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Remember the Guy Who Hired Aerosmith, the Eagles, and other Rock Stars for a Party?


Nice New York Times story today on David H. Brooks. Ah, memories. Here’s my story from November 30, 2005. Everything old is new again!

Rock Stars’ Host Faces SEC Investigation

David H. Brooks, the man who laid out $10 million for his daughter’s bat mitzvah celebration, has been under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission since last year.

Brooks gained notoriety in the last couple of weeks when it was revealed he had hired Aerosmith, the Eagles, Stevie Nicks, 50 Cent, Ciara, Kenny G and Tom Petty to play at a party for his 13-year-old daughter this past weekend. Brooks took over the two floors of the Rainbow Room for the event, installing hi-tech sound and light equipment.

Many of the acts are managed by Irving Azoff and Howard Kaufman‘s powerful Los Angeles firm. But what reports of the lavish, over-the-top and some might say completely inappropriate party was who Brooks was, or what trouble he’s been in. It’s a lot.

He’s under a major SEC investigation, as I will report in a moment. That’s not all.

His company, DHB, as reported, is a defense contractor that makes bullet-proof vests for the Army. But what published stories did not report was that DHB is now and has been the subject of several class-action suits stemming from, among other things, a government recall of those bullet-proof vests.

In May, the Marine Corps recalled 5,277 combat vests made by a DHB’s subsidiary issued to troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and Djibouti because of concerns that they failed a test to determine whether they could stop a bullet.

This occurred six months after DHB announced a $100 million contract with the Defense Department on Dec. 23, 2004. The contract, Brooks said at the time, could be worth as much as $500 million.

Coincidentally, Brooks and the insiders at his company sold off about $200 million worth of DHB stock between Nov. 29 and Dec. 29, 2004. Brooks, according to publicly available filings, sold about $186 million himself, not counting another $50 million in sales that had already been planned.

This seems curious to the outsider’s eye. Today, DHB sells around $4 a share on the AMEX. Recently, DHB Industries reported it lost $41.7 million in the third quarter of 2005, the result of special charges, stock compensation and research and development costs.

But things were a lot different one year ago today. In fall 2004, the stock began a sudden climb out of the $11-$12 range toward a high of $20. That’s where it was on Dec. 23, the same day as the press release announcing the $100 million contract. Brooks and co. had already begun a huge sell off a few days earlier culminating in an even bigger one on Dec. 27.

That’s how he was able to bring in Aerosmith and friends for his daughter’s party.

Ironically, though, the SEC investigation into DHB had already commenced before that. The company acknowledges being investigated at first for “certain related party transactions between the Company and affiliates of Mr. David H. Brooks (the Company’s Chief Executive Officer).”

But they acknowledge that since then, the investigation has widened to matters relating to the Company’s reporting and treatment of executive compensation (primarily relating to Brooks).
The SEC investigation also comes from investors learning that Brooks purchased parts for his products made by a company owned by his wife.

Meanwhile, Brooks has also been looking to become the Denise Rich of the Republican party. A quick check of political donations this year shows that Brooks contributed $25,000 this past June to the National Republican Senate Committee.

A spokesman for Brooks, Manuel Rubio, said the company did not comment on their stock price. As for the party, Rubio told me, “I prefer country music.”

Black Eyed Peas May Rest While Fergie Rocks for Soft Drink


No group works or tours as much as the Black Eyed Peas. With a bunch of Grammys and hits on their resume, the Peas, with and Fergie as leaders, seem to be everywhere. Right now they’re on a tour that takes them to the end of August in Canada.

But “I gotta feeling” things may be changing, and soon. Sources say that Fergie is about to announce a major endorsement deal with a soft drink company. The multi-multi-million dollar backer is likely to be Coca Cola. Last year, Fergie teamed up with Slash of Guns n Roses fame for a Coke commercial. Everyone’s guessing the new deal is with Coke too.

Meantime, has been telling friends that he wants to take a break from the Peas soon. That announcement may come shortly as well. An insider says, “They’re not breaking up, but something is happening along those lines.” Will has other interests, including quite a few in technology.

If the Peas take a break, Fergie will have a lot of options. The 34 year old could have a baby with actor husband Josh Duhamel. Although they had a rocky start, the couple is said to be on an even keel at the moment. Fergie could also launch a second solo album; her first one was a smash hit. And then there’s Broadway and movies. Fergie’s rendition of “Be Italian” in the movie “Nine” was the breakout success of that movie. She has unlimited options.

