Tuesday, October 1, 2024
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EXCLUSIVE Wounded Warriors Scandal Was Worse Than Thought: As Donations, Grants Dropped by Millions, Salaries Skyrocketed


Here’s an update on the Wounded Warriors Project. They’ve been advertising pretty heavily on TV this week, so I wanted to catch up from their huge scandals from two years ago.

Back in 2015, the Daily Beast launched a stream of stories revealing crazy spending at the Wounded Warriors Project. By January 2016, both the New York Times and CBS published their own exposes that caused even more investigations. In March 2016, Wounded Warriors’ top executives Steven Nardizzi and Al Giordano were forced to resign.

But back in March 2016, the extent of the Wounded Warriors’ spending on salaries was not fully known. Everyone was working off of data from 2014-2015. It wasn’t until April 2017 that the group filed its Form 990 for 2015-2016. Now it’s become available and we can see what was really going on in the last year before most of the leadership was excised.

First: donations to Wounded Warriors fell by $70 million from 2015 to 2016. So WW cut their spending– not to themselves, but to the people who needed their money most. Grants to veterans’ groups fell precipitously– by over $50 million. The group cut its grants from $87 million to $35 million. That’s a dizzying drop. It surely must have been for veterans’ groups depending on donations.

Despite the incredible drop in giving, and in revenue, total Wounded Warriors salaries didn’t go down,  they went up– and rose over $6 million in 2015-2016.

When Steven Nardizzi was fired in March 2016, his listed salary from the prior year was $474,000. That number reflected a $100,000 increase from the prior year.

The newer filing, however, shows Nardizzi had given himself another $100,000+ increase-– to a whopping $604,551.

We also now know that Nardizzi’s partner in crime, Al Giordano, also ousted in March 2016, left making $420,905. In that Form 990, issued April 2017, five executives were making over $300,00 a year. Another half dozen were making over $200,000 a year.

We won’t know until next April what the new leadership and staff are making — or spending. But at least they know now that people are watching Wounded Warrior Project more closely than ever.

PS Want to make some last minute charitable contributions? My favorites: The Rainforest Foundation, Rosie’s Theatre Kids, Elton John AIDS Foundation, MusiCares, RUSH Philanthropic, Samuel Waxman Cancer Research, TJ Martell (in memory of Tony Martell), We Are Family Foundation, Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation, Coalition for the Homeless, God’s Love We Deliver, and the Salvation Army (in memory of Phil Ramone).


“Star Wars” Box Office: “Jedi” Still Running Behind “Force Awakens” by $177 Mil During Holiday Break


“The Last Jedi” is a hit, don’t let the numbers fool you. Anyone would be happy with $473 million after 12 days.

But the newer “Star Wars” movie still running $177 million behind “The Force Awakens” on Day 12 of release.

The argument has been that school wasn’t out, and that the holiday hadn’t kicked in, and there wasn’t enough butter for the popcorn machines. Something like that.

But now, school has been totally out for several days. On the one hand, Christmas Day and Boxing Day– December 25th and 26th– showed big improvements around $27 million a day. But that’s still behind “Force Awakens.”

It could be that Disney knew this was going to happen, and that they’d leave a bunch of money on the sticky floor of theaters. Maybe they just couldn’t avoid it because of the calendar. I guess they hoped the Christmas week sales would make up for the loss before hand. But it may not work out that way.

In any case, “Last Jedi” remains a record breaker among all other films that have ever been released. And that’s big news.

Actress Amanda Plummer on Her Amazing Father, Christopher Plummer: “He tells the whole story in his eyes”


At the LA premiere of “All the Money in the World,” last week at the Academy, director Ridley Scott made it clear to the audience — after a rapturous standing ovation– that Kevin Spacey is history. 

Scott, who had to quickly re-shoot his movie replacing Spacey with Christopher Plummer, said: “You’re all very conscious of what happened about five weeks ago, and I’m not gonna go through it because it’s a serious matter, but it’s done, and therefore the good, great outcome is what you’re about to see. I’m not gonna dwell anymore about that, talking about what occurred, but I adored the experience with this cast.”

Ridley then introduced cast members Michelle Williams, Charlie Plummer, and Timothy Hutton. Co-star Mark Wahlberg made a brief appearance at the after party.  Sony chief Tom Rothman also said to the crowd: “I’ve worked with only four or five producers that have the skill and the will.  Ridley has both, but he is the only one that had the balls to try [the seemingly impossible reshoot]. ‘

Ridley also thanked the cast and crew, the 800 names were on the big screen at one time, Spacey definitely not included.  Christopher Plummer, who brought his famous actress daughter Amanda with him, was gracious to all.  He told me, “I loved doing it, every second.  Just had the most wonderful time.”  Amanda summed it up by saying; “my father bowls me over every time. He tells the whole story in his eyes.”  Plummer could very well see his second Academy Award statue in his hand for this performance. 

