Tuesday, October 1, 2024
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“House of Cards” Re-Set Without Kevin Spacey Looking for Children “Comfortable with Somewhat Suggestive Content”


“House of Cards” is revving up to shoot a new season without Kevin Spacey since he was removed from the show.

When we last saw Spacey’s Frank Underwood, he’d been removed from the presidency and replaced by his wife, Clare (Robin Wright). I think she cackled, “Now it’s my turn!”

Anything could happen to Frank now, and most people think he’ll be murdered. But I’m told a new casting call went out for three 11 year old children– a girl and two little boys. The main description of the characters is that they “must be somewhat comfortable with suggestive content.”

It does appear that the children as Frank, Clare, and one other little boy who meets with a violent end. It could be a flashback to the Underwoods’ days growing up in South Carolina. Maybe this will form the seeds of a mystery story line.

If “House of Cards” is looking for suggestive content, well…we won’t go there. Can’t wait to see what they do with this!

Conservative Murdoch Papers NY Post and Wall Street Journal Go Harder on Trump Than Anyone


Twenty five years ago, the NY Post trumpeted: Best Sex I’ve Ever Had! as Donald Trump advertised his prowess with mistress Marla Trump to Cindy Adams.

Friday morning, Trump’s sexual rating gets a C as mistress Stormy Daniels is pictured on the Post’s front page with the headline “Averagest Sex I’ve Ever Had”

How times have changed!

The biggest irony isn’t that Trump is no longer the stud he imagined himself. No, it’s hat Rupert Murdoch’s NY Post is knocking itself out to make fun of him.

At the same time, it’s Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal– the more serious paper– that’s gone after Trump with unusual enthusiasm this week over Stormy, the ‘shithole’ incident and everything else.

Tonight, the WSJ reports on how Stormy was paid by Trump lawyer Michael Cohen to keep his mouth shut. Trump must be in shock that Murdoch has abandoned him.

It remains to be seen whether or not Fox News will acknowledge Stormy or any of these stories. They will be focused on Hillary Clinton’s emai server, as Fox has become the Nostalgia Network.


Clive Davis Grammy Party: The Invitation Is Here, the Guest List is Forming for the Hottest Ticket in Town


The Clive Davis pre-Grammy party is here, it’s back in New York where it began. The invitation is off the hook, of course. It’s a black satin box with raised gold lettering. On the cover is the Empire State Building. Inside, it’s gold and mirrored with color photos of the famous people who’ve attended in Los Angeles for the last several years. The invite is hand-delivered, and it’s one of the best days of the year when the messenger buzzes and announces: “Clive Davis.”

And who’s coming? Every important person in music in New York, that’s who. Jay Z is being honored by Clive and NARAS, which means Neil Portnow will conduct that part of what is the best bar mitzvah in 50 states. And if Jay Z is coming, can Beyonce be far behind?

But I do expect to see Jennifer Hudson, Dionne Warwick, Alicia Keys, Fleetwood Mac (they’re being honored the night before at MusiCares), maybe Elton John and David Furnish, maybe Ed Sheeran, tons of media people from New York who don’t get to the west coast. The Broadway crowd should filter in around 11pm, which as we know from previous years, is the “early” part of the evening!

Clive keeps the performers a secret right until the last minute, so we’ll wait and see who is locked up. But imagine the pool of A list talent in New York who could show up– Sting, Paul McCartney, Carly Simon, Valerie Simpson… the names boggle the mind.

So hang on. Grammy Week already looks like it’s going to be crazy great with events for the Billboard 100, for the great Tom Corson taking over at Warner Bros., for the Otis Redding Foundation at the Apollo, for the MusiCares night with Fleetwood Mac, and the Grammys themselves at Madison Square Garden. Monday January 29th no one will be at their desks in the record biz in NY– they’ll all be sleeping off the weekend!

The Tradition Continues… #PreGrammyGala

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Dylan Farrow’s Brother, Moses, Defends Charges of Molestation Against Woody Allen: “It simply never happened”


Moses Farrow has Tweeted out his response to sister Dylan’s accusations against their adopted father, Woody Allen.

