Sunday, October 13, 2024
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Confirmed: Michael Jackson’s Parents Getting a Divorce



There is trouble in the world of Michael Jackson’s family.

Rumors are swirling that Katherine Jackson and Joseph Jackson are getting a divorce. A friend close to Mrs. Jackson insists this is true.

Confirmed. The friend says a couple of things have contributed to this decision. One is Joe Jackson’s comment last spring that Katherine caused Michael’s death. “She’s never gotten over it,” says the friend.

Then there’s Joe Jackson’s penchant for getting into financial trouble resulting in possible litigation. The word is that Katherine has been advised that she could be vulnerable if Joe is successfully sued.

Katherine Jackson has filed for divorce twice during her long marriage. Both times she decided it wasn’t worth it.

Joseph Jackson lives apart from his wife, mostly in Las Vegas. It’s been fairly well chronicled that he has at least one child from outside the marriage, a daughter by another woman.

Nothing is simple in the Jacksons’ marriage. Money is always at the root of every story. Katherine Jackson is one of Michael’s heirs. Joseph is not. It was Katherine who made the deal with Canadian online gaming whiz Howard Mann to market items from the Jackson warehouse he bought. Joseph was not in the deal.

If the Jacksons are getting a divorce, it makes total sense. If they’re not, it’s just a typical Jacksonian rumor leading up to Michael’s birthday on August 29th. He would have been 52.

Why Wait? Give Clint Eastwood the National Board of Review Award Now


Let’s get it over with now. Clint Eastwood, you’ve won the 2011 National Board of Review for your new movie, “Herafter.” It’s already been chosen to close the New York Film Festival.

I mean, why wait til January or even early December for the NBR nominations? Eastwood–whom I like a lot, don’t get me wrong–has never failed to win an award from the NBR for the last decade or more. Every year. And in a year when he didn’t have film, they gave him a Lifetime Achievement Award.

This past season, the NBR–which is a group  fee paying fans, and not reviewers–skipped over “Precious” except for handing Gabby Sidibe a breakthrough performance award. “Precious” went on to get six Oscar nominations.

However: the NBR nearly tripped over itself to give Clint’s movie, “Invictus,” whatever it could including Best Actor for Morgan Freeman who tied with George Clooney).

Jeanine Basinger, who teaches at Wesleyan and brought Eastwood’s archives there, is of course a leading member of the NBR.

The NBR also loves, besides Eastwood, his studio, Warner Bros., George Clooney and one other studio, Paramount. You can expect something to acknowledge Clooney’s “The American,” which gets released on September 1st.  only Alexander Payne could get his “Descendants” out this year, Clooney would win the NBR’s Best Actor Award again.

As it is — and I tell you this on August 19th–my money is on the NBR to go big time for “Inception” (a Warners movie) as well as “Hereafter,” with Leonardo DiCaprio picking up Best Actor (for “Shutter Island” as well–a Paramount film) and Clint getting Best Picture and Best Director.

“Curbed” Actor Lucks Out But Curses a Lot


Richard Kind is one of those actors who you love but maybe you can’t remember his name.

That seems to be the problem for Larry David. Kind has been sensational on “Curb Your Enthusiasm” playing Larry’s golf buddy/cousin. His character on the show actually lived in New York.

So when David decided to tape “Curb” in New York this spring, everyone assumed he’d call Kind and include the character Cousin Andy, who’s appeared in four episodes since the series debuted in 2002. His most recent was last season, in a memorable episode.

However: no Larry. No call. And as it turns out, it doesn’t matter. Kind — who won raves for playing looney Uncle Arthur last year in the Coen Brothers’ “A Simple Man,” is doing great. He’s co-starring with Dustin Hoffman in HBO’s “Luck,” a new series about horse racing. “Luck” is said to be a huge hit coming fast.

Meanwhile, besides three movies in the can, Kind can be seen hilariously leading a great cast this month in David Mamet’s “Romance” at the Bay Street Theatre in Sag Harbor. His co-stars include Darrell Hammond, Reg Rogers, Matt McGrath, Chris Bauer, and Joey Slotnick.

