Friday, September 27, 2024
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“Roseanne” Can’t Come Back– Without Roseanne or On Fox–for a Variety of Reasons


There are some wild clickbait stories popping up today about the return of “Roseanne.”

One would be to kill off the Roseanne character and have the family continue without her.

The other is to move the whole thing to Fox, like Tim Allen’s show, where racist comments are a given.

The answer on both counts is “NO.” Won’t happen.

First of all, “Roseanne” with a dead Roseanne would face endless Twitter and social media attacks from Barr. She can’t shut up, she won’t go away, she’s crazy as she can be. She’d be hounding the cast and crew and the viewers all day long.

Second, Laurie Metcalf and John Goodman are gone. They haven’t said a word about Barr’s scandal. Metcalf is up for a Tony Award, and it’s hers to lose if she says the wrong thing now. Goodman has a thriving movie career and good will at places like “SNL.” He is not going to jeopardize any of that by continuing with this mess. It’s best for each of them to get away from “Roseanne” fast, clean break, over.

Sara Gilbert must be dashed. The “Roseanne” revival was her idea, and it was great money. Even she knows that the party is over. And she has a day job – “The Talk” on CBS– that could adversely affected.

So “Roseanne” is over. There’s no going back.

Exclusive Why Melania Trump Has Been MIA: Source Says She’s Taking Care of Ailing Mother at Trump Bedminster Golf Club


EXCLUSIVE Everyone is wondering where Melania Trump is. She’s 20 days MIA after having surgery to remove a benign tumor in her kidney.

So where is she?

A pretty well informed source has offered me this theory. “She’s taking care of her mother.” That’s Amalija Knavs, who turns 73 in July and is — I can tell you this exclusively– battling a pretty serious illness.

“They’re all at Bedminster,” the source says. “Melania, her parents, Barron when he’s not in school. She’s (Melania) not in the White House.”

Apparently, the Knavs (or is it Knauss) have a house on the Bedminster property, right next door to Jared and Ivanka. It’s like the Brady Bunch!

In a way this will disappoint people who were rooting for Melania to escape the clutches of her husband since there have been revelations about his cheating with porn stars and Playboy bunnies.

But it’s really more of a sign of devotion to her parents. The Knavs were last seen in public on May 2nd, when they received their permanent American citizenship thanks to chain immigration. Because Melania became a citizen, so thusly did her parents. It’s the American way unless Donald Trump doesn’t like your skin color or religion.

That’s a tough time for Melania, though, dealing with her own illness and taking care of her mother. Good luck to her!

Christie Brinkley Celebrates Newly Engaged Cover Girl Daughter Alexa Ray Joel — And Becomes Downtown Girl!


One of the best mother-daughter duos in the world took over La Pulperia restaurant last night on East 57th St.

Christie Brinkley and daughter Alexa Ray Joel literally turned the place over and then some. The occasion was Alexa Ray’s beautiful new cover of Bella Magazine. I’ve never seen so many flash “bulbs” at one time for just two people. It was like the old days of Hollywood glamour!

Alexa is the oldest daughter of famed rock star Billy Joel, but as we know she has the musical chops as well. She’s performed several times at Cafe Carlyle, has sung and recorded with Dad, and has fended off many requests to make an album.

You know, the hardest thing for any talented kid with a famous parent is to carve out their own identity in the same field.

As I’ve said to Alexa many times, “You should write a Broadway musical.” She could do it. Easily. She responded: “I want to star in a Broadway musical!” She could do that, too. Right now she’s planning her wedding. Alexa is happily engaged to Ryan Gleason, owner of hot spots on the Lower East Side. He’s a nice guy. And a lucky one.

And Christie? Alexa also has her mom’s genes, which is a good thing since Ms. Brinkley is 60something and looks 40. Christie told me she’s finally a Downtown Girl (she was Billy’s Uptown Girl), having moved in below Houston Street to a duplex “or a triplex” depending on how you look at it. “I have amazing views,” she said. So do we.

