Saturday, October 12, 2024
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Robert Redford Calls for 7 Year Moratorium on Arctic Drilling


Robert Redford is well known for being on the right side of environmental protection.

So I wanted to share with you this video he’s just sent out via the NRDC to make sure no more drilling goes on in the Arctic. He’s calling on President Obama to institute a 7 year moratorium. You may not like some celebrities getting involved in political or social issues. But Redford has earned his stripes in this arena.

Here’s what he says:

“In the wake of the Gulf oil spill disaster you put a hold on Shell’s plans for offshore drilling near the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other important polar bear habitats. That action stopped Shell from drilling during this summer’s drilling season. But the company has said it will apply soon for permits to begin drilling next summer. I urge you to reject that application.

I also call on you to impose a seven-year timeout on drilling so that scientists can study America’s Arctic and recommend how to best protect it. Before any oil is drilled, we need to know the real risks to this natural treasure and whether a major oil spill could ever be cleaned up under such extreme conditions. The Deepwater Horizon spill has made a mockery of oil industry claims that offshore drilling is being conducted in a safe and responsible fashion. In the Arctic Ocean, it could take weeks for ships to reach the remote site of a spill and, even then, the oil industry has no method for cleaning up spills in ice-filled waters. In the meantime, such a spill could despoil the coastline of the Arctic Refuge and other sensitive habitats for generations to come. The results could be catastrophic for polar bears, whales, walruses and other wildlife.

We can’t afford a repeat of the Gulf catastrophe in the home of the polar bear. Please stand up to Shell and impose a seven-year moratorium on offshore drilling in the Arctic.”

Chelsea Clinton’s Mother-in-Law Walked Son Down Aisle…Alone


Chelsea Clinton has in-laws now. You wouldn’t know it from the coverage over the weekend. There were no pictures of them and nary a mention of them.

Yet, this much is true: only Marc Mezvinsky‘s mother, former Pennsylvania congresswoman Marjorie Margolies Mezvinsky, walked him down the aisle. The family is still so angry at former Congressman Edward Mezvinsky that he’s on the outs with most of them.  In 2002, Mezvinsky pleaded guilty to 31 counts of fraud. He ripped off friends and family, including his mother in law, for $10 million. His wife divorced him. “Basically,” says a friend, “he stole all her money.”

But there’s been no picture of the groom with his mom coming down the aisle, just Bill and Chelsea.

Marc’s brothers, Andrew and Vu Pham, were his best men. So far, there’s been no name given for Chelsea’s maid of honor. But she had 13 bridesmaids. Marc had 13 groomsmen. Do the math. That’s probably 52 people right there.

The Clintons and Marjorie Mezvinsky each got 100 people to invite. That was it. That total, 200, constituted half the guest list. The other half was chosen by Marc and Chelsea. “They flew in friends from all over the world,” a source tells me. But the parents were restricted, and lived with it. Hence, no Barbra Streisand or Oprah, each of whom were not invited for this very reason.

Marjorie Mezvinsky had 45 family members altogether. Eleven children and sixteen grandchildren. Pictures were taken by the official photographer, but none were released. Marjorie, I’m told, had her dress made to copy something she’d seen during her many trips aboard as a congresswoman and for her foundation.

Lady GaGa Naked in Vanity Fair: She Doesn’t Like to Have Sex, Lovers Take Away Her Creativity


Lady Gaga–Stephanie Germanotta–says this to Lisa Robinson in the new Vanity Fair: ‘she tries to avoid having sex because she is afraid of depleting her creative energy’—“I have this weird thing that if I sleep with someone they’re going to take my creativity from me through my vagina.”

I do think this woman is trying too hard to be sensational every day of 2010. She could take a day off! Even Madonna used to space these things out. Anyway, Germanotta also poses naked in Vanity Fair because–why not? The magazine does the most they can with the cover photo, too, to make the top pop singer attractive.

