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(Watch Video) Rudy Giuliani’s Alleged Mistress Comments On Hospital Cyber Security: “Nobody’s Been Able to Penetrate Us”


So it seems Rudy Giuliani has been visiting his alleged mistress up in New Hampshire and making the news up there too. The local TV station did a segment about Rudy consulting the hospital where Dr. Maria Ryan works about cyber security. Dr. Ryan, who was allegedly having an affair with Rudy (she’s married, he’s married) actually told the station: “Nobody’s been able to penetrate us.” She was talking about their great IT system, of course. Move your cursor :58 seconds in.

I’m surprised the New York Post didn’t catch this. Rudy’s third wife, Judith Nathan, will be impressed by her husband’s consultancy.

So let’s review. The president of the United States is offering to develop beach condos in North Korea with a man who fed his own uncle to dogs. Back home, POTUS’s lawyer has double timed his third wife, is heading for his third divorce after getting caught being unable to penetrate… Well, it’s all surreal, isn’t it?

Report: Rudy Giuliani Cheated on 3rd Wife Judi Nathan, Just as He Cheated on 2nd Wife


Creepy Rudy Giuliani cheated on third wife, Judith Nathan, just the way he cheated on Donna Hanover — wife number 2 — with Nathan.

The New York Post reports this woman is married — this is a hoot– to an ex-Marine. Like Nathan, she had something to do with the medical field. Maria Rosa Ryan, 53 is a hospital administrator in New Hampshire. (She must suffer from severe vision impairment and hearing loss, but no one has commented on that yet.)

Giuliani is the face of the Trump legal team. He’s the ass of the century. Back in April 2000, I caught him on a “date” with Nathan the day after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Within two weeks, Hanover kicked him out and divorced him. Giuiliani’s children with Hanover didn’t speak to him for a long time. Lately son Andrew works for him in his consultant business. But how can he look at him now? Giuliani is a sniveling rat.

Of course, Nathan shouldn’t be surprised. What did she think when he cheated on Hanover with her?


Kevin Spacey Film “Billionaire Boys Club” Coming in August from Same Distributor as “Gotti” Movie


Vertical Entertainment may be remembered one day the as the film distributor of lost causes.

The very small company with peculiar taste is going to release “Billionaire Boys Club” on August 17th. The film stars Kevin Spacey, whose career imploded this winter after many accusations of sexual impropriety. Spacey went off to rehab for sex addiction and hasn’t been heard from since then. Will he walk a red carpet in August? Doubtful.

The NY Post’s legendary Richard Johnson has the release date in July, but Vertical has August on their website. The latter makes more sense since no one in the world will be paying attention.

One insider who worked on “BBC” says: “Sad. Everyone on the movie worked so hard on it gave their best. Sad outcome.”

Vertical has another movie of interest coming this Friday, “Gotti” starring John Travolta as mobster John Gotti. That film also has a storied history, but threw a pretty great party in Cannes last month with 50 Cent performing and John Gotti, Jr. on the premises. Since then Gotti Jr. has given the movie less than a rousing endorsement. But we’re all curious to see how the film turned out at this point.

“BBC” is directed by James Cox, and stars Ansel Elgort as the organizer of a Ponzi scheme in the 1980s– true story– who kidnapped and killed an “investor” in their club named Ron Levin (Spacey). There was a book and a TV movie years ago.


Rose McGowan Indicted on Felony Possession of Cocaine, Will Plead Not Guilty, Says it Was Planted


Rose McGowan’s year of being “Brave” has just gotten tougher. A grand jury in Virginia has indicted her on a felony possession charge of possessing cocaine.

The coke was found in a wallet left on a flight in Dulles Airport back in January 2017. McGowan said she left the wallet behind. When it turned up, it had the cocaine, which of course, McGowan says wasn’t hers.

McGowan will plead not guilty when she’s arraigned. If convicted, she could face up to a year in jail. The whole thing seems preposterous, but so does her assertion that Harvey Weinstein, who she claims raped her 20 years ago, somehow had the drugs planted on her.

Rose was in the press yesterday as she spoke for her pal, Asia Argento, the girlfriend of Anthony Bourdain. Argento, also a Weinstein accuser, has come under fire following Bourdain’s suicide. Argento said on social media she’d asked Rose to speak for her regarding Bourdain. The result was an assertion that she and Bourdain had had an “open” relationship, and that romantic looking photos of Asia and an Italian journalist cavorting in Rome didn’t instigate Bourdain’s suicide.

What a mess. Even if Bourdain was caught unaware by the photos, they certainly couldn’t have caused him to take his own life. He was the father of a teenager who needed him, had a successful career. Whatever demons he had or depression that plagued ran deeper than a broken heart.