Under the hashtag #truthislouder, Moses– a therapist and photographer– says: “It simply never happened.”

Moses Farrow has been trying on his own Twitter feed– @MosesFarrow– and in interviews to set the record straight about Woody, Mia, and his mother’s abuse of her children, her vendetta against Woody Allen. Gullible actors in recent days have “renounced” Woody and said they were turning their paychecks from his movies over to charities. How uninformed and silly of these people! They refuse to listen to Moses, read the reports, or ask why none of the Farrows address the current prison term of Mia’s brother for child molestation. It’s pathological, and starting to border on something else, I’m afraid. Hysteria, yes. Maybe more.

Broadway: “Hello, Dolly!” Without Bette Midler Already in Trouble with Big Blocks of Unsold Seats


Bette Midler is gone, and soon “Hello, Dolly!” may be, too.

Tony winner and beloved Broadway star Bernadette Peters begins performances on January 20th, taking over for Bette Midler. And while Peters may be a spectacular Dolly, it may not matter.

For nine months “Hello, Dolly!” broke Shubert Theater house records. But soon the news is going to be dire unless the New York Times decrees that Peters’ run is a must see attraction.

For example, a look at the seating chart on telecharge.com for January 31st at 8pm tells a particularly scary story. Big blocks of seats are open in the orchestra at much lower prices than during the reign of the Divine Miss M.

A week later, in February, things look the same or worse:

There’s a similar situation in the mezzanine and balcony, where the back half of each section is largely unsold.

My advice” better get in to see this production before the parade passes by!

What’s Up with Bruce Willis? MIA Action Star Has Made 8 Bad Movies in 3 Years, Total Critics Score 72


It’s time for a Bruce Willis Renaissance.

If you add up the critics score on Rotten Tomatoes of the 8 movies Willis has made since 2015, the total is 72.

Of course, some of them have 0’s– zeroes. That would include a new one scheduled for release somewhere tomorrow, called “Acts of Violence.” Remarkably, Willis, once the top grossing actor anywhere, is second billed. Some reviews say it’s a “paycheck” movie, although Willis– currently selling a New York aerie for $17 million– hardly needs a paycheck.

Where is Bruce Willis? Once a glib PR magnet, Willis has been slowly vanishing while he makes film after mind-numbingly bad film in which he co-stars with a gun, has little dialogue and a lot of explosions. I miss the fast-quipping Bruce of “Moonlighting” and “Die Hard” fame. I’ll bet others do, too.

Some of the movies on his imdb list may have gone straight to video. There’s no report of a box office release. His last run of movies that mattered in theaters and maybe to audiences was a trio in 2013– “Red 2,” “A Good Day to Die Hard,” and “GI Joe: Retaliation.” Not the stuff of Oscars, but still, something.

Of course, in there Willis made his Broadway debut in the poorly reviewed “Misery” for three months from November 2015 to February 16th. At the same time he was supposed to shoot Woody Allen’s “Cafe Society” but dropped out or was let go after the first week. (Steve Carell replaced him.) Willis said he couldn’t concentrate on the play and deal with the movie.

Last March, Bruce did participate in a lively R&B concert at the Beacon Theater called Love Rocks. But since then, even with several stealth movies, he’s mostly been off the canvas save for a couple of Instagram posts from his wife. In one, he’s getting his fingernails painted by his young daughter.

Come back, Bruce! We need some wisecracks for 2018.

Woody Allen Responds to CBS This Morning Attack: “Farrow Family is Cynically Using Time’s Up”


Woody Allen is responding to Dylan Farrow’s attack today by CBS This Morning. I think he’s right. CBS News has simply taken Dylan’s side despite 1993 reports from Connecticut and NY State authorities saying that Woody never touched Dylan. Additionally, Gayle King never asks Dylan about her uncle, John Farrow, being in prison for child molestation. The interview, as Donald Trump says, is rigged. A complex trail of lies is distilled into a TV she says-he says, which is pretty sad for CBS News.

