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Mission Impossible Eyes $200Mil, Best of Entire Franchise, as “War Room,” “Compton” Fight it Out


Interesting, interesting. “Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation” is at $180 million as of today. Paramount is looking at $200 million soon, making Tom Cruise’s fifth segment as Ethan Hunt a grand slam home run. Remember, they started slow out of the gate? The Paramount gang gets the last laugh on this one. No amount of Scientology voodoo adverse publicity about Cruise hurt them.

So what happened? Well, “Man from UNCLE” fell apart. “Fantastic Four” collapsed upon impact. “Jurassic World” was already past its impressive peak when Ethan went on the hunt. Nothing came along to replace it.

And then: the breakout movie of late summer, “Straight Outta Compton,” was just a totally different demographic. So was “War Room.” Those are the two movies that caught on. This week, “War Room” won the weekend with $9.3 million. “Compton” was close behind with $8.85 mil. “Compton” is nearing $150 million.  They could also go to $200 million. Mission possible!

“War Room” puts Sony back on the charts after a terrible year. And Warners is about to have a huge boost out of “Black Mass” with Johnny Depp. Universal, already breaking records, should have a monster in “Steve Jobs” after initial reviews from Telluride. Curiously, reviews are already turning up with “Citizen Kane” and Kubrick references. Just like with the “Social Network.” What a coincidence!

2nd UPDATE Aretha Franklin Telluride Doc Screening Cancelled As Singer Gets Injunction


2ND UPDATE No Screening tonight. Aretha got Respect and an an injunction. Next step: Toronto.

UPDATE Aretha has filed for injunctive relief in Colorado to stop Telluride from showing “Amazing Grace.” She wants RESPECT. Stay tuned…

EARLIER Aretha Franklin doesn’t want “Amazing Grace” to play in Telluride this weekend, or next week in Toronto. She and her lawyer have made it clear to Alan Elliott– whose father Jack was a famed Hollywood composer– that he doesn’t own the rights. Alan Elliott (who’s also the first cousin of actress Gina Gershon) says he does, and the show will go on (unless it doesn’t).

Sydney Pollack filmed Aretha in 1972 with Reverend James Cleveland at the New Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles. The recording became her double LP. The movie was never released. The record sold 2 million copies and was her best selling recording up to that point.

The musicians were like a Murders Row: they included Chuck Rainey on bass, Cornell Dupree on guitar, Kenneth Lupper on organ, Pancho Morales on percussion and conga, Bernard “Pretty” Purdie on drums.The Southern California Community Choir provided background vocals. Robert Honablue was the engineer.

The songs are pretty much all gospel with the exceptions of “You’ve Got a Friend” and “Wholly Holy.” Carole King and Marvin Gaye were their respective songwriters, and they were also the superstar writers of that moment with “Tapestry” and “What’s Going On” revolutionizing music at that moment. Franklin always was and is a canny selector of her material.

Mick Jagger and Charlie Watts are in the audience but say nothing and aren’t acknowledged. Aretha’s famous father, Reverend C.L. Franklin is there, too, along with her brother and sisters. At one point Reverend Franklin speaks to the crowd, honoring his daughter, and that’s absolutely historic.

Aretha is 30 years old in this movie. She is as much an expression of pure genius as any human being could be. She literally IS the music. Pollack captures the whole range and history of gospel’s evolution into R&B, the holy and the secular, simply by letting the camera watch Aretha perform. She is like the most skilled surgeon in the world, or the greatest scientist. The performances are a sheer joy.

These showings in Telluride may it for a while, as I know Aretha is taking some kind of legal action to prevent further ones. So don’t miss them if you’re in Telluride.

Johnny Depp: Early Reviews Put Him In Oscar Contention Playing Whitey Bulger in “Black Mass”


Johnny Depp is making a resurgence. Early reviews are in and he’s looking good for Oscar contention in “Black Mass.”

In Scott Cooper’s movie, Depp plays Boston gangster Whitey Bulger. The Warner Bros. film is violent because it has to be, but from the sound of it, Depp is excellent.

You know you’re in good shape when good reviews come in from both Variety’s Scott Foundas and THR’s Todd McCarthy.

