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Michael Jackson Criminal Lawyer Will NOT Contest Will


It’s June 25th, and the Michael Jackson stories will go crazy today.

Top of the list: that someone will try and overturn Michael Jackson’s will. Yes, the rumor is that some group of Jackson outsiders have claimed an announcement scheduled for tomorrow. The word was that Jackson’s will would be contested by Thomas Mesereau, who represented Michael in his criminal case in 2005, and Dennis Hawk, a lawyer who works with Tohme Tohme, Jackson’s short time manager, would lead the charge.

“Not true,” Mesereau tells me adamantly. “I haven’t been aproached and I have nothing to do with it.” Mesereau–who generally stays out of the limelight and often represents wrongly accused defendants down in Alabama pro bono–was shocked when I told him the rumor. He knows Hawk, by the way, but that’s the extent of it.

Leonard Rowe, the disreputable concert promoter, has told everyone he thinks Jackson’s will is sketchy. But in a year’s time, no proof has been offered by anyone that the 2002 will is anything but legal and binding.

Meantime, Joseph Jackson–ever on the prowl to make money–has filed a wrongful death suit against Dr. Conrad Murray. Brian Oxman, who’s had many problems with the California Bar Association and never really knew Michael Jackson, is representing him. Oxman was Randy Jackson’s lawyer when Jackson divorced his wife, after she left him for his brother, Jermaine.

The wrongful death suit doesn’t have much new in it, except for the assertion that Dr. Murray “solicited” business from Michael Jackson in Las Vegas in 2006. This would seem impossible since Jackson did not return to the United States –from June 2005– until the last few days of December for James Brown’s funeral. In Augusta, Georgia.

In other news, TMZ finally took us up on our lead, and identified Lowell Henry in their photo. They say he’s a “Jackson family financial adviser.” Too funny.

Michael Jackson Saga Gets Famed Film Name in Mix


We can add one more name to the never ending saga of Michael Jackson, and it’s a famous Hollywood moniker: Wolper.

It turns out that in his quest to monetize his purchase of all that Jackson memorabilia, Toronto online entrepreneur Howard Mann has enlisted Mark and Michael Wolper, the sons of famed television and movie producer David Wolper.

Even though no deal has been struck officially, Michael Wolper told me yesterday that he and his brother are exploring ways to help Mann use the rights he think he’s gained through the purchase of a warehouse of Jackson family possessions. Mann is certain that he now has various rights because he possesses documents, recordings, and videos.

Mann, however, may be in for some fight from Michael Jackson’s estate. It’s more than likely that Jackson’s executors will counter that they control his likeness and image.

Nevertheless, Michael Wolper says the main ideas being discussed right now are Michael Jackson and Jackson family biopics.

In case you don’t know, David Wolper, now 82, is a titan in TV, especially. His credits include “Roots,” “The Thorn Birds,” and “North and South.” He won the honorary Oscar, the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, from the Academy in 1985.

Michael Jackson’s Sister Rebbie Gets Dissed By Family


You don’t hear too much about Michael Jackson‘s eldest sibling, Rebbie (Maureen) Jackson. She was smart: she got married young and got away from the Jackson family as soon as possible. Apparently, they’ve held it against her all these years.

I am told by sources that Rebbie, now 60, is constantly dissed and used by her family, from the early days right up to this week. In fact, she traveled this week from Las Vegas, where she lives with her husband, to the Los Angeles area to an interview with the UK newspaper, The Sun.

The paper offered her $75,000, and Rebbie, who has done little to cash in on her family’s fame, accepted. She did the interview, and then waited, a friend says, for the paper to call to get her bank information. The call never came. Instead, today The Sun is featuring LaToya Jackson on its website and in the paper. Says a source: “Joe Jackson heard about Rebbie’s interview. He got La Toya to do it, and replaced Rebbie.” The older sister is said to be very upset and rightly so.

According to those who know her, the mild mannered, loyal Rebbie is one of the few Jacksons to turn down offers since Michael died a year ago today. She declined $650,000 from News of the World just five days after Michael’s death. As a performer herself, she’s managed to make a career for herself in Las Vegas. But I am told that both her parents went to a Las Vegas hotel owner and scotched a deal for Rebbie to have her own showcase. “The parents told the hotel owner why did he want just Rebbie when they could offer him a better deal?” In the end, no one got the work.

Last year, after Michael died, my source insists that the Jacksons asked Rebbie to come take care of Michael’s kids. “She stayed for three months until she realized they just did it to keep her from working in Vegas. They never intended for her to actually be involved.” Since then, little has been heard from Rebbie in regard to Michael’s kids or the family.

