Sunday, September 29, 2024
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Paging Paul McCartney, Moody Blues: Former Bandmate Denny Laine In Medical Emergency, Raising Money on Gofundme


Denny Laine, former member of the Moody Blues and Paul McCartney’s Wings, is apparently very ill.

His wife, Elizabeth, has set up a Go Fund Me page to raise $100,000.

Elizabeth says:

:For the past two months, he’s been in and out of the hospital concerning an illness in his lungs that developed after his short bout with COVID last year. He’s had multiple tests, X-rays and scans that are ongoing, along with three surgeries, most recently for a collapsed lung, which includes an inserted chest tube that is temporarily needed until his lung heals. He recently contracted a bacterial infection in his blood, which he is still battling, but seems to be under control.”

Denny Laine started with the Moody Blues in the 60s and had a massive hit with them called “Go Now.” In 1972 he joined Paul and Linda McCartney in Wings. He was an essential part of the group all through the 70s, especially on “Band on the Run.” He co-wrote several songs with McCartney including the monster hit, “Mull of Kintyre.”

It’s unclear why Denny doesn’t have enough money from royalties or isn’t on Medicare. But apparently he doesn’t. I would hope MusiCares would step in from the Recording Academy. But no one puts up a GoFundMe page unless they are desperate.

Elizabeth adds:

“The doctors have explained once he’s medically well, he will need several weeks of physical and occupational rehabilitation. Denny does not have medical insurance. The hospital has been working with us regarding this problem, but a rehabilitation center, along with the multiple lab work and specialists, will not. I’m asking for financial help to get Denny the medical care and recovery time he requires. It’s important he concentrates on healing during this time. Our goal is to have Gypsy Den home in time for his birthday, October 29. He wants to be able to play his guitar again, presently, he’s too weak.”

UPDATE: Writers Guild Strike Negotiations Continue Saturday as No Deal is Reached


SAT 1:19AM UPDATE: Progress but no deal. From the WGA: “To our members: The WGA and AMPTP met for bargaining on Friday and will meet again on Saturday. Thank you for the wonderful show of support on the picket lines today! It means so much to us as we continue to work toward a deal that writers deserve.”

SO MUCH FOR THIS; I’m told reliably that the Writers Guild and the AMPTP are heading for a settlement agreement right now. “We may get something tonight,” says an encouraging source. It will be West Coast time. Today marked the 144th day since the WGA went on strike.

Everyone is hoping for a conclusion in which the striking writers get paid properly and have assurances against things like artificial intelligence replacing humans.

Even if the settlement is reached there will have to be a membership vote to ratify the agreement.

Then there’s the matter of the SAG AFTRA strike, about which we’ve heard nothing in the way of negotiations lately. The hope is the AMPTP will propose a similar settlement to the actors union, paving the way for a return to work, promotion, and and resumption of much needed wages.

No one in Hollywood will ever forget these strikes, and the dedication and persistence of the union members. The strikes have set a standard for all unions.

Michael Douglas, Debra Winger Celebrate Legendary UK Film Producer Jeremy Thomas at Opening of New Documentary


The glorious conceit of Mark Cousins’ documentary about British producer Jeremy Thomas is filming him from the passenger seat of a posh BMW on the way from London to Cannes, for the yearly film festival of festivals. (Thomas loves fast cars, we learn.)

A man of routines, Thomas followed the family business of filmmaking, always having a movie to promote, but more, to schmooze with directors and distributors from a balcony overlooking the Mediterranean. The festival is after all, a work place. This is his 45th year, seeing beautiful countryside as it whizzes by on the highway, and discussing life and filmmaker along the route.

Some of his films, “The Last Emperor,” — which won 9 Oscars including Best Picture of 1987 — plus “Only Lover Left Alive,” :Sexy Beast” among them, are screening at Greenwich Village’s Quad Cinema for a retrospective, as is Cousins’ riveting new documentary, “The Storms of Jeremy Thomas,” a glimpse of the man behind the wheel.

“We won 9 Oscars,” Thomas bemoaned at the Q&A after the screening on Thursday night, “including Best Picture but had no actor nominations. It wasn’t right. It would be different now.”