Foundas says: “…quality-starved adult moviegoers should flock to one of the fall’s first serious, awards-caliber attractions.”

McCarthy writes: “Long-time Depp fans who might have lately given up hope of his doing something interesting anytime soon will especially appreciate his dive into the deep end here…”

Depp, other than “Pirates of the Carribbean” movies, has pretty much been in a career disaster the last few years. Between “Mortdecai” and “The Lone Ranger,” he was almost out of business.

Of course, it’s not Disney– which has invested a lot of money in him– that will get the benefit of his Renaissance. It’s Warner’s. The movie business is like a roulette wheel, you see.

Depp has a lot of competition for those five Best Actor spots. And the season is just kicking off. But right now, he’s got the lead pole position, right next to Jake Gyllenhaal (“Southpaw”) and not far from the returning C3PO.

McCartney, Bon Jovi Other Stars Join Natasha Bedingfield for UN “Love Song to the Earth”


Natasha Bedingfield sang the original last year. Since we don’t have a clip or video yet of the all star version, here’s Natasha:

The new all star version features Paul McCartney, Jon Bon Jovi and a bunch of stars including Sheryl Crow, Fergie, Colbie Caillat, Leona Lewis, Sean Paul, Johnny Rzeznik and the amazing Angelique Kidjo. All proceeds from the celebrity version on iTunes to the UN Foundation and other organizations. It’s only 69 cents at iTunes.

PS I really like Natasha, glad to see she’s back in the news. Whatever happened to her brother Daniel, I wonder?

Seriously: “Baywatch” Star Pamela Anderson Addresses the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia


Apparently this happens today (or happened this morning). Pamela Anderson, star of “Baywatch,” ex wife of Tommy Lee and Kid Rock, gave a speech in Russia. About the economy. I guess they invited her. They aren’t stupid. Who wouldn’t invite Pamela Anderson to give a speech? And then she taught mouth to mouth resuscitation. I’m told Pam is high on Donald Trump’s list for Treasury or HUD. She turned down Homeland Security.

Text of Pamela Anderson
Address to the Eastern Economic Forum.

Vladivostok, Russia September 2015

Thank-you for this opportunity to address this forum.

I am very honoured and I very much appreciate the invitation from The

Minister of Natural Resources and Environment for the Russian

Federation Sergei Donskoi to attend this Eastern Economic Forum.

As an international celebrity I am aware that I have a global audience

and that my views are listened to, reported on and at times can be quite


I recognize that there are scientists, journalists, scholars and politicians

who are much more knowledgeable than I on many things but I also

recognize that the value I have as a person in the spotlight and I take

that responsibility head on – in my passion for compassion regarding all

living things…

Our modern media culture has given artists the platform to be

influential communicators.

This gives me the ability to be a voice on many issues.

Issues like the diminishment of bio-diversity, climate change, pollution,

the treatment of animals, the destruction of our forests and health issues

associated with the decline in ecological integrity affecting this entire


I believe that our planet is in trouble. I believe that our oceans are dying.

We are losing our coral reefs, we have removed over 50% of the living

natural biomass from this planet since 1950. We have seen a 40% loss of

plankton in the Ocean since 1950. Imagine if your economy diminished

by 40-50%…

We are also seeing a dangerous diminishment of bee populations around

the world.

We live in a world where economic priorities increasingly push ecological

priorities aside. Yes the economy is important, but it should never be

more important than the life support system that sustains us all.

Last month Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said “The last thing

we want to do is strengthen the environment and at the same time

damage our economy… to put the environment ahead of the economy.”

This is a willfully- reckless and irresponsible statement- but not

surprising from a world leader who has declared war on

environmentalists. My own Prime Minister Stephen Harper shares Mr.

Abbott’s views and these are views that will be condemned by future


The world needs leaders that represent the needs of future generations. I

have children and therefore I am very concerned about the state of the

world, decades into the future.

It is evident that if we are to survive as a species upon this planet we

must conduct ourselves within the boundaries of ecological law and

specifically three very important ecological laws.

The first is the law of diversity. An eco-system is dependent upon the

diversity of species within it. The greater the diversity, the stronger the

eco-system. When diversity is diminished eco-systems are diminished.

