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Anna Nicole Verdict: Dr. Eroshevich Convicted–Here’s her Original Fax for Drugs


Anna Nicole Smith finally had her day in court today. Her doctor, Khristine Eroshevich, was found guilty on four counts including two of conspiracy to funnel drugs to Smith. Smith’s producer/aide-de-camp/friend Howard K. Stern was found guilty on two counts today. Dr. Sandeep Kapoor was acquitted on all counts.

I’m not surprised. Eroshevich’s behavior was deplorable in this case. I’ve attached the fax I exclusively published three years ago that showed how she was ordering all kinds of powerful medicines for Anna Nicole.

Eroshevich told an intrepid reporter outside the courtroom that she thought the jury system worked, and that “I want to go back to my practice.”

The woman was feeding drugs to Anna Nicole. She sent a fax to Dr. Kapoor on September 15, 2006 from the Bahamas asking for a menu of heavy drugs for Smith. Here’s the fax, as I posted exclusively in March 2007. The list was enough to kill someone. And it did.

Here are the original stories I wrote in early 2007 about this case and these people.,2933,301516,00.html,2933,259563,00.html,2933,259841,00.html

More Keith Richards: Ronnie Spector Was His First Rock Love




There’s so much gold in Keith Richards‘ autobiography, called “Life,” that I could make 2o more items for this column and still not be done.

If everyone wrote books like this, we’d all be reading, all the time. If only Paul McCartney wrote a book like this…

But it shows a certain personality, doesn’t it? Richards just owns up to his life, in a way that is always humorous and often scabrous.

I do love his recollection of his romance, at age 20, with Ronnie Bennett of the Ronettes. It takes place before she marries Phil Spector, but certainly when she’s under his thumb. It’s around the time the Stones are searching for a signature hit, learning to write songs, and performing on the same bill as Patti Labelle and the Bluebells. Indeed, Sarah Dash, of the Bluebells, one of the great talents in the world, turns up on Keith’s first solo album 25 years later singing “Make No Mistake” with him. Beautiful.

Ronnie and Keith hide out at her mother’s house in Spanish Harlem. She and her sister Estelle (now sadly deceased) take Keith and Mick to see James Brown at the Apollo. Mick studies James Brown‘s dance moves. Keith studies Ronnie.

The Ronnie relationship has never ended, apparently. Keith writes that on September 11, 2001, he and Ronnie were working on a track together at his Connecticut studio. They are great pals. Sweet.

It’s a peculiar relationship with Phil Spector, though. I  didn’t realize that Phil actually plays on “Paint it Black.” And that Phil, who was balding, resented Keith’s massive mane of hair.

PS We all love Ronnie’s Spector songs, but I have a particular affinity for her version of “Say Goodbye to Hollywood.” Genius. Produced by Steve van Zandt, of course.

Mariah Tells Us: “I Really Will Be Happy Either Way”–Boy or Girl


All these stories about Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon having a boy–they are concocted.

Mariah sent me an email last night that I will share with you about the baby’s gender.

She wrote: “We don’t know yet- I promise! I really will be happy either way!”

Mariah and Nick have a three part sit down with Billy Bush on “Access Hollywood” starting tonight. This morning, Billy promo’s the announcement on the Today show.

Mariah will be home in bed, feet up, watching the show. Or maybe, fast asleep, and will watch the playback later today.

Either way, that’s the story. Baby coming in early spring. Album out on Tuesday.

And not one of the stories posted about all this was true or factual in any way.

Patricia Arquette: “Medium” Cancelled, But She Wins A Cool Award


Patricia Arquette is so cool: she won a Humanitarian award last night from Matt Damon’s very impressive OneXOne charity. She’s been going back and forth to Haiti for months helping to provide the people with sanitation and drinking water. It’s not glamorous.

And then: she confirmed that “Medium,” her six year TV series, has been canceled. Since she played a psychic on the show, couldn’t she have predicted that?

“I did! I said at the beginning of this season, we’re doing 13. Save your money!” CBS ends the series in December. It had a valiant run, and Arquette, who is a delight, won many awards. She’ll head back to movies now. I predict this woman will see an Oscar nomination from an indie film in the next two to three years. She is very good.

Indeed, Arquette reminded me that for nine years–9, yes–she’s been shooting a Richard Linklater movie called “Boyhood.” They still have three more years to go before it’s done. Ethan Hawke co-stars as her husband. The movie will track the real time years semi-documentary style of a “real” family.

