Sunday, October 6, 2024
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Monty Python’s Eric Idle, John Cleese Among Performers Set for Mike Nichols Memorial


Sunday update: About 300 to 400 invited celebrities will pack the lobby of Barry Diller’s IAC building on West 18th St. and the West Side Highway around 6pm. I’m told a lot of people didn’t get invites and aren’t happy. (Ours was apparently lost in the mail.) This is all so odd. A proper Nichols memorial should have been held in a Broadway theater or at Lincoln Center. And why did it take a year to do anything at all?

EXCLUSIVE I told you some time ago about the planned memorial for beloved director Mike Nichols.

The memorial is set for this Sunday, November 8th. Nichols would have turned 84 this Friday. He died last year on November 19th.

Since I wrote about it, Elaine May has been added to the list of hosts that includes Barry Diller, Bryan Lourd, and Lorne Michaels.

Now I’m told that Monty Python’s Eric Idle and John Cleese will perform at the gathering. Idle and Cleese, of course, were associated with Mike through their Tony winning collaboration on the Broadway hit “Spamalot.” You can imagine the whole crowded guest list singing “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” at the end of the gathering.

Sunday’s event was originally going to be held in a restaurant. But I hear the guest list got out of hand, and now it’s in a bigger space. I’m reluctant to give out the location so I don’t cause a stampede. Guests should include Mike’s widow Diane Sawyer and friends like Meryl Streep, Christine Baranski, Carly Simon, Nathan Lane, Julia Roberts, Clive Owen and Natalie Portman (from the movie “Closer”), Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro and so on. There will be readings and other music.

All in all, it sounds like a nice celebration of Mike’s life. Bravo!

Leah Remini Balked at Scientology Giving Out Free Turkeys at Thanksgiving Stuffed with Propaganda


So far my favorite episode from Leah Remini’s “Troublemaker.” She writes about the millions of dollars she was conned into donating to “the church.” The asks for money, Remini writes, were “relentless.” Remini was punished or criticized when she asked what happened to the money.

At one point she puts her foot down about community outreach. This is what happens:

““We came up with this,” one self-satisfied Scientologist told me. “We’re handing out turkeys with a Way to Happiness book.”

“First of all, the idea that you think anyone needs your fucking turkey is condescending. But on top of that, you have the balls to stuff it with The Way to Happiness?”

The entire room went quiet. I knew they were shocked not only by how I was talking to them but also because I thought their idea was terrible. In turn, I was angry not only because their idea was shitty but also because they didn’t know it was a shitty idea. As I had felt many times before, I wished these Scientologists had better human technology.

“I’m out,” I said. In the aftermath of that meeting, the group working on the new org begged me to go to the opening. David Miscavige personally requested that I be there, and there would be hell to pay for everyone if I didn’t show up. But they wouldn’t back down on their turkey-and-booklet plan, so I compromised. I agreed to attend the opening but said I would only sit there.

“I’m not speaking, because I don’t want to be part of this org.” (They picked me up at my house, probably just to make sure I actually went.)”

The book is out today. I bought it on Kindle-Amazon. And it’s just about as satisfying a report on Scientology and all the things we’ve heard about it over the years as you could find. Bravo, Leah.

Leah Remini Explains Scientology’s “Billion Year Contract” and Tom Cruise’s Fake Girlfriend


In “Troublemaker,” Leah Remini’s expose of life in the cult of Scientology, you will find many crazy episodes and passages.

Here’s one. Read it very carefully. She and her sister Nicole signed “billion year contracts” with the cult. Yes, that’s right. Billion year contracts.

“After we signed our billion-year contracts, Nicole and I were put on the EPF, or Estates Project Force, part of the basic Sea Org training for new recruits. It was a lot like boot camp. All EPFers spent twelve hours a day doing hard labor, like pulling up tree roots with our bare hands, working heavy machinery on the grounds of the Fort Harrison and the Sandcastle, or cleaning bathrooms and hotel rooms.