The second law of ecology is the law of interdependence. All diversity

within an eco-system is inter-dependent and this interdependence

maintains the ecological integrity of the system.

The third law of ecology is the law of finite growth. There is simply a

finite limit to resources. This means a limit to carrying capacity.

Increased human populations and increased consumption of resources

literally steals the carrying capacity of other species.

Thus increased human population growth and consumption of resources

diminishes diversity and interdependence.

Humans tend to think of ourselves as separate from nature. We tend to

view ourselves as superior to all other species. This is an arrogant point

of view that simply has no place in reality.

I have come to address this forum today because I believe there is a need

for stronger leadership that recognizes that the ecological systems that

sustain us must be managed with broader intelligence and vision.

I believe that President Vladimir Putin understands the importance of

interdependence. His recent public concerns about bees being threatened

by industrial chemicals is an example of his ecological insights.

President Putin knows that if the bees disappear there will be severe

consequences for agriculture and therefore he understands that the

preservation of bees must take precedence over the profits of a chemical

company like Monsanto. Unfortunately many of the world’s economic

systems place short-term profits before long-term human, animal or

ecological interests.

What, for example, is the value of a whale?

If harpooned, it is cut up into meat and consumed with a limited market

and a finite price. A whale is killed and money is made by a very few.

But there is a far more important value to a whale that benefits all of us.

As I said earlier since 1950 we have lost 40% of our plankton population

as well as about 90% of the fish biomass. The ocean has been severely


During the 20 th Century millions of whales were removed from oceanic

eco-systems. One species the largest mammal to have ever lived, the Blue

whale, was driven to the brink of extinction. More than 300,000 of these

incredible animals were slaughtered. The meat was sold and consumed

and the money has been spent.

But consider the real value of those whales, if they had been allowed to


Everyday a Blue whale defecates about three tons of nitrogen and iron

rich fecal material. This is not waste, it is essential food for plankton. The

Blue whale literally fertilizes the pastures of plankton upon which it

feeds and that plankton is the foundation of the entire food chain of the

sea. Additionally it is one of the planet’s most prolific producers of


The whales need plankton. Fish need plankton and humans need

plankton. Removing whales from marine eco-systems means removing

the primary source of plankton fertilization. A living whale benefits all of

humanity. A dead whale benefits only a few individuals.

In many ways it is like killing the goose that lays the golden egg. No

goose no egg, in other words, no whales means diminishment of iron and

less iron means a diminishment of plankton.

and – less plankton means less oxygen.

For millions of years, completely independent of humanity, oceanic ecosystems

have been kept in balance by the interdependence of the

diversity of species within these eco-systems. A species takes, and a

species gives, and it is this ‘give and take’ that keeps ecological systems


Within the last few centuries humans have taken from the sea and

returned nothing of value except chemicals, plastics, oil, noise pollution,

acidity and radiation.

As a result life in our ocean has been seriously diminished since 1945 and

this diminishment continues at an ever-increasing and alarming rate. Too

many people and not enough fish.

So… How do we replenish this system?

We need to call a moratorium on all industrialized fishing operations.

We need to give time for the fish to replenish their numbers and we need

to encourage the growth in population of apex predators like, sharks,

marine mammals and seabirds. Sharks, whales, dolphins, seals and

seabirds contribute to the system within which they evolved, all

interdependently producing and recycling nutrients. As strange as it

might seem the fact is that the more seals, dolphins, sharks and whales,

the healthier the fish populations.

This can be seen historically. When marine mammal and shark

populations were much higher than today, there was no shortage of fish.

The agent of diminishment is the predations of humanity and not the

species that have maintained the system for millenniums.

We must stop being takers of resources from the sea and we must make

the effort to replenish bio-diversity.

Government subsidies to industrialized fishing operations must end. Yes

this will create some economic challenges- but by continuing on the

present course of subsidies, as well as massive extraction of fish will only

lead to greater ecological challenges and that will certainly lead to

economic collapse.

What we have here is this thing called “the tragedy of the commons.” A

country may realize that their actions are destructive to the environment

but they also know that if they desist from exploitation that other

countries will simply continue to exploit the resources.

An example in my own country. The cod fishery collapsed in 1992.

Despite this crash various nations continued to exploit cod just outside

Canada’s economic territory. One country knew that if they stopped

fishing, that another country would simply take their quota.