This is the September issue of Vanity Fair, and I imagine it will be thick, thick, thick with ads. Vanity Fair is one of the few magazines “up” in ads while everything else is flat or down. It’s pretty interesting that Graydon Carter didn’t choose any movie stars for his big fall cover, not even Julia Roberts. Says a lot about the box office and movie releases in general right now.

American Idol: Steven Tyler Says He’ll Probably Be A Judge


Aerosmith front man Steven Tyler says in the video below that he’ll probably sign on as a judge for “American Idol.”

Is he replacing Simon Cowell? The lead judge will be expected to be very direct. It’s unlikely that Tyler will be reducing contestants to tears. Maybe he’ll be a guest judge. I guess we’ll wait and see what happens this week.

One obstacle to Tyler being a regular is his schedule. Right now, Aerosmith has dates booked through September. Lots of them. They have many more lined up around the world, and are expected to make an album before the end of the year. It’s not clear if Tyler understands the “Idol” schedule. What will the other band members do from January through May of next year if Tyler has to be in a TV studio two days a week?

And then there’s Tyler’s baggage: we love him, but he has more baggage than Ivana Trump arriving in Gstaad for ski season. In the last year he had a public falling out with the other members of Aerosmith. He almost left the band. He went into rehab. He has innumerable physical injuries. He has medical problems. He has a very unpopular girlfriend.

But never bet against Steven Tyler. He rises from the ashes like a phoenix over and over again. If he joins the show, perhaps the line up will include him, Randy Jackson, Jennifer Lopez, and…!

PS If anyone knows who got this scoop on camera from Las Vegas, let me know so I can credit them.

Clinton Wedding Slows Trains, Alicia Keys Wedding Guests Get Concert


The Chelsea Clinton wedding: we told you more about it on Friday than anyone. Vera Wang, the best men, etc. As it turned out, the biggest celebs were Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen. I’m told that “Designing Women” producers Linda and Harry Thomason were there, too. But no Barbra, Oprah, etc. It was the guest list of the bride and groom.

The wedding slowed the trains up the Hudson Valley on Saturday morning. Trains crept along up at less than 10 mph. The explanation was because of the lockdown around Rhinebeck. And there were plenty of jets in the air, even on Sunday when it sounded–in Canaan, New York, an hour away–like pilots were breaking the sound barrier as they circled the Valley.

Meanwhile, a very pregnant Alicia Keys married hip hop producer Swizz Beatz in the Mediterranean. Her mom was there. Over the weekend guests were treated to some sort of classical concert at night. From the picture I saw, it looks very classy. Just like Alicia and her mom. I can only tell you that it’s now a decade since Alicia made her debut with Clive Davis. Her career has been one long skyrocket. She’s the most talented musician of her generation. It’s hard to believe she’ll turn 30 next January. Time flies! Mazel tov, Alicia and Swizz (real name Kasseem Dean).

Mad Man Episode 2: Don Draper Fishes in His Own Pond



Don Draper didn’t have a happy Christmas 1964 exactly: he sleeps with–well he just plan shtups–his secretary. It’s less than a one night stand. This isn’t like Peggy sleeping with Pete, or Roger and Joan. Is it the beginning of the women’s movement? Or will the secretary just suck it up and go back to work? My guess is the latter, but you never know. There was no sexual harassment yet in 1964.

Episode 2, Season 4 is not a ground breaker, but it does a lot to explore the times and explain what’s happening in Don’s world. The star of the episode is Roger Sterling, who must debase himself thanks to the unpleasant return of Lee Garner, Jr., from Lucky Strike cigarettes. Lucky Strike is 69% of Sterling Cooper’s business, so the execs must kowtow to Lee. John Slattery is spot on as usual, forced to play Santa Claus. Oh yes, this is so the territory of our old friend, Larry Tate.

Lee Garner, Jr., you may recall, was the reason Sal was fired last season.

Don acknowledges the Beatles–he asks his secretary (whom he later boinks) to buy Sally some Beatles 45s. Meantime, at home, Sally has attracted a psychotic 13 year old suitor. She is her mother’s daughter through and through. The boy, seeing that Sally wants to move, trashes the house in order to scare Betty and Henry Francis. We’ll see if that works.

