Thursday, October 10, 2024
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Gordon Gekko’s Blue Star Jets: Art Imitates Life


Talk about a product plug. Remember Blue Star Jets from the original “Wall Street”?

In the new “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps,” Charlie Sheen’s Bud Fox tells Michael Douglas’s Gordon Gekko he made fortune with the company. There is much discussion of the fabled private airline.

It turns out there is real Blue Star Jets, a company named for and inspired by the fictitious firm. You can read about them and owner Todd Rome at

Who made the connection? It was a chance meeting in 2009 at the Waverly Inn, where Blue Star publicist Norah Lawlor ran into director Oliver Stone. He was just about to start prepping “WS2.” Lawlor told him there was now a real company named for the original. Stone went wild. The result was not only the Blue Star story resurrected in the film, but the real Blue Star also flew Stone and others from the film as needed.

Art imitates life, and we always love that!


Lindsay Lohan Hits Cannes (Duck!)


Around 8pm on Monday night, when no one was looking, even the paparazzi were out of it: famed international tabloid gossip princess Lindsay Lohan descended on the Hotel Martinez in Cannes. She had a posse, a bunch of young people who didn’t know it but looked like they were imitating “A Hard Day’s Night.”

Lohan is on her way to the World Music Awards in Monaco, where she’s a favorite annual guest. A few years ago she did me a big favor when the WMA’s were in London. She was my stringer while Michael Jackson was there for his presentation. Lindsay did a great job, too!

Where will La Lohan land next? And will someone on the Croisette give her a job? She’s hard to recognize, sporting jet black dyed hair. I miss the red Lindsay.

Morgan Freeman, Anthony Hopkins Together Again


Morgan Freeman must not have been satisfied to co-star with one heavyweight, Jack Nicholson, in a box office hit.

Seeing that “The Bucket List” attracted droves of audiences, Freeman now will make a film with Sir Anthony Hopkins. Details are still being worked out.

The pair did appear together years ago in Steven Spielberg’s “Amistad,” which was more of an ensemble piece. This time, it’s a star vehicle. Maybe they’ll call it “Driving Hannibal Lecter.” Just kidding! But I am told this is a comedy, and a not a brooding drama, a “Dead Poets Society” but featuring college professors… 

Stay tuned for more details…


Ellen, Barkin’ Up Wrong Tree in “Sh!t Year”


Ellen Barkin either lost a bet or she’s being blackmailed. Either way, her presence in “Shit Year” at the Cannes Directors Fortnight is puzzling.

Cam Archer’s movie isn’t really even a movie. It’s a self indulgent raft ride into outer space, in which improvisation and meaningless yabbering take the place of movie making. I actually started to think during the interminable hour spent in the theater that “Cam Archer” might be a pseudonym for “Yoko Ono.” Looking at a fly would have been more fun.

Barkin is rockin’ the body of a teenager. She’s also smart as a whip. She can be proud of films like “Sea of Love” and “Diner.” She took some time off to raise kids and be Mrs. Ronald Perelman. Her choices now that she’s returning to acting have to be wiser.

In “Shit Year” –which doesn’t have a linear plot or a cinematographer–Barkin (I think) has an ill fated affair with a young from the Abercrombie and Fitch catalog. It doesn’t work out so she retires (she plays an actress) to the country, where she walks around in overcoats and army boots. She has nonsensical conversations with a neighbor (Melora Walters) until the audience gets up leaves in frustration. Luke Grimes, who annoyingly almost killed the TV show “Brothers & Sisters”–plays the mannequin. Archer/Ono shoots beautiful Barkin in harsh light.

Where is that Neuralyzer from “Men in Black” when you need it?

Oh yeah, PS: the title. Are they kidding?


Salma Hayek Wants “Ugly Betty” Broadway Musical


I am happy to report that Oscar nominee Salma Hayek (“Frida”) is ready for her return to film.

Hayek has been mostly AWOL since having baby Valentina two years ago with husband Francois Pinault.

But she’s been back in force here at Cannes as Pinault–handsome. blonde, blue eyed– has been underwriting  few events as the head of Gucci (and just a few other famous brands). Gucci sponsored Vanity Fair’s Saturday night soiree at the Hotel du Cap’s splendiferous Eden Roc restaurant overlooking the Mediterranean.

Pinault, in fact, told me over the weekend that he will continue the Alexander McQueen fashion line as a tribute to the late designer.

But it’s Hayek who people want to know about. In fact, there was such a crush on the red carpet one night that Hayek was pushed up against me. The top of this reporter’s hand was slashed by accident by Hayek’s bracelet. There was some blood and now a long scab.

“You should tattoo Salma’s name over the scar,” Pinault joked. Well, Cannes is war, we all know that!