Interestingly, Rebbie was the last Jackson sibling who Michael ever worked with professionally. He helped her with a single hit, “Centipede,” in the early 90s. In 1998, he helped her with a single and video called “Faithfully Yours.”

Farrah Fawcett Died One Year Ago Today, Too


Everyone is going ga-ga over the anniversary of Michael Jackson‘s death on Friday.

But today also marks the first year since the passing of Farrah Fawcett. Her death was a little overshadowed by Jackson’s last year.

Farrah was first and f0remost The Sex Symbol of the 1970s. But she went on to prove herself a dynamic actress who wasn’t afraid to take on challenges. As she got older, she allowed herself to be funny, goofy and mischievous. As good as she was in TV movies like “The Burning Bed” and “A Murder in Texas,” she was also hilarious in her short lived sitcom with Ryan O’Neal, “Good Sports.”

So let’s not forget Farrah today (even though the Oscars managed to last March). She was just as much a part of American pop culture as Michael Jackson, and a helluva lot prettier!

Michael Jackson Memorial Set for Friday Morning


There’s a private memorial service set for Michael Jackson for tomorrow morning, Friday, June 25th, at Forest Lawn Glendale.

Michael’s brother, Randy, sent out the invites. The guests will include his brothers and sisters, cousins, nieces, and nephews. Joe Jackson will be there. Katherine Jackson will not. As I reported before, she and Michael’s kids are out of town to escape the circus like atmosphere already growing around the anniversary of Michael’s death.

Other guests will be similar to last year’s final funeral, including Jackson’s executors, his former lawyers like Tom Mesereau, and perhaps a few celebs like Macaulay Culkin. Otherwise, there will be no press this time. Last year, the first speaker was ex-con and Joe Jackson intimate Leonard Rowe. One can only hope there’s no repeat of that episode.

Rowe is not the only Joe Jackson crony lurking about these days. TMZ printed a picture today of Katherine Jackson with her business partner, Howard Mann. They failed to recognize the man on her left. It’s Lowell Henry, a one time “assistant” to Berry Gordy in the Motown days. Henry has somehow re-inveigled his way into the Jackson family. When I met him the other day at the Beverly Hilton–where he’s working on Saturday’s event–he tried to pretend he was someone else.

Hilarious. The cast of Joe Jackson supporting players never ceases to amaze me. Last year it was Marshall Thompson of the Chi Lites, wearing a wide brim white hat and a zoot suit, carrying Joe’s water.

Tom Cruise Film Flop: Meager $3.8 Million Opening for “Knight and Day”


It’s bad news for Tom Cruise. “Knight and Day” took in only $3.8 million last night at the box office. The $100 million film now stands to make around $20 million, if 20th Century Fox is lucky, for the five day opening run.

What makes this worse than ever: Cruise’s last movie, the godawful “Valkyrie,” made $8.5 million on its opening day. Of course, it was Christmas, but still…”Valkyrie” didn’t even have Cameron Diaz in a bikini or fancy exotic locations.

After the millions Fox has spent to promote this thing, especially overseas, “K&D” is a disappointment, certainly. But there were warning signs, as I said last week: no U.S. premiere, and then the 500 sneak previews on Saturday.

Bad reviews didn’t help. “K&D” has registered only 52% on Rotten Tomatoes. Even those reviews counted as positive weren’t so good. They were stretching. And hyping “Jerry Maguire” in the TV ad quote has only made the studio seem more desperate.

Is Tom Cruise washed up? No, because no one ever is in Hollywood. Look at Elliot Spitzer. He spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on hookers while he was Governor of the State of New York. Now he’s gotten a prime time show on CNN.

But Cruise is going to have to do some serious re-thinking about his career and public stance. And it doesn’t mean more of the annoying and slightly anti-Semitic Les Grossman character.

To be continued…

Michael Jackson Finances: Bloomberg, Most Everyone Else Gets It Wrong


The proliferation of articles about Michael Jackson‘s finances is getting stronger as tomorrow approaches. Most of what you’re reading is incorrect.

The strangest story came today from Bloomberg News. It was titled, “Jackson Advisers to Keep Stake in Beatles Catalog.” It should have been followed by a story called, “The Sky Is Blue.”

There’s no question that Michael Jackson’s estate will continue to be a partner in Sony/ATV Music, the company that contains the Beatles catalog. And there’s no consideration about selling the fifty percent stake. I’m not sure how that became a headline.

