Saturday, October 5, 2024
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8 Days of Sam Moore– Five Days til the Original Soul Man Celebrates His 80th Birthday


It’s October 8th– just five more days until the original Soul Man Sam Moore celebrates his 80th birthday.

Here he is with Mavis Staples at last year’s Kennedy Center Honors.

Rock it, Sam!



American Hero Soldier Spencer Stone Stabbed in Reported Bar Fight After Buddy Narrowly Missed Oregon Mass Shooting


Terrible news this morning that Airmen First Class Spencer Stone, the American soldier who helped stop a potential terrorist attack on a French train this summer, last night was stabbed several times in what seems like a bar fight in Sacramento, California.

“It is believed that the victim was out with a group of friends when a physical altercation led to the victim being stabbed multiple times in his upper body,” the public information officer for the Sacramento Police Department said in a statement to KXTV. “Detectives were called to the scene to assist with the investigation and the victim is currently being treated for what appears to be non-life threatening injuries.”

What a crazy thing: On Sunday night we met Spencer Stone at the premiere of Steven Spielberg’s “Bridge of Spies.” He’d been in New York for another event and had come at the invitation of the Army liaison to the film. A lovely young guy, he also seemed pretty serious. We talked about how he and his buddies intervened this summer on a Euro train to France and prevented a crisis. He and his friends became international heroes.

This isn’t the first odd thing to happen to one of these guys. On Sunday, Stone told us how Alek Skarlatos was supposed to have started classes at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, site of last week’s mass shooting. But Skarlatos missed class because he was in Los Angeles taping “Dancing with the Stars.” (And think about that– one minute you’re on a train, the next you’re getting an award from the US and French presidents, and then you’re on “Dancing with the Stars.” You couldn’t make it up.)

Stone was such a nice guy. I asked him why he thought he and his pals jumped into action, and if he thought others would do the same in the same situation? He said that adrenaline kicked in, and they knew they had no choice. They never stopped to think about themselves. Stone, by the way, was in formal military dress, and acting like a good soldier. He’d been very impressed with “Bridge of Spies.”

Here’s hoping he recovers quickly, and that nothing else bad happens to these young men.

Rock Hall Makes a U Turn with Nominees in Effort to Regain Respect: Steve Miller, Chicago, Chaka Khan Get Closer


The nominees for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame are:

The Cars, Chaka Khan, Chicago, Cheap Trick, Chic, Deep Purple, The J.B.’s, Janet Jackson, Los Lobos, Steve Miller, N.W.A, Nine Inch Nails, The Smiths, The Spinners and Yes.

And this represents a move to regain some respect for the Rock Hall, which was pretty much down on its luck in that department. While a number of people are still MIA– from Carly Simon to Harry Nilsson to Roxy Music– the list is interesting.

N.W.A. has a good chance of getting in now that “Straight Outta Compton” has been such a big hit.

Then there are 70s acts Yes, Steve Miller Band and Chicago, which should have been in a long time ago. Chicago has long been a point of contention. Steve Miller doesn’t care one way or another, but he should be there.

The Cars and Cheap Trick are acknowledgement of the New Wave era, which has been overlooked. I favor the Cars, but Cheap Trick has their fans.

Janet Jackson, Chaka Khan and The Spinners are long overdue. And the Rock Hall is always negligent in R&B. They all deserve to get in before N.W.A.

Not on this year’s list, again, shamefully: Sting, as a solo act. And Bon Jovi. J. Geils still overlooked, despite Peter  Wolf being used by Jann Wenner like a door stop. No Moody Blues, Chubby Checker, or Stax’s Rufus and Carla Thomas.

The J.B.s should be inducted IMMEDIATELY as side men, with all members– Fred Wesley, Bobby Byrd, Maceo Parker, et al. They shouldn’t even be on the list for voting. Ridiculous. Other side man glaringly absent: Billy Preston.

Producers Richard Perry and Phil Ramone (posthumous) should also get special awards this year.

PS If I were some of these artists, I’d cut Jann Wenner, his family and friends off from the free tickets he requests for their shows until they’re in. Really. The phoniness is very Salinger-esque at this point.