Add into this mix jewelry designer and rock star wife and mama Ann Dexter Jones, who stopped by to support Alexa and her mom. Ann– married, divorced and remarried to Mick Jones of Foreigner– is another NYC dynamo. All of her kids are big successes including rock producer Mark Ronson, designer Samantha Ronson, DJ Charlotte Ronson.

And no one talked about Roseanne, Harvey, Morgan, Trump, Cohen, et al for at least two blissful hours! Also on the scene last night: Claire Mercuri, singer Genesis Jones, lifestyle expert Valerie Greenberg, and peripatetic gossipeuse Rob Shuter. And everyone got fancy hairbrushes from Angelo David salon.


Roseanne Claims Ambien Made Her Do It, But What About Five Years Ago When She Made Same Racist Tweet?


Just as we were hitting the sack last night on the East Coast, Roseanne began Tweeting that Ambien made her write the racist rant against Valerie Jarrett.

But in 2013, Roseanne wrote a similar racist rant against another Obama aide, Susan Rice. Was that because of Ambien?

Here’s that Tweet:


Roseanne is a racist. She’s also a conspiracy theorist who re-Tweets nonsense from other crazy people on the internet. These re-Tweets are anti-Semitic, which is interesting since she claims to be Jewish. But she continually sends out messages about philanthropist George Soros, claiming he’s a Nazi and hurt other Jews in a concentration camp. Roseanne can’t do any math apparently, since Soros was 13 when he and his family fled the Nazis.

She is completely vile. Not a single word of apology on Twitter will help her.

Roseanne Barr Never Left Twitter At All. She’s Back, Saying She Thought Valerie Jarrett was “Saudi” Not Black


It’s all a big joke to Roseanne Barr. Today her career ended, and she destroyed the incomes of a lot of people. She vowed to leave Twitter but guess what? She never did. Her account is still active and she’s still Tweeting.

She added: “Don’t feel sorry for me, guys!!-I just want to apologize to the hundreds of people,and wonderful writers (all liberal) and talented actors who lost their jobs on my show due to my stupid tweet. I will be on Joe Rogan’s podcast friday.”

This miserable creature can’t stop herself. She has no idea how much damage she’s done to anyone, let alone herself. Her agents have dropped her. ABC will wind up suing her. She’s finished on TV. HBO isn’t going to welcome her back. Netflix and Amazon, Hulu: very unlikely. She could do pay per view. But who would pay?

Roseanne, can no one shut you up? I’ll bet your kids, seeing their inheritance slip away, are trying their hardest.

EXCLUSIVE ABC Will Yank Tonight’s “Roseanne” Rerun, Replace it with Episode of “The Middle”


There will no more reruns of the “Roseanne” reboot.

I’m told that tonight’s rerun, with Johnny Galecki, has been yanked. It will be replaced by an episode of  “The Middle.” It will just happen without explanation.

The rest of the “Roseanne” rebooted episodes will be relegated to history. They’re not coming back to ABC.

See my syndication story. If you don’t have them on tape, “Roseanne” may vanish like the lost city of Atlantis.

What a stunning turn of events, all in less than a day. How sad for the kids in the cast of “Roseanne,” all of whom deserved better than this.

Otherwise all mention of “Roseanne” has been scrubbed from the ABC website.

Second Stunning Blow for Producer of “Roseanne” and “Cosby” as Syndication Revenue Vanishes

What happened today to “Roseanne” doesn’t just affect the star who caused all this destruction.

“Roseanne” is produced by Carsey Werner Television, owned by Tom Werner. With the reboot a gigantic hit, Carsey Werner was poised to reap millions from new syndication of the old “Roseanne” show.

Now, with Roseanne Barr’s Tweets looming large, TV stations may not be so keen on having old “Roseanne” back this fall.

Carsey Werner was also failing disaster with the pulling of the “The Cosby Show” from lucrative syndication. Since Bill Cosby was first accused of raping and drugging women, “The Cosby Show” was pulled from stations. It seemed to come back after things died down. But when Cosby was convicted, the show was history.

Now the Huxtables and the Conners may disappear forever from regular TV, left just to streaming services (perhaps) and DVDs.

How ironic since they were the polar opposites of each other.

Carsey Werner may now focus on a reboot of “That 70s Show”– and hope nothing bad is revealed about anyone from the old cast. (Doubtful– but you never know!)

