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Jackson Five Surprise! 273 New Tracks Discovered


Howard Mann, the Toronto entrepreneur who bought a warehouse full of Jackson family paraphernalia, has a surprise for Michael Jackson fans and the singer’s estate.

He has the masters to 273 unreleased Jackson tracks. Some are Michael alone, some are duets with superstars like Tina Turner, and some are with the Jackson family.

A good chunk of them come from the 1975 CBS variety series featuring the whole family.

According to Mann, who seems to know his stuff, the Jacksons were between the end of their Motown contract that summer and the beginning of one with Epic Records.

“The recordings belonged to the Jacksons. I bought them with the contents of the warehouse,” Mann says.

Mann feels the recordings therefore do not belong to the Jackson estate, and he can release them any way he sees fit.

Meanwhile, Mann has gone into business–he tells me–with Katherine Jackson only, and not with Joseph Jackson. “My arrangements have nothing at all to do with Joe Jackson,” he says.

Mann also says he did not pay Katherine Jackson an advance for her book, “Never Can Say Goodbye.” Rather, they are business partners. It does seem that Mann has become The Man in the Jacksons’ life. But he says also his largesse is not responsible for the Jackson brothers reportedly all driving new cars.

“You’ll have to look elsewhere for that answer.” he says.

Michael Jackson’s Mom Comes Out Swinging Against His Accusers


Michael Jackson‘s mother, Katherine, has come out swinging against her son’s accusers.

In her foreword to “Never Can Say Goodbye,” Mrs. Jackson makes pointed reference to the father of Jordan Chandler, the 13 year old boy who in 1993-94 received a $20 million settlement from Michael after accusations of child abuse.

Mrs. Jackson writes: “Most of what I’ve read or heard about Michael in the media was not the truth–especially the allegations of child abuse.

Evan Chandler, the father of Michael’s first accuser, recently committed suicide. Though I can’t comment on why, I want to believe his conscience finally caught up with him and he was not able to live with himself after destroying an innocent person’s career and breaking his spirit.

“Michael loved children and he worked diligently and passionately to better the lives of the less fortunate–the last thing he would do is harm an innocent child.”

Mrs. Jackson observes: “Michael often saw the good in people and trusted many in the early part of his career, sometimes leading to pain and betrayal in his life.”

By the way, Mrs. Jackson’s business partner and publisher, Howard Mann, tells me that he has made no deal with website to republish pictures from the book. He says they just copied them and put them up without permission. They are low resolution and stamped with TMZ’s logo.

Katherine Jackson: NBC Buys Only Video Interview with Michael Jackson’s Mom


NBC has bought an interview with Michael Jackson’s mother, Katherine. The interview will air on Dateline on Friday night, opposite ABC’s big 20/20 piece.

The Katherine Jackson interview was produced by Michael’s former business partner, Marc Schaffel. It’s the only one with Mrs. Jackson made for the anniversary of Michael’s death.

Of course, the interview will promote her new book, “Never Can Say Goodbye” which went on sale today and which we told you about exclusively last week.

The interview covers a range of subjects including Michael’s kids, Debbie Rowe, accusations against Michael that he was a child molester, and of course, Michael’s death.

I’m told the bidding war between ABC and NBC was intense, but that ABC had already wrapped their project and there was no way to insert the material.

Meanwhile, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, some kind of preparations are being made for Saturday’s Jackson Family Foundation inaugural whatever. Mrs. Jackson says in a taped piece that she’ll sign autographs for “Never Can Say Goodbye.” The rest of it should be just as weird. Eveyone grieves in their own way, that’s for sure.

More to come, undoubtedly…

Michael Jackson’s Kids: Spending Time with Debbie Rowe


Michael Jackson‘s kids, Prince and Paris, have been spending time with their biological mother, Debbie Rowe.

Rowe has also included Blanket, aka Prince Michael II, in the visits, according to sources. Blanket’s biological mother is unknown.

This might be the best news to come out of the long year since Michael Jackson died. The anniversary, on Friday, June 25th, is sparking dozens of stories, mostly false, about the Jackson kids and anything to do with Michael Jackson. It’s going to be a wild week, that’s for sure!

The reality is that Rowe, who was married to Jackson when she gave birth to Prince and then Paris, has forged a relationship not only with the children but with Katherine Jackson, their guardian and Michael’s mother. The visits have happened quietly, with no fanfare or publicity.

