Thursday, September 26, 2024
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American Film Institute Salutes George Clooney Tonight After a Down Year of Finances


George Clooney will be saluted tonight by the American Film Institute at their annual fundraiser. The proceedings will be shown on TNT on June 21st. Julia Roberts, whose last movie with Clooney– “Money Monster”– was a disaster, will give Clooney the award. If Roberts is anything like she’s been at similar ceremonies, there will be a lot of bleeping during her speech. She drops the F word about as much as Adele.

Clooney, it is hoped, will be a big draw. The AFI needs it. According to their Form 990 for 2016, their revenue less expenses came to MINUS $262,124. Total assets were off by $2 million, from $47 mil in 2015 to $45 mil. Net assets or fund balances were down from 2015 by about $1.5 million.

On the bright side, the AFI upped their grants to individuals in 2016 to $225,000 from just $18,000 the year before. But the not for profit, so important to film students and historians, is top heavy with $16 million in salaries in 2016. (Their CEO made $567,000.) They spend just a tad more– $17 million– on education and training, exhibitions, and national programs. Independent contractors were paid around $2 million in 2016.

The AFI has two big annual events– tonight’s dinner and an annual luncheon during Golden Globe weekend, held at the Four Seasons for the 10 best movies and TV shows of the year. In 2016, they reported a net loss of $601,080. The net realized losses on investments is listed as MINUS $1.39 million.

So the Clooney event tonight is key. We’re rooting for them. Maybe Clooney and his Casamigas Tequila partners will underwrite some scholarships. Every year, AFI produces a new class of talented filmmakers whose names usually come up in awards seasons not too long after graduation.


DC Comics, Films in Turmoil: Head of Division Ousted as Two Different Actors — Jared Leto, Joaquin Phoenix– Will Star as “The Joker”


It’s been pretty clear for a long time to fans that the DC Comics Universe in the movies, at least, is a freakin’ mess.

With the exception of “Wonder Woman,” none of the recent movies have made anyone happy. “Suicide Squad,” “Justice League,” “Batman vs. Superman” — oy vey. They don’t hold a candle to the Marvel movies, and I say this as a childhood fan of DC.

One bright spot of “Suicide Squad” was Jared Leto as The Joker. This was a big deal since Heath Ledger had been so indelible as The Joker in “The Dark Knight Returns” and won an Oscar. But he’s gone.

But instead of giving Leto a standalone movie, or one with Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, DC and Warner Bros. announced a different Joker movie starring Joaquin Phoenix, directed by Todd Phillips. So that would mean Phoenix in that film, Leto (maybe) in another “Suicide Squad” movie. The Joker’s wild!

Now, suddenly, a Leto Joker movie is back (reported by Variety). But so is the Phoenix film. Leto is bright and colorful, Phoenix is dark and wicked. Clearly, no one at DC and WB can decide what the Joker is. This would be as if Marvel had Ryan Reynolds in one set of Deadpool movies, and Daniel Day Lewis (as if) in another.

But Marvel knows what they are, with a clear editorial focus.

DC, on the other hand, doesn’t. That’s why they ousted DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson this week. She was also head of Warner Consumer Products. Nelson was with Warner Bros. for 20 years. But she is gone, completely, after all this confusion. (And that includes the Ben Affleck-Batman situation.)

So now what? Maybe DC/WB can find someone with a passion and clear understanding of the DC Universe. So far that’s been limited to Patty Jenks with “Wonder Woman.”

And two Jokers? It didn’t work for “The Two Jakes.” (Inside joke.) It won’t work here.

“London Fields” — The Really Awful Film with Johnny Depp and Amber Heard — Finally Set for August Release


It’s hard to believe, but Matthew Cullen’s very awful “London Fields” is coming to a near theatre all of us this August.

This is the film based on Martin Amis’s bestselling novel. Amber Heard stars as Nicola Six. Amber’s ex husband, Johnny Depp, is featured but not credited on the film poster. They met began their affair just before the movie started, and married when it was finished. The short marriage was as dreadful, evidently, as the film.

Shot in 2013, “London Fields” was supposed to screen at the 2015 Toronto Film Festival, but was pulled when lawsuits broke out over just how bad it was. Still, some critics saw it. They’re still being attended to (just kidding).

Director Cullen sued the producers, who’d taken the film away from him and re-cut it to try and make sense of the whole thing. (Cullen was asked to re-submit new versions but never did, according to reports.) According to a 2015 review in The Guardian, nothing worked in the producers’ resuscitation.

Theo James, Cara deLevigne, Jim Sturgess and Billy Bob Thornton co-star. Martin Cullen makes an inauspicious feature film directorial debut after transitioning from music videos. He’s very nice. I met him at the Spirit Awards this year. He lent me his wrist band so I could go use the Porta-Potty.

