Sunday, October 6, 2024
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Golden Globes Return to CBS 42 Years After Network Yanked Them Over Pia Zadora Scandal


Never say never.

The Golden Globes are returning to CBS some 42 years after the Tiffany network yanked them off the air.

CBS refused to air the Globes back in 1982 after it was revealed that members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association had been flown to Las Vegas by actress Pia Zadora’s mogul husband to see her show and screen the movie, “Butterfly.” Her husband, real estate tycoon Meshulam Riklis, was the financing behind the trashy film.

It didn’t help that “Butterfly” was universally panned. But it worked: Zadora won New Star Of The Year over many qualified actresses including Elizabeth McGovern in “Ragtime” and Kathleen Turner in “Body Heat.”

The Zadora incident came after the Globes had already had a shaky relationship with CBS over voting practices.

The result was a six year banishment from network TV. Then in 1988 Dick Clark Productions took over, securing the show on TBS. Eventually the Globes moved to NBC, where their run ended last year.

Now the Globes return to CBS, which likely paid little money for it according to insiders. The presumption is that the Globes, now owned by the publisher of Variety and the Hollywood Reporter, is “four walling” the show, hoping for big ratings. They might get it, as CBS will air the Globes following the Sunday NFL football game on January 7th. (Knowing CBS, they’re getting LL Cool J to host the program.)

Will viewers take the Globes seriously after years of scandal concerning lack of diversity and financial transparency? We will see on January 7th.

(Watch) Meghan Markle Pivots Back to Hollywood with Rise of “Suits,” Brings Harry for the Ride: “My husband is loving it, too”

Thanks to Variety we now know that Meghan Markle is back to take on Hollywood.

After burning a lot of bridges, Markle returned to Hollywood for Variety’s Women of Power dinner. She told the red carpet interviewer that she has plenty of projects coming, then added: “My husband is loving it, too.”

Markle is married to Prince Harry of the UK, as you may know, but they’ve given up their royal titles and now they’re just two kids trying to make it in the world.

PS There is discussion in this video of “Suits,” the mediocre soap opera once on the USA Network that got a second life, mysteriously, on Netflix. Markle says she has no idea why it’s popular again. “I was on it for seven seasons,” she adds, which may be why people wanted to see it.

Disney Hubris Comes Knocking as Both New Marvel and Animation Movies Widely Panned, Box Office Dissolves


After a long, glorious run, Disney is in trouble this month.

The company has long counted on Marvel and animation to save them at the box office. The result was a real sense of hubris as the company got cockier and cockier.

But now the cows, you might say, have come home to roost.

Disney’s latest animated film for the holidays, “Wish,” is being panned right now on Rotten Tomatoes. Even the “fresh” tomato reviews say it’s not good, and you do wonder about all that. But the “rotten” tomatoes are very negative. “Wish” is not looking like a strong box office contender.

At the same time, “The Marvels” is a box office disaster. With a reported cost of $275 million, “The Marvels” has made about $54 million in one week. The bottom will drop out tonight. Already the lowest opening weekend for Marvel last week, “The Marvels” looks like it’s about to break some more records as the lowest this and that for Marvel or Disney.

As for “Wish,” The Hollywood Reporter says: “Even during its more successful moments, Wish’s magic falls flat. The film is weighed down by its purpose: to revel in Disney nostalgia while soaring into the future.”

Here’s what’s considered a positive review from the UK Independent: “Wish, clearly, has been made with care, but as its credits offer a whistle-stop tour through Disney’s history, it’s hard not to think – god, wasn’t it great when they made stuff as weird and fun and daring as, say, The Emperor’s New Groove?”

Disney is clearly at a crossroads when both of their cash cows come up empty. With Marvel they’re also facing a huge crisis with the next round of Avengers movies thanks to star Jonathan Majors’ domestic abuse trial. If “Wish” is a bust when it arrives next week in time for Thanksgiving, look for a lot of changes very quickly at the Mouse House.

Donald Trump Attacked Judge, Prosecutor in Fraud Case As Soon as Appeals Court Judge Lifted Gag Order


Donald Trump is back on the attack against his judge and prosecutor in New York.

On social media, Trump is in hyper drive after a very stupid jurist in the NY appeals court named David Friedman (who I am absolutely not related to) temporarily lifted New York Judge Arthur Engoron’s gag order against Trump. He says the order violates Trump’s First Amendment right to terrorize and castigate anyone in the judicial system.