Kind–whom you also know from “Spin City” and “Mad About You”–could not be better, funnier, or more beautifully over the top as the pill popping judge in a truly kangaroo courtroom.

But it’s David Mamet, so be prepared for an onslaught of four letter words and racial epithets that could make your hair stand up. At one performance last week, Richard says, a woman actually stood up during the show, said loudly, “That’s enough!” and exited the tiny theater with a bang!

“Another woman tried to follow her,” Kind told me last night. “But she was persuaded by her friends to say. And she said afterwards how much she liked it.”

Off Broadway producers would be wise to go see “Romance” ASAP– it’s got the potential to be a moneymaker in New York. For now, though, it’s sold out for most of its run. And in the audience was famed agent Boaty Boatwright, so you never know what will happen…

As for Larry David and “Curbed,” we’ll have to hope that the show goes to another season so we can see Cousin Andy again!

Michael Douglas: Even Stars Have Best/Worst Years


Michael Douglas, movie star: he’s got Oscars from “Wall Street” and “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” He’s got an Oscar winning wife, and what seems like a great life.

But oh what a year he’s had so far. A couple of months ago, his eldest child, Cameron, 31, was sentenced to five years in prison on drug charges. The stress would seem insurmountable.

Now Douglas been diagnosed with throat cancer. He’s undergoing chemotherapy. Doctors predict a good outcome. Everyone’s praying for him.

These are the ironies of success. This year has also been one of Douglas’s best in his long career as an actor. His performance in “Solitary Man,” an under-released indie film, is brilliant. It’s his best work in years. With any luck. some critics groups will cite Douglas for this nifty turn. Maybe he’ll even see some awards action, although tiny Anchor Bay Films doesn’t have the kind of money needed to make that happen.

Then there’s “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.” The 20th Century Fox is terrific, and should be the studio’s biggest hit of the year when it’s released on September 23rd. Douglas gives a knockout performance.

But “Money Never Sleeps” has already occasioned three weird strikes against it: first Douglas’s ex, Diandra, perhaps plagued by financial problems set in motion by jailed money manager Ken Starr, filed suit to make Douglas split his fees and income from the film with her. Ouch! Then director Oliver Stone made weird, out of character comments on subjects including the Holocaust. They had to be apologized for and retracted.

Now Michael’s health could impact the film’s launch. But frankly, there are enough stars in “MNS” like Josh Brolin, Shia LaBeouf, Carey Mulligan and even our old pal Sylvia Miles to go out there and fan the flames. Send Sylvia out there, Fox! She knows how to sell a film.

So here’s to Michael Douglas. He’s a survivor. And my guess is we’ll see him at the Oscars next February, talking away.

Barbra Streisand Directs Her First New Film

Barbra Streisand is directing her first movie in what seems like ages. No, it’s not “The Normal Heart.”  It seems she may have lost the chance to make that since now Ryan Murphy of “Eat Pray Love” is said to be working on it.

No, Barbra is making a film of her great passion–her homes, art, and design. The DVD will be included in her book, “My Passion for Design,” which will be published in November by Viking. (Note to Barbra: hire your own publicist for this blockbuster. Book flacks are too overwhelmed to do this kind of project.)

How do we know all this? Why, our pal Leah Sydney talked to James Brolin at the Los Angeles premiere of “The Tillman Story” last week–this is the documentary you must see, about the cover up of NFL star Pat Tillman’s death in Afghanistan.

Streisand was absent from the premiere. Brolin said, “She has a deadline on a book. She’s making a film that’s included in the volume of the book. She’s doing color correction and cutting because Viking is saying we need it tomorrow.  175,000 first printing for a table top book-so it’s a big deal.”

What’s it about?