This week, a special viewing of Cousins’ documentary drew many guests from his distinctive career including old friend Michael Douglas, and Debra Winger, who starred as Kit in Bernardo Bertolucci’s “The Sheltering Sky.” Interviewed in the documentary, Winger speaks about Thomas’ humor and taste.(Tilda Swinton is also on camera.) A clip from the film shows Winger emerging in North Africa with John Malkovich and dozens of suitcases as they are travelers, not tourists, taking everything with them as if they will never return, in author Paul Bowles’ defining distinction.

Interviewed in person by Sony Picture Classics’ astute Michael Barker, Thomas spoke about filming in the desert, taking liberties in the vast expanse of sand that makes this film so unique. Another clip shows Winger as Kit returning to a crowded café, just short of the author’s cameo, as he asks, ‘How many times do we return to the same place in one’s life?’

It’s a question that works well pondering Thomas’ career as production auteur.David Cronenberg in his movie of William Burroughs’ “Naked Lunch” invented a mechanical “talking anus,” which leads to a discussion of Thomas’ attraction to the freaky of human experience. (He also produced Cronenberg’s controversial classic, “Crash.”) How far is he willing to go? On that subject, he says, with a twinkling eye, “My nature is to go further, to see what I can get away with.”

“The Storms of Jeremy Thomas,” a must see for all cinephiles, is released by Cohen Media Group this week in New York, next week in Los Angeles, and other cities through September and October.

Donald Trump Attacks General Mark Milley for Afghanistan Withdrawal: “In times gone by the punishment would have been DEATH!”


Donald Trump is now suggesting that General Mark Milley should have been put to death over the disorganized withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Trump squeals on social media: “In times gone by the punishment would have been DEATH!”

(In what times, exactly? Not in American history. I doubt Trump knows much about any times gone by. Was this something he saw at Medieval Times restaurant?)

Milley, who is about to step down from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He told The Atlantic magazine in a new interview a bunch of anecdotes about horrible things Trump said about people in his presence.

One of those comments concerned an Army captain who’d suffered two heart attacks, two strokes, and brain damage after five tours of duty. Trump allegedly said, “Why do you bring people like that here? No one wants to see that, the wounded.”

This is no surprise. Remember when Trump made fun of a disabled reporter during a press conference?

So this is Trump’s response to Milley. Why would anyone vote for this despicable creature?

New Music Catch Up: Rock Guitars are Back Thanks to the Pretenders, Paul Rodgers, Joe Sumner, Dhani Harrison, Noel Kahan, Carly Simon


Rock guitars are back! So are melody, rhythm, and hooks. I also like actual singers.

If you’re listening to contemporary pop now — all the stuff thrown at us by the star making machinery — you’re missing out.

Here are a bunch of songs from new great albums. I like having the CDs, if only for my car. Yes, I’m a dinosaur, but one who likes to keep the phone and the music separated from each other.

Maybe you’ve never heard any of this before. The artists’ names sound familiar but they’re not on TikTok. These are new songs, old songs, great songs for a rainy weekend! (The Carly Simon comes from her new box set from Rhino.)

No Love for P Diddy’s “Off the Grid” Album with Just 30K Copies Sold, No Action on Bieber or Weeknd Singles


The numbers are in for this past week and they’re not good for Diddy.

Sean Combs’s first album since 2006 is a sales dud in a major way. “The Love Album: Off the Grid” sold just 30,000 copies in its debut week. It finished at number 16.

This is especially disappointing because the album has singles featuring Justin Bieber, The Weeknd, Mary J Blige and many other stars. The Weeknd track, called “Another One of Me,” has failed to hit the top 20 on iTunes. The Bieber single has had no interest whatsoever, neither has Mary J.

The album is distributed by Universal Music through Motown but seems to have no marketing aside from Diddy posting on social media day and night.

Almost all the sales generated from the album were from streaming, which is interesting since the album has not made a dent on the streaming charts.

What makes this frustrating is that the tracks are all pretty good, If they’d been presented differently the album might have worked. But delivering it as a Diddy album with its crazy red cover and using Combs as the central attraction seems to have been off putting to the music loving public.

Here’s one of the tracks I really like:

RATINGS: MSNBC’s Ari Melber Beat Fox News’s Bret Baier MBS Special in Key Demo on Monday and on Wednesday with Trump Lackey Exclusive


MSNBC doesn’t have just two stars in Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell.

Ari Melber is the news network’s dark horse.

On Monday Melber beat Fox News’s Bret Baier in the key demo age range. He did the same thing on Wednesday.