Rowe–who raises and sells horses in Southern California– retained her parental rights when she divorced Jackson. A family court judge reaffirmed that in 2006.

This week, however, all members of this saga will be out of town as fans descend on various locations to commemorate the anniversary of Michael’s death.

According to my sources, the Jackson kids are doing fine. They will, indeed, attend private school this fall.

But I am also told that it’s incorrect, as was reported Sunday from the British press, that the children have “no friends.” They have plenty of friends among their similarly aged cousins. And once they’re in school, they will undoubtedly make friends.

It wouldn’t have been easy for them in the first place. From June 2005 until last June–four years–the children were dragged by Jackson from one locale to another–Bahrain, Ireland, Japan, France, Las Vegas, northern Virginia, suburban New Jersey, and then finally a rented house in Beverly Hills.

Bebe Buell Hits the Roxy Tomorrow Night


Bebe Buell, long time rocker, former model and mother of actress Liv Tyler still has a lot of rockin’ left in her. She’s just put out her first new full length album in over a decade, on Koch/E1 Records. “Sugar” is full of radio-friendly singles including the title track, “Air Kisses for the Masses,” and “Trunk of Dreams.” The album is her equivalent of Marianne Faithfull‘s “Broken English.”

On Tuesday, June 22nd Bebe and her band–featuring husband Jim Walls and Twin Engines–make a rare appearance at the Roxy on Sunset in West Hollywood. This has turned into a must-see gig, with lots of A listers threatening to appear. Over the years, Buell has counted among her friends and lovers Steven Tyler, Elvis Costello, Todd Rundgren, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Rod Stewart and Jack Nicholson. They’ll all be plenty surprised when they see Buell, who’s 55 and a grandma, rock the Roxy like never before.

PS If you’re in town tonight–Monday, June 21– Bebe has an in-store signing at Second Spin, 1332 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica.

Tom Cruise New Film: So-So Reviews, Sold Out Sneak Preview


The Tom Cruise movie “Knight and Day”–his first real big budget action flick in four years–may be an accident waiting to happen.

Reviews from the two main trade papers, The Hollywood Reporter and Variety, are not good.

The estimable Kirk Honeycutt writes in the Reporter: …”laziness permeates the film from the inexplicable escapes to the neglected romance…”

Justin Chang had mixed feelings in Variety. calling “Knight and Day” a high-energy, low-impact caper-comedy that labors to bring a measure of wit, romance and glamour to an overworked spy-thriller template.” Chang concludes the movie should better overseas than in the U.S.

All the advance word indicates that the film makes little sense, and that director James Mangold makes little use of a solid supporting cast.

The word I’ve gotten from those who’ve seen it is that “Knight and Day” — is a B minus/Cplus movie.  At $100 million, it also costs about a million dollars per minute. For that kind of budget, not counting promotional budgets–another $25 million–that’s not what anyone wants to hear.

I haven’t seen “Knight and Day” because it screened simultaneous to the Songwriters Hall of Fame dinner on Thursday. Like the rest of the public, I’ll catch up to it on Wednesday.

But here’s the good news: on Saturday night in at least one location–Stamford, Connecticut–the theater manager tells me the sneak preview sold out. He said, “It was an older crowd, no teens and no kids at all. They really, really liked it.” The only caveat? The manager says that many members of the audience asked him why the movie was called “Knight and Day.”

“I told them those were the characters’ names,” the manager replied. In fact, the main characters are named Roy Miller and June Havens. But it was a good on the spot response.

“You know they liked the movie because everyone stayed through the credits,” he added. Maybe to find characters named Knight and Day!

The New Man in Katherine Jackson’s Life is A Gambler


There’s a new man in Katherine Jackson‘s world. Or make that, Mann.

Howard Mann is Mrs. Jackson’s new business partner. He tells me bought the assets of Henry Vaccaro out of bankruptcy, including the New Jersey warehouse filled with Jackson family memorabilia.

The warehouse included many personal items from the family including letters and some things that might have caused embarrassment had they made it into an auction.

Mann quickly contacted Mrs. Jackson and made a deal with her. He returned personal possessions, and in exchange started to develop projects. The first is Mrs. Jackson’s book of photographs coming this Monday, called “Never Can Say Goodbye.”