What we need is a nation to lead and to say enough is enough and that

decisions must be made based on ecological realities and not just

economic realities.

Russia is not a stranger to this kind of thinking. In 1962, Premier Nikita

Khrushchev made the rational and correct decision to avoid nuclear war.

He chose the path of sanity over national pride and if not for his decision

perhaps none of us would be here today.

We also must understand that we share this planet with other species. We

need them, for humanity is not a biological island unto itself. We are

interdependent with all the other citizen species of the planet.

We not only need these species, we can also learn from them.

As various societies spend great amounts of money on a search for extraterrestrial

intelligences we have all but ignored the possibility of

communicating with intelligent species on this planet.

Many animals like the great apes, cetaceans and elephants for example

have demonstrated that they are self-aware beings capable of emotions

and thoughts. In our arrogance we have steadfastly ignored the

possibility that they may have something to say.

We measure intelligence by the ability to manipulate tools. We are a toolmaking

species. I believe however that there are non-manipulative forms

of intelligence. Cetaceans have large complex brains and a complex form

of communication between themselves. Apes have learned sign language,

elephants have been observed displaying empathy and a comprehension

of life and death.

But instead of learning from these magnificent creatures, we kill them

and capture them for our amusement.

Humanity needs a great nation with the vision to look into the future and

to see that we need to share our world with these other species. We need

leadership to restore the ecological balance and we need leadership to

guide us to evolve into more compassionate beings ourselves.

Russia could easily win the hearts and minds of tens of millions of people

worldwide by becoming a nation that addresses ecological realities with

positive actions and a nation that recognizes the rights of ecological value

of animals.

India has declared dolphins to be non-human ‘persons’.

Cannot Russia do the same?

I would like to humbly request that Russia free dolphins from captivity

and abolish the killing of whales and dolphins. I would also like to

humbly request that Russia oppose the trade of whale and dolphin

products, ivory and endangered wildlife products from transiting by air,

land or sea through Russian territory.

Such a move would warm the hearts of tens of millions of people

throughout the world.

This may not be easy but I firmly believe it is essential for the survival of

diversity, interdependence and maintaining finite resources.

My wish is that we find a way to unite economics with ecology in an

system where the economy is organized to benefit natural eco-systems.

A healthy eco-systems maintain a viable economy.

Like the “Moon Race” of the 60’s, who will win the “EARTH race”?

Which Nation will be brave enough and forward thinking enough to go


As A person of Russian decent, I came all this way, because…

I’m betting on you…

Thank You

Andrew Garfield’s Hobbies Post-Spider Man: “Carpentry, Surfing, Reading About Hitler”


Andrew Garfield is by every definition, an intense, serious actor. At the age of 32, he brings all he has to every role he inhabits. He’s also a truly lovely guy. I caught up with him at the Broad Green Pictures pre-party, of his upcoming movie “99 Homes,” a gut wrenching film set in the 2008 housing market catastrophe. Peggy Siegal put together the party at the Landmark Theater in L.A. that brought out Catherine Harwicke, Jane Seymour, K Callan, Laura Harring and Clancy Brown, among others.

Andrew plays the decent, law abiding construction worker Dennis Nash, who despite all his noble efforts, can’t save his family home. What follows is thrilling drama, corruption and more, all dealing with this complex subject. Directed by Ramin Bahrani and written by Bahrani and Amir Naderi, “99 Homes,” could quickly become a classic of the American experience.

Laura Dern, of course is perfect as Andrew’s mother who had him when she was just a teenager. Laura’s own Mom, the legendary actress Diane Ladd, was there with her and met Andrew for the first time. She told me: “He is brilliant, and so is my daughter!” Michael Shannon plays Rick Carver, the nattily attired heartless real estate with laser like precision. This talented ensemble brings this story to life in a thrilling, Faustian and Shakespearean way.

I asked Andrew what drew him to the story.

“There was something so authentic about the script. The trueness of the story and the heartbreak of these people is universal. Those that are not being served by the economic system in America. No one is being served really. It was a visceral thing that hit me when I read it. I don’t know why, but I know that feeling of exile.”

Andrew is both an American (his father is American) and a British citizen. Is it different there?