As for Hayek: she’d like to see a Broadway musical of “UglyBetty,” the now cancelled beloved sitcom she brought from Mexico and produced on ABC. Hayek did lament the cancellation. “ABC just kept moving it around. No one knew what night it was on!” She praised one “Betty” star who’s already on Broadway–Vanessa Williams, who stars in “Sondheim on Sondheim.” “She’s ready!” Salma said.

Hayek next appears in two comedies, each with a connection to Adam Sandler— “Grown Ups.” in which she co-stars with Sandler. And another, “Here Comes the Boom,” in which she plays the love interest of unlikely movie star Kevin James. a Sandler crony. Only in Hollywood could Kevin James get Salma Hayek!

Meanwhile, the Vanity Fair party was its usual knockout. There were three major directors–Martin Scorsese (whose film restoration foundation was honored), Oliver Stone, and Pedro Almodovar. Vanity Fair parties reverberate with stars, and so it was everyone from Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony to Frank Langella, Meg Ryan, Josh Brolin, Diane Lane, Simon Pegg and Kate Beckinsale to Julie Taymor, Pharrell Williams, Harvey Weinstein, Ellen Barkin, Cuba Gooding Jr. and Benicio del Toro (who now likes to be called “Benny” by his friends). Michael Douglas opted to stay on the yacht of friends, which was too bad. He missed a good time. And no Mick Jagger, despite the presence of his consigliere, auto heir and road manager Johnny Pigozzi.


Jessica Biel Having a Nervous Breakdown


Jessica Biel must be in “Seventh Heaven.” The word from Broadway is that she will costar in the Lincoln Center musical of Pedro Almodovar’s “Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown.”

Oscar Isaac, of “Robin Hood,” will play the Antonio Banderas part from the movie, sources say.

Each of the actors was in workshops of the musical.

Biel has been drifting, trying to get her career in gear. But it turns out she can sing and dance. Almodovar is said to be thrilled with her. Maybe Justin Timberlake has been giving her pointers!


Overture Films Is “Over” at Starz Media


It’s the end of the line for Overture Films at Starz Media.

Sources tell me that the plucky indie company will be shut down by Starz if a deal isn’t made to sell it soon.

This is especially bad news for the nice guys who run it–Chris McGurk and Danny Rossett. It’s also disconcerting because Overture houses Anchor Bay, the subsidiary about to release the very good “Solitary Man” this coming Friday.

If “Solitary Man” collapses because of Overture’s craziness, it would be a terrible shame. This well written and directed comedy-drama has wonderful performances from Michael Douglas, Susan Sarandon, and Danny DeVito.

But Overture itself has really hosted a list of bad and nearly unreleasable films, from “Brooklyn’s Finest” to “Mad Money.” Their most recent release was “The Crazies.” The only decent release in the bunch was “The Visitor,” from Tom McCarthy and featuring an Oscar nominated Richard Jenkins.

Overture’s situation leaves in doubt the fate of Philip Seymour Hoffman’s “Jack Goes Boating,” Robert DeNiro in “Stone,” and Matt Reeves’ “Let Me In.” I suppose they will all find homes.

With the major change at Apparition this week, and this news, the indie world continues to be a desperate place.


$2 Mil: Fox Spent on “Wall Street” in Cannes


Coming to Cannes with a film isn’t cheap. If you want to do it the right way, you’d better come with cash.

Or the profits from “Avatar.”

Sources tell me that 20th Century Fox has spent upwards of $2 million to promote “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” here this weekend.

That includes flying over Fox chiefs Tom Rothman and Jim Gianapolous (and presumably their families–who were all here), plus the cast starting with Michael Douglas, Josh Brolin (and presumably wife Diane Lane), Shia LaBeouf, Frank Langella, Carey Mulligan, and of course Oliver Stone–plus al the publicists, marketing and sales people, etc. 

And this is just the beginning. “WS2” doesn’t open until the fall. It will have premieres in New York and LA, and around the world. Stone may make some edit changes before then, which will necesitate critics seeing the movie again. And then there will awards promotion. Douglas, Stone, and Langella should all be in the mix. Also, the score of songs from David Byrne and Brian Eno.

But $2 mil just in Cannes? An insider notes that Fox chose to do all its publicity from the lavish and pricey Hotel duCap, a half hour away from Cannes. “They could have saved a lot of money doing all that stuff in town, at one of the hotels,” sniffs an observer.

Yes, but then life wouldn’t imitate art.  And Fox wouldn’t be able to spend all that “Avatar” money!

Is it worth it? The old aadage “You’ve got to spend money to make money” may apply. “WS2” should be a hit in the fall.

Woody Allen Wants Reese, Cate Blanchett


Woody Allen wants to work with Reese Witherspoon and Cate Blanchett. He’s still obsessed with death, but doesn’t look forward to it. He doesn’t recommend old age, which includes eye glasses and hearing aids.