It seems like Marc Urman’s Paladin Films has the honor of distribution.

 Here’s the trailer, which is considered Not Suitable for Viewing at Work or in a Public Place:


“Sweeney Todd” Still Glorious in Downtown NYC Bake Shop, Wraps 18 Month Run Soon


I would go back and see “Sweeney Todd” in its current incarnation every night if  I could. The version I saw recently (for the third time–different cast) takes place in the fictitious Harrington’s Bake Shop aka the Barrow Street Theater just off Seventh Avenue in Greenwich Village.

I went the first time because it was such an oddity–a British company bringing over a “Sweeney Todd” they’d performed in a tiny London bakeshop. Alas, that cast left after a few weeks, replaced by Norm Lewis and Carolee Carmello– Broadway superstars– to carry on as Sweeney and Mrs. Lovett.

I returned once again, principally to see Sally Ann Triplett from Sting’s “The Last Ship” and other shows, a younger Mrs. Lovett maybe, but intriguing. She’s joined by Thom Sesma, a lanky Todd, also younger, plus the reliably hilarious Stacie Bono playing the barber Pirelli and the beggar woman, aka Lucy Barker, and just five others: Michael James Leslie as Judge Turpin, Zachary Noah Piser as Tobias (with a lilting tenor he gets to sing “Not While I’m Around”), John Rapson (a young Beadle with a lovely voice), Billy Tighe as the lovestruck sailor Anthony (he gets to sing “Joanna”), and Delaney Westfall as a spunkier than usual but still clueless Joanna.

Just eight cast members- plus three amazing musicians who make Stephen Sondheim’s best and most complex score soar like they’re a symphony: Matt Aument on a stand up piano, Tomoko Akoboshi on violin, and Michael Breaux on clarinet.

Plus, for verisimilitude, you can come early and eat a delicious pie made not of priest or friar but meat, chicken, or vegetables. (It’s well worth it.)

“Sweeney Todd” was not a big hit when it opened in March 1979 on Broadway. Even though it won all the Tony Awards (Best Musical, score, Actress-Angela Lansbury, Actor-Len Cariou–the father on “Blue Bloods” now!), the show only lasted til June 1980 in that run. But aficionados and fanatics knew it was the best Sondheim show (which is saying a lot) and maybe the best score ever. Thirty eight years later, the demon barber of Fleet Street and his half crazed paramour baker Mrs. Lovett are legendary.

You can sit in the pie shop and listen to that score and wonder How the heck did Sondheim do it? There are so many small moving parts to the music, themes that repeat and overlap and signal characters, it’s overwhelming. Also, that each of those parts is rich in melody, has the “hooks” of the greatest pop songs, and includes nods to opera as well as great musical comedy. The songs like “Pretty Women” and “Joanna” and “Not While I’m Around” are equal to or better than anything ever written by Sondheim, who don’t forget wrote “Somewhere” and “Send in the Clowns” and “The Ladies Who Lunch” just for starters.

Anyway, it’s a nice break from Roseanne, Kanye, Harvey, Melania MIA, and so on. Get down to the Barrow Theater ASAP. “Sweeney Todd” pie shop version is a joy. Sally Ann Triplett is a sensational Mrs. Lovett, Sting would be proud of her. She and Sesma and Piser had a very unusual rapport– I’ve seen this show so many times and yet I was very moved by the ending. It surprised even a cynic like me. Bravo!

Kate Spade’s Husband Makes Statement That Raises More Questions Than it Answers


Kate Spade’s husband, Andy Spade, has issued a statement about his wife’s suicide. It raises more questions than it answers. According to Andy, they’d been living apart for 10 months. “We were not legally separated, and never even discussed divorce.” That seems a long time and doesn’t address why they they were in that situation or who was living with Kate and their daughter if she was so depressed. They never discussed divorce? That’s hard to believe. And the wording in the first paragraph–we were in touch with her— who was in touch with whom?

Read this statement. Something tells me this is the beginning, not the end, of this terrible story.


“Kate was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was the kindest person I’ve ever known and my best friend for 35 years. My daughter and I are devastated by her loss, and can’t even begin to fathom life without her. We are deeply heartbroken and miss her already.Kate suffered from depression and anxiety for many years. She was actively seeking help and working closely with her doctors to treat her disease, one that takes far too many lives. We were in touch with her the night before and she sounded happy. There was no indication and no warning that she would do this. It was a complete shock. And it clearly wasn’t her. There were personal demons she was battling.

For the past 10 months we had been living separately, but within a few blocks of each other. Bea was living with both of us and we saw each other or spoke every day. We ate many meals together as a family and continued to vacation together as a family. Our daughter was our priority. We were not legally separated, and never even discussed divorce. We were best friends trying to work through our problems in the best way we knew how. We were together for 35 years. We loved each other very much and simply needed a break.