Cate Blanchett On Fire: The Academy Will Have to Give Her 2 Oscars, What Else Can They Do?


Everyone should have this problem. This year Cate Blanchett has it worse than when Kate Winslet was in “The Reader” and “Revolutionary Road.”

Blanchett stars in both “Carol” and “Truth.” She does equal work in each, the best of her career and the best of the year. The Academy rules say one nomination per category per person. If they give two awards to Blanchett, they will get one speech. At least that cuts down the time of the show.

I told you about Cate’s exquisite work in Todd Haynes’s “Carol” last week. Last night I finally saw James Vanderbilt’s movie “Truth” in which Cate plays CBS producer Mary Mapes and Robert Redford — in a performance that will surprise everyone — embodies Dan Rather and does his own best work in years. (Except I did love “All Is Lost,” but he never spoke. Here, he talks. And is great.)

The great thing about “Truth” is you never what the truth is, and the filmmaker doesn’t force one idea of it on the viewer. This is a warts-and-all retelling of what Rather and Mapes endured at CBS a decade ago when their story about George W. Bush’s career in the Air National Guard imploded. It ended both of their illustrious careers at CBS.

You can love this movie without taking sides, which is sort of great. Personally, I feel that CBS and Viacom were cowards, didn’t stand up for their people, and buckled. CBS is making noises against the movie, and Sony is brave to take on Viacom, CBS’s parent company, by releasing the film.

“Truth” is absolutely among the best movies of the year. The supporting performances by Topher Grace, Dermot Mulroney, and John Benjamin Hickey stand out, as does Bruce Greenwood (Hollywood’s all star MVP) as former CBS News chief Andrew Heyward. Stacy Keach has a nice turn, too, as Mapes’s source for the story.

Last night’s premiere at MoMA and Armani brought out the cast as well as directors Taylor Hackford, Julie Taymor, and Bennett Miller. It was nice running into Caroline Rhea, who just about plotzed when she finally got to meet Redford.

Redford probably won’t campaign for an Oscar. He didn’t for “All Is Lost.” But he should, a little. And I urge Academy voters to put him in, I think for supporting, because he is exceptional in this role. He doesn’t look a bit like Rather, but transforms himself in a very neat piece of acting. Think of it: Rather hasn’t played real people since Bob Woodward 40 years ago. Here is one playing another living one, and morphing into him. He gets Rather’s speech and walk just right, without making it an imitation.

As for Blanchett, what do we do? She is on fire. Mary Mapes isn’t a celebrity, she was always backstage. But this is Blanchett’s “Norma Rae,” or “Erin Brockovich,” or “Silkwood,” or “Coming Home.” She’s completely captivating.

Dead Comedian Andy Kaufman to Be Memorialized by Cookies-n-Milk Scented Perfume


Poor Andy Kaufman. Is he alive? Is he dead? While that argument rages on, someone’s found a new way to memorialize– er, exploit– him.

According to a press release I received this morning, Kaufman’s name is being put on a new fragrance called Andy Kaufman Milk & Cookies. Apparently, it’s in honor of the 1979 show in which Andy took his Carnegie Hall audience — 2,800 people– on buses for milk and cookies.

The perfume is not being made by, you know, L’Oreal or Chanel. It’s from an LA company called

Andy’s brother Michael says in the release: “It’s great to have Andy brought back, in any way, even if only in a bottle. Call me crazy but I still fantasize about the day when Andy will return, performing in front of live audiences again.”

“Call me crazy” is an expression.

Anyway, Xyrena founder Killian Wells aka Xyrena, says: “Andy Kaufman once said, ‘There’s no way to describe what I do. It’s just me. That quote and Andy’s opposition to the societal norm has always resonated with me. As a New York native and fan I’m excited to pay homage to Andy’s undeniable genius.”

The perfume will sell for $42. I can’t tell you how to spend your money, kids. But I did once give someone Krystal Carrington perfume from the Dynasty collection as a joke years ago, and she was not amused.