Meanwhile, Patricia’s brother, David, stopped by to give her support at Capitale, where OneXOne was taking place. He had his own event. There was no discussion of his marital situation. Matt Damon accepted congrats on the birth of his fourth daughter last week. Collective Soul entertained with hits like “Shine” and “The World I Know.” And nine year old pianist/comedian Ethan Bortnick was a disarming addition to the night.

And while OneXOne does amazing work, the real star of the night was Somali-born singer-songwriter K’Naan. Do you know this guy? He is utterly amazing, and should be nominated for Best New Artist at this year’s Grammy’s. On James Diener’s label, K’Naan scored a hit this summer singing “Wave the Flag” as the theme of the World Cup. But another song, “Fatima,” is one of the most stunning pieces I’ve ever heard.

Mariah Doesn’t Know Sex of Baby; Announcement Tomorrow, But Not From Her


Re Mariah Carey‘s pregnancy: Listen to me, kids. Everyone has everything wrong.

Mariah does not know the sex of the baby. Yes, it’s a boy or a girl. But all the announcements you’ve read are wrong.

Tomorrow morning the intrepid Billy Bush will appear as a guest on the Today show and deliver the news that Ms. Carey is with child. (This will not be a colossal headline at this point, but good stuff.) Mariah, please tell Perez Hilton, will not be on the Today show.

Billy be promoting a three parter that starts tomorrow night on “Access Hollywood.” Mariah and husband Nick Cannon will discuss the whole deal with Billy. The interview was taped yesterday.

When is Mariah due? “In the spring” is all she’s saying. Does that mean March? Maybe. So she’s just now maybe four and a half months pregnant.

And I am told by the Inner Circle that all this stuff you’re reading about IVF and invitro and fertility stuff is simply made up and supposition. “It’s no true,” says a good source.

So Hello, Yahoo News, Google News, Bing and whatever. Let’s calm down. The internet is now flooded with junk on this subject.

And Mariah’s rep, Cindi Berger? That voice mail is full.

Taylor Swift New CD: 1 Million in First Week, But Amazon Gives it Away


Taylor Swift’s new album, “Speak Now,” can be downloaded from for $3.99. That’s right: four bucks to get 14 new songs.

Amazon sells the physical CD for eight bucks.

So that’s the main reason that “Speak Now” is heading to a possible first week sales of 1 million copies.

By contrast, ITunes is holding out with old fashioned pricing for “Speak Now.” They’ve got the album download for $13.99 or a whopping $1.29 per track.

Good for them.

Swift is just 20 years old and won a Grammy for Best Album. She’s a country singer, more than pop. Let’s face it. “Speak Now” is a country record. And that’s kind of remarkable, too. But I will say her songs are incredibly well written, very solid, and more deft than any number of so-called pop stars who sample older music, etc. She’s a keeper, and will be with us for a long, long time.

All her lyrics can be found at Check them out. She’s pretty damned impressive. The best example is in “Dear John,” which clocks in at over 6 minutes and addresses the singer’s “blind optimism.” Whoa.(This is the song about her brief encounter with John Mayer. If so, Taylor gets the Carly Simon Award for best use of personal material for a song.)

“Well maybe it’s me and my blind optimism to blame
Or maybe it’s you and your sick need to give love then take it away
And you’ll add my name to your long list of traitors who don’t understand
And I’ll look back and regret how I ignored when they said
Run as fast as you can.”

Too bad they couldn’t have made the Grammy deadline. Ink in Taylor Swift‘s name for Best Album, 2012.

Mariah: It Looks Like She’s Fessing Up At Last On Pregnancy


Mariah Carey‘s long standing silence on her pregnancy may be coming to an end.

Last night, “Access Hollywood” host Billy Bush was spotted coming from Carey’s Tribeca building. The word is that “Access” has secured the big Carey interview as part of her promotion for her new Christmas album.

And lo and behold, the story is also that Mariah has finally made a formal announcement about what is more evident than the Empire State Building. She’s five or six months pregnant with a bundle of joy.

Calls to Mariah’s rep were not returned. But they may be out, shopping for the shower!

Mariah has resisted speaking up so far because she said she was “superstitious”–as she told this column a few weeks ago, and it was reproduced everywhere. But it’s going to be hard to continue in that direction, and I guess she knows it.

The “Access” interview should run by Monday. Next Tuesday is the release date for “Merry Xmas II You.” And maybe January is the release date for the baby. Congrats to Mariah and Nick Cannon, officially!

Michael Jackson: New Album Stalled, Friends and Family Fighting


It’s not easy putting out this new Michael Jackson album. In fact, it’s turned into a war among family and friends.