He answered, “The British system is marginally different. It’s capitalism gone crazy. We just voted in a conservative government in the UK. It’s a vote for more separateness and disparateness, a lack of community. I’m going to keep what’s mine, it promotes scarcity. It’s depressing. Here, we are the richest country in the world, and yet people are starving here too. Being abandon-able and discardable, I think everyone identify with. And it’s being played out in such a heartless mass way across the country where people are literally being tossed out on the sidewalks.”

He continued, “What the Nazis did, as we all know, is identify who they perceived as those who were unworthy of living, who were subhuman. They were literally discarded from the earth in a very direct way. We are going to kill you because we don’t believe you’re furthering our human race. What is happening in this situation is an insidious, subliminal, version of the same. You are discardable, you are unworthy, you are not needed. The system is set up in way in that exclusion, that exile, that discarding of souls, which is happening but not being named or talked about.”

Lets lighten the mood Andrew. What’s next for you, a popcorn movie?

“Nope, still intense. I just finished a film, (“Silence,” directed by Martin Scorcese no less and co-starring Liam Neeson and Adam Driver) where I played a Jesuit priest (Father Rodrigues) in the 1600’s traveling to Japan where Christianity was outlawed at the time, trying to spread the gospel in a hidden way risking torture, capture and execution.”

I pleaded, popcorn now?

He laughed, ”Sorry, but no. I’m about to do “Hacksaw Ridge,” (directed by Mel Gibson.) It’s a true story about the medic Desmond T. Doss who was the first conscientious objector, he wouldn’t pick up a gun, to be awarded a congressional medal of honor after WW2. The army tried to oust him, but he ended up saving half of his platoon.”

So I had to ask, what do you do for fun?

Andrew quipped, “I read about the mind of Adolf Hitler. Other than that, I surf and do some carpentry, but surfing is my main relief.”

Is he worried about sharks I asked?

“Please don’t put that in my mind. That’s all I need to worry about.”

Listen to Janet Jackson New Hot Single “Unbreakable” Title Track of New Album


Janet Jackson is “Unbreakable” but she will also be un-awardable. Interesting. Janet releases her new album “Unbreakable” on October 2nd. The deadline for Grammy eligibility is September 30th. So only Janet’s “No Sleeep” single will make the Grammy deadline.

Listen to her new track “Unbreakable”

So what’s going on here? For some reason, Janet and her team are opting out of the Grammys. I’m surprised. They had a good shot at Best R&B album nominations. My guess is they’ll go for a performance on the American Music Awards in November. That would preclude them from a Grammy performance anyway.

Missy Elliot (formerly Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliot), one of the coolest people in the world, is a guest star, as is the ubiquitous J Cole. The tracklisting is as follows:
Burnitup! (Feat. Missy Elliott)
Dammn Baby
The Great Forever
Shoulda Known Better
After You Fall
Broken Hearts Heal
No Sleeep (Feat. J Cole)
Dream Maker/ Euphoria
2 B Loved
Take Me Away
Lessons Learned
Black Eagle
Well Traveled
Gon B Alright

Rolling Stones’ Banned, Original Uncensored (And Unprintable Name) Film of Drugs, Groupies and Sex Set for Telluride Revival


“Cocksucker Blues” is being shown at the Telluride Film Festival. Robert Frank’s 1972 film of the Rolling Stones back on tour after Altamont, with groupies, sex and hedonism, has mostly been unseen by the public. (I remember watching it in Marshall Chess’s apartment in the summer of 1981 on a Betamax machine. Hot stuff.)

Now, of course, it will seem tame after the internet and Cinemax.

The Stones still don’t want it seen, as the drug use is still pretty shocking. Mick snorts coke, a groupie injects heroin. It’s fun for the whole family !