Bill Clinton–Gaunt and UNDERWeight–Lifts Charity to $7.5 Mil Night


Bill Clinton‘s appearance at an A list celebrity charity event on Sunday night was a hit. But the 100o or so people who turned out for the 10th annual Starkey Hearing Foundation dinner couldn’t help but notice how unusually thin Clinton looked.

Clinton, always chided for being chubby, was so gaunt and underweight that his neck didn’t nearly fill out his starched white collar. His eyes and cheeks were sunken. And when he spoke, Clinton’s usually booming voice was a tad hoarse. As he spoke eloquently about volunteerism, Clinton’s mouth was clearly dry.

Nevertheless, Clinton’s appearance in St. Paul, Minnesota for amazing hands-on philanthropists Bill and Tani Austin helped Starkey raise $7.5 million for their round the world missions to fit every poor child and adult in the world with hearing aids. An impromptu auction for the highest bidder to win a day just tagging along with Clinton fetched $150,000.

Clinton not only spoke but arrived in time to hear many of the performers and stayed after his speech at the head table with Muhammad Ali, “Soul Man” Sam Moore, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne. He got to watch Moore accept a humanitarian award from Starkey, given by Lou Ferrigno. Afterward Moore and a half dozen stars performed “Soul Man” with eight year child prodigy violinist Brianna Kahane. Clinton opened his remarks by saying how much Moore’s performance meant to him. “Unlike a lot of you, I remember when Soul Man was a hit.”

Other honorees for the evening included Steve Martin, who brought his bluegrass band. They put on a rousing show of banjo music and comedy, harking back to Martin’s days with the musicians who formed the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Also on the bill, for a show that lasted three or four hours, were Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, the Canadian Tenors, Jordin Sparks, ageless comedian Norm Crosby, and a rousing finale by the Doobie Brothers.

In the audience, an electic crowd including Magic Johnson, Nancy Lieberman, songwriter Paul Williams, astronaut Scott Carpenter, actor Robert Loggia, Verne Troyer (Mini Me), many famous Minnesota pro athletes including Larry Fitzgerald, and Dennis Gilbert, the famed sports agent upon whom “Jerry Maguire” was modeled.

The only musician in the room who shied away from participating was Ozzy Osbourne, who’s taken a miraculous trip in the Way Back Machine. He looks younger than springtime. It’s extraordinary. But he and Sharon couldn’t have been nicer, or spicier.

As for Clinton, one explanation offered by an insider for his appearance: “He’s been in Haiti a lot, and he’s been exposed to dysentery and any number of things. He works constantly.” It’s hoped that he’ll have a few of his favorite milk shakes and get some rest before daughter Chelsea’s wedding on Saturday.

All pictures c2010

Madonna’s Religion Has Warning for “Whistleblowers”


There it is, one of the the stranger things I’ve seen yet on a Federal tax filing for a religion.

On page 21 of the 2008-2009 Form 990 for the Research Center of Kabbalah, Madonna’s chosen religion, here is a proviso you won’t see so brazenly expressed anywhere else:


The organization is in the process of developing written whistleblower and document retention and destruction policies which will be consistent with governance best practices and the organization’s operating policies.

So what are these operating policies? It’s not exactly common to see the word “whistleblower” associated with a real religion. But Kabbalah is a business, really, and religion second. They don’t want their secrets known, or exposed. This one statement sums up so beautifully what’s going on here. Kabbalah leader Karen Berg and her top adviser Muki Oppenheimer are said to be making changes that will take Kabbalah away from whatever roots it had.

The exact same thing is written on the Form 990 for Raising Malawi, the “charity” that’s just a front for the Kabbalah Center. Not only does Raising Malawi carry a warning about whistle-blowing, it also lists all the Kabbalah Center organizations, including its massive real estate holding company, as its affiliated groups.

How Will CNN Handle Eliot Spitzer Documentary?


Alex Gibney‘s fine documentary about disgraced former New York governor Eliot Spitzer has a release date. Magnolia Films will send it into theaters on November 5th.

Remember: we saw “Client 9,” as it is officially titled now, a few months ago. It was the highlight of the Tribeca Film Festival.

But back then, last April, Spitzer didn’t have a deal for a nightly show on CNN. The show is all set and starts in the fall. How will they address this movie release? Gibney deftly recalls the whole episode that led up to Spitzer’s resignation, including interviews with the prostitutes and their bosses.

What’s really kooky about “Client 9” is Spitzer’s hubris: he’s interviewed for the film.

One young woman who’s basically a madam says in the film. “Vice took over virtue. He could not control himself.” This was the Governor of the State of New York. Now he’s been rewarded with a nightly talk show. But will Gibney and others from the movie be his guests? And how will CNN handle the inevitable blanketing of their shows with this material by Fox News?