“It’s about all her expertise on architecture and precious museum pieces. She used to buy things when she was 14 and not know why-because they were pretty. Twenty years later when they would tell her that that thing that you bought for $200  is worth $25,000 or $200,000 she began to become a museum expert herself and learn why everything was valuable.   We all know she all has good taste.”

Streisand presented the Best Director award last spring to Kathryn Bigelow for “The Hurt Locker.” It was a nice touch, but the irony couldn’t have been lost on her. The famed singer and actress was a trailblazer for female directors. Hopefully, once the book project is concluded, she’ll get back behind the camera. Barbra, “The White Hotel” is still waiting for you.

In the meantime, I can’t wait to see how Babs has directed the furniture. Some directors (not BS) treat their actors like furniture anyway!

PS Brolin Senior is very proud of son Josh, one of our favorite actors, for narrating and promoting “The Tillman Story.”

“I’m a very proud Dad,” said Brolin.  “I’m so proud of Josh.  This is a big one=but he’s been doing this kind of thing a long, long time.  He’s so civic minded.”

Dragon Tattoo Choice: Good for Indie Film Too


Rooney Mara — a relative unknown–has been chosen to play the lead character in “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.”

That’s good new for two indie film directors who hired Mara last year for their relatively inexpensive coming of age story.

Tatiana von Furstenberg and Francesca Gregorini directed and produced “Tanner Hall,” which was shown last year at the 2009 Toronto Film Festival. The movie got great reviews, but its lack of star power made sale to a distributor not so easy.

“Tanner Hall” has been waiting for a release date, and a commitment, I’m told, from AMC Theaters.

Now that Mara is an overnight star, “Tanner Hall” may find an easier birth after all.

You’d think it wouldn’t have been so hard for the film to find a distributor. von Furstenberg is famous Diane’s daughter, and Gregorini counts Barbara Bach and Ringo Starr as mother and stepfather.

But the indie film system isn’t what it used to be. Even Mark Ruffalo has had trouble finding a place for his much praised Sundance directing debut, called “Sympathy for Delicious.” The newly annointed Hulk from “The Avengers” is still trying to make a deal for theatrical release.

Mad Men: Is Peggy Joining A Cult?


Sunday’s episode, with spoilers: Season 4, Episode 4:

“Mad Men” is getting curiouser and curiouser.

The fear that separating Betty and Don would cause trouble in the show’s structure may be playing out. Don is lost, and looking for a plot line. Betty has vanished. She wasn’t in tonight’s episode and was briefly in the one before that. Coming attractions promise a sighting next week, but these are not long seasons. t seems it may be hard to incorporate Betty’s world with so many characters at the ad agency.

Peggy: real life news that actress Elizabeth Moss is getting a divorce from husband Fred Armisen after 10 months–actually less, since they apparently separated in May. Moss is said to be a Scientologist. Now Peggy seems to have gotten swept up by a group of radical young people in the Village. When they all came to get her at lunchtime, it was spooky. Good move by director John Slattery.

And Peggy handled her lesbian come on with aplomb. Whatever Moss’s personal life is like, she has really created an indelible character. Her acting work is fascinating. She’s the most enigmatic package going today as Peggy.

Elsewhere, unbelievably, finally, some acknowledgment of Pete and Peggy’s baby. Another nice touch: both Pete and Peggy banging their heads against something. Pete’s father in law offering a gift of $1000 for a boy and $500 for a girl was just surreal.

But the show is about Don, who apparently is lonely without the family he shunned and squandered. His life is a mess. It’s an interesting choice for Matt Weiner, because I assumed Don would embrace the sexual revolution. So far, he’s not exactly a swinger, or a playboy. But he’s clueless when dealing with Allison. And she–a generation before sexual harrasment–can only conclude he’s “not a nice person.”

A middling episode, aside from Joan’s electric blue dress. And Harry’s introduction of the word goniff– Yiddish for thief. Harry is Jewish. Oh my.

