Friday, September 27, 2024
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“Roseanne” Main Cast: John Goodman Pleads Ignorance About Scandal, Laurie Metcalf Disappears



The only member of the “Roseanne” cast who’s not said a word about her racist tweets– and the demise of the show– is Laurie Metcalf. The Emmy and Tony winning Oscar nominated actress is on Broadway right now in “Three Tall Women.” She’s nominated for another Tony and it’s hers to lose, so silence is the best course of action. Metcalf was pretty much wasted in the “Roseanne” reboot. Who knows what she thought going in? But they treated her badly.

John Goodman didn’t say anything voluntarily. He was video’d at a New Orleans gas station. (It could have been staged, but that seems like a lot of work.) The video was sold to “ET.” Goodman says he knows nothing, stays off social media, and hasn’t heard from anyone. That’s diplomatic. He’s no doubt spoken to Roseanne  Barr as they’ve maintained a friendship over the years. They almost made another series a couple of years ago, but it wasn’t sold.

Goodman should get a SAG Lifetime Achievement Award this winter. He’s a great choice–so many different movie roles, TV, theater. He’s a great great actor. Just look at this performance:


Two Weeks Later: Still No Word from amFAR on How Much Cannes Celeb Gala Made


Here’s a reminder: it’s been two weeks since embattled charity am FAR gave its annual gala in Cannes. And there’s still no word from them on how much money they made that night, or what the costs were. If I were the IRS or other authorities who monitor charities, I’d be curious.

If you’ve given money to amFAR, you should be curious.

Most charities announce their take for a gala that night at the event. amFAR has always trumpeted some number at the end of the evening.

But this year, there were few celebrities. Pierce Brosnan was the main draw. Stars stayed away from the event after amFAR had a year of upheaval. Much of their board was fired or quit. Kenneth Cole is gone. Harvey Weinstein, obviously. There was no Sharon Stone, no Leo, no Nicole Kidman. Cannes jury president Cate Blanchett didn’t even bother doing a photo op. Kristen Stewart did, then left.

amFAR pays its CEO Kevin Frost over $600,000 a year. They are top heavy with salaries. It’s their fiduciary duty to release the actual numbers from Cannes– and I do mean the actual numbers, not a fantasy.

What we do know: a mysterious Ukranian woman named Marina Acton spent $1.4 million on a Pierce Brosnan painting of Dylan. Someone else spent around that amount on a bunch of dresses.

The word from amFAR: “We’re still counting.” It takes a long time to roll all those 1 Euro coins for the bank!


New Maroon 5 Video Has Lots of Celebs (Ellen, JLo, Gal Gadot, Cardi B) But Not the Face of Guitarist James Valentine


Are there other members of Maroon 5 besides Adam Levine? According to their new video, not really. I never knew their names so I looked up the guitarist who plays all those catchy riffs on their radio friendly singles. His name is James Valentine.

In the new Maroon 5 video, you see him right at the beginning– just his guitar, hands, and ends of his long hair. But not his face. You do see Adam, a ton of celebs, and Levine’s model wife and child.

I think of Maroon 5 like the Three Dog Night of modern music– capable pop, a little impersonal, but supermarket ready. And I guess the other members, whoever they are, dig the paycheck. But maybe they’d like to be seen, too, one day.

PS My favorite Adam Levine songs were from the movie “Begin Again.”

Muppet Creator Jim Henson’s Son Wins Right to Release Raunchy Film with Muppet-Like Puppets Who Ejaculate, Curse, and Party


The folks at Sesame Street lost a court case yesterday. They were suing Brian Henson, the son of late Muppets creator Jim Henson. Why? Brian, a director, has made a hard R movie with Melissa McCarthy for release this summer. Muppet-like creatures use foul language and have sexual situations. One of them ejaculates.

The tag line for the movie: “No Sesame. All Street.”

So you thought Donald Trump had trashed everything we liked in the world. Now it’s Brian Henson, chairman of the Henson Company, inheritor of his father’s mantle.

Isn’t this swell?

The judge in the case ruled against “Sesame Street.” He said the movie looks like fun.

I do recall being at the Sundance Film Festival years ago when a short film was shown. Bert and Ernie were adults, and gay. They were so despondent about it they killed each other. The film was never shown again. I wrote at the time “the Sesame Street lawyers will be here before noon.”

But we live in a new world. I wonder why Brian Henson hates his father so much. Jim Henson is dead. Anyway, it’s always the next generation that screws up the work of the creators.

“Happytime Murders” is from STX Entertainment, which is certainly carving out a name for itself.

This story was brought to you by the letter F.

PS The actual Muppets were sold to Disney years ago– that’s Big Bird, Elmo, Miss Piggy. The puppets in Brian Henson’s movie just look like their cousins. But the real Muppets– they are safe from this crap.


Movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein Indicted by Grand Jury on Two Counts of Rape, Trial Unlikely


A grand jury in New York City has indicted former movie mogul Harvey Weinstein on two counts of rape and one charge of a criminal sex act.

