Tuesday, October 1, 2024
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The Beatles Get Ready to Drop Final Single, “Now and Then,” Remixed from John Lennon 1978 Song (9am Thursday)


The Beatles are ready to drop their so-called final single. It drops Thursday morning 9am Eastern, 6am Western.

“Now and Then” is a reworking of a 1978 John Lennon song, just as “Real Love” was 30 years ago.

The Beatles’ social media pages have added a mysterious picture of a cassette about to end on its A side. This is a Bat signal that the record, which Paul McCartney first mentioned months ago, is on its way.


This is NOT artificial intelligence. It’s just Paul and Ringo adding their contributions to Lennon’s original recording. They’ve got a George Harrison bit on it that George added years ago, obviously before he died. “Now and Then,” which you can hear below in the demo recording, is a haunting, melancholy Lennon melody. I can’t wait to hear what Paul and Ringo made of it.

Will there be more than just the single? Stay tuned. If ever we needed a distraction like this, its now.


Trump Flips Out After Mark Meadows Flips On Him: Veiled Threat on Social Media, Calls Jack Smith “Deranged” Again


Donald Trump flipped out tonight after Mark Meadows flipped on him. On social media, Trump went after Meadows– now an official witness for the government in the case brought by special prosecutor. Trump also called Smith “deranged” again. There’s a gag order in place, but Trump’s ignoring it and no one is enforcing it. Last week, Trump called his New York judge, Arthur Engoron, a “lunatic.”

Meadows has taken an immunity deal from Smith and will testify about Trump’s efforts to manipulate the 2020 election. (He also can’t spell “stolen” properly.) See below: is it witness intimidation to publicly call a witness a liar? Judge Tanya Chutkan may have to make that decision.


“I don’t think Mark Meadows would lie about the Rigged and Stollen 2020 Presidential Election merely for getting IMMUNITY against Prosecution (PERSECUTION!) by Deranged Prosecutor, Jack Smith. BUT, when you really think about it, after being hounded like a dog for three years, told you’ll be going to jail for the rest of your life, your money and your family will be forever gone, and we’re not at all interested in exposing those that did the RIGGING — If you say BAD THINGS about that terrible “MONSTER,” DONALD J. TRUMP, we won’t put you in prison, you can keep your family and your wealth, and, perhaps, if you can make up some really horrible “STUFF” a out him, we may very well erect a statue of you in the middle of our decaying and now very violent Capital, Washington, D.C. Some people would make that deal, but they are weaklings and cowards, and so bad for the future our Failing Nation. I don’t think that Mark Meadows is one of them, but who really knows? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!”

Rolling Stone’s Current Editor Throws Jann Wenner Under the Bus Again in New Letter to Readers


I never thought I’d feel sorry for Jann Wenner.

But Noah Schactman, the current editor of Rolling Stone, has just thrown the magazine’s founder under the bus again and backed up over him.

Shactman has posted a Letter from the Editor titled: “Today’s Rolling Stone: In the wake of our founder’s offensive comments, we’re taking a hard look at where we’ve been and where we’re going”

Pretty much everyone else has moved on from Wenner’s crazy New York Times interview in which he said Black and female artists weren’t articulate enough to be profiled for his new book. Wenner was instantly cancelled. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, which also founded, dumped him from the board. Rolling Stone, which is run by his son, Gus, distanced itself from him quickly with a public upbraiding. His book, “The Masters,” was DOA is now sitting at number 41,069 on the amazon best sellers list.

But now it’s Shactman’s turn. He’s got a “Musicians on Musicians” issue coming out tomorrow, so he wants to emphasize that Blacks and females are welcome. He’s got Snoop Dogg on the cover with Latto, in case you don’t get it.

You can read Shactman’s letter here.

I do wonder how this works, with Gus Wenner there over Shactman. But they must have taken a big hit from advertisers to this far. According to similarweb.com the mag’s website lost 3 million visitors in September, and was down 9% in readership.

When that happens, even relatives get thrown under that bus.

RIP Richard Roundtree, 81, The One and Only John “Shaft” (Shut your mouth), Recently Co-Starred with Jane Fonda

I’m sorry to report that Richard Roundtree has died. The beloved actor was 81 years old.