Trump immediately wrote on his Truth Social: “Trump Hating, Radical Left Judge, Arthur Engoron, is, sadly, the most overturned Judge in New York State. He was just stayed on his Gag Order, which Unconstitutionally prohibited me & my attorneys from talking about important elements of a Fraud case where it was he & Letitia James that committed the Fraud by knowingly, substantially, & outrageously devaluing my asset values in order to make me look guilty of something which I did not do. In actuality, witnesses & experts have proven conclusively that my Financial Statements Value is LOW, or very Conservative, not HIGH, as they were claiming. A.G. James & Engoron worked in COLLUSION to make some assets many times lower in Value than they are. By doing this, they ridiculously & wrongfully, without Knowledge, Trial, or Jury (which is not allowed in this case!), ruled that I was guilty of FRAUD. This HOAX is a public relations disaster for New York State. Violent Crime is raging, and companies are FLEEING, never to be seen in N.Y. again!”

Here’s the full AP story.

One interesting note about Truth Social. This morning it’s flooded with anti-Trump comments that haven’t yet been unpublished by whatever editors work there. (If there are any.)

Trump doesn’t seem to understand the New York case at all. He can whine and kick dirt all he wants but the case is already lost. Engoron has revoked his right to do business in New York. The Trump Organization is dead. It’s over. All that’s left are appeals, of course. But Engoron isn’t stupid. All that remains is a finding of how much money Trump must pay New York for intentionally overvaluing his assets.

“SNL” Star Dana Carvey Loses 32 Year Old Son, Dex, to Accidental Fentanyl Overdose: “He was a beautiful person”


This is tragic. Condolences to Dana Carvey, his wife Paula, and their family on the loss of their son, Dex. He was 32 and Carvey says died of an accidental overdose from fentanyl. Even sadder, this isn’t the first time I heard a story like this in this past week.

It’s an epidemic and has to be dealt with in this country ASAP.

Bob Dylan Tells NY Audience He Wants to Get Jann Wenner Back in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (Exclusive)


Bob Dylan didn’t really speak until the end of his two hour show at the Beacon Theater tonight. But what he said was surprising.

After introducing his incredibly talented band, Dylan said, “Jann Wenner is here tonight. Anyway, he got booted out of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. We don’t like that. We’re trying to get him back in.” (The audience applauded.) He also complimented the band saying, “These songs aren’t easy to play.”

Wenner was removed from the Rock Hall board of directors recently after telling a NY Times reporter that he didn’t think Black or female artists were articulate enough to be included in his book of interviews.

Not only was Wenner ousted from the Rock Hall, but Rolling Stone magazine disassociated themselves from their founder instantly. The book Wenner was promoting flopped.

The Beacon was sold out. Dylan played about 17 songs, leading the band on piano. He doesn’t seem to play the guitar anymore. The show was much better than one I saw last year, with dynamic sound, and the band more richly rewarding than ever. The entire set was a smash. Highlights included “Key West,” “Black Rider,” and “Every Grain of Sand.”

There were few ‘greatest hits’ the closest would be “Watching the River Flow,” “I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight,” and “When I Paint My Masterpiece.”

While it’s admirable that Dylan is loyal to Wenner, I wonder if he understands how the Rolling Stone editor got the bounce from the Rock Hall.

No pictures from the show. It’s phone free, they were locked in a pouch which caused a lot of commotion before and after the succinct program. In the audience: famed concert promoter Ron Delsener.

It was a Dylan day. Earlier in the afternoon, I caught Timothee Chalamet in his new movie, “Wonka.” Chalamet, who went to the Dylan show on Tuesday in Brooklyn, is in rehearsals for “Complete Unknown,” the James Mangold film about Dylan.

Dylan is the subject of a new 600 page book called “Bob Dylan: Mixing Up the Medicine.” All the material is taken from the official archives at the Dylan Center in Tulsa. It’s considered the most accurate book about Dylan yet. Chalamet is said to be using it for his research.

RIP Beloved Talent Agent Kenny DeCamillo, 67, Depended on By Stars Like Aretha Franklin, Regis Philbin, Diana Ross, and More


I put off writing this yesterday because the news was so upsetting.

Kenny DeCamillo died on Tuesday at age 67. He was brilliant and funny, always smiling, but serious about his clients. For 30 years he was a star agent at William Morris representing and booking A list acts. His death is really awful.