US District Attorney Cy Vance says it brings Weinstein “another step closer to accountability.” Earlier in the day, Weinstein’s lawyer Ben Brafman said his client would not testify before the grand jury. The testimony of the alleged victims was enough to bring the indictment.

Those hoping for a “trial of the century” will be disappointed. It’s unlikely that Weinstein would put his children or himself through a length, contentious trial. Some kind of plea bargain is expected.

The downfall of Harvey Weinstein is like a Greek tragedy. He had everything in the world.  The movies he produced or distributed reaped around 65 Oscars– the largest number for a single studio. The films were of the highest quality.

But the hubris, and the insular stance that led to abuse of power was stunning. He became emblematic for women who would no longer be victims, around the world.

There will be more.


ABC Removes Unauthorized Michael Jackson Special from Website as Estate Sues– Network’s Second Scandal of the Week


UPDATE The special is gone from the ABC website.

EARLIER What a week for ABC-Disney. First Roseanne, now Michael Jackson.

The Jackson estate has filed a copyright infringement law suit against ABC over the unauthorized special “The Last Days of Michael Jackson.”

We knew this was coming. The Estate had already complained about use of images and video that was not properly licensed. ABC held out this was a news show. But it wasn’t. It was just a recap of gossip. There was nothing newsy about it.

Ironically, ABC was where Jackson got into trouble back in 2003. It was Martin Bashir’s special, an ambush called “Living with Michael Jackson,” that prompted the Santa Barbara DA’s office to investigate whether Jackson had molested Gavin Arvizo. The DA cooked up evidence to get a trial that he eventually lost. But the net result was permanent damage to Jackson’s life and career. Bashir is long gone from ABC. But the network continues to exploit Jackson for ratings.

The lawsuit states: “Although titled The Last Days of Michael Jackson, the program did not
focus on Michael Jackson’s last days. Rather, it was simply a mediocre look back at
Michael Jackson’s life and entertainment career. A Rolling Stone review described
the program as “offer[ing] little in the way of new revelations or reporting and at
times seems heavy on armchair psychoanalysis and unsupported conjecture.” The
magazine was being too generous. The program contained nothing “in the way of
new revelations or reporting.”

It continues: “Unable to make a compelling presentation about Michael Jackson on its
own, Disney decided to exploit the Jackson Estate’s intellectual property without
permission or obtaining a license for its use. After all, there there is always a healthy
audience for Michael Jackson’s timeless music, his ground-breaking videos, and
footage of his unforgettable live performances. Why not just use Michael Jackson’s
works if one can get advertisers to buy time on the program? But in order to use
these valuable assets, a license must be obtained for it by the Estate.”

Estate attorney Howard Weitzman cleverly argues in the complaint that ABC’s parent company Disney has been aggressive in policing its own copyrights like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.


Clueless Roseanne Keeps Tweeting: Considering Fighting Back, Says “my nervous system/family/wealth will NEVER b taken from me”


Roseanne, the Alexander Haig of TV, is clueless and losing it on Twitter. This is what she’s done this afternoon. And it’s still early in LA or Hawaii.

She’s getting defensive, too. She declares: “my nervous system/family/wealth will NEVER b taken from me”

Got that?

Exclusive: Roseanne’s One Scheduled Show, in Maryland This October, Has Been Cancelled


I told you recently that the MGM National Harbor in Maryland couldn’t sell tickets to see Roseanne Barr. Their original May date was rescheduled for October just to see if her new season could scare up buyers.

Now the show has been cancelled altogether.

Yesterday afternoon when I called the show was still on. But given the developments late in the day, it’s all over.

On top of that, Roseanne’s agents, ICM Partners, have dropped her.

I guess she could go back to Canada, where she played a few dates this spring. Ambien is cheaper up there, anyway.


Watch Roseanne Sing “My Way” and ABC Chief Ben Sherwood Joke About Her Tweets at Network Presentation


Not many people have seen this video of Roseanne Barr getting the star treatment at the recent ABC upfronts. Network chief Ben Sherwood lets her joke that he writes all her Tweets. She sings “My Way.” The whole presentation is tied to the success of “Roseanne.” Yesterday must have been brutal in the Disney ABC corporate suites. Not only did they lose “Roseanne” but “The Middle” wrapped its nine season run. Their scheduling problems today are outsized.

Donald Trump Thinks “Roseanne” Scandal Is All About Him, Roseanne Attacks Her Own Castmates, Ambien Maker Has Witty Response


Just to catch us up.

Donald Trump thinks the Roseanne scandal is all about him. He wonders why Disney head Bob Iger hasn’t called to apologize about comments made about Trump. Trump actually is the product of Planet of the Apes and Lost in Space, with some input from the smoke monster in “Lost.”


Then there’s Roseanne herself. Clueless abut her situation and not taking any responsibility for her actions, she’s attacking her castmates.

 Michael Fishman, who plays DJ (Dan Jr) on the show, had previously Tweeted:

Barr responded: “i created the platform for that inclusivity and you know http://it.ME . You throw me under the bus. nice!”

Finally, Ambien wins the award today for wittiest response to Barr’s assertion that their drug made her say all these awful things.