Then for two and a half hours each day, we would do the basic courses for the EPF, in which you learned the Sea Org policies and rules and what it meant to be a member. We were all given detailed check sheets, which listed all the actions we needed to take in order to complete each course. The first course being how to study Scientology.”

Remini also goes into new details about Tom Cruise’s fake girlfriend, Nazanin Boniadi, who was handpicked for the actor and then dispensed with when she wasn’t needed.

This is what happened to Boniadi when Cruise and crew were done with her:

“Tommy [Davis, celebrity wrangler and son of actress Anne Archer] told Naz that he briefed Tom and told him that Naz was being handled. She was then quickly demoted to living in a cheaper motel, away from Cruise’s environment, and subjected to doing four months of menial labor, including tasks such as digging ditches and cleaning public toilets with a toothbrush.

Eventually she was promoted to selling Dianetics books on the streets of Tampa. Better, but still humiliating. All the while she was being deprogrammed with security checks and the PTS/ SP course. She wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone, particularly her Scientology friends, since she was considered a traitor. She was not allowed to go anywhere alone unless escorted by either church security, ethics staff, or a representative of Flag’s President’s Office. And if you ask the church, they will deny that these practices exist or that people are punished at all.

And if you ask the church, they will deny that these practices exist or that people are punished at all. One day, while being escorted to do amends, Naz saw a friend and fellow actress, Marisol Nichols. Naz smiled and said hello, but Marisol turned her back to Naz and walked off. Naz asked her escort why she would do something like that, and the woman’s response was “Why wouldn’t she? You just got done scrubbing toilets. What makes you think you have anything to talk about with a successful Scientologist like that? You have nothing in common.”

Naz had started to believe that perhaps she was as evil as they were suggesting. After all, this was her religion and they were telling her she had committed the ultimate sin of betraying Tom. Naz found her faith being tested because she couldn’t reconcile any of any of these practices her church had appeared to be behind.

But she mainly complied because her mother was still a Scientologist at the time and would have been forced to disconnect if she didn’t remain in good standing with the church. Naz’s mom, like many Scientologists, said to her daughter, “Naz, please just do what they ask and get through your punishment.” Naz’s house, as well as her mother’s house, were visited by church officials and anything Tom had ever given her— pictures of the two of them together, gifts given to her by Bella and Connor, anything of their lives together— was removed.”

Leah Remini Publishes Defense Against Scientology Retribution: All Her Family Secrets


Leah Remini knows Scientology will come after her for writing “Troublemaker” and telling what goes on in the cult.

Cleverly, she prepares against retribution with this opening salvo in the book, which is published today:

“Let me start with this: I am an apostate. I have lied. I have cheated. I have done things in my life that I am not proud of, including but not limited to: • falling in love with a married man nineteen years ago • being selfish and self-centered • fighting with virtually everyone I have ever known (via hateful emails, texts, and spoken words) • physically threatening people (from parking ticket meter maids to parents who hit their kids in public) • not showing up at funerals of people I loved (because I don’t deal well with death) • being, on occasion, a horrible daughter, mother, sister, aunt, stepmother, wife (this list goes on and on). The same goes for every single person in my family: • My husband, also a serial cheater, sold drugs when he was young.”

She adds:

“Why am I revealing all this? Because after the Church of Scientology gets hold of this book, it may well spend an obscene amount of money running ads, creating websites, and trotting out celebrities to make public statements that their religious beliefs are being attacked— all in an attempt to discredit me by disparaging my reputation and that of anyone close to me. So let me save them some money. There is no shortage of people who would be willing to say “Leah can be an asshole”— my own mother can attest to that. And if I am all these things the church may claim, then isn’t it also accurate to say that in the end, thirty-plus years of dedication, millions of dollars spent, and countless hours of study and training didn’t really “fix” me? Perhaps Scientology doesn’t work.”

More to come…

Review: James Bond “Spectre” Is A Fitting Follow Up to “Skyfall,” and A Massive Hit


Sam Mendes really directs great live theater. He also has an Oscar for Best Director of “American Beauty.” But somehow he’s become the go-to director of James Bond movies. First it was “Skyfall” and now it’s “Spectre.”