As for Rose, a plea deal of some kind will be the result in Virginia. She’s had a tough, tough time. Her TV series, “Citizen Rose,” was down to about 88,000 viewers in its last outing on the E! channel. Her book, “Brave,” has gotten a lot of positive publicity but hasn’t sold. She has her fervent supporters, and she’s a heroine as an activist. Here’s hoping she can find some peace soon. She deserves it.

Barbra Streisand Smells Success for New Lady Gaga “Star is Born,” Licenses New Version of Her Classic to Netflix


You know, Barbra Streisand is smart, smart, smart. So is her manager of 200 years, Marty Erlichman. They smell success with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s new version of “A Star is Born.”

So Barbra has made a deal with Netflix to show a revamped, extended version of her 1976 “A Star is Born” with Kris Kristofferson. The revamped “Star” will have an instrumental version of her hit “Evergreen,” and added footage to the song “With One More Look At You/Watch Closely Now” medley finale.

Sounds good– and all this should launch in time to upstage a little of the Cooper movie this fall. Smart idea. But La Barbra needn’t worry. Even if the Cooper movie is “Citizen Kane,” her canon is intact. There is only one Streisand.

Also, Barbra has made an overall content deal with Netflix to show a lot of her old TV specials, no longer available.

What’s next? I’m surprised Barbra hasn’t launched a Sirius channel. Seems so obvious.

2018 Tony Awards: Anemic Showing in the Ratings, Numbers were LOWER During Springsteen Performance


Despite a very good show, Bruce Springsteen, Robert DeNiro dropping F bombs, and a feeling of solidarity, the Tony Awards ratings were a disaster. Only around 6 million people watched the show, with a decline to 5.7 million during the 10-11 pm hour when Bruce performed.

The numbers were on a par with last year, which was way down from 2016 and the big “Hamilton” bonanza. Pretty much the exact same number of people in the same demo watched the Tonys last night as watched them last year. It’s a steadfast, hearty, if exclusive group.

The Tonys actually lost a million voters from the “60 Minutes” lead in. The news mag had 7.8 mil viewers from 7 to 8pm. The Tonys immediately dropped to 6.8 mil. A lot of people turned to “Celebrity Family Feud.”

It’s kind of amazing since the total box office numbers are up, but that’s also because of inflated ticket prices for shows like Springsteen’s and “Hello, Dolly!” with Bette Midler. Those numbers have given the Broadway producers a false sense of success.

Still, the mood in Radio City was upbeat. Josh Groban and Sara Barielles did a very good job as hosts. They’re singers par excellence and exuded confidence. You couldn’t complain about them. But look, it was not a very good theater season. “The Band’s Visit” brought home 10 Tonys, but it’s a low key show. The blockbuster shows this year– “Frozen,” “Mean Girls”–were tepid at best. The bad shows– “Donna Summer,” “Margaritaville”– were really bad.

The big surprise among theater people was the winner of Best Revival, Musical. In the minds of conventional Tony people, the race was “Carousel” vs. “My Fair Lady.” They are basically the same shows and shouldn’t have come in in the same year. They cancelled each other out. “Once On An Island” — not a great show– snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. “Carousel” producer Scott Rudin must have known what was coming; he didn’t even bother to come to the Tonys.

Rudin lost with “Carousel” and also with “The Iceman Cometh” and to some extent with “Three Tall Women.” With the latter, his actresses Glenda Jackson and Laurie Metcalf picked up awards. But that was like shooting fish in a barrel. And the total wipe out of “Iceman” was pretty stunning. Denzel Washington looked pretty pissed. At least they gave out Best Actor in a Play to Andrew Garfield at the top of the show–it put Denzel out of his misery fast.

UPDATE (See Video) Paul McCartney New Single “Come Home to You,” Ready to Drop on Thursday: New Album May Finally Be Ready for his 76th Birthday


TUESDAY UPDATE: Paul McCartney’s Instagram account has been stripped down to just three posts including the weird new logo and a black and white photo of microphones in a studio. A new single is about to drop. Madonna may also have something this week. Who knows? It’s the time of the season.

McCartney played the song in Liverpool two days ago. The uptempo rocker, very catchy of course, sounds it’s called “Come Home to You.” Here’s the video:


EARLIER : Youthful and endlessly creative Paul McCartney will turn 76 next Monday, June 18th.

Today he posted a crpyptic drawing to Instagram. It looks like a logo of some kind. His new album may be ready to drop. At least a single is on the way. Could it be this Friday, in advance of turning 76? Let’s hope so.

