due by deducting his future earnings. Why they just don’t cut bait and move on is’a mystery. This is the worst PR any network has ever received. And Jay Leno’s speech last night didn’t help, observers say.

Sting, Stevie Wonder, Alicia Keys, The Boss Set for Clooney Telethon


George Clooney works fast. In eight days he’s put together an all-star telethon set for this Friday on all the networks.

I told you about this telethon exclusively last Tuesday morning. Now it’s all coming together.

As I already reported, Sting was the first to say yes to Clooney. He’ll be performing from New York, along with Bruce Springsteen, Jennifer Hudson, Mary J. Blige, Shakira and, of course, New York host Wyclef Jean.

Alicia Keys would ordinarily be in New York, but she’s on the West Coast getting ready for Clive Davis’s annual Grammy gala as well as the actual Grammy Awards. So Keys will join Christina Aguilera, Dave Matthews, John Legend, Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift the headliner, Stevie Wonder from Hollywood. There will also be a group performance by Keith Urban, Kid Rock, and Sheryl Crow. Bono and the Edge, Rihanna, and Jay Z will appear from London.

Wyclef had better do “Somebody Call 911.” It’s the most appropriate song. It’s hoped that Sting might sing Springsteen’s “The Rising” as well as his own “Fragile.” All of the music will be available on iTunes.

What hasn’t been announced yet: A list of names of actors who will be taking calls from donors. I can tell you Leonardo DiCaprio is already signed up and that Ben Affleck is trying to figure out how to participate from the Sundance Film Festival. There’s no doubt that Clooney’s pals will all be involved, like Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, and Don Cheadle. A source connected to the telethon says the flood of star volunteers is overwhelming, “Everyone wants to participate. It will be hard to fit them all in.”

More to come…