One mention of Joan’s AWOL husband: “he’s saving lives.” We all await his return in a body bag from Vietnam. Peggy obviously does not have a great time with the boyfriend once they finally hit the sheets. So much for him. There’s more than passing reference to AA and alcoholism. Joel Murray is a keeper as Freddie Rumsen.

PS If you like the decor in Roger Sterling’s office, you can find the furniture, clothes and instructions at Lisa Perry’s stores. (Her website is When Lisa went for the mid 60s look several years ago, a lot of people thought she was nuts. Ha! Crazy like a fox. She’s become the authority on this stuff. I loved it when Freddie said he thought he’d get sucked into the op art on Roger’s wall. Yes, Freddie, in so many ways.

Mad Men: Creator Clamps Down on Clips and Spoilers


remember all the hoopla last week for the season premiere of “Mad Men”? There were spoilers galore, and stories about the episode everywhere.

But series creator Matthew Weiner was upset, particularly with the New York Times’s Alessandra Stanley. (Who isn’t?) Anyway, he thought she gave too much away.

The result is you’ve seen almost nothing about this Sunday’s episode, titled “Christmas Comes But Once a Year.” The AMC website features a one minute, 4 second clip in which Roger Sterling (the inimitable John Slattery) invites an old friend to the firm’s Christmas party. That’s it. We know nothing about Don, Betty, Henry, Joan, or Peggy.

Here’s what this column knows. It’s Christmas 1964. There’s obviously a Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce Christmas party. The imdb lists a “kissing couple” as featured players, but no one else. Yet, we can see in the preview that this friend of Sterling’s is coming and he’s going to cause trouble. Will he hold mistletoe over Joan’s head? (Don’t we all want to?)

With super secret Weiner you never know what’s going on next. But a casting call went out last week for a new, wealthy family with the name Baxter—parents in their late 50s, and a daughter in her early 30s. It’s for episode 11, and the characters could be “recurring.” Makes you wonder who Don Draper is getting involved with so late in the season.

I don’t blame Weiner–he wants to keep up the suspense. But a few hints might be nice…In the meantime, set your DVRs!

Michael Jackson New Album: Rolling Stone Scams Its Readers


Rolling Stone–great about General McChrystal, wrong about Michael Jackson.

The magazine issued a story today about a new Michael Jackson album for November, with quotes from Frank DiLeo, Michael’s manager.

What RS doesn’t say is that the quotes attributed to DiLeo were given more than nine months ago, and answered to other questions. There’s nothing new. DiLeo tells me the last time he spoke to Rolling Stone was before the movie “This Is It” came out. “Everyone knows Sony’s putting out a new album, that’s not new,” says DiLeo. “No one from Rolling Stone spoke to me for that article.”

In fact, this column broke the story that there would be a new Jackson album several times. Jackson co-executor John McClain has been working on selecting tracks and mixing and re-recording.

But McClain is not Bruce Swedien, who was Jackson’s engineer in the studio for all of his famous recordings. McClain has nixed working with Swedien, I am told, which is not so good because Jackson’s unreleased record, “This Is It,” turned out to be a snore when it was prepared this way. McClain, a long time A&R man at A&M, is strong in artist signing and support but is not a record producer.

So tsk, tsk to Rolling Stone. Now we know how General McChrystal feels!

Idol: Forget JLO, Get a Supreme!


Jennifer Lopez–she’s a nice person and a good actress, but a judge for singers? I don’t think so.

Reports today that JLO may join the “American Idol” judging staff this season would seem problematic. Lopez is well known within the industry for using a lot of, shall we say, augmentation for her singing.

Back when she had her big hit with Ja Rule, called “I’m Real,” Lopez was noted for using then back up singer Ashanti to supplement he vocals. Ashanti went on to have a lead singing career thanks to that episode.

Lopez’s recording career has gone straight downhill over the last few years as the problems with her voice have been harder and harder to cover up. She’s never part of any charity events or recordings that require unsupplemented singing. She’s’ never even guest starred on anyone else’s album, lent a background vocal, or recorded a duet with anyone other than Ja Rule or Marc Anthony.