Julia Roberts: What’s Next for Her


It hasn’t been a stellar week for Julia Roberts, that’s for sure. Her “Eat Pray Love” was mostly trounced by reviewers and ignored by audiences. With a 36% percent approval rating on, the movie made $23 million in its first weekend. That paid for Julia’s salary.

So what’s next for Roberts? “Duplicity,” which preceded “EPL” was “Inception” but a nightmare not a dream. That makes two flops in a row–flop being a relative term. These are not films on a par with Julia’s best work from the 90s–movies she made with former partner Elaine Goldsmith Thomas. Remember when “My Best Friend’s Wedding” and “Notting Hill” and “The Runaway Bride put her on top?

Roberts has good agents but she’s lacking development advice. Goldsmith-Thomas was brilliant at guiding Roberts through a maze of scripts and pitches. Julia needs someone like that again, who knows how to break down a movie and give her a sympathetic character. Because she is charming on screen, and has that million dollar smile,, Roberts is still capable of making lemonade from these lemons.

Her only film in the can now is “Larry Crowne,” directed by Tom Hanks who also stars in it. “Larry Crowne” comes out June 19, 2011.  It has a very eclectic cast, which could be good or very weird: Peter Scolari (Hanks’ bosom buddy), Nia Vardalos (who wrote the screenplay), Cedric the Entertainer, and George Takei from “Star Trek.”

Hanks is the nicest guy in Hollywood, so maybe he’ll soften Julia’s brittle image as it’s projected now. But she might do well to hire a friendly press agent (like Leslee Dart or Cindi Berger) who can warm her up and maybe bring her back to Earth on the subject of fame and all its pitfalls.

Sony, meantime, is doing great with “The Other Guys.” Will Ferrell is in fine form. And Mark Wahlberg can just keep doing comedies.

Bon Jovi, Sam Moore Help Raise $800K for Apollo Theater


Every arts organization and national institution should get a board member like Revlon chairman Ronald Perelman.

Like this reporter, he loves classic R&B music. The result of him going to an event last year at Harlem’s famed Apollo Theater is that he’s now on their board of directors and getting involved.

On Saturday night, Perelman let 250 people into The Creeks, his spectacular East Hampton estate, to raise money for the Apollo Foundation. For $1500 a ticket, guests got to hear a live show in Perelman’s barn state of the art theater featuring “Soul Man” Sam Moore, Jon Bon Jovi, John Legend, Mary J. Blige, the Roots as house band with special guest Paul Shaffer, and R&B star Chuck Jackson.

In the audience: Richard Gere and Carey Lowell, Christie Brinkley, Lorraine Bracco, Penny Marshall, Kyle Machlachlan, Jake Paltrow, BET’s Debra Lee, and Citigroup chairman and Apollo chairman of the board Richard Parsons. I also ran into Sting‘s manager Kathy Schenker who came with Keith Richards’ manager Jane Rose; publisher Jason Binn and wife Haley; Channel 5’s Rosanna Scotto and her sister; John Sykes, Russell Simmons, Randy Brecker, Scooter Weintraub, and Londell McMillan.

The evening added a much needed $800,000 to the Apollo Foundation’s bottom line and will go directly to education programs run by the theater. The Apollo remains the central arts institution in Harlem, and a beacon of light as the neighborhood prospers.

It was Bon Jovi who suggested to pal Perelman that he have Moore–a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame–as the evening’s centerpiece. In 1980, Bon Jovi and his now wife Dorothea went on their first date to a Sam & Dave show in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Thirty years later, Bon Jovi pointed out from the stage, they were all back together in the same room.

Moore and Bon Jovi performed two songs together–“Lookin’ for a Love,” which they had recorded on Moore’s “Overnight Sensational” album; and “Soul Man.” Moore also wowed the crowd with “You Are So Beautiful,” a tribute to the song’s writer and Moore’s late friend Billy Preston. Later, Lorraine Bracco told Sam and wife Joyce Moore, “My first concert was a Billy Preston concert.”

