Friday, September 27, 2024
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UPDATE: NY AG Eric Schneiderman Resigns After New Yorker Article Startles: “No one is above the law”

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, who never liked Eric Schneiderman anyway, is happy to suggest that he resign immediately. I agree. Who wouldn’t after reading The New Yorker article? Schneiderman has done such a disservice to New Yorkers, women, all humankind, everyone, but especially the party which he represents and the values that we thought we shared with him. Unbelievable. Meantime, Madonna has arrived at the Met Ball dressed like a nun circa 1350 and Kim Kardashian is wearing crosses and two giant balloons. Miley Cyrus is giving a show. Only Frances McDormand got it right. More to come.

End of Days? New York Attorney General Accused of Beating Women, Threatening to Kill Them, and Oliver North is Head of the NRA

This may have been the End of Days.

While celebrities are going up a red carpet dressed like it’s Halloween on Malcolm Forbes’s yacht, the world around us is crumbling.

First of all Oliver North– a political criminal and nut job who you thought was gone from our lives– is now the head of the National Rifle Association.

And now, the Attorney General of New York, Eric Schneiderman, who was supposedly shielding us from dozens of bad things and prosecuting many horrible people, has been outed in The New Yorker (Yes, the New Yorker) as a man who beats his lovers purple, threatens to stalk and kill them.

In a piece by Jane Mayer with the ubiquitous Ronan Farrow, Schneiderman’s ex lovers and girlfriends explicitly describe the punishing behavior he exacted against them, plus his heavy drinking. Schneiderman has held himself out as a hero, and turns out to be maybe the greatest villain of all. His response was that he was into “role playing.”

Schneiderman, no kidding, will be out of his office by Friday. I’m sure we’ll hear from more of his victims and maybe the people with whom he worked. How could this have gone on so long? Kudos to the women, including Michelle Barish, for finally telling their stories.


(Watch) Bebe Buell’s “By a Woman” Video Is Hilarious and True, Perfect for the #MeToo Movement


Here’s one the best and most timely videos for a very of the moment song. Bebe Buell’s “By a Woman” co-written with Sally Tiven should be on every radio station. Don’t miss it! It’s from her excellent new album “Baring it All: Greetings from Nashbury Park.”

Theater: World Premiere of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s New Musical Pulled at Last Minute


Andrew Lloyd Webber– usually you can’t get away from him. He’s got shows coming and going from Broadway like Big Macs, piping hot.

But his new sort of greatest hits musical, called “Unmasked,” just got pulled from its world premiere this September at the Paper Mill Playhouse in New Jersey. Instead Paper Mill is subbing in a new production of “The Color Purple” from the same director who was supposed to do “Unmasked”– John Doyle.

We don’t need “The Color Purple” again so soon after its Broadway success recently, but hey–why not?

Doyle says in a statement: “We received news last week from our producing partners in London that due to unforeseen scheduling issues, Unmasked can no longer be presented as part of our 2018-2019 Paper Mill Playhouse season. We look forward to presenting it in a future season.”

“Unmasked” was a collaboration with Richard Curtis, the writer and director of “Love Always.” Curtis is busy working with director Danny Boyle on their Beatles music movie “All You Need is Love” so maybe he’s busy with that. Or maybe they discovered that a lot of ALW’s songs sound the same. (Sorry.)

Or maybe Doyle is the reason. He likes his actors to play their own instruments on stage. But at least he knows “The Color Purple”– his revival of it won two Tony Awards. He also won a Tony for directing Patti Lupone in “Sweeney Todd” although she complained about having to carry a tuba around– something like that.

Next Month’s All-Star “Ocean’s 8” Movie Is Set at the Met Gala, So Tonight Look for the Cast and Lots of Plugs


Didn’t get an invite tonight’s Met Gala, or Met Ball? Don’t worry, it will all be back next month on the big screen.

For “Ocean’s 8,” director Gary Ross and screenwriter Olivia Milch (daughter of “Hill Street Blues” writer David Milch) used the Met Ball for their main plot point. The many famous ladies of the cast pull off their heist at the event. The movie will be released on June 8.

For the movie, Ross re-created a fake Met Ball. So tonight’s Halloween party should bring a number of the famous cast members to the red carpet including Rihanna (a co-host), Sandra Bullock, Anne Hathaway, Mindy Kaling, and so on. Star Cate Blanchett won’t be there since she’s head of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival, which begins tomorrow.

George Clooney is very identified with the “Ocean’s” movies so it’s just a coincidence that his wife, Amal, is a co-host of the Ball. It’s very likely that Clooney makes a cameo of some kind in “Ocean’s 8” since he’s Danny Ocean and Bullock plays his sister.

Of course, there’s always a chance that some of the cast wasn’t invited– haha– that would be the ultimate snobbery!

Met Ball chief antagonist Anna Wintour is also featured in “Oceans 8.” Let’s hope she’s not a bad luck charm for the movie. Wintour was all over “Zoolander 2” a couple of years ago, and that movie was one of the biggest financial flops in movie history.