“Roseanne” Reboot Legacy: Child Abuse, Racist Comments About ABC Shows, Condescension to the Middle Class


As quickly as it came, it’s gone. The “Roseanne” reboot was a terrible experiment.

Maybe that’s because Roseanne Barr had one idea, and everyone else had another.

Where to begin?

The worst moment in the ten weeks was Roseanne making fun of ABC’s black and Asian shows. “Yeah, they’re just like us” is a phrase that will live in infamy. She was referring to the much awarded, highly regarded “Black-ish” and “Fresh off the Boat.”

Then there was Roseanne’s physical abuse of her teenage granddaughter. Roseanne grabbed her by the neck and shoved her head under the kitchen faucet, with running water. It was child abuse, fair and square.

And there was the constant condescending to what class Roseanne thought the Conners belonged to. Roseanne, who lives in mansions, has had many face lifts, was the only character with a designer haircut. Everyone else on the show wore garish clothes– not cheap, but purposely ugly. She wore nice things. Her sister Jackie, with a police pension, looked as though she couldn’t take care of herself.

What’s more, you could feel the tension on their stage. In the old “Roseanne,” there was a camaraderie. There was no ‘point.’ Here, the political tug of war stretched across the screen and threatened to break the whole thing wide open.

Even worse, John Goodman– a movie icon for his character work– looked as though he was asleep. After years of indie films, here was a chance to make money. So he took it– no can fault him — but the price was so high. Dan Conner became a prop, and John Goodman didn’t seem to mind. It was infuriating.

And Laurie Metcalf. Here is she now on Broadway in Edward Albee’s “Three Tall Women.” She’s nominated for a Tony award. Last year she won a Tony for “A Doll’s House, Part 2.” She was nominated for an Oscar in “Lady Bird” and nearly won. All that great work was thrown out the window to play Roseanne’s foil. In ten episodes we learned nothing about Jackie. In the premiere she was anti-Trump. After that, she was just a punchline.

Thank god this thing is over.



“Roseanne” Star & Producer Sara Gilbert on Cancellation: “Roseanne’s comments are abhorrent”


It was Sara Gilbert who brokered the return of “Roseanne” to ABC. She’s the Executive Producer, having played Darlene on the original show. She invented and co-hosts “The Talk” on CBS as well.

Gilbert must be crushed by the cancellation today.

She’s Tweeted this: “Roseanne’s recent comments about Valerie Jarrett, and so much more, are abhorrent and do not reflect the beliefs of our cast and crew or anyone associated with our show. I am disappointed in her actions to say the least.This is incredibly sad and difficult for all of us, as we’ve created a show that we believe in, are proud of, and that audiences love— one that is separate and apart from the opinions and words of one cast member.”

“Roseanne” Cancelled by ABC: “Views are Repugnant” Iger Takes Swift Action


Today has been the craziest in a long time.

Disney and ABC have cancelled “Roseanne” swiftly after the star Roseanne Barr Tweeted offensive comments about Obama aide Valerie Jarrett. These Tweets, commbined with other statements Barr has made recently, left the network no choice.

ABC President Channing Dungey: “Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show.”

Just two weeks ago, “Roseanne” was touted by ABC as the centerpiece of their new schedule. They thought they’d tapped into the Trump audience that wanted to “make America great again.”

Ironically it was the hate associated with that phrase– the implicit message that America was only great when white people, straight, and from some Norman Rockwell envisioned painting ruled the country– that did Roseanne in.

How terrible for the young people on that show who were probably enjoying a taste of success. But for the others, all I can say is the incredible cynicism of being part of something you didn’t agree with only for the money– they deserve what they got. That goes for all the other adult members of the cast who voiced no opposition to Roseanne’s return as Archie Bunker gone wild.

And now Barr is finished– FINISHED — in Hollywood. She was already finished. ABC had previously passed on a pilot with her and Goodman as other characters. “Roseanne” only returned because Sara Gilbert, successful on CBS’s “The Talk,” pitched the idea. John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf were very successful on other arenas. Only Roseanne couldn’t get work. And now she never will again.