This is the truth. Anything else that is out there right now is false. She was actively seeking help for depression and anxiety over the last 5 years, seeing a doctor on a regular basis and taking medication for both depression and anxiety. There was no substance or alcohol abuse. There were no business problems. We loved creating our businesses together. We were co-parenting our beautiful daughter. I have yet to see any note left behind and am appalled that a private message to my daughter has been so heartlessly shared with the media.

My main concern is Bea and protecting her privacy as she deals with the unimaginable grief of losing her mother. Kate loved Bea so very much.”

Harry Potter aka Daniel Radcliffe Will Be on Broadway While Harry Potter is on Broadway


You know, Harry Potter is on Broadway now as a play — “Harry and Potter and the Cursed Child.” It will likely win some Tony Awards on Sunday.

So just to be confusing, “Harry” is coming to Broadway this fall. Daniel Radcliffe, who played Harry in the eight movies, is returning to the stage in a new play come October. “The Lifespan of a Fact” is written by Jeremy Kareken & David Murrell and Gordon Farrell, directed by Leigh Silverman.

Three playwrights? Very unusual. They adapted it from a book of the same name byby John D’Agata and Jim Fingal about a fact checker and the writer of a magazine article.

More good news: Bobby Cannavale and Cherry Jones co-star. Well, you can’t do better than that.

The sixteen week engagement is at the Roundabout/Studio 54.



Gaga for Oscars: First Trailer for Bradley Cooper’s “A Star is Born” with Lady Gaga Wows


The word on Bradley Cooper’s remake of “A Star is Born” is that it’s great.

We sure hope so! The first trailer is very promising. Last night at the “Oceans 8” premiere, the folks from Warner Bros. were very excited.

Look at this trailer- Bradley Cooper is a country singer! Gaga is rocking. This could really up end the Oscars in the best way! They even sing together– and Gaga is her real self, Stefani Germanotta. It looks like they used her real backstory as an aspiring songwriter. Very smart.

Will It Go Round in Circles? Fifth Beatle Billy Preston’s Estate Still Not Settled 12 Years After His Death


The amazing Billy Preston died 12 years ago today. He was one of the great music stars of all time– the only artist ever listed on a Beatles record on the label– “Get Back” by The Beatles and Billy Preston. He had massive #1 hits including “Will it Go Round in Circles” and “Nothing from Nothing.” He co-wrote the famous Joe Cocker hit, “You are So Beautiful to Me.”

Billy died after spending six months in a coma on June 6th, 2006. But I can tell you exclusively that three days before Billy’s death, on June 3rd, his sister Rodena Preston– now deceased herself– decided he was dead  anyway. In a shocking move, she opened a probate case on him. Billy was not dead yet, and not even in the throes of dying. But Rodena– whom Billy had cut out of his life, along with with the rest of his family– filed a petition as if he were gone. She wanted his money. Probates are always filed after a person has stopped breathing. You need a death certificate. She didn’t have one.

caption this: Death before dying.

A dozen years later, Preston’s estate has still not been settled. His manager and business partner, Joyce Moore, acting on his wishes (which, in full disclosure, I heard Billy declare many times), has weathered a long legal storm to get justice for Billy and end this nightmare.  First she had to settle a long and complicated bankruptcy proceeding that took years. But even with that behind her, Preston’s avaricious extended “family” continues to cause trouble.

Rodena Preston’s early probate filing was made by her son in law, an attorney named Bill Hence, Jr. who ultimately resigned by the California Bar “with charges pending.” Rodena, in order to pull off this scheme, claimed Preston had died “in testate” without a will, when in fact in 2004 he had disinherited her and the whole family from his will and his 1999 probate avoidance trust.

Now that Rodena is dead, the newest stumbling block to putting Billy’s estate to bed is a possible illegitimate half sister who calls herself Lettie Preston. But “Lettie Preston,” who claims to have been the product of an affair Billy’s dad had, has no birth certificate and no paperwork to prove her relation. She believes she’s a Preston, but has no way to back it up. This past January, Lettie Preston filed a response to a motion with the court objecting to being asked for a birth certificate showing that George Preston, Billy’s father, was hers as well.

(Lettie Preston actually wrote me an email in September 2010, disputing statements I made then about what was at the time a four year old case. Now it’s a twelve year old case. In that time she has not been able to advance her cause with anything but hearsay.)

Will it go round in circles? Moore, who is married to R&B great Sam Moore, used to drive Billy to weekly dialysis treatments in his later years when he lived in Arizona– not California, where he died and where his family insists he was a resident. When Preston slipped into a coma, it was Moore who cared for him and even welcomed Eric Clapton to Preston’s bedside. (Clapton hoped to wake Billy up by playing him their records, but to no avail.)