UPDATE: “All the Money in the World” opened on Christmas Day to huge box office. Plummer and co-star Michelle Williams are on their way to Oscar nominations.

“All The Money In The World,” will be released on December 25th.

Pop Mystery: Hugh Jackman’s “Greatest Showman” Film is a Flop, But the CD Is (Maybe) Number 1 Right Now


Well, here’s a head scratcher.

Hugh Jackman’s PT Barnum movie, “The Greatest Showman,” is a flop at cinemas. It’s made $13.4 million since Friday. This is no surprise. The reviews were pretty bad, and it was premiered in Brooklyn on a cruise ship for some reason.

But lo and behold, the soundtrack to “The Greatest Showman” may be a hit. May is the operative word here. Somehow, the CD is number 1 on both iTunes and Amazon.

So what’s the issue? According to Buzz Angle, which keeps track of album sales in real time, “The Greatest Showman” soundtrack has only sold about 31,000 copies from its release December 8th through Christmas Eve. Between December 22 and 24, it only sold about 12,000 copies.

In that same period, albums by Huncho Jack (have no idea what that is), Taylor Swift, and Eminem sold 39K, 36K, and 29K respectively. “Showman” didn’t even register.

It’s a Christmas mystery.

History’s Tragic Repeat: Washington Post Heir Bill Graham Suicide 54 Years After Publisher Father


An obituary appears today in the paid section placed by Lally Weymouth for her brother, Bill Graham, age 69. They are the children of the late Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham, featured right now in Steven Spielberg’s movie “The Post.”

click here for today’s headlines

Their father, Phil Graham, Katharine’s husband, died in August 1963 from a gun shot to the head. According to the Washington Post notice for Bill Graham, he died the same way on December 20th in Los Angeles. What a shame. Condolences to the family.

Bill Graham’s death comes at a moment when his mother is being celebrated– portrayed by Meryl Streep in the movie– for the courage to publish The Pentagon Papers. In the movie, Lally Weymouth is also depicted, played by Allison Brie. The Grahams had two other sons, Donald and Stephen, who survive their brother.

A big part of “The Post” is the story of Phil Graham’s suicide, which catalyzed his wife from society hostess to publisher. It’s a sad irony that at a time when the Grahams should be basking in the glow of that courage that they are mourning this kind of loss again.

The Grahams sold the Post to Amazon owner Jeff Bezos in 2013.

Pop Singer Lorde Caves to Anti-Israel Protest, Cancels 2018 Concert But Stays Silent on Social Media


New Zealand pop singer Lorde is having some political issues. She stupidly canceled her June 2018 concert in Tel Aviv, bowing to pressure from BDS (Big Dumb Shits), the Roger Waters-backed group that boycotts performances in Israel. Journalist Amy Spiro broke the story earlier today, which set off a firestorm. Since then, Lorde has been silent on social media.

Here’s Spiro’s post:

Lorde’s message obviously wasn’t thought through. It’s also not clear how well advised or knowledgeable the 21 year old is about the situation. Roger Waters of Pink Floyd has been the most vocal rock star in boycotting Israel. He’s encouraged others to do the same but luckily few have endorsed such a stupid plan. What Waters and his followers don’t seem to get is that boycotts against Israel simply further anti-Semitism at every level. It doesn’t do a thing to bring peace or understanding to the middle East.

Lorde’s real name is Ella Yelich O’Connor. She’s currently nominated for a Grammy Award for Album of the Year for “Melodrama.” What she may not realize is that her decision will not be met with approval by the people working to make her a star in the U.S., Jewish or not. So stay tuned…

Box Office Update: Fans Speak with Closed Wallets as “The Last Jedi” Now $175 Mil Behind “Force Awakens”



In just 10 days, “The Last Jedi” has brought in $365 million domestically. This is a huge amount of money. It sets some records no doubt.

But “The Force Awakens” took in $540 million in its first 10 days, two years ago. That’s almost $175 million difference. And that’s BIG.

Everyone has a theory. Schools weren’t completely out for Christmas. The wind was coming from the north. Odd days vs. even days.

But now that two weekends have passed, we can state the obvious: they killed off Luke Skywalker. I mean, come on. Happy, peppy Luke became a wizened old man on a mountain with no family, no love, no connections, no friends, no faith. Both he and Han Solo were essentially knocked off by Han and Leia’s son. I mean, WTF? None of it makes sense. It’s a bitter pill to swallow. Plus, Rey isn’t related to anyone, and Kylo mocks her for it. It’s a drag.

Now Mark Hamill is speaking out, saying he took direction from Rian Johnson but knew it was all wrong. He says. maybe it’s a cousin “Jake Skywalker” but certainly not the Luke he knew.