Exclusive: Jerry Lewis Listens to Dean Martin’s Music “All the Time– All of It– I Always Listen to My Partner’s Stuff”


Last night: Jerry Lewis, Legend with a capital L, was interviewed for one hour by Oscar winning director Martin Scorsese at the wonderful Museum of the Moving Image in Queens. You know that Lewis starred in Scorsese’s “King of Comedy” in 1982, a modern classic. In the audience last night: Steve Buscemi, Emmy winning star of Scorsese’s HBO hit series “Boardwalk Empire.”

Scorsese and Lewis had a great discussion about film, and Lewis as a trailblazer director. I will post highlights a little later.

After the the one hour talk, I was backstage with Scorsese and Lewis, who will turn 90 in March 2016. Jerry is sharper than a tack, hilariously funny, and dead serious when he comes to filmmaking. We covered a lot of subjects in a short time, but two things stuck out.

One: does he listen to Dean Martin’s music at all? Does he have a favorite song? Martin and Lewis were one of the most famous comedy teams in history until they broke up in 1956. They didn’t speak for years but finally made up in 1989, a few years before Martin’s death in 1995.

Jerry jumped right in at the question: “All the time. Oh yeah.” A favorite song? “All of it. I hear it all. I have it on two Bose units in my home, in my car, in my office.” Does it make him feel good? “Yes, but it’s a tough feeling because I wish he was here.” I tell him what a fan of I was of Dean Martin. Jerry was emphatic: “You should be. Everyone was a fan of my partner’s.”

The other burning question for tonight: will he ever release “The Day the Clown Cried”? The answer, emphatically, is NO. “Why should I?” he asked rhetorically. The unreleased film is about a clown who is put to death by the Nazis with Jewish children.

“It’s bad work. The director did bad work,” Lewis said. meaning Lewis himself. When I told him that someone tried to release clips from it last year, he scoffed. “It’s never coming out,” he said. End of story. “I have the last 400 feet [of film] in a vault.”

He did tell me that he subbed for Johnny Carson for six weeks as host of the Tonight show back in 1962. “Johnny was out, getting a sex change,” Jerry said.

I’ll do an update later on Wednesday. Jerry was just marvelous, as usual, funny, with great timing, and gave Scorsese terrific insights. Scorsese was glowing, he was so happy.


Photo c2015 Showbiz411

Truth About Consequences for Cate Blanchett, Robert Redford in “Truth”


At the packed advance industry screening last night of “Truth,” Cate Blanchett descended the staircase of the Academy Theater in Beverly Hills in true Hollywood glamour style. The Academy is lush and wonderfully old Hollywood, so the sight of Cate, descending down the winding staircase adorned by life size golden Oscars, as the guests downstairs munched on mini hamburgers, all practically stopping to watch Cate, was truly a sight to behold.

Helped by her longtime noted fashion stylist, Elizabeth Stewart, Cate was a Hollywood heavenly vision in white. The two time Oscar winner is going to need Elizabeth’s expertise this coming awards season, as she is on the map for her bravo performance in “Truth,” as well as her talked about performance as a closeted lesbian in 1950’s New York in “Carol.”

Blanchett shines in “Truth” playing the real life veteran CBS News Producer Mary Mapes who, faced harsh, –and many say unjust– scrutiny, for a story about George W Bush’s controversial military record. The fiasco cost not only Mapes her TV career, and ended the nightly news anchor job for the respected Dan Rather (Robert Redford).

This whole saga fell under the radar for most people, including Blanchett, who is Australian. She told me: “This was a fantastic experience. I didn’t know the whole or the true story. I knew vaguely about what happened with Dan Rather, so I did research on it, again, because I didn’t know.”

Producer Brad Fischer said, “Mary is still out there, writing and pursuing what she’s passionate about. She hasn’t worked in television news since this whole thing unfolded. She’s an incredibly smart, witty and a great person. It was a tragic event for everybody involved. This story is more relevant today than it was back then, in terms of what the news has become. There is so much manipulation in stories and in the media by the time it gets to the viewer.”

Cate added that, “I’m so glad this story has been told, because it really needs to be known by the public, what really goes down behind the scenes that we’re not always aware of. So I think it’s a tremendous tribute to all the people that are involved in this film to tell this story. So that the truth came out, that the truth always wills out. You can only hope.”

