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Bowie Sales Frenzy as Death Sends 4 Singles into iTunes Top 10, 6 to Top 10 Amazon Albums


David Bowie’s death has sparked a sales frenzy on his albums and singles.

Four of the singles– Space Oddity, Changes, Let’s Dance, and Under Pressure (with Queen) take up spots on the iTunes singles charts.

But it’s amazon where things are really crazy. On their digital chart, Bowie has four of the top five albums. (Adele is the exception.) Twelve of the albums from number 6 to 20 on the digital chart are his.

On the amazon chart for CDs and vinyl, Bowie has 9 of the top 20 spots. He has seven more from number 21 to 30.

It’s a lovely tribute to a great artist.

Blackstar: David Bowie, With a Weakened Voice, Leaves A Masterpiece of Messages


Just finally listening to “Blackstar” and reading the lyrics. Utterly amazing. David Bowie was always a genius artist. But to face death, and leave these messages is beyond what anyone could have expected. His voice is very weak, but the intent is there, and the music is exceptional.

[Verse 1]
Cash girls suffer me, I’ve got no enemies
I’m walking down
It’s nothing to me
It’s nothing to see
If I’ll never see the English evergreens I’m running to
It’s nothing to me
It’s nothing to see

[Chorus 1]
I’m dying to
Push their backs against the grain
And fool them all again and again
I’m trying to
We bitches tear our magazines
Those Oligarchs with foaming mouths phone
Now and then
Don’t believe for just one second I’m forgetting you
I’m trying to
I’m dying to

[Verse 2]
Dollar days, survival sex
Honour stretching tails to necks
I’m falling down
It’s nothing to me
It’s nothing to see
If I’ll never see the English evergreens I’m running to
It’s nothing to me
It’s nothing to see

[Chorus 2]
I’m dying to
Push their backs against the grain
And fool them all again and again
I’m trying to
It’s all gone wrong but on and on
The bitter nerve ends never end
I’m falling down
Don’t believe for just one second I’m forgetting you
I’m trying to
I’m dying to

I’m trying to
I’m dying to
I’m trying to
I’m dying to
I’m trying to
I’m dying to
I’m trying to
I’m dying to

[Verse 1]
I know something is very wrong
The pulse returns the prodigal
The blackout hearts, the flowered news
With skull designs upon my shoes

I can’t give everything
I can’t give everything
I can’t give everything

[Verse 2]
Seeing more and feeling less
Saying no but meaning yes
This is all I ever meant
That’s the message that I sent

I can’t give everything
I can’t give everything
I can’t give everything
I can’t give everything
I can’t give everything
I can’t give everything

I know something is very wrong
The pulse returns the prodigal sons
The blackout hearts, the flowered news
With skull designs upon my shoes

I can’t give everything
I can’t give everything
I can’t give everything
I can’t give everything
I can’t give everything
I can’t give everything

Source: Warren Beatty’s “Howard Hughes” Movie Will Be Released in 2016


Warren Beatty wrapped his secret Howard Hughes movie the first week of June, 2014. That’s the last real news we’ve heard about it.

This weekend a source knowledgeable about the film says New Regency and the film’s financiers are waiting see Beatty’s latest cut. “The film will come out in 2016,” says my source. And they’d like it out well before there’s another awards season, just to give it a chance to breathe.

The movie stars Beatty, Alden Ehrenreich, Lily Collins, Haley Bennett, Matthew Broderick, Alec Baldwin, Candice Bergen, and Annette Bening, among others. It may or may not be directly about Howard Hughes, whom Beatty plays, or young people around him.

Beatty, according to my sources, showed a cut to close friends and the money people in the late fall. It was met with an overall positive response.

This isn’t the first time Beatty has been coy turning over a film for release. In fact, with all his last films– from “Dick Tracy” to “Bulworth,” “Town and Country,” and “Love Affair,” there were always long waits and a lot of mystery before the film was ready.

Of course, Beatty is a perfectionist. And his fans want the film– which still has no title– to be a hit. So we wait, but not for long. My guess is that it goes to Cannes or Venice– I would bet on Venice– and a soft opening in September. But that is just a guess.

Golden Globes: Inside the Main Room, With Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Sly Stallone, Etc.

So what’s it like inside the main ballroom at the Beverly Hills Hotel during the Golden Globes show? It’s quite different from other events I go to there, like Clive Davis’s annual pre-Grammy dinner and concert. In a word: madness.

What the TV audience doesn’t hear is the constant cursing on stage. F bombs are dropped like leaves in an autumn storm. Sometimes I think it’s just to see if shock can be registered.

Food and drink are a problem. By the time the stars walk the red carpet, the food is off the tables. I have no idea what was served on Sunday night. When I arrived at my seat, there was a box of Lindt chocolates and a glass of water. Everyone is drinking from individual Champagne splits with a straw.