For one thing, Michael’s executors, John Branca and John McClain, hold seats on the board of Sony/ATV. They’re not going to give those up. They represent power and a certain standing in the music business.

Second, even though Michael’s famous $500 million or so loans with Barclays come due this year, Sony Music will be right there to refinance them. Sony, as I’ve said in the past, has no interest in shutting Jackson down, etc. They’re in business now with Michael Jackson forever. Forever. And it’s a big business. On their bottom line, Michael Jackson CDs did better last year than almost any other acct. There’s an unlimited future in unreleased tracks and repackaging.

I was the first to write about Michael Jackson’s perilous financial state way back in 2001. It amuses me to see all these newcomers getting spun, especially by “financial advisers” whom no one has ever heard of.

Jacksons: As Tributes Near, Family Leaves Town-Book Sells 25,000 Copies


Michael Jackson‘s immediate family will not be around this week for all the tributes that are about to take place.

As preparations occur at the Beverly Hilton Hotel for Saturday’s Jackson Family Foundation event, fans may be disappointed not to see the main players: Katherine Jackson and her grand kids.

I am told that Katherine has already left the L.A. area has headed to Michael’s birthplace in Gary, Indiana.

And Michael’s kids–Prince, Paris, and Blanket–will also be far removed from the circus planned across the street from their home in Encino, California. There was a plan to take them to London. They may also be somewhere else. But they’re not in California, trust me.

Meantime, Katherine Jackson‘s book publisher, Howard Mann, tells me he’s sold 25,000 copies of her book, “Never Can Say Goodbye,” since Monday. That’s quite an accomplishment. The book will be sold physically at the Bev Hilton event. Otherwise, it can only be obtained online.

But there are issues with that book, and possibly, Mrs. Jackson’s partnership. Stay tuned…

James Franco’s Art Show Opens: Freaks, Geeks, and Tweaks


Thanks to a website called and a writer named Christine, we have some pictures and thoughts on James Franco‘s first curated art show. It opened at the Clocktower Gallery here in New York on Tuesday night. I’ve been on the Other coast, but promise to get over there this week and figure out what our boy is up to with all this. In the meantime, we can ponder these photos.

Franco, by the way, opens soon in Columbia Pictures’ much anticipated “Eat, Love, Pray.” And he’s back on “General Hospital.” His mom, Betsy, a well known children’s book author, will play his character’s mother this time around.

Hollywood Swinging: X Men, Paltrow’s Secret, Liza and Bruce

I told you some time ago — exclusively–that Michael Fassbender, hot as a pistol, had to choose between roles in the new “X Men” and “Spider Man.” I am told he has made his choice, and will appear in “X Men: First Class.” James McAvoy and Benjamin Walker are also cast in Matthew Vaughn‘s upcoming blockbuster. All this news makes me want to see this movie before it’s even made!…

….Jake Paltrow, blue eyed younger brother of Gwyneth, has a secret. Shhhh. Paltrow, an accomplished director, is making a hush hush secret documentary with “Fantastic Mr. Fox” writer-director Noah Baumbach. They’re shooting in Los Angeles this week, after having shot in New York. Paltrow was spotted by yours truly this week at LAX touting a camera tripod off the baggage carousel. He won’t say what the film is about, or even if it’s got a script or a narrator. And what about big Sis, since I know you wanted me to ask? Sad for the tabloids, lovely Gwyneth is still married, living in London, raising her kids. She is not working this summer. That’s all I got! I tried!…Hey–rent Noah’s film, “Mr. Jealousy.” It’s a little gem…

Bruce Springsteen is a closet Liza Minnelli fan. Well, he knows good showmanship and a set of pipes. So and the family stopped in backstage at the Paramount Theatre in Asbury Park last week to wish Liza well on her forthcoming album, “Confessions.” and her national tour…

“As the World Turns” wraps 54 golden years this week as the Cadillac of soaps. This means after over five decades, Procter & Gamble has at last exited the world of daytime dramas. What a pity: P&G never respected its shows, and in the 1990s determined to get out of the business altogether. Many generations grew up on “As the World Turns,” “Edge of Night,” “Search for Tomorrow,” “Another World,” “Guiding Light,” and “The Secret Storm.” The shows ranged from the ridiculous to the sublime, and often represented the best acting, directing, and writing in New York. The word is that “World Turns” will air its last week of shows in September with a whimper. I hope this is not true. Everyone deserves better.