Other guests included co-star Elisabeth Moss, plus John Savage, Lesley Ann Warren, and Stacy Keach.

Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney Reverse Vocal Solos in Remixed “Say Say Say”


Before Michael Jackson came in and bought the Beatles catalog out from underneath Paul McCartney, the pair worked on a few songs together. They had two big hits — “The Girl is Mine” and “Say Say Say.” They also made a rarely acknowledged gem called “The Man.”

For McCartney’s new reissue of his “Pipes of Peace” album, he’s had “Say Say Say” remixed and remade, with a unique twist. They’ve reversed the vocals so Jackson leads off and McCartney follows. Is it better than the original? You be the judge.

McCartney oversaw the remixes of songs for the re-issued albums. I have to say, they are very very good. “Pipes of Peace” and “Tug of War” are two of his best solo recordings. “Flaming Pie” and “Flowers in the Dirt” should be next.

Here’s the new “Say Say Say”

and the old one:

Beatles ’15: New Improved Sound, Remastered Videos Will Bring Fans Back to ‘1’


I really didn’t think I’d need a new iteration of Beatles recordings– especially after the 2009 box set and mono box.

But you know these tricky Beatles. The new “1+” is coming November 6th. We saw and heard some of it today at Soho House thanks to Apple Records’ Jeff Jones and Jonathan Clyde. Everyone was duly impressed.

The “1+” is a revamp of the mega selling “1” album that featured 27 number 1 hits from the Fab Four. This time, however, the music is offered in a “new stereo” and 5.1 surround (two separate things). Plus there are videos for all the songs, many of which have not been seen before, no one knew about, or they’re remastered and updated digitally.

The overall effect is quite stunning. For one thing, those 2009 boxes contained only remastered music. Nothing else had been done to. Now Giles Martin (son of George) and the Apple team have created these two new audio versions of the 27 hits. We heard them, compared them to 2009, and begged the question: will we wind up buying a whole new Beatles catalog at some point?

The answer is: probably.

But in the meantime, the new versions of the 27 hits are aural-spectacular. As for the videos, many of them now have very witty video commentary from Ringo and audio commentary from Paul. It’s all fresh stuff. Even the Beatle fanatics in the room seemed impressed.

There are different versions of all this– CD, DVD, deluxe etc. I’d suggest getting the deluxe edition that comes with a beautiful red and blue book that has details and minutiae of every song.

By the way, the sound– it’s very much like the “new” sound in those Quincy Jones AKG headphones I wrote about some time ago. It’s like a veil has been lifted. It’s not just clarity, but warmth and texture. Stereophiles call it “imaging.”

Of course, iTunes will have the exclusive for downloading. But I think the physical package will sell like hotcakes.

And then we’ll have to decide which full album we want first in this new mix form.

PS The news about Ron Howard’s ongoing film project about the Beatles is that it’s ongoing, and expected next year. No news yet on Beatles streaming anywhere. But “1+” will be a lovely holiday gift.

Luther Vandross Dissed by Songwriters Hall of Fame, Which Finally Allows Posthumous Awards


The Songwriters Hall of Fame has finally decided to deceased songwriters to be inducted– people who the old SHOF missed. They’ve started a new category for it. And guess what? After years of being lobbied about the Luther Vandross, they left his name off the list. What can do you? Meantime, Madonna’s name has crept back onto the list of performing songwriters. Haha, as the kids say now.

Also, ridiculous at this point– no Elvis Costello, no Pete Townshend.
I will tell you this particular thing works. The music publishers are on the board, by the tables to the event, etc. They lobby the SHOF to get their people in. I will bet you that Max Martin gets in this year, especially after having hits with The Weeknd and Taylor Swift. That will bring those performers to the June 9th event in New York.
Also amusing: Berry Gordy, if only because he’s now been honored like 10 times by the SHOF. He’s to this group what Clint Eastwood is to the National Board of Review. He should just stay overnight.