Richard was most famous for playing John Shaft, the tough detective, in the 1971 hit “Shaft.” (Music by Isaac Hayes.) Over the years he appeared in several sequels, most recently the 2019 edition.

Just last year, Roundtree co-starred with Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin in “Moving On.” He was also famous for appearing in the original, classic miniseries, “Roots.” He was also a regular on the BET series, “Being Mary Jane.”

The word is he died of pancreatic cancer. Twenty years ago, Roundtree was diagnosed with men’s breast cancer and was very pro-active talking about it.

Richard Roundtree was a real soft spoken, gracious gentleman. Back in the summer of 2008 we spent a couple of days together at Isaac Hayes’s weird Scientology funeral in Memphis. That’s when I learned what a good sense of humor he had.

Condolences to his family, friends, and fans.

White House: Rock Lobster Not on the Menu for Australia State Dinner as B-52s Bow Out of Performing


There won’t be Rock Lobster on the menu this week for a Biden State dinner.

Reports (The Hill etc) say that the effervescent pop group The B52s have decided not to perform at the White House dinner for Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

The idea of having bubbly versions of “Love Shack” and diners dancing was nixed because of the war in the Middle East. No one wanted to see beach balls bouncing around.

First Lady Jill Biden said told media today: “While we had initially planned for the legendary B-52s to perform their iconic dance and party music, we are now in a time when so many are facing sorrow and pain. So we made a few adjustments to the entertainment portion of the evening,” she said.”

The B52s will attend the dinner as guests instead. The Marine Army and Navy Band will be the entertainment.

Here’s the Right Kind of Statement About Israel from Grammy and James Corden Talk Show Producer, Ben Winston


If the Writers Guild and other organizations can’t figure out what to say about the current horrifying situation in Israel, producer Ben Winston has the answer.

Winston produces the Grammy Awards, other big network shows, and was the producer of James Corden’s long running talk show.

Read this statement. It’s what we need from everyone.

Jada Pinkett Smith’s PR Tour of Negativity Backfires as “Worthy” Book Sales in Downward Trend After 1 Week


Jada Pinkett Smith has spent the last almost two weeks trashing her husband on a book tour.

For her memoir, called “Worthy,” Jada split Will Smith down the middle and ripped out his guts. She’s revealed him as a cuckold who has no control over his own life. She’s laid waste to their family, and even to Tupac Shakur.

At first her shocking revelations caused advance book sales, and “Worthy” powered up the amazon best sellers list to number 4 when it debuted a week ago.

But now it’s at number 70 on amazon, and the trend is down down down.

The Kindle version is 4,492. Book buyers are not downloading “Worthy” at all. They want it to go away. They want Jada to go away, I’m afraid.

The numbers are similar or worse at Barnes and Noble.com.

Pinkett Smith may have made things worse by dragging Will to Baltimore for a PR stunt in which he gave supporting quotes. Will Smith probably did himself no favors at looking like Jada’s mind controlled partner in this strange game. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air” doesn’t need any more trouble after his Oscars slap incident of 2022.

Now there’s a rumor going around that the couple may write a book in which there will be more unwanted details of their tense life together. It used to be Hollywood couples were silent about their lives and relationships. Now you can’t get them to shut up.

Hollywood: After Uniting Over Strike, Writers Guild Courts Implosion Over Lack of Sympathy for Israel, Issues Lame Statement


All year, the Writers Guild of America showed incredible unity about their strike. They fought the studios and won public support. In the end, they came out of the conflict with a strong contract and real camaraderie.

But since the grotesque attack on Israel October 7th, the WGA has remained silent. While other unions and groups have come to Israel’s defense and slammed Hamas, the WGA has come under criticism for not saying a word.

Until today, that is. Now they’ve issued the lamest statement ever. (See below.) The words ‘Israel’ and ‘Jewish’ don’t appear in it. The officers sign off ‘in solidarity’ but with what? Or whom? They’ve offended membership so callously that already one longtime member, Dan Gordon, has resigned. He said: “We had no trouble, as we should not have had, weighing in after George Floyd was killed. We had no problem, as we should not have had, weighing in on the #MeToo movement. No one said at the time, ‘I don’t want to offend Bill Cosby.’ And yet you’re witness to nothing less than the worst slaughter of Jews since Nazi Germany and you can’t find a word to say to condemn it.”