“Cocksucker Blues” was last shown as part of a Rolling Stones film retrospective at MoMA in 2012. But under a court order, it’s not allowed to be shown more than four times a year, and Frank has to be present. That may be tough since he’s 90 and lives in Switzerland. But hey, you never know…

The rest of Telluride as follows:

·       CAROL (d. Todd Haynes, U.S., 2015)

·       AMAZING GRACE (d. Sydney Pollack, U.S., 1972/2015)

·       ANOMALISA (d. Charlie Kaufman, U.S., 2015)

·       BEAST OF NO NATION (d. Cary Fukunaga, U.S., 2015)

·       HE NAMED ME MALALA (d. Davis Guggenheim, U.S., 2015)

·       STEVE JOBS (d. Danny Boyle, U.S., 2015)

·       IXCANUL (d. Jayro Bustamante, Guatemala, 2015)

·       BITTER LAKE (d. Adam Curtis, U.K., 2015)

·       ROOM (d. Lenny Abrahamson, England, 2015)

·       BLACK MASS (d. Scott Cooper, U.S., 2015)

·       SUFFRAGETTE (d. Sarah Gavron, U.K., 2015)

·       SPOTLIGHT (d. Tom McCarthy, U.S., 2015)

·       RAMS (d. Grímur Hákonarson, Iceland, 2015)

·       MOM AND ME (d. Ken Wardrop, Ireland, 2015)

·       VIVA (d. Paddy Breathnach, Ireland, 2015)

·       TAJ MAJAL (d. Nicolas Saada, France-India, 2015)

·       SITI (d. Eddie Cahyono, Indonesia, 2015)

·       HEART OF THE DOG (d. Laurie Anderson, U.S. 2014)

·       45 YEARS (d. Andrew Haigh, England, 2015)

·       SON OF SAUL (d. Lázló Nemes, Hungary, 2015)

·       ONLY THE DEAD (d. Michael Ware, Bill Guttentag, U.S.- Australia, 2015)

·       TAXI (d. Jafar Panahi, Iran, 2015)

·       HITCHCOCK/TRUFFAUT (d. Kent Jones, U.S., 2015)

·       TIME TO CHOOSE (d. Charles Ferguson, U.S., 2015)

·       MARGUERITE (d. Xavier Giannoli, France, 2015)

·       TIKKUN (d. Avishai Sivan, Israel, 2015)

·       WINTER ON FIRE: UKRAINE’S FIGHT FOR FREEDOM (d. Evgeny Afineevsky, Russia-Ukraine, 2015)

Additional Sneak Previews may play outside the main program and will be announced through the Telluride Film Festival website over the course of the four-day weekend. Visit the TFF website for updates:

The 2015 Silver Medallion Awards, given to recognize an artist’s significant contribution to the world of cinema, go to filmmaker Danny Boyle (TRAINSPOTTING, SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE) who will present his latest film, STEVE JOBS; documentary filmmaker Adam Curtis (THE POWER OF NIGHTMARES) who will present his latest work, BITTER LAKE; and actress Rooney Mara (THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO) who will present CAROL. Films will be shown following the on-stage interview and medallion presentation.

“We are thrilled to present such an exhilarating, diverse program for the 42nd Telluride Film Festival,” said executive director Julie Huntsinger. “This year was an abundance of riches, particularly within the documentary category, and we feel privileged to celebrate these films and their artists with our audience in one of the most beautiful locations in the world.”

Guest Director Rachel Kushner, who serves as a key collaborator in the Festival’s program, presents the following revival programs:

·       THE MOTHER AND THE WHORE (d. Jean Eustache, France, 1973)

·       MES PETITES AMOUREUSES (d. Jean Eustache, France, 1974)

·       WAKE IN FRIGHT (d. Ted Kotcheff, Australia, 1971)

·       COCKSUCKER BLUES (d. Robert Frank, U.S., 1979)

·        A DAY IN THE COUNTRY (d. Jean Renoir, France, 1936) + UNCLE YANCO (d. Agnès Varda, France, 1967)

·       THE MATTEI AFFAIR (d. Francesco Rosi, Italy, 1972)

Additional film revival programs include DIE NIBELUNGEN (d. Fritz Lang, Germany, 1924) presented by Pordenone Silent Film Festival; L’INHUMAINE (d. Marcel L’Herbier, France, 1924) with the Alloy Orchestra; RETOUR DE FLAMME, a collection of short films curated by Serge Bromberg; and RESTORING NAPOLEON with Georges Mourier who is currently overseeing the six-and-half-hour restoration of the film for Cinémathèque Francaise.