Mann, who is from Toronto, made his money with online gambling. His 121 Gaming company –described as a celebrity driven, erotic content provider–.got so successful that in 2006 he introduced online “nude” gambling. He created a site called and told a gaming website: “Online gaming will never be the same. Why would anyone choose to play against a boring online video based game that could be altered to drastically favor the house? Now people can play real casino games in real time, with real live sexy dealers, just like in a real casino, except at, the dealers are either wearing bikinis or are topless.”

Mann continued: “We have booked several adult film stars to deal live and in the proverbial flesh.”

Mann also created Carmen Electra‘s Naked Women’s Wrestling league. Unfortunately, that ended in tears. And a lawsuit.

Sadly, is no more. I always find out about these things too late!

Since then, Mann says he’s gotten out of that business and turned his 121 Ventures into a high end video production and online company. He’s aiming to take the Jackson site,, and create a place where music fans can download their favorite tunes and bands– his own version of ITunes.

Exclusive: Michael Jackson’s Mother, Katherine, Will Publish Book on Monday


Michael Jackson‘s devoted mother, Katherine Jackson, will publish a book next week about her son.

The self published coffee table book–consisting of personal photographs–is called “Never Can Say Goodbye: The Katherine Jackson Archives.” The book will be sold through a website called

“She’s very proud of the book,” says a source. “It’s not being done for money, either.” This much seems true, as such a book could have fetched a big advance. But “Never Can Say Goodbye” is being self-published. Its content is a picture page facing a page of reminiscences by Michael’s mom.

To promote the book, yesterday Katherine gave a two hour interview to Marc Schaffel, Jackson’s former business partner and confidante. For Schaffel, this was the Michael Jackson trifecta. He’s the only person who has done authorized video interviews with Michael Jackson, Debbie Rowe, and now Katherine.

On the eve of the one year anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death, Katherine was driven to Schaffel’s home, where they conducted the interview. They talked about what the last year has been like, the children,memories of Michael over the years. She did not talk about husband Joe Jackson directly, but she did say that she was concerned that the media twisted what the family said.

Katherine talked about the child molestation charges against Michael over the years. She told Schaffel she felt people were out to get Michael. She said that in the 1993 case she felt the boy’s father and stepfather put him up to it. Katherine says she thought the boy–Jordan Chandler–whom she doesn’t name–wanted to recant his story last summer, especially after his father, Evan Chandler, committed suicide.

Ricky Martin Livin’ “La Vida Loca” Again with Producer Desmond Child


Ricky Martin has reunited with Grammy award winning writer producer Desmond Child, the man who gave him “Living La Vida Loca.”

At last night’s stunningly good Songwriters Hall of Fame induction show, Child told me that he’s producing Ricky’s big comeback albums. There will be two–one in Spanish, one in English, with some overlapping tracks. Desmond tells me that one of them, called “Liar,” prompted Martin’s big coming out this spring.

“He was working on the song, and he said, I can’t live this way anymore.’ The next day, he made his announcement.”

The Ricky Martin news was one of many scoops and revelations at the SHOF, the best awards show of the year. Producers Linda Moran, Phil Ramone, and Hal David as usual pulled it off, but even better than ever this year.

There were great moments and odd moments in the Marriott Marquis ballroom. John Mayer, looking uncomfortable, appeared on stage to give Taylor Swift the Starlight Award for new young songwriter. He said, “We’re both like black swans,” and then rambled on about the two of them being unlike everyone else. He also said that even he asked her, “Who writes your songs?” Swift, still 19, gave a very relaxed speech, without using notes. She’s very poised. And she’s going to be around for a while.

Billy Joel pretty much stole the evening. In his tribute to producer Phil Ramone, Billy sat at the piano and dissected some of his biggest hits, recalling how Ramone shaped them. (This is why Ramone and about a dozen other famous producers from Richard Perry to Quincy Jones should in the ghastly Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.)

Billy explained that Ramone chucked a ‘cha-cha’ foundation for “Just the Way You Are” in favor of a more romantic underpinning; fixed songs like “The Stranger” and “Scenes from An Italian Restaurant,” and told Billy that in “She’s Always A Woman” he couldn’t have a line about her “powerful thighs.” He also told a hysterical story about hiding meat all over his house–and not in the fridge–when Paul McCartney came to visit. Joel forgot where he hid it all, and a few days later the smell of rancid meat was everywhere.