I knew Kenny two ways — one because he worked with Aretha Franklin and the other through Regis Philbin. They loved him and depended on him. I will never forget when Kenny showed up in a blizzard in 2015 at Aretha’s show in Bridgeport, Connecticut. I said, Kenny, where did you come from? He shook the show off his trench coat. “Oyster Bay Long Island!” he said.

He called me “Rog,” which most people are not allowed to do. He was friends, legitimately, with everyone. He was always in a good mood, even when things in showbiz were bad. This was remarkable. I’ll tell you a secret: Kenny saw Seth Meyers guest host with Kelly Ripa after Regis left, and told me Seth would be a serious contender to take over the job. This was before Seth got his late night gig. I ran with that rumor and we had a lot of fun with it. But I don’t think Seth wanted to get up so early in the morning.

All this year when we talked, we kept saying we were going to have lunch, with our mutual pal, Mark Simone. The next time someone says that to you, do it. I am so sorry we never did. I’ve lost so many friends at a (relatively) young age who were agents, managers, personal reps. It looks like a glamorous job, but it’s not. It’s hard work and a little thankless. I just hope Kenny got to enjoy his time here with his wife and his daughter. (He has a serious stroke about three weeks ago and never recovered.) I know his friends all enjoyed him so much. Thanks for everything, Kenny. See you on the other side.

Review: “The Crown” Season 6 Pt. 1 Abandons History for Soap Opera of Charles, Diana, and the Conniving Fayeds


“The Crown” was very exciting when it first took off, mainly because it mixed the personal life of the Queen with historic events. While there were certainly invented conversations among people long since dead, you at least had the feeling you were inside chapters that had a consistency and connection to facts.

As the series proceeded, you knew we were eventually going to be clobbered with the Charles and Diana story. Now we have, in the first four episodes of the final season. Everything else is abandoned. It appears that for the first ten months of 1997, nothing else happened except how Diana hooked up with Dodi Fayed and wound up dead.

The problem is, we’ve seen it all before, in dozens of TV movies, in theatrical movies, over and over. Bringing in fine, appealing, well trained actors like Dominic West and Elizabeth Debiki doesn’t change the story. The only interesting part of these four episodes is actor Salim Daw as Mohamed Al Fayed and Khalid Abdallaas as Dodi. In “The Crown” version of the story, the father is determined for his son to make Diana his wife. Daw is riveting as the Machiavellian puppet master of his dimwitted playboy son who already has a fiancee, but ditches her upon instruction.

In this way, the Fayeds are the monsters and manipulators. Charles is a good guy who can’t believe what’s going on. Diana is depicted as a sad sack, depressed about her life, aimless in romance, dithering about until it finally dawns on her that the Fayeds are using her. By then, it’s too late and winds up in the tunnel.

As for the death scene, “The Crown” handles it very tastefully. Don’t worry, there are no bloody moments in the car as it swerves in the tunnel. Charles — who by now is turned into a hero, which is ridiculous — flies to Paris to ID the body and he’s so sad that the women he cheated on for years is finally out of the way. The whole thing is beyond belief. What follows is a lot of hogwash, as the clueless Queen fails to address the country about Diana. I was in London at this time, and the public was furious. You get a little of that, but sympathetically from the Palace point of view. (Really, Charles should send Peter Morgan a Bentley for rehabilitating him this way.)

The press reviews are only supposed to be for Part 1, the first four episodes. I can tell you, entre nous, that if you wait til episode 6, “The Crown” reasserts itself as something other than this annoying daytime drama. Imelda Staunton and Jonathan Pryce, as Elizabeth and Philip, rise to the occasion of history. If only more of that had been in the first batch, with this sideshow as only that and not the main story.

Jimmy Kimmel to Host the Academy Awards for 4th Time


Yes, it’s Oscar season.

The good news is ABC has unsurprisingly tapped Jimmy Kimmel to host the show for the 4th time. The Oscars air March 10, 2024.

This Oscars will center on many current movies including Barbie, Oppenheimer, Killers of the Flower Moon, Air, Poor Things, and a few more.

Kimmel piloted the 2023 show to revived ratings. He’s the right guy to balance snarkiness and a sense of importance.

Jennifer Aniston Salutes “Friends” Pal Matthew Perry: “Oh boy this one has cut deep…we loved him deeply”


The “Friends” cast tributes to Matthew Perry continue. As if they are timed. (Hmmmm….)

Jennifer Aniston says: “…we loved him deeply. He was such a part of our DNA. We were always the 6 of us. This was a chosen family that forever changed the course of who we were and what our path was going to be.”