Backlot, Telluride’s intimate screening room featuring behind-the-scenes movies and portraits of artists, musicians and filmmakers, will screen the following nine programs:

·       CINEMA: A PUBLIC AFFAIR (d. Tatiana Brandrup, Russia, 2015)

·       THE CENTURY OF THE SELF (d. Adam Curtis, U.K., 2002)

·       INGRID BERGMAN – IN HER OWN WORDS (d. Stig Björkman, Sweden, 2015)

·       IN THE SHADOW OF THE GREAT OAKS (d. George Mourier, France, 2005)

·       PEGGY GUGGENHEIM: ART ADDICT (d. Lisa Immordino Vreeland, U.S., 2015)

·       SEMBENE! (d. Samba Gadjigo, Jason Silverman, U.S.-Senegal, 2015)

·       DREAMING AGAINST THE WORLD (d. Tim Sternberg, Francisco Bello, U.S., 2015) + TYRUS (Pamela Tom, U.S., 2015)

Madonna Concert Tickets Re-Sale Market Buzzing with Seats at Good Price, All Locales


Is Madonna having trouble selling concert tickets for the “Rebel Heart” tour? Not exactly. The tickets were sold, to re-sellers. And now the re-sellers are having trouble scalping the tickets to actual customers.

Madonna and Live Nation have made their money. But scalpers, er, “secondary ticket sellers” as they are now politely called, have huge inventories. The main focus is on two shows this month at Madison Square Garden and one at the Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn.

Checking StubHub and Mark’s Tickets, the number of seats is huge. Prices can be very high to sit right up front. But for a decent seat at any Madonna show, a die hard fan can do very well spending around $300. In Brooklyn bring binoculars: $200 will get you anything in the top tier. That’s $300 less than I paid to see the Rolling Stones there a couple of years ago.

The interactive map at show tickets at the Garden in every section at price levels akin to Broadway shows. And certainly, Madonna’s shows are stage spectaculars. Also, it’s noted that the actual stage in all locales is built with a runway that stretches the length of the venue– so even sitting far from the main stage isn’t so bad.

Meanwhile, Craigslist is filled with ads from regular people, as well as scalpers. Some “suddenly” can’t go to the show. But I suspect many, like George Costanza on “Seinfeld,” thought they’d flip a few seats at a profit. Now they’re offering what they bought at cost, or less. It’s worth checking.

All of this has nothing to do with Madonna or Live Nation, PS. Like I said, they made their money. The secondary market is a speculator’s game, a gamble that demand will outstrip supply.

PS If you bought a regular ticket to the tour, you were automatically offered a digital download of the album “Rebel; Heart” for free. But if scalpers bought up most of the tickets, that would also explain why few downloads occurred when the album, when it was released, bombed. You just can’t win these days.

“Empire”: Cosby Show’s “Cockroach” Actor to Host Weekly Live Streaming Parties


Remember Cockroach, Theo’s pal from “The Cosby Show”? Well, he’s been tapped by Lee Daniels’ casting director sister to host weekly streaming “Empire” parties. Carl Payne, who is also the stepfather to Bobby Brown’s oldest son, will anchor the events. Leah Daniels Butler is also looking for on air correspondents to help Payne report in from various cities. I guess the idea is to make watching “Empire” a total social networking event.

Here’s the notice from “Empire” land:

“Empire Wednesday” is seeking on-air correspondents to host an 18 week live stream event from the weekly “Empire” viewing parties  held in cities nationally; created by Henry Butler and hosted by Leah Daniels Butler and Shawn Holiday; Empire Wednesdays began as weekly viewing parties in Los Angeles and Chicago for season one of the #1 television show “Empire”. Expanding the brand for season two, Empire Wednesday will now be held in multiple markets (see below) nationally and linked together via a live stream from each city.  Joining the team for season two, actor Carl Payne will anchor the live stream event.

So far “Empire Wednesday” will emanate from Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Des Moines, Detroit, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Oakland, Philadelphia, Seattle, St. Louis and Washington D.C.

What to do? Post a recent .30 second video on YouTube, email a link of the video to  Be sure to tag #EmpireWednesday in your YouTube video and then share it on Facebook  and tag “Empire Wednesdays” – with an S. Encourage your friends and followers to view, like, post and re-post your submission.