Paul Simon, also a Phil Ramone disciple, won Towering Song for “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” Brian Stokes Mitchell performed it soulfully, and Simon thanked Art Garfunkel for making it a hit. He said that Aretha Franklin‘s version was closer to what he’d envisioned when he wrote it, and that Garfunkel was “the white choir boy version” and she was the “black gospel version.”

Originally, Simon said, “Bridge” only had two verses. “I wrote it as a little song,” he said. But producer Roy Halee told him it needed a third verse. So he wrote the “Sail on silver girl” verse that makes “Bridge” a lump in the throat anthem. He said when he finished it, he listened to it and thought, “That’s better than I usually write.”

Simon was genuinely moved by the award, noting that he was now in the company of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” and other famous songs. “If I can get up to that, I guess I’ve made it,” he said.

There were so many great, great moments, I do wish the SHOF were televised. The show is long, but it’s fresher and more genuine and heartfelt than the Rock Hall. The great songwriter Leonard Cohen, for example got two extraordinary tributes–from Judy Collins, playing piano and singing, “Suzanne” in her crystal clear voice. Famed producer Russ Titelman convinced her to do it, and Collins proved once again that she’s gifted. And kd lang‘s version of “Hallelujah” was like something from another planet. It turns out that she works on her voice for two hours each day, performs, and then retreats.

Collins said that when Cohen came to her with “Suzanne” in 1969, in Toronto, he said, “I don’t know if this is a song.” She listened to it, and said, “Oh yes, it is.”

There’s more: Jackie deShannon, long overdue for awards, sang her “Put a Little Love In Your Heart.” Kim Carnes, raspy and cute as ever, belted out her own deShannon hit, “Bette Davis Eyes” as if 20 years had not passed. Phil Collins and Philip Bailey reunited to sing their 80s hit, “Easy Lover” and each of them got awards. Phil Collins said that getting divorced made him a better writer, so he now has three ex-wives. Bailey got his award with Earth, Wind and Fire, who rocked the house with “September.” Group founder Maurice White, suffering from Parkinson’s, couldn’t make it, however. And Chicago’s famed founding singer, Peter Cetera, sang for producer  David Foster, who in his speech inadvertently thanked “Earth, Wind and Foster.”

And the room was filled with stars, from Ashford and Simpson to CBS-2’s Dana Tyler, Phil Collins‘s long time girlfriend. Composer Philip Glass sat at Leonard Cohen’s table. Evander Holyfield made his annual appearance with Norm Chesky, of Chesky Records. Also on hand: Paul Shaffer, who was glowing as he listened to famed producer Richard Gotterher (“Hang on Sloopy”) trade anecdotes with Sire Records founder Seymour Stein. Frankly, so was I!

X Men: Movie Blog Tries to Steal Showbiz411 Scoop


There’s a reason we have time and date stamps on our stories. It’s so no one can come in and lay claim to them.

Yesterday, that’s what Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood did; someone should tell Jay Penske, the owner of that recycling blog, what’s going on.

The sad thing is, this time the repurposing came from Mike Fleming, Variety’s former chief scooper. He proudly reports all our “X Men” news from the last two weeks–the June 8th report about Michael Fassbender choosing between “X Men” and “Spider Man,” and yesterday’s story about Benjamin Walker in “X Men.”

This column loves to give credit whenever we cite something that’s appeared before in on another site, or in the newspaper. It’s not a difficult thing to do. And I think it’s cool to applaud other reporters’ good work.

But Deadline has a history of this–especially from their London reporter, who likes to read the local papers and then regurgitate news he thinks Americans won’t see. Tsk tsk. Today as usual Nikki’s Tim Adler just literally rips and reads from Baz Bamigboye‘s story in the UK Daily Mail about hot actress Gemma Arterton going on stage this fall in London in Ibsen’s “The Master Builder.”

Hey, Timmy: it’s creepy. Cut it out. You, too, Michael. It’s like the time George told everyone in his office he was working on “the Penske file” on “Seinfeld.” In truth, he wasn’t doing any work. And he was fired.

PS Nicole Sperling did the same with the Fassbender story in Entertainment Weekly online. Ten days late. Even The Hollywood Reporter was gracious enough to give us credit in its report. Come on, kids.