Basically, Woody warned at his Cannes press conference on Saturday afternoon, nothing has changed. Except: he was funny and relaxed at a long table that included members of his latest cast–Josh Brolin, Naomi Watts, Gemma Jones, and Lucy Punch from “You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger.”

“Stranger” will be released this fall from Sony Pictures Classics, and I can already tell you that Gemma Jones–a star in Britain—will have an Oscar nomination. Her subtle performance is a revelation. I hope they put her in lead and not supporting, too.

Absent from the proceedings–Anthony Hopkins and Antonio Banderas. But it didn’t matter. Woody was hilarious. I asked him if he was ever planning to be on camera again. He said that he liked to play the romantic lead. “I like to get the girl,” he said. But at 74, even he knows it’s getting harder and harder to pull that off.

And he does understand this because “Stranger” –while it has a typical Allen May – December relationship– takes a romantic look at love among the 60 plus set. Jones and Hopkins long marriage hits the rocks, and is played for laughs. The actors are so good though that even the comedy–it’s a funny movie–has a melancholy glow. “Stranger” is a very mature work. It would be a perfect opener for the New York Film Festival.

There’s a dark side to “Strangers,” too. Even as the characters pursue romance and career aspirations, they are also keeping secrets. Several of them are getting with something or other underhanded. Not all will get their comeuppance. Call it “Crimes, Misdemeanors, and Laughs.”

Gordon Gekko Returns as Batman


Oliver Stone’s “Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps” played for the press Friday morning at the Cannes Film Festival. At the end of most press screenings here there are boos of one sort or another. Not this time. There was actual applause.

“Money Never Sleeps” is a slick, Hollywood hit made from a formula that—this time—works. When the formula is wrong, it’s not good. But Stone and his screenwriters and star Michael Douglas know this terrain of Gordon Gekko. They decided to keep it simple, and give the audience what they might want.

 In this 23 year later sequel, Gekko has gotten out of prison in 2001 after eight years. He was in for insider trading and various other white collar crimes. He writes a best seller but has no real money. A stash of $100 million is unavailable to him, squirreled away in Switzerland under his estranged daughter’s name.

Douglas plays Gekko in 2008 like Batman or Spider Man when they pretend to have no super powers. For a while, Gekko is just Mr. Plain, giving advice to Shia LaBeouf as his daughter’s Wall Street fiancée. Carey Mulligan is the daughter. Frank Langella plays Shia’s mentor. Josh Brolin is the new Gekko, the villain who’s very much the Joker. Douglas’s hair is wild and unkempt. He wears a cheap suit and no tie. This is Gekko in exile.

I won’t say how, but Gordon eventually gets the $100 million. His superpowers are restored. He slicks back his hair, puts on Armani suit, and presto! He’s back in business. He’s Gordon Gekko as Batman, ready to take on Gotham City. It’s a great idea—financial movie as cartoon. (There’s cool animation, too, to explain the finance stuff.) And—Stone treats the whole 2008 money meltdown like a potential end of the world film. It’s like a comet is coming to destroy the Earth. But it’s just Greed, and Gekko is the only one who can stop it.

At the press conference following the screening, Stone, Douglas, Mulligan, La Beouf, Langella are lined up for questioning. Only Susan Sarandon is missing; she’s great as Shia’s Long Island realtor mom. The questions are pretty tame. No one asks Douglas the hardest question. In the new “Wall Street” scenario, Gekko’s son, Rudy, has committed suicide after a drug addiction. Gekko must talk about this with Mulligan; her character blames him for the suicide. The story of Rudy almost parallels that of Douglas’s son, Cameron, now in jail for dealing drugs. Douglas is devastating during the scene. But it’s hands off for now.

Stone reveals that he’s interviewed Fidel Castro a bunch more times, and filmed all of it. After “Wall Street 2” brings him back to the box office this fall, Stone is going to blow up his career again by returning to conspiracies and dictators. This is why he’s so likeable. He will never not be Oliver Stone.

I ask a tough question: this movie is so topical, is it a mistake to delay the release until September 23rd? Stone thinks not. Cannes will give it a big international push. The movie is really about family, and not Wall Street. Anyway, that’s the company line. Hopefully, it will wait and not get scooped by current events over the summer.

PS Lots of little things in “Wall Street 2” including massive use of CNBC, Maria Bartiromo, and even the Daily News. Stone also staged and filmed a huge black tie ball full of New York society. There are plenty of familiar faces including famed movie publicist Peggy Siegal. Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter gets a cameo, with lines. Eli Wallach, 93, has a nice sized role and is cute. Sylvia Miles looks like a million bucks returning as a real estate agent. Warren Buffet even drifts in. All of this gives “WS2” so much verisimilitude that the movie bristles. Stone has got it right.