The Monday story is particularly interesting because Baier had his big interview with Saudia Arabia’s Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, the man who ordered the chopped up journalist Jamal Khashoggi and got away with it. Baier went light on MBS, letting him deny his involvement in the disgusting, gruesome murder without argument.

I guess the 25-49 year old crowd wasn’t interested in Fox News pandering to MBS and the Saudis. Instead they watched Melber.

On Wednesday, Melber won the key demo again. He had the first post conviction interview with Trump henchman, Peter Navarro. You can see it below.

Trump Barely Mentions Rupert Murdoch News on Social Media, Purposely Ignoring the Major Change at Fox News


Donald Trump is clearly scared of Lachlan Murdoch. And he’s afraid to say much about the news that Rupert Murdoch is stepping down from running Fox News and News Corp lest he roil one of the family members.

For the usually unbridled, edited voluble Trump this near silence is deafening. All he said about it on social media was: “Many people are saying that,”You forced Rupert Murdoch into retirement!” I do not believe this is so…”

The real Donald Trump would have reached back to various slights Murdoch had exacted on him, and what he thought of his son taking over — maybe akin to Trump and his two dolts of sons running Trump Organization.

We don’t get to see Trump walking a tightrope, or being tight lipped so this working sticking a pin in it for future reference.

Global Citizen Concert: Here are the Numbers: 10 Execs Make Over $200K Apiece, 2 Take $400K A Year, Money Does Not Go to Actual Poverty or Hunger


You’re still not getting it about Global Citizen, which puts on a new concert in Central Park on Saturday. Red Hot Chili Peppers and Lauryn Hill are headliners. ABC is broadcasting the show, which always has poor ratings. A newly divorced Hugh Jackman is their pitchman.

They haven’t put a dent in global poverty. But they have 10 executives who earn over $200,000 a year. Two of those make well over $400,000 a year.

Get it?

So let’s start there. On their Form 990 tax return for 2021, salaries were nearly $13 million, and they finished the year with revenue minus expenses at NEGATIVE $6 million.

Here is what they spent on producing their rock concerts to save the world. Imagine if this money had gone to feeding the poor or building them homes or supplying healthcare:

But let’s be fair. In 2021, Global Citizen did give away over $6 million. Internationally, the largest donation — almost $3 million — went to countries in Europe. They specify Ireland and Greenland, where we don’t often see reports of glaring poverty. Asia and South America received the lower payments because, as we all know, they are thriving. (This is sarcasm.)

In the US and North America, the biggest donation was $1 million — not to feed or clothe or educate the desperately poor people in the South, where floods and hurricanes cause devastation every year. No, that $1 million went to a New York City based group called Headcount, a group that uses music to get people to register to vote. They do their work at rock concerts this weekend, which is fine, but seems a waste of Global Citizen’s money — and maybe a surprise to people at the concerts to find out where the money is going.

Global Citizen doesn’t actually care what any of their recipients does with their money. Right there on the Form 990 they say in ALL CAP, that they DO NOT REQUIRE GRANT REPORTING FROM ITS GRANTEES.

In other words, have fun! We certainly are!

Donald Trump Rattled by Murdoch News? Outspoken on Every Subject, Stays Mum on Press Baron Resignation from Fox News, News Corp


As we know, Donald Trump does not hold back from speaking on any subject.

On his Truth Social. he’s railed against his judges and prosecutors so much that Jack Smith had to get a gag order against him.

Trump has threatened witnesses, warned off competitors, and is now pouring on negative comments about Joe Biden, Chris Christie, and Ron De Santis.

But it’s been four hours since Rupert Murdoch announced he’s stepping down from running Fox News and News Corp including the New York Post and Wall Street Journal.

Trump’s unbridled response? Crickets. Nothing. He hasn’t said a word.

Trump was obviously caught off guard by the announcement. Murdoch shared the advance word with no one. But Trump is obviously a little nervous about what to do next. He has no relationship with Lachlan Murdoch. Trump has always dealt with and at Rupert, whose endorsement he needs in his futile effort to regain the White House.

Also Trump has castigated Fox News as recently as this morning, criticizing Fox and Friends for not running some poll showing Trump ahead in his red states.

So now what? We’ll wait and see what he does in relation to Lachlan and how he proceeds from here. But silence is not his strong suit. I’ll update if he finally hits the keys on his phone.