McCartney has been working with Ryan Tedder, Greg Kurstin (famous for Adele’s “Hello”) and other producers for over a year. He hasn’t had an album of new material since “New” in 2013,

I am an unabashed McCartney fan since the moment “Another Day” came out as a single. Some of the albums are exceptional– McCartney, Ram, Wildlife, Band on the Run, Flowers in the Dirt, Flaming Pie, Chaos and Creation, Memory Almost Full. Some are sentimental favorites–Red Rose Speedway, Driving Rain. And then there are the surprising Electric Fireman albums. McCartney’s Unplugged album is absolutely genius.

So please, Paul, what a nice birthday present for all of us this week. We need it.

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One Direction Must Reunite: Harry Styles Concert Tickets Not Selling, Neither are Records by Individual Group Members


Someone has got to speak to the individual members of One Direction. Their experiment of splitting into five solo acts is a disaster.

Right now, there is an abundance of tickets for sale on the secondary market for Harry Styles, the best known member of the group. Styles released a self titled debut album last year that so far has sold 382,000 copies. That’s over a hundred thousand shy of a “gold record.”

Styles, who is charismatic and proved himself a good actor in “Dunkirk,” is not selling a lot of concert tickets. He has two shows booked for Madison Square Garden June 21 and 22. There are huge chunks of seats for sale in all sections on Stub Hub. It’s actually possible to pay less for a ticket than for a parking space for those shows.

The lowest price for Styles at MSG is down below $20. Of course, that’s up in the boondocks. But for $65 there are tickets to be had in spots decent enough to hear Harry and see him on the video screen or with binoculars.

Afraid of the secondary market? Ticketmaster has a LOT of first market seats available under $100. Again, they’re in up in boonies, but they’re affordable. Binoculars are recommended. But why break the bank?

Meantime, the other members of One Direction aren’t doing so well either. Niall Horan’s debut album has 203,000 copies. Zayn Malik’s album sold 185,000 copies. Louis Tomlinson has never released an album. Ditto Liam Payne, who has said he’s working on album but nothing has been formally announced.

All of the remaining four members would benefit at this point from a reunion. Zayn Malik, who left the group before they took their hiatus, would also do well. But Zayn has anxiety issues that have prevented a real tour from materializing. Without touring, interest in his records diminished too. He’s released a few digital singles that have gone nowhere.

As for Styles, if this tour doesn’t pick up soon, watch the prices for tickets drop even lower.


New “Jurassic Park” Movie Makes Its Costs, $151 Million, Abroad, More than “Solo” in 4 Days


“Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” is a massive hit and it hasn’t been released in the US yet. That comes a week from Friday.

Over the weekend, the Chris Pratt- Bryce Dallas Howard dino-thon made $151 million in foreign territories.

That means it will easily slice up “Solo: A Star Wars Story” abroad by Monday, and smashingly on the 22nd in the US.

Also, “Fallen Kingdom” carries a $200 mil price tag. That bill will be paid in full upon US release as well.

“Jurassic” Movies are descended from Steven Spielberg. “Solo” is descended from George Lucas. It’s all good.


Box Office: Female Stars “Ocean’s 8” Steals $41.5 Mil, Highest Opening Ever for The Series (Clooney-Pitt-Damon)


The box office wasn’t exactly hot this weekend, but people went to the movies nonetheless.

“Ocean’s 8” opened with almost $41.5 million, which beats the three previous films with George Clooney, Matt Damon, and Brad Pitt. How do you like that? Ocean’s 11, 12, and 13 each had opening weekends under $40 million.

The women win!

“Ocean’s 8”  is the simplest heist film I’ve ever seen. All those great actresses, and money from Cartier shining like Rihanna’s diamonds, but just a straightforward heist.  Anyway, they will hit $100 million, which is no small feat. And the next one– Soderbergh? Please?

“Solo” is crawling like a snail to $200 mil domestic. Enough said. The worldwide total (US, any other place that can be counted) is just over $300 mil. Will “Solo” reach $500 mil? Unlikely. Go see it if you haven’t already. It’s a good film. The studio let naysayers decry it to death.

“Book Club” is such a nice hit. They’re going to hit $60 mil easily. They’ve got some international, not much. Australia will love this film. A sequel is a certainty. In this segment the ladies all read “50 Shades of Grey.” Next time, it should be “Valley of the Dolls,” with all of them made up in a fantasy throwback sequence– Jane Fonda as Barbarella in Dior. What a hoot.

“RBG,” the documentary about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is at $9.3 million. Amazing! The $10 mil goal isn’t far off. Neither is an Oscar.