George Lucas must be furious. In two movies they killed off two of his three main characters. And who could have foreseen Carrie Fisher’s real life death? So now Leia will expire in Episode IX. Her son– and Han’s– is irredeemably evil. So that’s it.

This is why I wrote back at the beginning that I am done with “Star Wars.” If you’re from the generation that started with the series in 1977, the death of our heroes is not what we signed up for. So I am out, and I sense from the box office so are a lot of people. Big mistakes were made here.

The Glamorous Life: Audra McDonald Has Six Tony Awards, But Her Dog and Her Kid Are Out of Control


Audra McDonald has a record six Tony Awards. Yet, she posted this to Instagram and it’s a hoot. Where are the nannies and dog handlers when you need them? Broadway’s not what it used to be. This is hilarious:

“I was bringing my screaming tired baby into her bedroom for a nap. When we walked into the bedroom we discovered that the dog had crapped all over the floor. I put the screaming baby in the crib and tried to clean up the poop then came back for the baby I put her back down on the floor after I cleaned up the poop and proceeded to tidy up the room when I realize that she was playing in what looked like a yellow river on her floor that’s when I realized the dogs had also peed on the floor and the baby was now playing in it. I ran the baby out of the bedroom to the bathroom to try and wash her hands and while I was running her to the bathroom she proceeded to put both of her hands dripping in dog urine…into her mouth. I then lost it and called my mom screaming “come over please help me! The baby! Dog poop! Fucking dogs! Dog pee!” Mom ran over and cleaned the mess while I tried to disinfect the baby in the tub. After a while she seemed clean enough to take her out of the bath tub. I pull her out of the tub & am wrapping her in a towel when she…wait for it…pees on me.”


I was bringing my screaming tired baby into her bedroom for a nap. When we walked into the bedroom we discovered that the dog had crapped all over the floor. I put the screaming baby in the crib and tried to clean up the poop then came back for the baby I put her back down on the floor after I cleaned up the poop and proceeded to tidy up the room when I realize that she was playing in what looked like a yellow river on her floor that’s when I realized the dogs had also peed on the floor and the baby was now playing in it. I ran the baby out of the bedroom to the bathroom to try and wash her hands and while I was running her to the bathroom she proceeded to put both of her hands dripping in dog urine…into her mouth. I then lost it and called my mom screaming “come over please help me! The baby! Dog poop! Fucking dogs! Dog pee!” Mom ran over and cleaned the mess while I tried to disinfect the baby in the tub. After a while she seemed clean enough to take her out of the bath tub. I pull her out of the tub & am wrapping her in a towel when she…wait for it…pees on me.

A post shared by Audra McDonald (@audramcdonald) on

RIP: Jordan Feldstein, Brother of Jonah Hill, Rock Manager for Maroon 5, Heart Attack at 40


Jordan Feldstein has reportedly died in Los Angeles. He was the brother of actor Jonah Hill and actress Beanie Feldstein. Jordan was 40, and the larger than life rock and roll manager of Maroon 5 among other groups. Reports say he died from a heart attack. Condolences to the family.

Jordan was truly a larger than life figure– huge physically, for one thing. He was also not exempt from public disturbances. A couple of years ago I watched as he got into a huge fight with Sharon Osbourne at Clive Davis’s pre-Grammy dinner in Beverly Hills. Drinks were thrown, narrowly missing Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift.

Feldstein was married twice, once to Clint Eastwood and Frances Fisher’s daughter Francesca. The marriage as annulled. He has two children from a previous marriage. It looks like, from photos, that Jordan (like Jonah) had lost a lot of weight recently, maybe from surgery. What a shame if it was too late to save him. Terrible news.

Box Office: “Last Jedi” Now Running Over $100 Mil Behind “Force Awakens”


Sunday update click here: “Jedi” now $175 million behind “Force Awakens”

Earlier: School is out, but it didn’t help “The Last Jedi.” The new “Star Wars” movie is running over $120 million behind the last one on a day to day comparison.

On its second Friday in release, “The Force Awakens” logged $49 million for a domestic total of $440 million.

Last night, “The Last Jedi” came in at $24.7 million. The domestic total is $321 million.

Well, one week and $321 million is nothing to sneeze at. That’s a damn good showing, second best to “The Force Awakens.” But it’s still quite a distance behind the first part of this trilogy.

The theory that school wasn’t completely dismissed for the holidays didn’t pan out. Since its opening last week, “Jedi” has been struggling to maintain momentum. Maybe tonight, with school out and nothing but time on their hands, kids will flock to theaters. I hope they do!

There are some real duds this weekend– “Pitch Perfect 3,” and “Father Figures” are each sorta DOA. But there are plenty of really great Oscar ready movies including “The Post,” “Phantom Thread,” “Lady Bird,” “Shape of Water,” and so on. That’s like a feast!

PS December 29th– Annette Bening and Jamie Bell in “Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool”– not to be missed!