There will be more resignations, without a doubt. Gordon will go “fi-core,” something that’s frowned upon in normal times, so that he will work as a writer but not be included in things like WGA elections.

Read here the letter supporting Israel signed by dozens of well known Hollywood writers.

Here’s the disgraceful letter that went out today to WGA members.

Dear Members,

The Guild’s decision not to issue a statement on the events of October 7th has caused pain within our membership that we did not intend. We believe it is important to both explain our process and to attempt to rectify the situation, as well as to unequivocally state that antisemitism and Islamophobia have no place in this Guild.

In the immediate aftermath of the Hamas attacks, we did not issue a public statement, not because we were not horrified by the atrocities, but because it felt outside the purview of a U.S. labor union representing writers to comment on it. This was and is a difficult balance to strike. We have, as a Guild, made statements on other occasions, which could be characterized as beyond our scope and want to offer some transparency here about our thinking. Those instances fell mainly under the umbrella of defending social justice in the U.S. or freedom of expression, and where possible, were connected back to writers’ working lives. But the list of national and international tragedies we have not commented on is large. We did not, for example, make a comment after Russia invaded Ukraine, nor on terrorist attacks in Somalia, Pakistan or elsewhere. It can be an imprecise science for a labor union to pick and choose where it weighs in on both domestic and world affairs.

Our board is diverse in its membership and points of view. The opinions from the board about whether to put out a statement did not fall along religious or sectarian lines and mirrored what we have seen play out in our membership as a whole and in the broader community. When we made the difficult choice not to make a statement, it was not because we are paralyzed by factionalism or masking hateful views. We are American labor leaders, aware of our limitations and humbled by the magnitude of this conflict. However, we understand this has caused tremendous pain and for that we are truly sorry.

All of us in Guild leadership are horrified by the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7th. The murder of so many innocent people in Israel is an abomination. We deeply mourn the deaths of innocent Palestinians ensnared in the violence in Gaza. We feel for all our members who have been affected, directly and indirectly. We hope that wisdom prevails in the region – and for the safety of all innocent people caught in the escalating violence.

As we move forward, we ask everyone to treat each other with respect and patience in this horrible time. What any of us write and say should not put writers in peril with each other. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to us.

None of this, of course, has any effect on the Israeli and Palestinian people. What they need from us is not an expression of our anger and distrust toward each other, but a shared commitment to peace and the value of every human life.

In solidarity,

Meredith Stiehm, President
Michele Mulroney, Vice President
Betsy Thomas, Secretary-Treasurer


Bad Bunny Brings Bad Ratings to “SNL” with Mostly Spanish Episode, Down 800K from First Week Despite Mick Jagger, Pedro Pascal Cameos


The absolutely bizarre but brave mostly Spanish episode of “SNL” this weekend was a bust in the ratings.

The show fell by 800,000 viewers to 4 million from its season debut.

“SNL” lost its momentum by giving host and musical guest duties to Bad Bunny. His new album is all Spanish, so we figured his performances would reflect that. But almost the whole was in Spanish, which made people tune out in droves.

Even cameos from Pedro Pascal, Mick Jagger, Lady Gaga et al didn’t help.

This week it’s back to normal with the Foo Fighters and newish comic Nate Bergatze. The latter isn;t well known, but at least the show will be in English!

Trump Says at Trial: “I was never indicted”– Michael Cohen on Stand Now in NY, Lawyer Jenna Ellis Flips in GA Case (Watch)


At Donald Trump’s New York fraud trial:

Michael Cohen is on the stand digging Trump his grave.

This morning, another witness flipped on Trump in the Georgia case. Lawyer Jenna Ellis tearfully rolled over for the government rather than go to jail for the January 6th insurrection. She will testify against Trump, just like Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesbro.

Also, this morning Trump told reporters in New York he was never indicted and has never heard the word. In the real world, Trump has been indicted four times and is currently on trial because of his New York indictment. He must think people are really stupid.