There are big, big problems concerning which tracks to put on an album of unreleased material that’s supposed to be in stores for Christmas. Right now, even as you read this, Sony Music is struggling with all the parties involved to finalize details and start making CDs.

The biggest issues have come because of what’s known as the “Cascio” tracks. Five of them are so good that they’ve been slated for inclusion. But there’s the rub. According to sources, co-executor John McClain has poisoned the water with Katherine Jackson regarding the Cascio family. On Monday, Mrs. Jackson apparently insisted that no tracks from the Cascio sessions be included.

Adding to the anti-Cascio field are Tito Jackson‘s sons, known as the 3 T’s. The middle T, Taryll, is said to be very bitter about the Cascios. “For years the T’s tried to get Michael to record their songs,” says an insider. “Now they’re faced with the fact that Michael recorded with the Cascios, and not them. They’re not happy.”

Adding to the trouble is that the T’s and McClain have evidently drawn Michael’s two eldest children into the fight. Prince and Paris were with their father when he stayed at the New Jersey home of close family friends Dominic and Connie Cascio from August to November, 2007. They witnessed their father working with Cascio sons Eddie and Frank, and singer Bobby Ewing.

The Ts, who are close to the children, especially Terrell, according to sources, have pressured the children to say the vocals on the tracks are not those of their father. Initially, Prince Jackson, 13, had vouched for the recordings. But recently, an email was sent to the estate’s executors from Paris, 11, claiming the voice belongs to an impostor. The only problem, sources say, is that the email was time stamped while Paris was in school.

In the end, it may not matter what the Ts, Michael’s children, or his mother, or John McClain thinks. Sony made a deal with the estate earlier this year that could be worth $200 million. They’re so keen on the Cascio tracks they even hired forensic audiologists to make sure the vocals are Michael’s and not those of an imitator. The Jackson family will likely have to accept those findings and let the estate and Sony proceed with the album.

Indie Spirit Awards Going Back to the Beach


Yay! Good news! The Independent Spirit Awards are going back to the beach.

They’ve just announced that the next Spirit Awards are going back to the big tent in Santa Monica on the beach. The awards will also return o the Saturday afternoon before the Oscars, meaning February 26th.

Last year, the Spirit Awards tried a move to Hollywood, prime time, and Friday night. It was a disaster, a desultory decision that made the awards devoid of spirit.

The whole charm of Film Independent and the awards is that rogue feeling — in a tent, by the beach, away from the awards madness. This return shows good sense.

Maybe the Academy Awards will follow suit and drop back to five Best Picture nominations.

As for the Spirit Awards, there are lots of good choices this year: “Howl,” “Solitary Man,” “Welcome to the Rileys,” “Please Give,” “Mother and Child,” “Blue Valentine,” “Barneys Version,” and so on. I would think that Halle Berry would have more luck with her “Frankie and Alice” here than at the Oscars.

George Harrison: Four “Lost” Songs Found on Reissued Album


George Harrison— the late Beatle, the composer of such superb songs as “Something,” “Here Comes the Sun,” and “All Things Must Pass”–still has a few gems out there.

He has four “lost” songs on the newly reissued Apple Records album he recorded with R&B great Doris Troy in 1969. Troy’s album is one of several, all remastered, released yesterday from the Beatles’ label. Other gems in the collection include Badfinger‘s “Straight Up” and Billy Preston‘s “That’s the Way God Planned It.”

While Billy went on to have hits like “Nothing from Nothing” and “Will it Go Round in Circles,” Troy wasn’t so lucky.

Her one big hit, “Just One Look,” had come in 1963. Linda Ronstadt had a cover hit with it again in the mid – 1970s.

Troy, who died in 2004 at age 67, can also be heard singing background on “Dark Side of the Moon.” She and her sister, the very much alive an active Vy Higgenson, had a major theatrical hit over the years with a touring musical called “Mama I Want to Sing.”

If Troy’s Apple album had hit, it would have re-established her. Not only is Harrison on it and producing, but Eric Clapton and Ringo Starr are all over the tracks.

The “lost’ Harrison songs are “Ain’t That Cute,” “Give Me Back My Dynamite,” “Gonna Get My Baby Back,” and “You Give Me Joy Joy.” Also on the album are a spectacular cover of “Get Back” as well as several original Troy numbers including the “What You Will Blues.”

The album is good, it reminds me of Sam Moore’s “lost” 1972 Atlantic album, “Plenty Good Lovin’,” which was only released in 2004. As much as I admired Ahmet Ertegun, he wasn’t perfect. You wonder sometimes why he let some of his best artists languish, especially when he had the power to help them.