At his penultimate performance– at the Atlantis in the Bahamas for Sam Moore’s 70th birthday, October 2005– I asked Billy about his sisters, legit or otherwise. “I don’t want anything to do with them,” he said quite emphatically. I never forgot it. It’s hoped that sometime soon Billy Preston’s real wishes will be carried out and he can actually rest in peace.


“Ocean’s 8”: Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett Are Cool Thieves, And Anne Hathaway Steals the Show — Plus Rihanna is a Movie Star Now


You can’t not like “Ocean’s 8.” It’s not possible. The cast is so perfectly full of the best people, and they just want to have fun: Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett anchor the plot of this caper comedy directed by Gary Ross, but it’s Anne Hathaway who steals the show, with Sarah Paulson, Rihanna, and James Corden punctuating the story with perfect supporting roles.

There’s even a cameo by Elliott Gould from the original “Ocean’s” movies but no other big stars like George Clooney or Matt Damon, even though they were rumored to be in it. (In fact, Clooney’s character seems to have been decisively removed for now from this iteration–his character is said to be dead.)

Warner Bros. knows they have a hit with “Ocean’s 8.” They threw a big old fashioned swanky premiere last night starting with a screening at Alice Tully Hall followed by a lavish party at the Metropolitan Museum’s Temple of Dendur. That’s because “Ocean’s 8” is also about stealing a $150 million Cartier necklace from the Met Ball. (Good product placement!)

Interesting: Anna Wintour is mentioned in the movie but is seen for a nano second. Maybe she was scared off by her disastrous involvement in “Zoolander 2.” But there has been almost zero of the expected synchronicity between the movie, Anna, Vogue and the Ball.

There are plenty of other fun cameos in “Ocean’s 8” and it’s worth staying for the closing credits to see all the people who play themselves at the movie’s re-staging of the Ball. Ross also used several “older” actresses from New York to play a pivotal plot point including Marlo Thomas, Dana Ivey, Elizabeth Ashley and Mary Louise Wilson.

But back to the party, where Rihanna wore Givenchy, Sarah Paulson was in all plastic Prada, Helena Bonham Carter, Bullock, and Blanchett were shining stars. Anne Hathaway’s dad, Gerry, was overcome with pride for Anne and thrilled for his MIA wife (Anne’s mom) Kate who’s getting raves in Cape May right now playing Erma Bombeck in a one woman show. Bonham-Carter told me her life has been a “nightmare” lately (divorce from director Tim Burton) but she’s back now–can’t wait to see her in more movies.

Bullock is the leader of the “Ocean’s 8” gang as Debbie Ocean, and she helped organize the movie. But when I congratulated her, she was so gracious to the “Ocean’s” original producer, the late Jerry Weintraub. “It’s all about Jerry, he did it,” she said. Sandy and Cate had a long confab, which is how I got the photo here. I asked Cate how she liked being head of the Cannes jury this year. “It was hard work,” she said. “But I think I had a great group on the jury.” Blanchett, who is Australian, has finally settled in the UK outside of London with husband Andrew Upton and her boys, after a year of globe trotting.

“Ocean’s 8” is going to be a big hit– we need it– it’s fun, refreshing, and cool. And there are just enough twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seats. Sequels– oh yes, we’ll have “Ocean’s 9” and “Ocean’s 10”– there is plenty of potential!



All photos c2018 Showbiz411

Rupert Murdoch’s Fraudulent Fox News On PR Campaign Against Big Network Newscasts


It’s not like any one takes Fox News seriously except for escaped mental patients. But suddenly Rupert Murdoch’s fraudulent “news” network is on a PR campaign against Real News.

Twice in the last two weeks, the New York Post — under Murdoch’s aegis, sister of Fox News– has printed ridiculous stories about CBS News thinking of getting rid of evening news anchor Jeff Glor after just six months. There are no facts or sources to back this up. It’s just the Post shilling for Fox News and Murdoch. Glor is in fact doing a very good job and isn’t going anywhere.

Today, — a place where Murdoch can plant his own crazy ideas– attacks Lester Holt at NBC News. Fox News should be so lucky to have Lester Holt. The headline is “Embarrassment for Lester Holt as Ratings Sink.”

The embarrassment is Fox News. I should know. I watched it all unfold for 10 years. They are steeped in fiction and agenda. Only Shepherd Smith seems to have any editorial independence. The rest of the day is just a cosmic fantasy, in which conspiracy theories, slightly veiled racism and homophobia, and the provocation of bitterness forms the day’s plan.

I guess they’ll go after David Muir next at ABC if they can figure out a tactic. And of course, Fox News distrusts CNN– the network everyone turns to in times of real crisis– and MSNBC. They use very big words at those places.

PS I am hopeful that the reboot of “Murphy Brown” will once again skewer “Wolf News.” It never gets old!