Non-Performing Songwriters

Rudy Clark – * Everybody Plays The Fool * Good Lovin’ * Got My Mind Set On You * It’s In His Kiss (The Shoop Shoop Song) * If You Gotta Make A Fool of Somebody

Kenneth Edmonds p/k/a “Babyface” – * Another Sad Love Song * Breathe Again * End Of The Road * Exhale (Shoop Shoop) * I’ll Make Love To You

Dallas Frazier – * Alley Oop * Elvira * Fourteen Carat Mind * Son of Hickory Holler’s Tramp * There Goes My Everything

Berry Gordy – * Do You Love me * Money * Lonely Teardrops * I Want You Back *You’ve Got What It Takes

Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis – * Control * Escapade * Fake * I Didn’t Mean to Turn You On * On Bended Knee

John D. Loudermilk – * Abilene * Indian Reservation * Tobacco Road * Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye * Turn Me On

Max Martin – * …Baby One More Time * Can’t Feel My Face * I Kissed a Girl * I Want It That Way * Oops, I Did It Again

Bob McDill – * Amanda * Baby’s Got Her Blue Jeans On * Gone Country * It Must Be Love * Song Of The South

Curly Putman – * Green Green Grass of Home * D I V O R C E * Blood Red and Going Down * He Stopped Loving Her Today * My Elusive Dreams

Teddy Riley – * My Prerogative * No Diggity * Just Got Paid * Remember The Time * I Wanna

Chip Taylor – * Wild Thing * Angel of the Morning * I Can’t Let Go * Try (Just a Little Bit Harder) * Any Way That You Want Me

Rod Temperton – * Always And Forever * Boogie Nights * Give Me The Night * Off The Wall * Rock With You

Performing Songwriters

Gloria Estefan – * Anything For You * Can’t Stay Away From You * Don’t Wanna Lose You * Here We Are * Words Get In The Way

Tom T. Hall – * Harper Valley PTA * I Love * Old Dogs Children and Watermelon Wine * I’m Not Ready Yet * Little Bitty

Deborah Harry & Chris Stein p/k/a “Blondie” – * Dreaming * Heart Of Glass * In The Flesh *Picture This * Rapture

Ernie, Marvin, O’Kelly, Ronald & Rudolph Isley & Chris Jasper p/k/a “The Isley Brothers” – * Fight The Power * It’s Your Thing *Nobody But Me *Shout * That Lady

Jeff Lynne – * Evil Woman * Do Ya * Don’t Bring Me Down * Hold on Tight * Strange Magic

Madonna – * Everybody * Into The Groove * Like A Prayer * Material Girl * Vogue

Michael McDonald – * What a Fool Believes * Takin’ It to the Streets * Minute by Minute * It Keeps You Runnin’ * Real Love

John Mellencamp – * Jack And Diane * Lonely Ol’ Night * Pink Houses * Small Town * The Authority Song

Steve Miller – * Abracadabra * Fly Like An Eagle * Living In The USA * Take The Money And Run * The Joker

Tom Petty- * Don’t Come Around Here No More * I Won’t Back Down * Free Fallin’
* Refugee * Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around

Nile Rodgers & Bernard Edwards (d) – * Good Times * I’m Coming Out * Le Freak * Upside Down * We Are Family

Sylvester Stewart p/k/a “Sly Stone” – * Dance To The Music * Everyday People * Family Affair * Hot Fun In The Summertime * Thank You (Falettin’ Me Be Mice Elf Again)

Deceased Songwriters

Lionel Bart – * From Russia With Love Theme *As Long As He Needs Me * Consider Yourself * Living Doll * Far Away

Bert Berns – * Hang On Sloopy * Tell Him * Little Bit of Soap * Twist and Shout * Piece of My Heart

Marvin Gaye – *Let’s Get It On * Dancing In The Street * Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)* Mercy, Mercy Me (The Ecology) * Pride And Joy

George Harrison – * Give Me Love (Give Me Peace)* Here Comes The Sun * My Sweet Lord * Something * While My Guitar Gently Weeps

Jimi Hendrix – * Foxy Lady * Manic Depression * Little Wing * Purple Haze * The Wind Cries Mary

Roger Miller – * Dang Me * King of the Road * Husbands and Wives * England Swings
* Chug-a-Lug