The next generation of Apollo legends was well represented too: John Legend choppered in from Manhattan and did a short set with the amazing Roots–they have an album coming out next month–as well as an impromptu version of “Let it Be” that he should record immmediately.

Mary J. Blige, working now on next spring’s filming of her Nina Simone biopic, was celebrating husband Kendu Isaac’s birthday and also turning up the heat with her signature “No More Drama.”

And so for the Apollo, no more drama for a while, thanks to Perelman and friends.

Eat Pray Love Inspired by Gurumayi, Leader of Cult-Like Ashram


The whole “Eat Love Pray” movement–now the inspiration for a Julia Roberts movie–comes from a cult=like ashram that gained popularity in the early 1990s, guided by a woman named Gurumayi.

And it makes you wonder: has Julia Roberts, who now says she’s a practicing Hindu–found her own Scientology?

Now 55 years old, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda — her real name is Malti Shetty—is the swami whom Elizabeth Gilbert went to meet in India in the book, “Eat Love Pray.” Alas, Gurumayi wasn’t there when Gilbert arrived. She was never anywhere as I recall. I wrote a piece about her and her cult-like ashram back in the early 90s. Her disciples — mostly young women– met in a church basement on the Upper East Side. There were dozens of them. They were glassy eyed. They were mostly white, upscale, and having trouble with relationships. Sound familiar?

Around the same time, the New Yorker also did a piece about Gurumayi, who’d inherited her platform from Swami Muktananda as a young woman with her brother. Their parents — the father was a restaurateur–had been his followers. But a civil war broke out between the siblings, and Gurumayi snatched Swami Muktananda’s business from her brother. The way to inner peace is often not a pretty one.

Celebrities came, as they do: Meg Ryan swore by her. Raul Julia was reportedly a disciple. A well known New York actor and director, I was told, ended his marriage to a beautiful model because she’d gotten too involved with Gurumayi. The New Yorker article also noted Jerry Brown, John Denver, Andre Gregory, Diana Ross, Isabella Rossellini, Phylicia Rashad, Don Johnson, Melanie Griffith, and Marsha Mason.

She is a real “Slumdog Millionaire.” Her SYDA Foundation--about which it is hard to gain much information–is worth millions in real estate holdings. She also runs an international organization called Siddha Yoga, a business posing as a religion. Both organizations are tax exempt because they’re regostered as churches. If you’re thinking of looking for Gurumayi now, think again. A few years ago she closed the Catskills facility in South Fallsburg, New York, to strangers. She ended her big public relations push to get more disciples. She is rarely seen anywhere. But she is very rich.

Gilbert learned a lot from Gurumayi. She’s turned her glossy spiritual experience into a money maker. Tonight she’s hosting a special screening of “Eat Pray Love” at the Ziegfeld. Tickets are $25.

Marta Szabo knows all about Gurumayi. She worked for her for over 10 years. Now she’s published her own memoir, called “The Guru Looked Good.” Szabo has never met Gilbert, and her book was published before “Eat Pray Love.” What she says is quite different than Gilbert’s movie would lead anyone to believe.

“Gurumayi is not an enlightened being,” says Szabo. “If she were really enlightened she wouldn’t go around telling everyone. You’d know it.”

Szabo has a lot to say about Gurumayi, and it can be found in her book and elsewhere on the internet. But one thing she told me was pretty weird–when the New Yorker article was coming out, Gurumayi used a form of brainwashing on her disciples. “There were secret rituals,” Szabo recalls. “She practiced long distance Reiki”– a Japanese healing process. And there were “meditations” in “secret places.”

Most of it didn’t work, she says. “A lot of people left after the article.” The New Yorker piece detailed the tug of war to own the ashram, violence enacted against Gurumayi’s brother who eventually started his own ashram nearby in the Catskills, as well as accusations of sexual misconduct against Muktananda.

Julia Roberts would do well to read Marta Szabo’s book.

By the way, I asked Marta, where was Gurumayi all the time? “She would disappear for short periods,” Szabo said. “She was probably staying in a rich devotee’s house.”