Food? There’s a back bar, way out of sight, that supposedly has a buffet for those who missed the dinner. But when I arrived there, a little crudite and cheese were left. Mythical sandwiches were long gone. The bar was jammed. I spotted Sylvester Stallone walking along with a couple of friends, before his category came up.

Stallone actually did not think he would win, even though he was assured so by just about everyone. “You probably shouldn’t drink before your speech,” I said to him. “It’s too late for that!” he called back as they passed me. This may account for why he forgot to thank “Creed” director Ryan Coogler in his acceptance speech, and had to go back for an addendum that did not make the air.

The longer the show goes on, the drinking among the 800 guests intensifies. The room becomes loud and boisterous. More and more people are standing, and not remembering a live TV show is being broadcast internationally. Several times last night host Ricky Gervais and others on the stage begged the guests to shut up already and sit down. No one listens.

Among the many people I met for the first time and really enjoyed were Charlie Puth and Wiz Khalifa. Their song, “See You Again,” from “Fast and Furious 7,” was supposed to win Best Song. It’s a beautiful, catchy song and it was a big chart and radio hit. The fact that is lost to the milquetoast Sam Smith record “Writing’s on the Wall”– a flop here in the US, from the James Bond movie “Spectre”– was insulting. FRom TV, by the way, I thought Puth would be short. He’s quite tall, and a lot of fun. He’s shaping up as a contemporary Billy Joel. Wiz Khalifa is just great. His real name is Cameron, and he said I could call him “Cam.”

brad cate andrew 1The best part of the night is right after the show ends. That’s when guests are leaving and, in the process, colliding with other actors, etc who they didn’t see or talk to earlier in the evening. I got caught in two scrums, so to speak: one that included Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, a few Spotlight people, Matt Damon and his wife Lucy; and Jerry Hall, Mick Jagger’s ex and mother of four his kids, with Rupert Murdoch. She’s 59, he’s 84, and they’re getting married apparently. Crazy. I’d like to see that pre-nup!

Another grouping involved Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, and her husband, theater director Andrew Upton. Brad and Cate co-starred in “Babel,” a few years ago, and were very happy to see each other — as evidenced by this photo I organized. Pitt was there because his company produced “The Big Short,” after having an Oscar hit with “12 Years a Slave.” When I offered that he was on a roll as a producer, he replied: “And we’ve got more coming!”

photo c2016 Showbiz411.

Natalie Cole Gets An A List Funeral, with Stevie, Smokey, Chaka, Gladys, and Lionel


The funeral you don’t want is the one where hundreds of people show up, and lots of your peers, even older mentors, are in attendance.

But Natalie Cole’s send off at West Angeles Church on Monday morning (and afternoon) was just like that, because was only 65 years old when she passed away last week, and a vibrant personality and performer.

In the front rows at the nearly three hour service were a gaggle of heavyweights: Stevie Wonder (who told me he was getting over the flu), Smokey Robinson, Johnny Mathis. Chaka Khan was seated across the aisle, and was introduced to the crowd by one of the clergy. She stood and waved. Gladys Knight, Mary Wilson, and Freda Payne along with her sister Scherrie, were part of the gathering.

Elsewhere in the audience, which was packed, I spotted Linda Thompson, mother of record David Foster’s children and his ex wife. Foster gave one of the eulogies during the ceremony; he’d been with Natalie on tour in Asia when she fell ill. They made one last stop in the Hamptons at a charity benefit, where I saw them, and it was clear that Natalie was ailing.

Curiously, though Foster spoke he wasn’t listed in the beautiful program we received upon entering West Angeles Church. The two tributes by non family members were supposed to be by Cole’s business manager of 31 years, Howard Grossman, and her dear friend Tamara Engelstein. They each spoke beautifully. Smokey Robinson– despite a sinus infection– also delivered a few thoughts, and Stevie Wonder played the harmonica and sang a bit.

At the outset, Dr. Melvin V. Wade, pastor of West Angeles, warned that the service would adhere to the printed program exactly, and there would be no digressions. Just FYI.

But the service, while long, was beautiful, with musical interludes from members of Natalie’s band and eulogies from her younger twin sisters and son Robert Yancy. Robert also joined the band and played drums on a gospel number.

The stage, by the way, was decorated with dozens and dozens of white roses, Natalie’s favorite. Several church dignitaries were seated onstage but didn’t speak, including Rev. Jesse Jackson. Unable to attend was Natalie’s long time friend, Denise Rich. Nikki Haskell, representing herself and Clive Davis, was front and center. Two New York pals of Natalie, Marvet Britto and Jimmy Hester, helped with the details and planning.

A reception dinner planned for tonight in Beverly Hills.