SPOILERS ABOUND “Spectre” first of all ends with the warning: “James Bond will be back.” And you bet Mendes and Daniel Craig will, too. Nothing succeeds like success and Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson are not going to fool around. Two hits, and a third has to be coming in two or three years. Bank on it.

And you want theatre? The opening sequence in Mexico City looks like something Julie Taymor would have dreamt up for Mendes. Outstanding.

“Spectre” is missing Judi Dench, but she makes an appearance, and her M is key to the story. Ralph Fiennes is now M, and he’s fine. We just miss Dame Judi. Ben Whishaw is an expanded Q, loyal to James and ever inventive. Naomie Harris is back as Moneypenny, too.

They are all joined by the purring Monica Bellucci as the Italian wife of Bond’s victim, and one of his many conquests. Bellucci is radiant, sexy and age appropriate. Go back and see “Malena” from 2000– she is a modern Sophia Loren.

Leah Seydoux is James’s real Bond girl here. She plays the daughter of Mr. White, James’s foe from “Quantum of Solace” (Jesper Christensen reprises his role). As Monica, Mr. White’s daughter, Seydoux holds her own with Bond. She’s a knockout, and she can act. Seydoux is an excellent match for Daniel Craig.

Mr. White is not the only Bond throwback. “Spectre” stands for Special Executive for Counterintelligience, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion. The nefarious organization appeared in several Ian Fleming novels and in the movies “Dr. No.” “From Russia With Love.” “Thunderball.” “You Only Live Twice,” “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”, and “Diamonds Are Forever.”

SPECTRE was the invention of Ernst Blofeld, aka Number 1, a great Bond villain. Now Christoph Waltz is playing Blofeld’s presumed dead son, who goes by a new name. Waltz, of course, is a delicious villain who takes responsibility for all the bad things that have happened in Bond’s life. Some of his connection is explained, but not all, which is a bit frustrating. But the new Blofeld looks like he may be sticking around for a sequel. I hope so.

Daniel Craig is better than ever, I think. He’s really made Bond his own character. He’s made the movies less about his body and more about Bond’s mind. I don’t blame him when he says he doesn’t want to make more of these– the whole thing looks physically punishing. But one more seems right to wrap it all up. You only live twice, you know!

Kudos for nice references to “Skyfall,” which obviously is on the mind of younger audiences. But the Sam Smith song is really all wrong, I suspect the producers are well aware of that by now. It’s so dull you think about your taxes and ironing while it’s playing. Too bad. For such an action-centric movie, the song has no propulsion.

Exclusive: Netflix Considering “Head of the Class” Reboot Following “Fuller House”


I guess there’s nostalgia for bad shows from the late 80s. First Netflix rebooted “Full House” as the coming “Fuller House,” something as unnecessary as the return of acne.

Now I’m told Netflix is considering rebooting a show called “Head of the Class” that ran from 1986 to 1991. This was a show about a group of high school kids who were like Sweathogs– gifted this time. Howard Hesseman of “WKRP in Cincinnatti” fame was their teacher. The great Billy Connolly, Scottish actor and comedian who lives in the New York area, was also featured.

The most interesting teen actor on the show, Brian Robbins, became a huge TV producer in real life. “Smallville,” “One Tree Hill,” and “Keenan and Kel” are his notable and sizable hits, but he also has tons of credits for teen type series that I’ve never heard of. He’s also got a bunch of films in production. He may be involved in this reboot, I’m told.

“Head of the Class” also featured Robin Givens, who went on to notoriety as Mrs. Mike Tyson, and Khrystyne Haje, Rain Pryor (Richard’s daughter), and Michael DeLorenzo. There’s talk of bringing back all or some of these people in older roles of their former students.

Netflix is looking for a sweet spot, and I guess their target audience is now the grown up kids from that era. I just wish the shows had been smarter or more entertaining…or memorable. (I have zero memory of this show.) But good luck to all of them.