Here’s a clip from CNN/Fortune magazine’s website–because yes, CNN, Spitzer’s  new employer, is actually powering the clips for Gibney’s film. That’s because Fortune writer Peter Elkind helped create the documentary to go with his book, called Rough Justice. Fortune, like CNN, is part of Time Warner.

Tony Shalhoub and Anthony LaPaglia Still Romping on Broadway


When it opened last spring, Stanley Tucci-directed “Lend Me A Tenor” got lukewarm reviews. I didn’t understand it and still don’t. At Friday night’s packed house, “Lend Me A Tenor” was just as funny and farcical as it was the from beginning. The audience–which included radio legend “Cousin” Bruce Morrow--shrieked with delight.

The cast is still and intact and will be until the run is over. The always amazing Tony Shalhoub is still running the Cleveland Grand Opera; his real life wife Brooke Adams is the opera’s wealthy patron, Julia; usually not so funny Anthony La Paglia— known for serious dramatic roles– is the famous opera singer Morelli. Tony nominee Jan Maxwell kind of steals the show as Morelli’s insanely jealous wife. (Full disclosure: I would pay to see Jan Maxwell do anything.)

The real find of “Lend Me a Tenor” is Justin Bartha, who was in “The Hangover” and some bad movies. He sings, he dances, he pratfalls, he slams doors with the best of them.

“Lend Me A Tenor” ends on August 15th, so hurry over to the Music Box Theater and catch it before it’s gone.

Mel Gibson Saga: Oksana’s Digital Recordings Made a Month After Fight


If you’re following the Mel Gibson saga, it’s handy to lay out a timeline.

Oksana Grigorieva says–through her recordings, now available in plenitude from Radar Online–that Mel attacked her physically on January 6th, 2010.

But the recordings we’ve been deluged with? I am told they were made a month later, approximately early February, over two long nights.

In between these two events, Oksana–despite the alleged beating–went with Mel to the opening of “Edge of Darkness” and then on a European promotional trip.

The recordings–which are digital and not on any kind of tape–came after the trip and possibly 5 weeks after Mel allegedly hit Oskana and baby Lucia.

Now Oksana’s text messages to and from Mel have made it to Radar “mysteriously.”

Here is the transcript from Radar of the text messages:

JANUARY 7, 2010 — 3:25PM

MG: Oksana, I wasn’t safe for you last night. I spent two hours with a therapist today and have regained some perspective. What I’m telling you know if I am safe & would like to come by and make amends to you, sascha and Lucia. I won’t stay just let you say your peace and I’ll say mine. Let me know if it’s alright!

MG: Or if it’s not.

MG: Let me know either way.

MG: Yes or no.

MG: It’s important that I apologize to sascha before he goes.

MG: Please respond one way or another.

OG: I have two broken front teeth and a concussion.  I can not c u today, I’m hurting. U can apologize to Sacha some other time.

MG. Did you get them fixed yet?

MG: When can I see you?

MG: I need to see you this evening & then I promise I’ll leave you alone
for as long as you want

MG: If only for 10 minutes.

MG: Please.

So this exchange is a full month before the phone recordings. Just to review the recordings: Mel uses the n word, talks about Oksana being raped, threatens to kill her, screams incessantly, uses the foulest language ever, maybe breaks a glass door.

Even so, Mel and Oksana then attended a pre-Oscar party on March 5th in Hollywood. They looked like hell.

Mad Men: Don Draper Debates the Bikini


In Sunday’s season premiere of “Mad Men,” the Sterling Cooper boys pitch their ideas to the people who own Jantzen swimwear. This “family company” from Portland, Oregon was founded in 1910 and still exists in the same building where it was born, believe it or not!

And that’s the problem: in the show, the man who seems to be playing Carl Jantzen, is kind of a conservative hick who puts his feet up on the coffee table in the Sterling Cooper office. He refuses to allow the word “bikini” but prefers the term “two piece bathing suit.” Don Draper (Jon Hamm), of course, doesn’t like this at all. After all, Brian Hyland‘s hit record, “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” had already been a hit four years earlier, in 1960. He wants to sell sex. The Jantzens want to sell bathing suits.

I checked out the website for Jantzen. You should, too. Compared to the world of Victoria’s Secret, the Jantzen swimsuits are pretty, but they look like something from the…1920s. Jantzen favors one piece suits, no thongs (god forbid), and very little in the way of sexy. They’re practical bathing suits! I do believe Portland is landlocked. California beaches must seem so decadent!