While the other “American Idol” judges certainly aren’t required to sing–and haven’t–on the show, having a pop star who never sings or even hums might prove a bit embarrassing. A real singer might feel at home to encourage “AI” singers but showing them how to do it. But Lopez will be unlikely to do such a thing on the show.

Just a couple of months ago, Lopez received a humanitarian award with husband Marc Anthony from the Apollo Theater. That night, not only did Anthony sing, but so did Aretha Franklin–each of them spontaneously. Jamie Foxx sang, so did two other performers. Lopez was there, and in close promiximity to a microphone. But it was kind of a sad commentary that she had to back away from a live, spur of the moment warble.

It’s a little unclear why Lopez isn’t concentrating on her acting career right now. That’s where strength is, and how she got her start. But everyone wants to be a rock star, I guess. As for judging other rock stars, Lopez may have tough sledding if the competition doesn’t include calesthenic dancing.

By the way if “American Idol” is looking for a judge who can sing, knows her stuff, and has real history, why not Mary Wilson of The Supremes? Mary has turned out to the real Motown survivor, a UN goodwill ambassador, and a welcome presence on the international touring circuit. And, god bless her, she can sing her head off.  

And PS: With all the shakeups at “AI,” it does seem like the stabilizing force at the judges’ table will be Randy Jackson. It’s not that often that good guys finish first. But Randy–who works all the time as a producer even while handling “Idol” chores–is the real deal.

Chelsea Clinton Wedding: Cost $1 Million (Please)


I thought I’d stay out of the whole Chelsea Clinton wedding saga until I actually spoke to someone who knew what was going on. Almost everything that’s been reported, aside from the place and the designer of the wedding dress, has been wrong apparently.

For one thing, the wedding costs around a million dollars. Much of it has to do with security and the Clintons putting all the guests up around town in various hotels near Rhinebeck, New York.

“Five million dollars,” scoffed a mutual friend of Hillary Clinton and Marjorie Margolies Mezvinsky. “You don’t know Hillary. That would never happen.”

Yes, the dress is from Vera Wang.

The groom will have two best men, his brothers. Marc Mezvinsky has an interesting family set up. He is one of 11 siblings. His mother adopted two daughters (one from Korea, one from Vietnam) before he was born. His father had four children. When his parents married, they had Marc and his brother. They adopted three more boys from Vietnam. The parents are now divorced.

The family is devoutly Jewish. The wedding will be presided over by the Mezvisnky’s rabbi and a Clinton family minister. There are no plans for Chelsea to convert to Judaism at this time. But she’s been attending seders and High Holiday services and the like for the last few years, says a close friend. Bill and Hillary have been to at least one Mezvinsky seder.

How Jewish are the Mezvinsky’s? Well, all the kids have been raised in that faith. A friend told me that a few years ago, the biological father of one of the adopted kids turned up and wanted to take him — the boy– on a trip. “The boy said, I can’t go then. I’m being bar mitzvahed that weekend.”

As for the guest list, the only celebrity who reasonably might attend is Barbra Streisand. The Clintons are also close to Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw. They are expecting close friends who have also been strong supporters, like Alan and Susan Patricof. Many close friends of each set of parents have been excluded.

“The wedding is really about family and Chelsea and Marc’s friends.” Also, do the math: the Mezvinsky’s core family is 13. Exponentially, they have a lot of people on their botton line.

Definitely coming: Roger Clinton, plus Hillary’s mother Dorothy and her brother Hugh, and his family. But there are a lot of people who might have been invited two or three years ago who aren’t on the list now: Al and Tipper Gore, Ron Burkle, etc.

You can surmise that Huma Abedin, Hillary’s right hand person, who just married Rep. Anthony Weiner, will be there–the Clintons were just involved in their wedding. Hillary has had two big staffs- as senator and as Secretary of State. Bill has a big staff, too. Count all them in plus spouses or dates.

More to come, I’m sure. It’s going to be Rumor Weekend.