Michael Moore Won’t Accept MPAA Rating of “R” for “Where to Invade Next”


The MPAA gave Michael Moore’s “Where to Invade Next” an R rating today. Moore won’t accept. I don’t know why he should. That movie can be seen by anyone.

The ratings group cited Moore’s film “for language, some violent images, drug use and brief graphic nudity.” You could see more of any of that just by flipping through your TV. So here we go again.

In a statement Moore says:

“It’s amazing how 25 years have passed—we invented the internet, gay marriage is legal and we elected an African American President of the United States” said Moore “but the MPAA is still intent on censoring footage that is available from any evening network news show. This film has been widely praised by critics for it’s warmth and humor and optimism. What is the real reason I keep getting all these ‘R’ ratings. I wish the MPAA would just be honest and stick a label on my movies saying: ‘This movie contains dangerous ideas that the 99% may find upsetting and lead them to revolt. Teens will be the most agitated when they learn they will soon be $80,000 in debt just by going to school.”

Producers Tom Quinn and Jason Janego:
“With this rating, the MPAA is effectively telling high schoolers they just aren’t mature enough to handle or discuss important issues directly affecting their pursuit of the American dream. The notion that a teenager can’t walk into a theater and see WHERE TO INVADE NEXT is ridiculous and frankly un-American.”

Flashback: About Scientology, Leah Remini and JLO– They Were All Very Cozy in 2007


I’m thrilled that Leah Remini got her family out of Scientology, had all these epiphanies, and is ratting them all out now.

But this is what was going on 8 years ago. I wrote this story and had an excellent source, who remains an insider. Interesting stuff in regard to Remini’s book and her publicity tour.

FYI as they say.

from February 15, 2007:

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony, despite denials and protests, are more than ever into Scientology.

My sources tell me that as recently as December, Lopez and Anthony were taking professional business meetings at Scientology’s Celebrity Center in Hollywood.

Anthony is said to have taken the “purification” course, a hopped-up sauna that supposedly “cures” all ills. Lopez may have invested in the IRS-sanctioned religion thanks to infertility issues and difficulties in the couple’s marriage.

What’s very clear is that Lopez and Anthony’s sudden friendship with chief celebrity Scientologist Tom Cruise is no accident. Other than belonging to the expensive pay-as-you-go religion, Cruise and the Lopez-Anthonys would have nothing in common.

From what I’m told, Lopez and Anthony entered Scientology with the help of Angelo Pagan, the husband of “King of Queens” actress Leah Remini. Both Pagan and Remini — mostly the former — have taken dozens of pricey courses in L. Ron Hubbard’s creation.

In keeping with Scientology’s Hollywood deal in which members hire each other, Pagan has had parts in John Travolta’s “Swordfish” and Jenna Elfman’s “Dharma & Greg,” as well as in several episodes of “King of Queens.”

This would also account as well for Remini’s sudden promotion into the Cruise inner circle, as witnessed by her appearance at Cruise’s wedding with Katie Holmes outside Rome, and the now constant mention of the Cruises, Reminis (er, Pagans) and Lopez-Anthonys as if they were three happy-go-lucky couples on a sitcom, all hanging together.

In fact, their proximity is very well-organized and orchestrated as a publicity stunt to make Cruise and Holmes seem “normal.” Add to this group newly arrived U.K. celebs David and Victoria Beckham. For clueless Middle America, the idea is “bridge night.”

But it’s not so. Lopez confided in at least one friend that she “would do anything” to help her marriage. Sadly, among the couple’s public problems has been infertility. Lopez will be 37 in July and has made no secret of her desire to become a mother. But through three marriages (Anthony, Chris Judd and Ojani Noa) and two long-term public relationships (Sean “Diddy” Combs and Ben Affleck), no pregnancy has occurred.

Additionally, Lopez’s high-gear career skidded to a halt a couple of years ago as over-saturation in bad movies accompanied by a series of increasingly poorly received albums did her in.

Scientology is notable for recruiting stars at low points in their careers or personal lives, preying on uncertainty, instability or just plain fear by promising to fix life issues.