“When this claim was first made more than 25 years ago, it was thoroughly investigated by both the Child Sexual Abuse Clinic of the Yale-New Haven Hospital and New York State Child Welfare. They both did so for many months and independently concluded that no molestation had ever taken place. Instead, they found it likely a vulnerable child had been coached to tell the story by her angry mother during a contentious breakup.

“Dylan’s older brother Moses has said that he witnessed their mother doing exactly that – relentlessly coaching Dylan, trying to drum into her that her father was a dangerous sexual predator. It seems to have worked – and, sadly, I’m sure Dylan truly believes what she says.

“But even though the Farrow family is cynically using the opportunity afforded by the Time’s Up movement to repeat this discredited allegation, that doesn’t make it any more true today than it was in the past. I never molested my daughter – as all investigations concluded a quarter of a century ago.”

Woody Allen

35 Years Later: Michael Jackson’s Daughter, Paris, Meets Paul McCartney, Source of MJ’s Income from 1985 til Death


A historic meeting on Tuesday night in Los Angeles: Paris Jackson met Paul McCartney. It’s 35 years since Paul and Paris’s dad, Michael Jackson, recorded together– and Paul mentioned to Michael that the Beatles catalog was for sale. It’s (roughly) 35 years since Michael called his lawyer, John Branca, who swooped in and bough the Lennon-McCartney songs for $47.5 million in 1985, thus creating Sony Music Publishing. And from that investment, Michael borrowed and borrowed and borrowed, spending like a drunken pirate, paying off settlements and odd deals until he was just about bankrupt. The wear and tear would lead him to agree to perform 20 shows in London, and then…For all 35 years Paul chased the catalog until now, he finally has it back, Michael is gone, and his estate no longer owns the catalog that weighed on him for a quarter century. Paris says she cried like a baby. I’ll bet Paul did, too.

i cried like a goddamn baby.

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CNN Cleans Up at Trump’s Fake News Awards, But GOP Site Crashed, is Back, and without Awards


I don’t really know what’s going on here. Donald Trump posted his Fake News Awards to the GOP website. The site crashed and caused pandemonium. I took the time off to watch David Letterman’s exceptional interview with the real president, Barack Obama. Obama was so erudite and insightful that I forgot all about this crap.

Now the GOP site is back, without mention of the awards. Gateway Pundit, another group of numbskulls, posted a list of 12 awards. CNN, the New York Times, and ABC News did very well. It’s amazing to me, and no doubt to you, that Trump had time for this but not to reassure the people of Hawaii, or to do something other than play golf on Martin Luther King day, or to try and correct the impression that he labelled a huge part of the world a “shit hole.”

Could it be that he’s trying to pay off Melania in advance of Friday’s release of a diary from a porn star about their affair? Anyone who knew Donald Trump as we did n the New York press in the 80s, 90s, 00s, and 10s is sickened by him. But this what that clown did today:

Donald Trump Gets His Own Gennifer Flowers in Stormy Daniels– Even Better, She’s a Porn Star and Now She’s Talking


Stormy Daniels.

She told her story to In Touch Weekly years ago, they declined to publish it, but now they’ve gone with it.

Stormy is Donald Trump’s very own Gennifer Flowers but better, so much better. She’s a porn star. Trump’s lawyer paid her $130,000 to keep her mouth shut that in 2006, when Melania was pregnant with Barron, Stormy and the Donald had an affair.

Unlike Marla Maples, who said in 1992 that her time with Donald was “the best sex of my life,” Stormy says the sex with Trump was “generic.”

At one point in the first evening they spent together, Stormy told In Touch, she excused herself to go to the bathroom. “When I came out, he was sitting on the bed and he was like, ‘Come here.’ And I was like, ‘Ugh, here we go.’ And we started kissing.” After having sex, Stormy said, “We hung out for a little while and he just kept saying, ‘I’m gonna call you, I’m gonna call you. I have to see you again. You’re amazing. We have to get you on The Apprentice.’”

“We had really good banter,” Daniels told In Touch. “He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful, smart, just like his daughter.”

Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, denies any of this happened. He doesn’t say whether it happened in a shit hole or not.

We’ll have to wait for the long version of the story to hear if Donald shouted out “Covfefe!” in a moment of ecstasy. Or if they dined on McDonald’s.