Angelina Jolie in Salt: Movie for Schmucks


Where do we begin with a movie that makes no sense whatsoever and has a great actor–Andre Braugher–reciting half a line in a quarter of a scene buried toward its end?

This is “Salt,” and you can take it with a grain of. Angelina Jolie deserves a lot of credit because if she hadn’t played rogue CIA agent Evelyn Salt–a role originally intended for Tom CruisePhilip Noyce‘s action thriller would really be bonkers. As it is, if you follow Angie, you’re in good shape. Her Salt–named Edwin in the Cruise version that wasn’t made–is Batman, Wonder Woman, and Spider Man all rolled into one. She’s a cartoon character in a cartoon movie.

Salt is blissfully short in length and coherence. Liev Schreiber, who’s such a good theater actor, has an implacable look on his face that says: Something has to pay for all those Hamlet and Arthur Miller stuff on Broadway. Chiewetel Eijofor maintains his cool, but also seems to be thinking, “This will pay the mortgage.”

As for director Noyce, he has a long, impressive record of good films. “The Quiet American” is his gem, but he also has “Clear and Present Danger,” “Dead Calm,” and “Rabbit Proof Fence” on his resume.

“Salt” has lots of explosions and set action pieces, all of which are pure visceral entertainment. Some of them, though, are just laughable given the circumstances. Angie’s big escape scene near the start of the film is almost like a parody of a Tom Cruise movie. She leaps from a bridge to a truck to an oil tanker, all of them in motion, with nary a scrape. It’s hilarious. It’s like the “Batman” TV show. You almost expect to see a big colorful Pow! or Splat! on the screen.

Most of “Salt” is an on-the-run formula pic about a CIA agent (Jolie) who might be good or bad, we don’t know. Then, since it’s already a mindless blur, it becomes “Fail Safe.” We have 30 seconds to stop the launching of deadly missiles to Russia! The movie jumps a shark and a couple of dolphins.

Then, to add insult to injury, the camera pans across Andre Braugher. Is he just sitting in the command center by accident? He has no character or role. He might be playing a desk lamp. He has grey hair. We gasp. We weep. His name is buried in the credits. Well, everyone needs to keep their SAG health insurance active, I guess.

Should you stick to a “Salt”-free diet? It’s a popcorn film, and the air conditioning is worth it. Also watch the scene where Angie is trying to shoot her way through a door. She keeps pulling out gun after gun, each succeeding one getting bigger and bigger. It’s like a scene from Bugs Bunny. It’s fun. Everyone claps. People talk back to the screen. It’s summer.

Looking forward to the sequel, “Pepper.”

Katie Couric Now “Like A Free Agent”


Katie Couric is now “like a free agent” in the news equivalent of sports, according to a friend who I spoke to today.

Couric’s contract with CBS ends May 31st. In this week’s New York Magazine online, Couric found herself suddenly in a tug of war: on her team, CBS chief Les Moonves, CBS News Chief Sean McManus and CBS Evening News producer Rick Kaplan. On the other side: Paul Friedman, CBS News Executive Vice President.

Despite having many backers at CBS, Katie has one enemy: Friedman (who is no relation to this reporter).

“Paul Friedman’s wanted her out from the beginning,” says a source.

CBS waited too long if they wanted Couric to leave the Evening News now. Replacements such as these would be made over the summer, the same as Christiane Amanpour taking over from George Stephanopolous at ABC’s “This Week.” So now Couric serves out her term. But she’s in the driver’s seat.

When Couric took over at the Evening News, it’s pointed out, Dan Rather had severely crippled their position. And even though Couric had a rough ratings start, she’s firmly in control now. She’s also established herself on line.

What happens now is interesting; with Oprah Winfrey leaving daytime, and still a lot of questions about Rosie O’Donnell’s upcoming show, Couric could leave CBS News, go into syndication and make a mint. She’s the perfect 4pm host, an actual journalist who can handle news stories and fluff.

If Couric goes that route, and leaves CBS, the network is then in a dicey situation. For the last two days it’s been suggested that Scott Pelley could replace her anchorman. No offense, but Scott Pelley is about as exciting as spackle. CBS would really have to come up with someone with a little electricity–maybe Anderson Cooper, in a deal with CNN.

Couric is also very friendly with Jeff Zucker at NBC. although that network has its own issues. Zucker may leave when the Comcast deal goes through. And there’s no real place to put her–she won’t go back to the Today show, and Dateline is no place for a superstar. “The Office,” however, will need a replacement for Steve Carell’s Michael Scott. No one could handle Dwight better than Katie Couric!