I have no inside info, but I’ll bet Ken Ehrlich is planning a Grammy tribute to Natalie even as we speak. And one of course to David Bowie. Two superstars gone in one week, each still in their 60s. Huge, huge losses.

David Bowie Was Introduced to John Lennon by The Greatest Hollywood Icon


Not all rock stars know each other off the bat. And so it was for John Lennon and David Bowie. Even though each had been famous for a long time, the pair didn’t actually meet until Lennon came to Hollywood in 1974 with girlfriend May Pang.

Pang recalled for me today that she and Lennon had gone to a Hollywood party hosted by the greatest movie icon of the time–maybe all time– Elizabeth Taylor. Her guests included Elton John, among others, and Bowie.

“When John heard there was a party at Elizabeth Taylor’s he really wanted to go,” Pang says. “He loved the old time Hollywood stars.”

Taylor introduced Lennon and Pang to Bowie, and they all hit it off instantly. Lennon wound up co-writing “Fame” with Bowie and his co-writer Carlos Alomar for the “Young Americans” album (1975). Bowie covered Lennon’s Beatles song “Across the Universe” on that album, with Lennon contributing vocals and guitar.

Pang, by the way, remained friendly with Bowie, and appeared a couple of years later in one of his videos. She married his producer, Tony Visconti, and they had two children together.

Yoko Ono: “After John died, David was always there for Sean and me”


Yoko Ono’s post at http://imaginepeace.com/archives/21641?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

Ironically, Bowie’s producer, Tony Visconti, married Lennon’s ex lover, May Pang after Lennon went back to Ono in 1975. Visconti and Pang have two children.

John and David respected each other. They were well matched in intellect and talent. As John and I had very few friends we felt David was as close as family.

After John died, David was always there for Sean and me. When Sean was at boarding school in Switzerland, David would pick him up and take him on trips to museums and let Sean hang out at his recording studio in Geneva.

For Sean this is losing another father figure. It will be hard for him, I know. But we have some sweet memories which will stay with us forever.

Adele’s Run at Number 1 Ends as David Bowie’s Blackstar, 3 Older Albums Take Over iTunes


It took David Bowie’s death to end Adele’s long run at number 1 on the iTunes charts.

The new number 1 album is Bowie’s new “Blackstar” album, released last Friday. Three older Bowie albums are also in the top 10– The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust, Best of Bowie, and Hunky Dory.

Nine more Bowie albums are in the iTunes top 30 right now. A fitting tribute, but what a loss.

Is Star Wars’ Han Solo Dead or Alive? Harrison Ford Says He’s Just “Resting”


Is Han Solo dead? Can it be? You know that was the question I put to Harrison Ford when the Golden Globes ended on Sunday night.

Ford and actress wife Calista Flockhart were caught up in a scrum of A list stars including Mark Ruffalo and Oscar Isaac, all of where trying to get out of the Beverly Hilton ballroom.

So I asked Ford if it was true that Han Solo was really dead? We see him killed with a light saber by Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) in “The Force Awakens.” It looks like he falls to his death. But remember, this is fiction– anything can happen to save Han Solo. And it seems unlikely that the final “Star Wars” trilogy would end with a dead Han. Also, patricide is kind of a miserable way to die.


“He’s resting,” Ford told me, after repeating my question. “Is he dead? He’s resting.” He did NOT say, “he’s dead.”

Earlier this week, a source close to Ford indicated to me that he’d be back in the next “Star Wars” installment.

We shall see. My guess is, Han Solo is saved by a force in the galaxy far, far away.

Ricky Gervais Was Bleeped Out When He Asked Mel Gibson What “Sugar T–s” Means on the Golden Globes


I ran into Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes HBO after party right after the show was over last night. The party was buzzing with stars from all the HBO shows including Julia Louis Dreyfus, Larry David, everyone from Game of Thrones, plus Rachel McAdams, Oscar Isaac, and so on.

Ricky and I had this rendezvous a few times during his first stint as host of the Globes. When I saw him he spoke before I did: “Have I ever lied to you? No! Because I don’t tell you anything.” He laughed.

He did tell me that the Hollywood Foreign Press asked him to ‘tone it down’ about Mel Gibson. “Me tone it down?” Ricky said to me incredulously. “That WAS me toning it down!” He added: “I didn’t think it was a good idea they asked him to be a presenter.”

Gibson did not come to rehearsal but he knew basically was Gervais was going to say. “He didn’t like it but what can you do?”

Watch this clip. Bleeped out– but what Ricky asked Mel was “What the f– does sugar tits mean?” That’s what Gibson called a black female cop when he was arrested a few years ago.

I thought Gervais dealt with Gibson beautifully. The “Braveface” actor certainly won’t be coming back, that’s for sure. So much for his new image campaign.