Donald Glover aka Childish Gambino Drops Brilliant New Video on SNL, Goes Straight to Number 1

In the middle of all the agita going on about Kanye West, his crazy interviews, Tweets, bad music, nutty ideas about music and fashion comes–

Donald Glover, aka Childish Gambino. He hosted “SNL” last night and performed, was absolutely terrific. He dropped a new video called “This Is America” that is at once brutal and elegant.

“This is America” has gone straight to number 1 on iTunes. He knows: Glover is ‘in the zone.’ Hi show, “Atlanta,” is way above everything else. Even his other video on “SNL” — a mash up send up of “A Quiet Place” and Kanye West’s recent craziness, called “A Kanye Place” was so trenchant that Kanye himself re-Tweeted it.

Exclusive: Is this Anna Wintour’s Last Met Ball? 2017 Receipts Off by Over $1 Million, Expenses Skyrocket


Will Monday’s Met Ball be its big finale? Or at least in this form? Certainly there’s a chance that this is the end for Vogue editor Anna Wintour, rumored to be leaving Conde Nast this summer when her September issue hits stands in mid August.

Wintour’s Conde Nast exit could be the same for her run as head of the Costume Institute’s annual Met Ball? What started as a glittering, unusual festival for the Museum has devolved into a Halloween ball for reality stars. And, as I’ve reported before, the Met Ball costs a LOT to put on every year.

Now I can tell you that the 2017 event’s gross receipts were just $12.2 million– down from $13.5 million in 2016. The trend is down as receipts fell by $1.3 million. More worrisome: the expenses incurred by the Met. They went UP. In 2016, expenses were $3.556 million. In 2017, they jumped to $3.859 million.

Wintour’s pets this year, as last year, will not include Donald or Melania Trump. A celebrity “get” prior to 2016, the Trumps are now anathema. Monday night there will be the question of Kanye West, who usually accompanies wife Kim Kardashian when he’s not recovering from myriad problems. A few years ago he actually performed at the Met Ball. But now West, firmly ensconced with the Trump camp, is in a PR nightmare thanks to his “Slavery was a choice” declaration.

And then there is the museum itself, still the most shining jewel of all museums in the world. They’re going through massive cost cutting after many in the executive office have left or been dismissed. Salaries keep rising. The museum is now charging admission to non-New Yorkers, who must pay $25. The spectacle of the Ball may not seem as urgent to those people.

Stay tuned…

Marvel-ous: “Avengers: Infinity Wars” Breaks New Records No One’s Ever Heard Of While “Deadpool” Lays in Wait


You know, Deadpool is out there. And even while “Avengers: Infinity War” breaks new records this weekend, “Deadpool 2” is waiting for its release. Will it topple all these movies like “Infinity War” and “Black Panther”? I hope so.

In the meantime, “Infinity War” now has $450 million US, and $1.1 billion globally. The mega Marvel movie now has the second highest second weekend ever, and is one of a half dozen movies to make $100 million for a second weekend in a row.

And oh yes: “Black Panther” will hit $700 million US this week, which is amazing and wonderful. It seems impossible it could earn another $60 million in theatrical release to become number 2, but who knows? “Infinity War” is feeding new “Black Panther” audiences every day– people who want to see the rest of T’Challa’s story.

All of this leaves little room for “small” movies at a human scale. Jason Reitman’s “Tully” made just $3.1 million in semi-limited release. But the Charlize Theron starrer has an 89 on Rotten Tomatoes. Were there press screeners, or a NY event? I have no idea. Why wasn’t this held for the fall? Counter programming? Well, one day I’ll get to see it and have some thoughts. But anyone who’s not interested in super heroes should check it out. Reitman, Theron and Diablo Cody are a substantial team.

Porn Star Stormy Daniels Rebuffs Comic Roseanne Barr on Twitter, And it’s Not Pretty


What do Roseanne Barr and Stormy Daniels have in common? They are each controversial performers trying to sell tickets to their respective shows. Now Roseanne, maybe looking for attention what with her sinking ratings and tickets not selling, has taken on Stormy on Twitter. And the porn star who slept with Donald Trump has responded in kind. Can’t put it a headline, but it’s not pretty. Round 1 goes to Stormy.

Jeffrey Tambor, Ousted from Amazon’s “Transparent,” Welcomed Back to Netflix’s “Arrested Development”


These are confusing times in the #MeToo era.

Now comes news that Jeffrey Tambor will return to Netflix’s “Arrested Development” series for another season. Tambor is an original cast member of the popular series that started on Fox years ago but has had a new life on the Netflix platform.

It’s an interesting turn of events as Tambor was ousted from Amazon’s “Transparent,” where he won a lot of awards playing a man who became a woman. Tambor’s exit was because of accusations of sexual misconduct after accusations from people who worked on the show.

I would have thought Amazon would be more flexible, and Netflix not for a variety of reasons. Earlier this year. sources tell me, Netflix refused to hire another prominent actor who’d had similar accusations leveled against him. But maybe Tambor, whose alleged transgressions never rose to the level of serious legal standing, has curbed his enthusiasm for making inappropriate remarks at work.

“Transparent,” meanwhile, will somehow eliminate his character– which was the main focus of the show– and move forward in a new direction.