A source says that they were invited to meet Lopez and Anthony at the Celebrity Center where they were ensconced in four-star digs. There, Anthony talked excitedly about the “purification” program while Lopez discussed career matters.

“They’re in,” a source said. “There’s no doubt about it.”

Lopez’s father has been a Scientologist for 20 years, as recently revealed. Lopez’s publicist, Leslie Sloane Zelnick, referred me to Lopez’s comments to Page Six magazine, in which she stated that she would not be converting to Scientology from Catholicism.

But she also agreed to pass along an e-mail to Lopez and Anthony with questions for this story. They have not responded.

Schwarzenegger Name Helps Sell Son Patrick’s Fledgling Movie to German Distributor


Patrick Schwarzenegger, 22 year old son of Arnold S. and Maria Shriver, uses his mom’s last name on Twitter. (Everyone loves Maria.) But for his fledgling movie career, Patrick will be son of the Terminator, a name that’s very useful for worldwide sales. So “Midnight Sun,” just filming now with Bella Thorne, has already made a sale to a German distributor sight unseen. The brand goes on.

Patrick is actually in four movies either filming or done including one called “Pretty Face,” which also features Jack Nicholson’s daughter Lorraine and Ray Liotta’s daughter, Karsen. There’s another called “North” and Patrick is also featured in Kevin Connolly’s “Dear Eleanor.”

Can he act? Does it matter? Young S is being served up as next year’s tabloid kid, featured in a bunch of straight to DVD things (except for Connolly’s movie, which I’m curious to see). The question will be, is he serious? Will he wind up in “Terminator” remakes or go for something more? Remember, the Shriver in him will make him more serious minded. Could be interesting.

The Kennedy in him doesn’t hurt, either. On Twitter, Patrick advertised last night that he bet on Kansas City to win the World Series back in May.

James Bond: “Spectre” Smashes World Records, Daniel Craig Will Return, Writing’s on the Wall


So no one liked Sam Smith’s theme song. But everyone likes Sam Mendes’s movie. “James Bond– Spectre” is an international hit, already breaking records everywhere before its US opening this weekend.

So don’t worry– Daniel Craig will be back for one more. Mendes will probably, too. All they needed to see were the numbers. And they’re huge.

Here’s the info suppliede by the company:
In total in the six released territories, the film has taken in $80.4 million, including $67.7 million from SPRI territories and $12.7 million from territories in which MGM is distributing.

In the UK, the film has opened to an estimated £41.7 million ($63.8 million USD) in its first seven days of release, securing new records for the biggest opening of all time in UK box office history.

SPECTRE took the opening record from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban which was also released on a Monday to £23.882 million. SPECTRE also achieved a new record for the highest seven-day gross in UK box office history, overtaking the last James Bond film, SKYFALL.

SPECTRE, the 24th James Bond adventure, continues the longest running and most successful film franchise in cinema history. The film opened in 647 cinemas and on 2,500 screens, making it the widest release of all time in the UK and Ireland.

The UK wasn’t alone in shattering box office records as nearly every releasing market saw SPECTRE make history as the biggest box office opening of all-time.

In the Netherlands, SPECTRE took in 3.3 million Euro ($3.7 million USD), surpassing the record set by Skyfall and bringing its cume to $3.9 million including previews.

In the Nordic region, markets distributed by MGM, SPECTRE took in a total of $12.7 million USD, setting new opening records in Finland and Norway, both surpassing Skyfall – Finland took in 2.35 million Euro ($2.63 million USD), and Norway 24.4 million krone ($2.88 million USD). The film also set a new record in Denmark for the biggest three-day opening of all time, as SPECTRE took in 28.1 million krone ($4.21 million USD), also surpassing Skyfall. In Sweden, SPECTRE took in 24.95 million krone ($2.97 million USD), a spectacular result that is 30% over the opening of Skyfall.

SPECTRE has also set a new IMAX record, recording the highest per-location average in IMAX history as the first film ever to top a $100,000 per-location average, with $105,000 in 47 IMAX locations.